Andreas Herrmann

The effect of default options on choice—Evidence from online product configurators

Many firms use product configurators to enable customers to specify their desired products online. In such systems, defaults are pre-specified for levels of product features by the manufacturer or dealer. For example, when configuring a racing bike online, a default is predefined (e.g., the Shimano Ultegra model) for all required features (e.g., the gearshift levers). Such defaults, which may even adapt to previous choices, ensure that a functional and fully defined product emerges at the end of the configuration process. However, when designing sales systems, companies often fail to realize that these defaults also affect customer decision-making. We demonstrate the effect by a study that …

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When buyers also sell: The implications of pricing policies for customer satisfaction

In certain purchase situations, such as when a new car is purchased and an old vehicle is traded in, individuals simultaneously play the role of buyers and sellers. It is interesting to observe that, when evaluating the purchase and selling prices of the new and old products respectively, such consumers often fail to behave rationally. For example, a discount on the price of the new commodity and an equivalent markup on the old product will be weighted differently. This empirical phenomenon can be analyzed with the aid of the prospect theory - an approach based on the descriptive decision theory. This theory facilitates the elaboration of decision-making rules for determining the optimum pu…

research product

Die Herausbildung von Zufriedenheits-urteilen bei Alternativenbetrachtung

Traditional elements of competitive differentiation are declining. As industries and firms worldwide face increasing competition, slower growth rates, and price pressures, greater attention is being placed on customer satisfaction. However the research in satisfaction never consider alternatives, when customer satisfaction is formed. It has been the approach of this paper to present an extension for this circumstance. Therefor the regret theory, a diversion of the expectation utility theory, is used to explain the phenomena. According to this theory, each outcome has associated with it the evaluation of the difference between the outcome and the outcome that would have been received had a d…

research product

Synthesis of a Fullerene Derivative of Benzo[18]crown-6 byDiels-Alder Reaction: Complexation Ability, Amphiphilic Properties, and X-Ray Crystal Structure of a Dimethoxy-1,9-(methano[1,2]benzenomethano)fullerene[60] Benzene Clathrate

A fullerene derivative 1 of benzo[18]crown-6 was obtained by Diels-Alder addition of fullerene[60](C60) to the ortho-quinodimethane prepared in situ from 4,5-bis(bromomethyl)benzo[18]crown-6 (3) with Bu4NI in toluene. Extraction experiments show that the complexation of K+ ions strongly increases the solubility of 1 in protic solvents like MeOH. Using Langmuir-Blodgett techniques, monolayers of the highly amphiphilic fullerene-derived crown ether 1 and its K+ ion complex were prepared. An X-ray crystal structure was obtained from a benzene clathrate of comparison compound 2, synthesized by Diels-Alder reaction of C60 with the ortho-quinodimethane derived from 1,2-bis(bromomethyl)-4,5-dimeth…

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Coherent Electronic Coupling versus Localization in Individual Molecular Dimers

International audience; The electronic excitation transfer and coherent electronic coupling strength were investigated in molecular dimers by spectrally resolved confocal fluorescence spectroscopy. The direct probe of electronic coupling strength distribution was possible due to static disorder in polymer host by single molecule measurements. The dimers with delocalized excitation were also found in comparison to emission originated from localized states. The delocalized and localized state transitions were observed for dimers which were attributed to structural fluctuations of guest-host system.

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An empirical analysis of the determinants of price tolerance

In the context of pricing strategies, the notion of price tolerance is an important construct for academic researchers and marketing managers. In this article, a conceptual model of factors influencing the level of price tolerance is proposed and empirically tested with the use of data collected from airline passengers. The results support most propositions of the conceptual model and offer several insights for managerial action and further academic research.

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Der Zusammenhang zwischen Produktqualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Unternehmenserfolg

In der Diskussion um den Erhalt bzw. die Steigerung des Unternehmenserfolgs erfahren die Produktqualitat (Bedurfnisgerechtigkeit bzw. Zwecktauglichkeit) und die Kundenzufriedenheit ein grose Aufmerksamkeit. So belegen zahlreiche empirische Untersuchungen, dass eine Verbesserung der Produktqualitat die Zufriedenheit der Kunden erhoht (vgl. fur einen Uberblick Fomell/Johnson/Anderson/Everitt Bryant 1996, Anderson/ Sullivan 1993, Anderson/Fornell/Rust 1997). Da die Kundenzufriedenheit wiederum als die entscheidende Determinante des zukunftigen Unternehmenserfolgs gilt (vgl. Anderson/Fornell/Lehmann 1994; Rust/Zahorik/Keiningham 1995; Homburg/Rudolph 1997), liegt die Relevanz bedurfnisgerechter…

research product

Produktanforderungen ermitteln, strukturieren und gewichten

Aus der Vielzahl der generierten Produktideen kristallisiert sich nach und nach eine Idee heraus, die das Unternehmen weiterverfolgen und bis zur Marktreife fuhren will. Der nachste Schritt in der Entwicklung des Neuproduktes ist eine moglichst verlassliche Ermittlung der Produktanforderungen der Konsumenten sowie die Strukturierung und Gewichtung der Anforderungen.

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Building Brand Equity via Product Quality

Abstract A practical approach is proposed to building brand equity via product quality. It identifies the relevant marketing activities and determines the extent to which these activities contribute to brand equity. Specifically, the proposed brand equity model relates marketing activities to brand equity. This indicates a practical way to assess the importance and adequacy of a company's daily operation in contributing to its brand equity. The importance-efficiency mix further provides management with feasible suggestions on adjusting their marketing activities. Then, based on an importance-efficiency matrix, company resources can be adjusted to enhance brand equity. An empirical study wit…

research product

Synthesis of a Fullerene[60] Cryptate and Systematic Langmuir-Blodgett and Thin-Film Investigations of Amphiphilic Fullerene Derivatives

The synthesis of the first fullerene cryptate 7 with a sodium ion bound to a benzo[2.2.2]cryptand covalently attached to a methanofullerene[60] is described. The amphiphilic properties of 7 as well as of a variety of other covalent fullerene derivatives with polar functional groups and the ability of these compounds to form Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface were investigated in a systematic study. Among these derivatives are Diels-Alder adducts of C60 and methanofullerenes, four of which are fullerene C-glycosides. The films at the water surface were characterized by their surface pressure versus molecular area isotherms, compression and expansion cycles, and optical light micr…

research product

Die Qual der Wahl: Die Bedeutung des Regret bei Kaufentscheidungen

Regret results from comparing the outcome of a chosen alternative to the outcome of a foregone alternative. Research shows that this emotion is highly relevant for consumer behavior and decision making, but in consumer research, only a few studies deal with regret. Most of these studies do not measure regret explicitly. And none of these studies include the antecedents of regret. They only examine the consequences of regret on consumer behavior, such as satisfaction. In contrast, the antecedents of regret, but not the consequences, has been a topic of interest in social psychology. Our research indicates that it is fruitful to analyze the antecedents of regret and its consequences together.…

research product

The impact of mimicry on sales – Evidence from field and lab experiments

A buyer's observation that one or more people are consuming a product can lead that buyer to consume the product as well. The evidence supporting unconscious and unintentional (automatic) mimicry of consumption suggests that it is a pervasive and robust phenomenon. However, up until now most findings on the antecedents of mimicry have been obtained from lab studies. Using a field study, the current research shows that passengers in a train mimic the consumption behavior of other passengers. Two subsequent lab studies suggest that mimicry of consumption is all the more powerful the more people there are consuming and the more intense and consistent their consumption behavior is. However, the…

research product

Begriff und Anliegen des Produktmanagements

Produkte sind die Basis des wirtschaftlichen Handels. Sie werden in modernen Gesellschaften gegen Geld getauscht, um den personlichen Bedarf der Individuen zu befriedigen. Die Vielzahl der Kundenwunsche und das Bestreben der Anbieter, diese optimal zu erfullen, fuhrt in den meisten Unternehmen zu einer starken Ausweitung der Sortimente. Ein einzelner Marketingleiter kann diese Vielfalt haufig nicht mehr beherrschen, weshalb in den Organigrammen der Firmen immer ofter die Position des Produktmanagers auftaucht. Mit dieser Organisationsform konnen Mehrproduktunternehmen aller Grosen und Branchen sicher auf Markt- und Erfolgskurs gehalten werden.

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Photon antibunching and collective effects in the fluorescence of single bichromophoric molecules.

The fluorescence of individual pairs of perylenemonoimide chromophores coupled via a short rigid linker is investigated. Photon antibunching is reported, indicating collective effects in the fluorescence, which are further substantiated by the observation of collective triplet off times and triplet lifetime shortening. The experimental findings are analyzed in terms of singlet-singlet and singlet-triplet annihilation based on Forster type energy transfer. The results reported here demonstrate that the statistical properties of the emission light of isolated single quantum systems can serve as a hallmark of intermolecular interactions.

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Measuring customer value and satisfaction in services transactions, scale development, validation and cross-cultural comparison

Customer value and customer satisfaction are pivotal but at the same time elusive concepts in services marketing theory. This paper focuses on discussing the relationship between these two concepts. We propose operationalization by developing and testing scales, especially operational indicators, for important dimensions and drivers of the services-value construct. A multitrait-multimethod design is used to test the robustness of the operationalization. Furthermore, a cross-cultural data set is used to explore country influences using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models. Results indicate that the measurement construct is robust and useful in country-comparative studi…

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Failure on voxilaprevir, velpatasvir, sofosbuvir and efficacy of rescue therapy

Background & Aims There are limited data on patients with chronic HCV infection in whom combination voxilaprevir (VOX), velpatasvir (VEL), sofosbuvir (SOF) retreatment fails. Thus, we aimed to assess treatment failure and rescue treatment options in these patients. Methods Samples from 40 patients with HCV genotypes (GT) 1-4 in whom VOX/VEL/SOF retreatment failed were collected within the European Resistance Study Group. Population-based resistance analyses were conducted and clinical parameters and retreatment efficacies were evaluated retrospectively in 22 patients. Results Most VOX/VEL/SOF failure patients were infected with HCV GT3a (n = 18, 45%) or GT1a (n = 11, 28%) and had cirrhosis …

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Ein Ansatz zur Erklärung der Kundenbindung auf Basis der Theorie des geplanten Verhaltens

Traditional customer satisfaction and customer retention models are extended by integrating variables such as perceived action control or social norm. These constructs are suggested by the attitude theory as well as the theory of planned behaviour. The extended model is tested in an empirical study carried out in the movie theatre industry. The model provides an excellent explanation of customer retention, which is the target variable in the study. Implications are derived for satisfaction managers which focus on the social group when approaching a specific customer. Finally, an outline for further theoretical and empirical studies is given as well as some limitations of the proposed model.

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Die Wirkung der Vergleichbarkeit von Merkmalsausprägungen auf die Wichtigkeit des Produktmerkmals

Die Bestimmung der aus Perspektive der Kunden wichtigen Produktmerkmale gehort zu den zentralen Anliegen im Rahmen einer marktorientierten Produktgestaltung (Urban, Hauser, 1993; S. 176ff.; Brockhoff, 1999, S. 119ff.). Zumeist erhebt der Anbieter im Vorfeld der Produktentwicklung bzw. -erzeugung die Wunsche und Vorstellungen seiner tatsachlichen oder potenziellen Nachfrager, um daraus Anhaltspunkte fur die Wichtigkeit einzelner Produktmerkmale abzuleiten. Die Merkmalswichtigkeiten liefern den Produktgestaltern Hinweise auf jene Leistungsdimensionen, die fur den Markterfolg von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Damit lasst sich der Prozess der Produktgestaltung uber die verschiedenen Entwicklungs- u…

research product

Am Markt eingeführte Produkte kontrollieren

Die Kontrolle des Erfolgs von neu eingefuhrten Produkten ist von groser Bedeutung, um den Unternehmenserfolg zu gewahrleisten. Die zentrale Grose ist dabei die Zufriedenheit der Kunden mit der Leistung des Anbieters, da sie letztlich zu Kundenbindung und daruber auch zu Profitabilitat eines Unternehmens fuhrt (Herrmann et al. 2000a; Mittal und Kamakura 2001). Damit muss die Kundenzufriedenheit zum Ziel, zwangslaufig aber auch zur Kontrollgrose eines Unternehmens werden und stellt eine wesentliche Herausforderung fur das Produktmanagement dar. Alle bisher geschilderten und durch das Management ergriffenen Masnahmen zielen zwar auf die Gestaltung moglichst bedurfnisgerechter Leistungen ab, di…

research product

The effects of price bundling on consumer evaluations of product offerings

Abstract The bundling of multiple products or components at a set price has become a popular marketing strategy. Although little is known of how bundled price information should be presented to consumers, mental accounting principles provide guidelines. These principles suggest that more positive evaluations should result from bundling or integrating component prices into a single price and debundling or segregating component discounts into a set of discounts. A study is reported in which consumers were presented an offer for an automobile and then asked to evaluate their satisfaction with the offer, likelihood of recommending, and likelihood of repurchasing the brand. The study supports th…

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DNA Block Copolymer Micelles – A Combinatorial Tool for Cancer Nanotechnology

Selective drug targeting of a specific organ or tissue is a challenging task. This holds especially true for chemotherapeutic cancer treatment because most of the available anticancer agents cannot distinguish between cancerous and healthy cells, leading to systemic toxicity and undesirable side effects. One effective approach to address this problem is the application of polymeric nanoparticles equipped with targeting units for tumor-specific delivery. For instance dendrimers, highly branched macromolecules, can be equipped with targeting units as well as with anticancer drugs because of their large number of surface functionalities. Amphiphilic block copolymers, which self-assemble in dil…

research product

Die Wirkung funktionaler, emotionaler und relationaler Nutzendimensionen auf die Markenloyalität

Drawing on existing marketing literature three dimensions of utility are suggested: functional, emotional and relational. It is argued that the importance of these dimensions vary over time. In the early phase of the product life cycle, the functional utility is crucial for the success in the market place. Over time the emotional and relational dimension become more and more important. An empircial study carried out in the telecom industry provides evidence that this shift of importance actually takes place. The managerial implication is twofold. Firstly, the value proposition needs to be adapted in order to meet customer expectations. Secondly, an organizational change is necessary to be a…

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Varianz- und kovarianzbasierte Strukturgleichungsmodelle — Ein Leitfaden zu deren Spezifikation, Schätzung und Beurteilung

Seit Mitte der 80er Jahre gewinnen Strukturgleichungsmodeile in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung an Bedeutung. Jungste Veroffentlichungen untermauern jedoch deren oftmals falschliche Anwendung bzw. die Fehlkonzeption des uberpruften Modells. Nicht zuletzt erschwert die etablierte, auf kovarianzbasierten Verfahren beruhende Software LISREL die haufig notwendige, jedoch unterlassene Einbindung formativ erfasster Modellkonstrukte. Das varianzbasierte Strukturgleichungsverfahren PLS (partial least squares) weist eine Vielzahl von gunstigen Eigenschaften gegenuber kovarianzbasierten Verfahren auf, so auch die problemlose Einbindung formativ erhobener latenter Variablen. Das Hauptargument d…

research product

Vielfalt und Einheit in der Marketingwissenschaft - Eine Reflexion

Vielfalt in der Theoriebildung, Vielfalt in der Abgrenzung des Gegenstandsbereichs, Vielfalt in der Wahl der verwendeten Analysemethoden: Diversitat ist nicht erst seit heute ein zentrales Kennzeichen der Marketingwissenschaft. Seit ihren Anfangen greift die Marketingwissenschaft grundlegende Theorien aus der okonomie, der Psychologie, der Soziologie und den Kulturwissenschaften auf, entwickelt diese in der Anwendung auf Marketingphanomene weiter und formuliert bei empirischer Bewahrung entsprechende Managementkonzepte. Angesichts der heute in der Literatur unterstellten weiten Marketingdefinition (z.B. Homburg/Krohmer 2006; Kotler/Keller 2005), verwundert es nicht, dass auch der Gegenstand…

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Management von Kundenbeziehungen durch Brand Communities

Das Marketing wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch die Betrachtung von dyadischen Beziehungen zwischen Anbietern und Nachfragern dominiert (Bruhn/Georgi 2006). Dabei verstand man Transaktionen zunachst als diskrete (voneinander unabhangige) Ereignisse, spater auch als relationale Phanomene (Bruhn 2002a; 2002b). Die Marketingtheorie und -praxis vernachlassigte (mit wenigen Ausnahmen) jedoch, Interaktionen zwischen Konsumenten zu analysieren. Gerade Begegnungen zwischen Individuen beeinflussen jedoch deren Wahrnehmung, Beurteilung und Akzeptanz von Produkten und Marken (Bearden/Etzel 1982). Die isolierte Betrachtung des Konsumentenverhaltens als Entscheidung Einzelner ist daher um Einflusse…

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Gaining Competitive Advantage through Standardization and Differentiation of Services

The goal of the paper is to study the question of whether or not differences between cultural groups influence the decision of a consumer wishing to avail himself of a particular service. Therefore we have developed a semiotic extension of the means-end approach as the theoretical basis for elaborating a solution to this problem. The conjoint analysis specifies the results of the meansend analysis.

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Konzept zur effizienten Gestaltung von Kundenbeziehungen durch Kundenwertmanagement

Obwohl viele Unternehmen die Kundenzufriedenheit als Garant fur den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg sehen, ist ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Grosen bislang schwer nachweisbar. Schwierigkeiten bereitet insbesondere die Identifizierung „wertvoller“ Kunden bzw. Kundengruppen, deren Bedurfnisse und Erwartungen vorrangig zu bedienen sind. Letzten Endes geht es fur Unternehmen darum, Kundenbeziehungen sowohl „wertstiftend“ im Sinne der Kunden als auch „wertbringend“ im Sinne des Anbieters so zu gestalten, dass der Sprung vom Kundschafts- hin zu einem echten Kundenwertmanagement vollzogen wird. Hierfur wurde ein spezielles Kundenwertmodell entwickelt, das bei DaimlerChrysler zur Anwen…

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Cellular Uptake of DNA Block Copolymer Micelles with Different Shapes

The cellular uptake of DNA block copolymer micelles composed of DNA-b-PPO in Caco-2 cells was studied. In particular it was investigated if the shape of micelle aggregates influences the internalization. Rod-like polymeric particles were taken up 12 times more efficiently than their spherical counter parts although they were composed of the same constituents. Furthermore, it was observed that internalization of all the micelle systems was more efficient than the pristine DNA controls. A cytotoxicity assay proved the non-toxic nature of DNA-b-PPO micelle aggregates.

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Preference Oriented Measurement of Advertising Response

As the information overload and an extension of the mass media reduces the possibility to get the message to the target group, the firms have to increase their advertising budget to reach the same amount of ad contacts. To be sure, that they don’t waste the money, the companies more often use the instrument of pretesting the commercial campaign. The aim of this paper is to document the advantages of the conjoint-analysis (CA) as a technique for pretesting ads. To evaluate the possibility of using the CA we try in to measure in an empirical study, if informative and emotional ads have an influence on the preferences of the respondent.

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ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of a Fullerene Derivative of Benzo(18)crown-6 by Diels-Alder Reaction: Complexation Ability, Amphiphilic Properties, and X-Ray Crystal Structure of a Dimethoxy-1,9-(methano(1,2)benzenomethano) fullerene(60) Benzene Clathrate

A fullerene derivative 1 of benzo[18]crown-6 was obtained by Diels-Alder addition of fullerene[60](C60) to the ortho-quinodimethane prepared in situ from 4,5-bis(bromomethyl)benzo[18]crown-6 (3) with Bu4NI in toluene. Extraction experiments show that the complexation of K+ ions strongly increases the solubility of 1 in protic solvents like MeOH. Using Langmuir-Blodgett techniques, monolayers of the highly amphiphilic fullerene-derived crown ether 1 and its K+ ion complex were prepared. An X-ray crystal structure was obtained from a benzene clathrate of comparison compound 2, synthesized by Diels-Alder reaction of C60 with the ortho-quinodimethane derived from 1,2-bis(bromomethyl)-4,5-dimeth…

research product

The Antecedents of Customer Loyalty - Results of an Empirical Study in the Automotive Industry

Customer satisfaction is regarded as the key to customer loyalty in the automotive industry. However, this relationship is influenced by several other variables, like switching barriers or variety seeking. This paper provides a structural equation model with latent variables for modeling this complex relationship. According to literature, high satisfaction should lead to loyalty but is heavily affected by moderating variables. An empricial study is reported which supports these predictions as well as the arguments on which they are based.

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On the Influence of the Evaluation Methods in Conjoint Design — Some Empirical Results

It is the goal of conjoint analysis to explain and predict preferences of customers (Schweikl 1985). Variants of predefined manifestations of attributes of various product concepts (both real and hypothetical) are created, and these are presented to test persons for evaluation. The contributions (partial benefits) the various attributes make to overall preference (overall benefit) are estimated on the basis of overall preference judgments (Green and Srinivasan 1978).

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A model of buyer regret: Selected prepurchase and postpurchase antecedents with consequences for the brand and the channel

Abstract This research examines how two prepurchase stages of the buyer decision process–information search and alternative evaluation–and two postpurchase stages–evaluation of product and service attributes–influence buyer regret. The study extends prior consequences of regret to include purchase intentions toward both brand and the channel. Tested in a field sample of luxury automobile purchasers, results show that higher information search and alternative evaluation lead to more buyer regret; lower evaluations of service (but not product) attributes lead to more regret; and regret's consequences include reduced intentions to repurchase either the brand or from the dealership. Buyers who …

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Gestaltung der Markenpersönlichkeit mittels der „means-end“-Theorie

Wie Zahlen aus der Marketingpraxis belegen, besitzen fur den Erfolg einer Marke Innovationen einen hohen Stellenwert. Eindrucksvoll nachweisen konnten diesen Zusammenhang zum Beispiel Albach (1989, S. 1338) sowie Simon (1996, S. 107), die nach Auswertung der von ihnen initiierten Studien einen positiven Einflus der Innovationsaktivitaten eines Unternehmens auf dessen Umsatzrendite ermittelten (vgl. Wieselhuber & Partner/RKW, 1988, S. 30). Und auch nach der Auffassung von Hatty (1994, S. 575) reprasentiert der Innovationsgrad der Produktideen bzw. Marketingleistungen eine zentrale Determinante fur das erfolgreiche Management der Marke. Ferner weisen Wind und Mahajan (1997, S. 7) auf die Notw…

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Investigation of molecular dimers by ensemble and single molecule spectroscopy

International audience; We have investigated molecular dimers with different electronic coupling strengths by bulk and single molecule spectroscopy. In one of the dimers the two monomers (perylene-monoimide) are directly connected via a single bond while in the other one they are separated by the benzil motif. The close proximity of the monomers in the first case gives rise to excitonic band splitting which is clearly observable in the bulk absorption spectra. For the benzil structure the electronic interactions are governed by Förster-type energy hopping between the monomers. Fluorescence intensity trajectories at the single molecule level show one-step and two-step bleaching behaviour whi…

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The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer's Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers

For the past few years, companies within the telecommunication and media industry have been operating within the environment of digital convergence. Internet Service Providers especially are, therefore, confronted with a new competitive landscape, which is characterized by an increased complexity and dynamics. This development implies a need for change in the strategic alignment, a change away from transaction towards relationship orientation understanding loyal customers as an asset. In many different industrial and service providing sectors customer satisfaction is regarded as the key to customer loyalty. However, this relationship is influenced by several other variables, such as the con…

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Introduction to Price Bundling

Collecting goods or services in a package and selling them at a (discounted) package price has become a widespread sales practice in many production or service oriented industries. The methodology itself is called Price Bundling and can be classified as a price differentiation tool for the price management of multiproduct/service enterprises.

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Means-end analysis: Does the affective state influence information processing style?

Means-end theory aims at explaining how consumers evaluate products by linking relevant attributes to perceived consequences to desired ends in a hierarchical way, based on core assumptions of cognitive psychology about human information processing. This study investigates the influence of affective states on information processing styles in a means-end measurement situation, thus taking into account an important antecedent and correlate of human decision making and behavior that has received scarce attention so far in the methodological literature on means-end chains. The results reveal that a person's affective state indeed influences the style of information processing. Respondents in a …

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Evaluating Multidimensional Prices in the Bundling Context

Leasing offers, such as “... Jaguar XJ6 3.2, ..., down payment DM 22,325, DM 999 per month, 36 monthly installments...” or “... Audi A4 Avant, ..., down payment DM 15,000, DM 157 per month, repayment period 36 months, residual payment DM 5,000 ...”, have made regular appearances in advertisements for several years now. That offers of this kind are accepted by buyers of automobiles is confirmed by the leasing figures for German automobile manufacturers. Since the early 1990s, between 10% and 28% of all new automobiles have been sold under a leasing agreement, depending on the maker and the model series. The average leasing share for the automobile sector was approximately 23% in Germany in 1…

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The Evolution of Loyalty Intentions

The drivers of customer loyalty intentions are dynamic. What remains unclear is how these intentions evolve through the introduction and growth phases of a life cycle. Using a longitudinal study of cellular phone customers, the authors demonstrate that loyalty intentions are a function of perceived value early in the life cycle. Over time, more affective attitudes toward the brand and the relationship with the company come to mediate the effects of value on intentions. The results suggest that from the introduction to the growth stage of a life cycle, managers must adapt from improving value per se to measuring and managing relationships and brands directly.

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Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten im Produktmanagement nutzen

Ist ein Unternehmen an dem Punkt angelangt, an welchem es seine Leistungen erfolgreich in den Zielmarkt einfuhren und dort positionieren konnte, gilt es diesen von nun an kontinuierlich zu pflegen und gegebenenfalls zu optimieren. Angestrebte Zielsetzungen liegen dabei insbesondere in der Verlangerung der Produktlebenszyklen, der Absicherung und Verteidigung erkampfter Marktpositionen, der Steigerung von Umsatz und Gewinn, der Optimierung von Leistungs- und Kundenpotentialen und der Verbesserung von Kapazitatsauslastungen sowie der generellen Leistungserstellungsprozesse. Um bereits fruhzeitig Hinweise auf die Notwendigkeit von Veranderungsmasnahmen zu erhalten, empfiehlt sich die Implement…

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Customer satisfaction as an antecedent of price acceptance: results of an empirical study

The goal of this current study is to extend customer satisfaction research in two important ways. First, it attempts to demonstrate the relationship between customer satisfaction and price acceptance. Second, as Voss, Parasuraman and Grewal claim that only a small proportion of the existant satisfaction research focuses on services, we empirically analyze the relationship between customer satisfaction and price acceptance in the hotel industry. Finally, the implications of the study’s findings for research into purchasing patterns and pricing policy are discussed.

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Produkte mit Zusatznutzen ausstatten

Fur Unternehmen existieren verschiedene Moglichkeiten, ihr Gut aus der Anonymitat des Marktes herauszuheben, auf bestimmte Eigenarten hinzuweisen und Verwendungszwecke sowie Nutzenversprechen zu suggerieren. Neben kommunikationspolitischen Aktivitaten, wie Werbung und Verkaufsforderung, kommt vor allem die Markierung der Leistung in Betracht. Wie so haufig in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur, existieren jedoch verschiedene Ansichten, was genau unter dem Begriff der „Marke“ zu verstehen ist.

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Product and service bundling decisions and their effects on purchase intention

Examines the effects of four factors (the bundle: pure or mixed, the price discount, the functional complementarity of bundle components, and the number of bundle components) on consumers’ intentions to purchase product and service bundles. The findings were relatively consistent across product (automobile) and service (automotive service) contexts, and illustrate that pure bundles are preferred to mixed bundles, and a greater price discount is preferred to a lesser one. The results also indicate that five component bundles generate greater purchase intention than either three or seven component bundles, and that “very related” bundle components result in greater purchase intention than eit…

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The influence of price fairness on customer satisfaction: an empirical test in the context of automobile purchases

PurposeThis paper aims to link conceptually the concepts of price fairness and customer satisfaction and empirically demonstrate the influence of perceived price fairness on satisfaction judgments. Further, it seeks to examine specific factors that influence fairness perceptions including price perception and consumer vulnerability.Design/methodology/approachThe study is conducted in the context of automobile purchases in major German car dealerships. Based on a theoretical conceptualization of the constructs and an empirical pretest, 246 car buyers were surveyed and their fairness perceptions and satisfaction judgments with the car buying process measured.FindingsThe research shows that pr…

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Ein Präferenzmodell zur Erfassung des Markenwechselverhaltens

Existing models view variety seeking as the result of either differences in the level of attribute satiation across attributes (across attributes variety seeking models) or variations in the level of one attribute (within attribute variety seeking models). The model presented in this paper connects the two approaches for explaining variety seeking. The resulting pattern of consumption is represented as an oscillation about a consumer’s ideal point on the dimension and as an interaction between the perceived levels of two attributes. An empirical study that illustrates the explanatory power of the model developed is reported.

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Gaining competitive advantage through customer value oriented management

Within the customer value literature there is a lacuna of theoretical frameworks and models that underlie consumers’ overall product valuation. This paper addresses this limitation and presents a model integrating consumer values, product benefits, and various costs of consumption. In the proposed model, benefits and costs are defined in terms of consumers’ perceptions in the activities of acquisition, consumption, and maintenance, as well as consumers’ expectation of value satisfaction before buying.

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Evaluating multidimensional prices

The price at which a product is offered often does not consist of a single item of information, for example VW Golf, price; DM25,476. Instead, a multidimensional pricing system is used, e.g. the price comprises a down payment, monthly installments and a repayment period in months. Despite the considerable significance of offers of this type for marketing policy, no information is presently available to describe how a consumer integrates the individual price dimensions (e.g. down payment, monthly installments and number of repayment periods) to form a global judgment. This article derives hypotheses to explain the formation of a price judgment about multidimensional prices. Then, an empirica…

research product

Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty

The purpose of the paper is to test a model dealing with direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty. The model posits that self-image congruence positively affects brand loyalty directly and indirectly through functional congruity, product involvement, and brand relationship quality. The model was tested using cars as the product stimulus in a survey of 600 car owners. We chose automobiles because cars are high in conspicuousness (therefore are likely to be evaluated using symbolic criteria) and are used across a variety of situations. The model was mostly supported by the data. First, the results document the paramount importance of self-congruity in predicting b…

research product

Gestaltung von Dienstleistungen im internationalen Schienenverkehr

Zu Beginn des Jahres 1994 sind die beiden Staatsbahnen in Deutschland, die Deutsche Bundesbahn und die Deutsche Reichsbahn, nach der Devise “von der Behorden- zur Unternehmensbahn” grundlegend neu ausgerichtet und in der Organisationsform “Deutsche Bahn AG” durchgreifend und umfassend restrukturiert worden. Rechtsgrundlage dieser Bahnreform war ein gewichtiges Paket von neuen Gesetzen und Gesetzesanderungen, fur das die Anderung des Art. 87e GG das verfassungsrechtliche Fundament bildete. Diese Neuorientierung und Umstrukturierung, die nach dem Urteil der Beteiligten die groste Bahnreform dieses Jahrhunderts in Deutschland zum Gegenstand hatte, sollte und soll eine Reihe von Einzelzielen an…

research product

Produkte am Markt einführen

Nachdem der Produktmanager mittels geeigneter Methoden die Entscheidung uber ein Erfolg versprechendes Produktkonzept gefallt hat, steht er vor der Aufgabe die Markteinfuhrung des Produkts zu planen und durchzufuhren. Die Bedeutung dieser Phase wird anhand von Praxisbeispielen deutlich. Die Einfuhrung der ersten Homevideo-Systeme in den 1970er Jahren fuhren Autoren immer wieder als exemplarisch fur die Herausforderungen im Rahmen der Wahl einer adaquaten Markteinfuhrungsstrategie an.

research product

Die Kundenzufriedenheit als Bestimmungsfaktor der Kundenbindung

This contribution stresses the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Several hypotheses on the relationship in question are stated based on different theoretical appoaches. An empirical study is presented that supports a piecewise linear relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Finally, implications for marketing practice are discussed.

research product

Ideen generieren und bewerten

Innovationen besitzen fur Unternehmen eine herausragende – ja sogar uberlebenswichtige – Bedeutung. Nur mit Innovationen ist fur die meisten Unternehmen ein langfristiges Uberleben am Markt moglich, sie sind der Schlussel zu dauerhaftem Erfolg und konnen die Zukunft der Unternehmen sichern. Die meisten Produkte weisen eine begrenzte Lebensdauer auf, ihr Lebenszyklus ist nach einer gewissen Zeit durchlaufen und sie mussen durch neue Produkte ersetzt werden. Da bei einer Neuprodukteinfuhrung die Floprate bis zu 90 % betragen kann, ist eine systematische Erarbeitung von Innovationen unerlasslich. Sie offenbaren die Kundenorientierung von Anbietern und schaffen neuen Kundennutzen. Ein innovativ…

research product

Conjoint Analysis as an Instrument of Market Research Practice

The essay by the psychologist, Luce, and the statistician, Tukey (1964) can be viewed as the origin of conjoint analysis (Green and Srinivasan 1978; Carroll and Green 1995). Since its introduction into marketing literature by Green and Rao (1971) as well as by Johnson (1974) in the beginning of the 1970s, conjoint analysis has developed into a method of preference studies that receives much attention from both theoreticians and those who carry out field studies. For example, Cattin and Wittink (1982) report 698 conjoint projects that were carried out by 17 companies included in their survey in the period from 1971 to 1980. For the period from 1981 to 1985, Wittink and Cattin (1989) found 66…

research product

Market-driven product and service design: Bridging the gap between customer needs, quality management, and customer satisfaction

Bridging the gap between a firm's internal quality improvements and external measures of customer needs and satisfaction is an important yet complex translation process. The process has traditionally been studied within two very different domains. An external focus on customers has been the domain of marketers. Manufacturing and engineering-based approaches to quality management and improvement have traditionally taken a more internal, process improvement focus. Both areas have recognized the need to broaden thier focus and bridge the gap between internal quality and external customers needs and satisfaction. This paper offers a framework to integrate these two domains. A case study is pres…

research product

Site-specific incorporation of perylene into an N-terminally modified light-harvesting complex II.

Employing the utility of the native chemical ligation, site-specific attachment of an ultrastable perylene dye to a derivative of the major light-harvesting complex (LHCII) was demonstrated. Biochemical analysis of the conjugate indicated that the structure and function of LHCII remain largely unaffected by the N-terminal modification.

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