Rosaura Farré
Stability of ascorbic acid in adapted milk-based infant formulae during storage
A study was made of the effects of storage (for up to 17 months at 22 or 37 °C) on the ascorbic acid contents of four adapted milk-based infant formulae with the same composition except for the iron salt added (lactate or sulphate) and/or the vitamin E source involved (α-tocopherol (α-T) or α-tocopherol acetate (α-TAc)). Ascorbic acid was measured by a voltammetric method. The ascorbic acid contents of the formulae ranged from 0.77–0.84 g kg−1 immediately after manufacture to 0.41–0.48 g kg−1 after 17 months of storage. Samples stored at 22 °C had higher ascorbic acid contents than those stored at 37 °C. A multiple regression analysis performed to evaluate ascorbic acid evolution throughout…
Oral intake of cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, nickel, manganese and zinc in the university student's diet.
A duplicate diet meal study was carried out with a group of university students living in a hostel, in order to estimate the intake of Zn, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb. Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Cd, Co and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a nitric acid wet digestion procedure. The estimated intake values from the contents of breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks were compared with the values of the Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI) in the case of Cd and Pb, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of Co, Fe and Zn and Estimated Safe and Adequate Dietetic Daily Intake (ESADDI) of Cu and Mn. Neithe…
Isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of tryptophan in infant formulas.
The application to infant formulas of a method for tryptophan determination by isocratic HPLC with UV detection at 254 nm, after derivatization with phenyl isothiocyanate, was studied. Protein was hydrolysed by barium hydroxide at 120 degrees C for 8 h, followed by derivatization with phenyl isothiocyanate, HPLC and UV detection at 254 nm. The optimum chromatographic conditions (pH, ionic strength of elution solvent and eluent ratio) were established. The analytical parameters (linearity, precision, accuracy of derivatization and limits of detection and quantification) were determined. The values obtained demonstrated that the method is useful for determining the tryptophan content of infan…
Lactoferrin and Its Possible Role in Iron Enrichment of Infant Formulas
Se han descrito las propiedades y funciones de la lactoferrina respecto a su utilizacion en el enriquecimiento de las formulas para lactantes. Se ha prestado especial atencion a las funciones de la lactoferrina directamente relacionadas con su capacidad para fijar hierro: poder bacteriostatico, efecto sobre la absorcion de hierro y poder antioxidante. De los resultados obtenidos por diferentes autores se desprende que la adicion de lactoferrina, generalmente bovina, a las formulas para lactantes no afecta a la absorcion de hierro. No obstante, debido a su capacidad de fijacion de hierro su adicion a las formulas podria ser de utilidad por los siguientes motivos: su efecto protector en el tr…
Bioaccessibility of inorganic arsenic species in raw and cookedHizikia fusiformeseaweed
Samples of Hizikia fusiforme edible seaweed, a commercially available dried food with high concentrations of total arsenic (t-As) and inorganic arsenic (i-As), both raw and cooked (boiling at 100 °C, 20 min), were selected for the bioaccessibility study. Cooking caused a significant reduction in the concentrations of t-As (30–43%) and i-As (46–50%), despite which the i-As contents in the cooked product were high (42.7–44.6 µg g−1 seaweed). An in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (pepsin, pH 2, and pancreatin–bile extract, pH 7) was applied to the seaweed to estimate arsenic bioaccessibility (maximum soluble concentration in gastrointestinal medium) of t-As, i-As, arsenic(III) and arsenic(V).…
Simultaneous analysis of lysine, Nɛ-carboxymethyllysine and lysinoalanine from proteins
Protein quality was assayed by simultaneous measurement of lysine (Lys), carboxymethyllysine (CML) and lysinoalanine (LAL). GC-FID analysis of N-tert-butyl dimethylsilyl (tBDMSi) derivatives of these amino acids was undertaken. tBDMSi derivates were separated on a CP-SIL 5CB commercially fused silica capillary column (25 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm film thickness) employing a thermal gradient programmed from 200 to 300 °C. The identity of tBDMSi derivatives of Lys, CML and LAL was established by GC–MS while FID detection was employed for quantification. Analytical parameters such as linearity (lysine 350–4200 μM, LAL 3–81 μM, CML 16–172 μM), precision (1–13% variation coefficients), accuracy …
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of furfural compounds in infant formulas during full shelf-life
Abstract In order to evaluate the extent of the Maillard reaction in adapted and follow-up infant formulas (IF), a study was made of the evolution of furfural compound (2-furaldehyde, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde, 2-furylmethylketone and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde) in these products, along with their relation to available lysine during the shelf-life period (two years at 20 and 37 °C). Total and free furfural contents were measured by RP-HPLC and UV detection, heating or not the sample in boiling water to free the furfurals bound to proteins and the furfurals formed from precursors. Only 2-furylmethylketone and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde were detected. Adapted and follow-up IF showed …
Effect of storage conditions on furosine formation in milk-cereal based baby foods
[EN] The effect of storage during 9 months at 25, 30 and 37 degrees C on furosine formation in three milk-cereal based baby foods was studied to evaluate development of the Maillard reaction. Furosine was measured by HPLC-UV. Immediately after the manufacturing process, furosine contents were 310-340 mg/100 g protein and at the 9th storage month were 426-603 mg/100 g protein. Storage time and temperature have a significant increase (p < 0.05) of furosine content during storage. Furosine contents were higher in sample containing honey than in those without honey. Interactions (p < 0.05) between storage time and temperature or type of sample were found. A predictive model equation of the evol…
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of tocopherols in infant formulas
A method for the simultaneous determination of alpha-tocopherol acetate and alpha-, delta-, and gamma-tocopherols by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a fluorescent detector in infant formula is proposed. The values obtained in the determination of the analytical parameters: linearity, precision, limit of detection and accuracy (analysis of a standard reference material, SRM 1846), confirm the quality of the method. The proposed method is useful for the determination of alpha-, delta-, and gamma-tocopherols and alpha-tocopherol acetate in infant formulas at a low cost and in a total time of 2 h.
Effects of different infant formula components on calcium dialysability
The in vitro methods proposed for estimating calcium bioavailability can be useful in studying the effect of dietetic factors. The aim of our work was to study the possible influence of different infant formula components – calcium, phosphorus, lactose, citric acid, ascorbic acid and proteins – on calcium bioavailability, considering dialysability to be an estimate of bioavailability. The 1981 method of Miller et al. with slight modifications (concerted action no 10 – FLAIR project) was applied to 18 commercial infant formulas of six different types: adapted, follow-up, preterm, hydrolysates, lactose-free and soy-based. Significant positive linear correlations between the amount of calcium …
A study of factors that may influence the determination of copper, iron, and zinc in human milk during sampling and in sample individuals.
The aim of this study was to establish the possible effects of the sampling protocol (between-breast, within-feed, and diurnal differences) and the mother's personal factors (age, parity, iron supplementation, smoking habits, and lactation period) on the copper, iron, and zinc contents in human milk. One hundred thirty-six human milk samples identified by their origin and sampling conditions were analyzed. The samples were obtained from the 2nd to 15th d postpartum from 62 women. The data on the individuals required for the study were available. Mineral determinations were analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry following a standardized protocol. The results showed that iron conten…
Antioxidant effect derived from bioaccessible fractions of fruit beverages against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells
Abstract This work evaluates the effect of bioaccessible fractions from fruit beverages against oxidative stress (OS) in Caco-2 cells. A fruit beverage (grape + orange + apricot) (with/without milk and/or iron/zinc) was subjected to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion, and bioaccessible fractions were incubated with Caco-2 cell cultures. Following preincubation, OS was induced with 5 mM H 2 O 2 . Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial potential (Δ ψ m ), mitochondrial metabolism (MTT test), intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) were measured. The data evidenced viable cultures with increased mitochondrial metabolism and GSH-Rd ac…
Copper, iron and zinc determinations in human milk using FAAS with microwave digestion
Abstract A method for determining copper, iron and zinc in human milk was optimized and validated. It includes microwave mineralization of the sample and measuring the elements by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). Only 2 ml of milk is needed, and the method is free of matrix interferences. The values obtained for the detection limits (0.07; 0.07; 0.11 μg/ml milk, for copper, iron and zinc) precision of the method, intra-assay (2.9; 5.2; 6.1%RSD for copper, iron and zinc) and accuracy, evaluated using recovery assays (98.8; 100.4; 95.9% for copper, iron and zinc) show that the method is useful for the purpose mentioned. Moreover, the method is rapid and simple, and the determinati…
Determination of 5-nitrofurylacrylic acid in wines by high-performance liquid chromatography
A headspace solid-phase microextraction method of use in monitoring hexanal and pentane during storage: Application to liquid infant foods and powdered infant formulas
The determination of two secondary lipid oxidation compounds (hexanal and pentane) in liquid infant foods using a headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatographic (HS-SPME-GC) method has been developed and validated. The HS-SPME analytical conditions (fibre position, equilibration and sampling times) were selected. The analytical parameters of the method (linearity: hexanal from 2.48 to 84.78 ng/g, pentane from 6.21 to 79.55 ng/g; precision: hexanal 2.87%, pentane 2.343.46%; recovery: hexanal 106.60%, pentane 95.39%; detection limit: hexanal 3.63 ng and pentane 4.2 ng) demonstrate the usefulness of the method. Once optimized, the method was applied to liquid infant foods based on m…
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of Maillard compounds in store-brand and name-brand ultra-high-temperature-treated cows' milk.
Furosine and furfural products of the Maillard reaction are used as specific indicators of the effect of heating treatments on milk quality. Their contents were measured in representative samples of store- and name-brand ultra-high-temperature-treated milks using RP-HPLC with UV detection. Furosine contents ranged from 40.32 to 50.67 and from 65.48 to 310.58 mg/100 g protein in name- and store-brand milks, respectively. Of the furfurals, only hydroxymethylfurfural was detected. The free hydroxymethylfurfural contents of store-brand milks ranged from 0.22 to 1.70 mg/100 g protein. Total hydroxymethylfurfural contents ranged from 0.29 to 0.41 and from 0.72 to 2.21 mg/100 g protein, for name- …
Availability of iron from milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals estimated by in vitro methods (solubility, dialysability) and uptake and transport by Caco-2 cells
Abstract Iron solubility, dialysability and transport and uptake (retention + transport) by Caco-2 cells as indicators of iron availability have been estimated in the in vitro gastrointestinal digests of infant foods (adapted, follow-up and toddler milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals (FMC)). Low correlation coefficients (in all cases R -squared ⩽ 37.1%) were obtained between iron solubility or dialysability versus transport or uptake efficiency – a fact emphasizing the importance of incorporating Caco-2 cell cultures to in vitro systems in order to adapt the conditions to those found in in vivo assays. The highest uptake efficiency corresponded to FMC (25.6–26.1…
Influence of storage and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on totqal antioxidant capacity of fruit beverages
Eight fruit beverages containing grape, orange and apricot, with/without iron and/or zinc and with/without milk added were analyzed for total antioxidant capacity (ORAC and TEAC methods), ascorbic acid content, and total polyphenols. The influence of cold storage (2-4 degrees C) during the product shelf-life (135 days) and antioxidant capacity after an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion were evaluated. Antioxidant capacity for all beverages together increased significantly (p < 0.05) at the end of storage (16.4% and 12.8% for ORAC and TEAC, respectively), whereas ascorbic acid remained stable. Regarding in vitro digestion, antioxidant values of bioaccessible fractions of fruit beverages in…
Bioaccessibility of calcium, iron and zinc from three legume samples
Legumes can be a source of mineral elements but also of antinutritional factors which can affect their absorption. An in vitro method including gastrointestinal digestion was used to estimate mineral bioavailability. Soluble (bioaccessible) and insoluble calcium, iron and zinc from white beans, chickpeas and lentils were determined after gastrointestinal digestion. The influence of the original sample weight on the soluble mineral fraction was also estimated. The results obtained show that white beans are the legumes with the highest bioaccessible calcium and iron contents. Lentils have a high iron content but its bioaccessibility is much lower than that of iron from white beans and chickpe…
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of furfural compounds in infant formulas
Furfural contents in adapted and follow-up infant formulas were measured by RP-HPLC. The evolution of furfural compound contents during storage (a year at 20 and 37 °C) was studied. 2-Furylmethylketone and 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde were not detectable in analysed samples. The differences in the furfural compounds at point zero between both infant formulas has to be ascribed to the differences in protein and iron contents. An increase in free 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfuraldehyde (HMF), 2-furaldehyde (F) and HMF+F contents was observed in all samples, although the differences were not statistically significant. The storage temperature affected the total HMF content and the storage time affected the …
Determination of mercury in dry-fish samples by microwave digestion and flow injection analysis system cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry
Abstract Flow injection analysis system cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (FIAS-CV-AAS) preceded by a wet digestion in a microwave oven, as a method for measuring mercury in fish was studied. The digestion process and conditions of the FIAS (carrier concentration: HCl 3% v v ; reducing agent: SnCl2 2% w v : filling and injection times: 8 and 25 min, respectively; and sample volumes) were optimized. The analytical parameters of the proposed method (detection limit = 7.7 ng/g; precision intraassay = 6.7%; interassay = 14.0%) demonstrates its adequacy and are similar to the ones (detection limit = 19.4 ng/g; precision intraassay = 11.2%; interassay = 15.9%) obtained using a conventiona…
Amino acid profile of milk-based infant formulas
The protein content and amino acid profile of three milk-based infant formulas, two of which were powdered (adapted and follow-on) and the third liquid, were determined to check their compliance with the EU directive and to evaluate whether or not they fulfil an infant's nutritional needs. To obtain the amino acid profile proteins were subjected to acid hydrolysis, prior to which the sulfur-containing amino acids were oxidized with performic acid. The amino acids were derivatized with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) and then determined by ion-pair reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) In the case of tryptophan a basic hydrolysis was applied and there was no need of derivat…
GFAAS determination of selenium in infant formulas using a microwave digestion method.
A method for determining the selenium content of infant formulas is proposed. It includes wet digestion with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in medium pressure teflon bombs in a microwave oven and determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). The absence of interferences is checked. Values obtained for the limit of detection (19.4 ng/g), precision (RSD = 2.2%) and accuracy by analysis of a reference material show that the method is reliable.
Determination of chromium in foods by flame atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry
Uptake and retention of calcium, iron, and zinc from raw legumes and the effect of cooking on lentils in Caco-2 cells
Abstract This study examined calcium, iron, and zinc uptake in Caco-2 cells (retention plus transport) from white beans, chickpeas, and lentils subjected to prior in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and the effect of cooking (traditional and industrial—ready to eat) on the uptake of these minerals from lentils. The highest cell uptake of calcium, iron, and zinc corresponded to raw chickpeas, which had the lowest soluble oxalate content and intermediate phenolic and tannin contents. From these results, raw chickpeas would be the best dietary source of calcium, iron, and zinc, although consumption in this form (ie, raw) is low. Cooking affects the calcium, iron, and zinc contents of lentils a…
Dialyzability of iron, zinc, and copper of different types of infant formulas marketed in Spain
The bioavailability of trace elements in infant formulas is affected by different physiological and dietetic factors. In vitro methods based on element dialyzability have been proposed to estimate the bioavailability. Infant formulas of the same type but from different manufacturers can differ in the salt used for supplementation and in the contents of other components that can affect mineral bioavailability. The aim of our study is to estimate the dialyzability of iron, zinc, and copper of formulas marketed in Spain, in order to detect possible differences in formulas of the same type coming from different manufacturers. At the same time, the effects of the type of formula, the composition…
Effects of legume processing on calcium, iron and zinc contents and dialysabilities
Legumes are a good source of calcium, iron and zinc, but are also a source of phytates and dietary fibre components that can negatively affect the bioavailability of these minerals. To estimate the latter, an in vitro dialysis method can be applied that gives the dialysability of a mineral as an estimate of its availability for absorption. Calcium, iron and zinc contents and dialysabilities in three legumes (beans, chickpeas and lentils) and the effects of cooking treatments and industrial processing on these parameters were studied. Beans had the highest calcium content (1.54 g kg -1 dry matter (DM)) and chickpeas the lowest iron content (46.9mg kg -1 DM), whilst the zinc contents were sim…
Determination of lead on the airborne particulates of urban Valencia city
A method for the determination of lead in airborne particulates by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after extraction with HCl-HNO3 (120–150°C) is described. Particulate lead levels in the atmosphere have been measured in samples collected throughout a year, sampling has been made at eleven sites within the city of Valencia. The results obtained in this study show that annual means of lead levels are within the range of 0.526 to 7.033 μg/m3 depending upon the sampling site. Lead levels are higher in winter and autumn. Lead and nitrogen oxide levels are well correlated.
Amino acid contents of infant foods.
The protein quality of three milk-cereal-based infant foods (paps) was evaluated by determining their amino acid contents and calculating the amino acid score. Proteins were subjected to acid hydrolysis, prior to which cysteine and methionine were oxidized with performic acid. Amino acids were determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection with a prior derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate. Tryptophan was determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection after basic hydrolysis. Glutamic acid, proline and leucine were the most abundant amino acids, whereas tryptophan and …
In vitrobioaccessibility of iron and zinc in fortified fruit beverages
Summary Iron and zinc bioaccessibility was estimated in the in vitro gastrointestinal digests of six different fortified fruit beverages (Fb) containing iron and/or zinc and/or skimmed milk (M). Solubility values can be used to establish trends in relative bioavailability of iron and zinc, as the first stage towards mineral bioavailability comprises solubility in the intestinal tract. FbFe, FbFeM and FbFeZnM samples showed iron bioaccessibility above 88%, differing (P < 0.05) from those of FbFeZn (53%). In turn, FbZn, FbFeZn and FbZnM samples presented higher zinc bioaccessibility (above 68%), differing (P < 0.05) from those of FbFeZnM (48%). The presence of milk-derived caseinophosphopepti…
Stability of tocopherols in adapted milk-based infant formulas during storage
Abstract An evaluation is made of the effects of added α -tocopherol ( α -T) or α -tocopherol acetate ( α -TAc) combined with iron lactate or sulfate, storage time (up to 17 months) and storage temperature (22°C and 37°C) on the α -TAc, α -T, γ -tocopherol ( γ -T) and δ -tocopherol ( δ -T) content of infant formulas. Tocopherols were measured by normal phase HPLC and fluorescence detection after direct extraction, which allows the determination of both α -TAc and α -T. The α -TAc content was not affected by temperature or storage time, although the α -, γ - and δ -T contents, which were lower at 37°C than at 22°C, were significantly affected. The type of iron salt added (lactate or sulfate)…
Effect of lactoferrin addition on the dialysability of iron from infant formulas
A possible enhancing effect of lactoferrin (Lf) on iron absorption by breast-fed infants has been suggested, however the available results failed to confirm this hypothesis. Nevertheless, Lf could be useful in protecting the lipid fraction of infant formulas against oxidation. Concerning the possibility of adding Lf to infant formulas with this aim, we considered it necessary to evaluate the effect of this addition on iron dialysability, which was used as a parameter indicator of bioavailability. An in vitro dialysability method was applied to three types of infant formulas, with and without Lf added, respectively. In none of the analysed formulas did the added Lf have a negative effect on …
Lipodepsipeptides from Pseudomonas syringae are partially proteolyzed and are not absorbed by humans: An in vitro study
There are some concerns about the use of Pseudomonas-based products as biocontrol agents because of the hemolytic activity shown by their metabolites. The effects of Pseudomonas lipodepsipeptides (LDPs) on mammals via ingestion and the LDP degradation during the digestion and intestinal permeability have not been evaluated. In this research, the susceptibility of different LDPs to degradation was assayed with enzymatic gastrointestinal digestion, and intestinal permeability to LDPs was investigated in an in vitro system based on an intestinal cell layer system. Results demonstrated that trypsin and chymotrypsin hydrolyze up to 50% of the various LDPs, and that proteolysis was further increa…
Calcium, iron and zinc uptakes by Caco-2 cells from white beans and effect of cooking
White beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have an interesting content of essential elements, calcium, iron and zinc, but they content also phytates, oxalates, proteins, polyyphenols and complex polysaccharides that are known to interact with minerals and to affect their bioavailability. The bioavailability of calcium, iron and zinc from raw and cooked white beans was estimated using their uptake by Caco-2 cells as the criteria. Previously, the mineral fraction (soluble or dialysable) to be added to the Caco-2 cell monolayer was selected. The results obtained show that cooking increases the Caco-2 cells' uptake percentages (calcium, 18.8 versus 3.6; iron, 33.7 versus 1.7; and zinc, 17.2 versus 2.1…
Gas chromatographic determination of organochlorine pesticides in cow milk.
A gas chromatographic method of use in determining the following organochlorine pesticides in cow milk has been adapted and validated: alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH), beta-HCH, lindane, delta-HCH, hexachlorobenzene, aldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, mirex, 2,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (2,4-DDT), 4,4-DDT, 2,4-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (2,4-DDD), 4,4-DDD, 2,4-dichlorodiphenylethane (2,4-DDE) and 4,4-DDE. The method studied consists of three steps: the extraction of fat by centrifugation, mixing with anhydrous sodium sulfate, and transfer to a glass column and elution with hexane; purification of the extract via concentrated sulfuric acid treatment; and determination…
Comparison of voltammetric and high performance liquid chromatographic methods for ascorbic acid determination in infant formulas
Abstract Two methods — voltammetric and high performance liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) — useful for determining ascorbic acid in foods, were compared to ascertain which of them could be used for routine determination of ascorbic acid in infant formulas. Both methods were used to assay 10 identical samples of an adapted cow's milk infant formula and 10 samples of soya protein formula. Precision was determined, the variance of each method was measured, and the methods were compared with each other. The variances of the two methods were not statistically different nor was there any significant difference between the results from the two methods. Therefore, it was concluded that both methods ca…
Identification of Casein Phosphopeptides in β-casein and Commercial Hydrolysed Casein by Mass Spectrometry
Casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) in commercial hydrolysed casein (CE90CPP) and in β-CN (β-CN) after simulated gastrointestinal digestion (gastric stage pepsin, pH =2, 37°C 2h) and intestinal stage (pancreatic-bile extract, pH =5.2, 37°C 2h) were sequenced by on-line reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-ESIMS/MS). In β-CN digest five peptides that contained four to five phosphate groups and the cluster sequence SpSpSpEE (residues 17-21) were identified. All CPPs with one exception β-CN(1-24)4P, had the protein fragment β-CN(1-25)4P, which is one of the main CPPs produced in vivo digestion of casein and the re…
Identification of Novel Phosphopeptides After Simulated Digestion of αs2-casein by Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) are encrypted in αs1-, αs2-and β-casein (CN) and can be released by in vitro, in vivohydrolysis or food processing of dairy foods. Bovine αs2-CN contains two cluster sequences of anionic phosphoseryl and glutamyl residues SpSpSpEE in its structure (residues 8–12 and 56–63), which can modulate mineral bioavailability. In this study αs2-casein (αs2-CN) was subjected to simulated gastrointestinal digestion. CPPs released were sequenced by on-line reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-ESIMS/MS). Six novel αs2-CN derived CPPs, Three of them (αs2-CN(54–87)4P,αs2-CN(24–70)4P and αs2-…
Whole blood selenium content in pregnant women
The selenium content in the blood of pregnant women in the Valencian Community, Spain was determined until the end of gestation in order to assess its evolution and detect possible differences in relation to the values corresponding to non-pregnant women of fertile age. A total of 158 blood samples were obtained from 137 pregnant women. Samples were classified as: (a) first; (b) second; and (c) third trimester. Selenium was determined by a flow injection hydride atomic absorption spectrometric method (Seronorm whole blood was used as a quality control check). The selenium values obtained for the three trimesters followed a Gaussian distribution. The intervals for mean found were: (a) 75.7-8…
Application of the 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysccinimidyl carbamate (AQC) reagent to the RP-HPLC determination of amino acids in infant foods.
The validation of a pre-column derivatization procedure with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (AQC) to the determination of the amino acid content by RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection (lambda excitation 250 nm, lambda emission 395 nm) in milk-cereal based infant foods was carried out. The analytical parameters: linearity (0.0025-0.2mM), precision of the method (0.2-3.5% variation coefficients), accuracy (derivatization: 86-106% average recovery and method: 88.3-118.2% average recovery) and the limits of detection (0.016-0.367 microM) and quantification (0.044-1.073 microM) were determined. Glutamic acid, proline and leucine were the most abundant amino acid whereas the lowe…
Determination of ascorbic acid in asparagus by differential pulse polarography
A useful method for the determination of ascorbic acid in a vegetable product (asparagus) by differential pulse polarography has been set up and evaluated. Extraction and instrumental conditions were optimized. The analytical parameters are: linearity (0–18.18 μg/ml); detection limit (0.182 μg/ml); instrumental and method precision (2.77% and 4%, respectively); accuracy (96.9–113.4%). These data show that the method is sufficiently sensitive, reliable and accurate. It was also compared with the official fluorometric AOAC method.
Direct determination of lead in cola beverages by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Amino Acid Contents of Infant Formulas
Abstract The amino acid supply in an infant's first month of life must be sufficient in quantity and quality to fulfil the needs of this period of life. Guidelines, recommendations and minimum and maximum values have been established regarding to amino acid composition of infant formulas. The aim of this study was to determine the amino acid profile of infant formulas of different types marketed in Spain in order to assess the compliance with the recommendations (ESPGAN) and to detect possible differences in the amino acid profiles depending on the protein source. Amino acids were determined by HPLC in ion-pair reversed phase after hydrolysis and derivatization with phenylisothiocyanate. Ne…
Bioavailability of zinc from infant foods byin vitro methods (solubility, dialyzability and uptake and transport by Caco-2 cells)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability of zinc from infant foods (adapted, follow-up and toddler milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals, FMC) using solubility, dialyzability and a model combining simulated gastrointestinal digestion and zinc uptake and transport by Caco-2 cells. The greater solubility of zinc from infant formulas compared with fruit juices (FMC) could be due to the greater casein phosphopeptide content resulting from casein hydrolysis. The highest zinc dialysis percentage corresponded to FMC, which on the other hand had the lowest zinc contents of the analyzed samples. The presence of organic acids in samples of this kind favors …
COPPER | Properties and Determination
Direct determination of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron in infant formulas by atomic spectroscopy. Comparison with dry and wet digestions methods
An optimization and comparison of three atomic absorption spectroscopic methods for measuring Ca, Mg, Na, K and Fe contents of infant formulas are carried out. The first method is a direct measure of a sample dispersion in water. The second method involves a previous wet digestion (HNO3 + H2O2) in a microwave oven. And finally a dry mineralization at 450 °C is assayed. In order to measure Ca and Mg lanthanum at 0.4% concentration and in the case of Na and K cesium at 0.1% were added. The analytical parameters of the three methods assayed were determined. Results obtained show that the three studied methods are accurace and reliable and no significant difference among them at a probability l…
In vitro interactions between calcium, zinc, copper and iron in milk- and soy-based infant formulas / Interacciones in vitro entre calcio, cinc, cobre e hierro en formulas de base láctea y de soja para lactantes
Interactions among calcium, zinc, copper and iron in milk- and soy-based infant formulas were as sessed in order to evaluate the influence of supplementation with one trace element on the bioavailability of the others. The criterion used to estimate the bioavailability is the percentage of dialysis, estimated by applying an in vitro method. Infant formulas were supplemented with CaCl2, ZnO, CuCO3 Cu(OH) 22H2O and FeSO4 7H2O at two levels (maximum (+) and minimum (-) allowed by the European Union). A factorial design at two levels with three factors (Zn, Cu and Fe addition) was carried out. The main effects and the second-order interactions of the studied factors on the bioavailability of a…
Analysis of phytosterols in foods
Phytosterols are bioactive compounds, one of their most studied and outstanding properties being their cholesterol-lowering activity. This explains the growing interest in the phytosterol contents of foods as either intrinsic or added components. The different steps (extraction, saponification, clean up, chromatographic determination) of plant sterol determination are reviewed, and emphasis is placed on the methods used to assay different phytosterols in food.
Impact of Fruit Beverage Consumption on the Antioxidant Status in Healthy Women
<i>Background:</i> Epidemiologic studies suggest that antioxidant-rich foods might reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. <i>Aim:</i> To test the health-protective potential of three fruit beverages, Fb (grape-orange-apricot), FbM (Fb with skimmed milk) and FbMFe [FbM + Fe(II)], in healthy women. <i>Methods:</i> The influence of fruit beverage consumption (500 ml/day) upon serum antioxidant capacity determined by ORAC and TEAC methods and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was assessed in 32 healthy female volunteers. In the intervention study, each subject received the fruit beverages during three periods (3 weeks for Fb and …
Selenium content of infant formulas and estimation of the intake of bottle fed infants.
Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron content of infant formulas and estimated daily intakes
The calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron content of a total of 22 different infant formulas marketed in Spain were measured by atomic spectrometry, and the mineral intake of infants fed exclusively with these formulas was estimated. The contents (mg/100kJ) are in the following ranges: Ca, 14-24; Mg, 1.1-2.8; Na, 5.6-9.8; K, 19-35; Fe, 0.02-0.50. These values coincide with those recommended by the Codex and European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (ESPGAN), and do not exceed the limits established by the European Union (EU). The mean values and ranges of estimated intakes for each formula type and period of infancy (0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 and 4-5 months) expressed…
Environmental cadmium, lead and nickel contamination: possible relationship between soil and vegetable content
The cadmium, lead and nickel content of soils of four agricultural areas exposed to different degrees of environmental pollution and vegetables grown there were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). In order to ascertain the possible relationship between the heavy metal content of soils (total and extractable) and of vegetables grown in them, the correlation between the two was calculated. The highest correlation values between metal content of soil and vegetables are these corresponding to nickel: the total metal content in soils and leaves-stems are linear (p<0.01). The extractable metal content of soils and leaves-stems are linear (p<0.1). Therefore, soil seems to be the…
Fluorometric determination of chemically available lysine: adaptation, validation and application to different milk products.
A spectrophotometric method based on the reaction between available lysine and ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) was adapted and validated for fluorometric determination of the chemically available lysine contents in milk matrices (UHT and conventional in-bottle sterilized cow milk, milk-based infant formulas and infant formula ingredients). The values of the analytical parameters show its usefulness as a routine method (linearity, r = 0.9992; detection limit, 0.0066 mg/mL assay; accuracy, 99-108%; precision, intra-day 2.1-5.9% and inter-day 3.5 10.2%). No statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the values obtained with the adapted method and those obtained applying t…
The use of direct determination of chromium in human urine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry in diabetic patients.
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometnc Determination of Chromium in Foods
Abstract A method is reported for determination of chromium in foodstuffs. Organic matter is digested with nitric acid, followed by oxidation to Cr(VI) and extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) after HC1 addition. Chromium determinations are performed by flame absorption spectroscopy. Absence of interferences is verified and recovery tests are performed on food samples. Quantitation limit (3.8 ng/mL), accuracy (NBS Standard Reference Material 1573 Tomato Leaves, 4500 ± 500 ng/g, found 3860 ± 409 ng/g), and precision (CV for vegetable matrix = 9.05%, CV for animal matrix = 14.95%) of the procedure are evaluated.
Effect of traditional, microwave and industrial cooking on inositol phosphate content in beans, chickpeas and lentils
An high-performance liquid chromatography method for determining inositol phosphate fractions was adapted to legumes. The validity of the method was assessed by estimating the following analytical parameters: linearity (linear response between 125 and 5000 microg inositol hexaphosphate (IP(6))/ml); instrumental precision and method precision (relative standard deviation, %) were 1.9% (IP(6)) for instrumental, and 2.5% (IP(6)) and 8.2% (IP(5)) for method precision. An accuracy was estimated by percentage recovery (72 +/- 3%). The application of this method to raw, conventional, microwave-cooked and ready-to-eat beans, chickpeas and lentils gave IP(6) contents ranging from 0.63 g/100 g dry ma…
Lipid hydroperoxides determination in milk‐based infant formulae by gas chromatography
A simple gas chromatograph using a flame ionization detector and a polar capillary column method is proposed for determining hydroperoxides in the lipid fraction of milkbased infant formulas. Tricosanoic acid is used as internal standard. The method includes the following steps: a) the extraction of fat with chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v), b) the reduction of hydroperoxide acids to hydroxide acids with hydrogen gas and palladium as a catalyst, c) the transmethylation to obtain the methyl esters with acetyl chloride and methanol/ hexane (4:1, v/v), and d) an acetylation with acetic anhydride/ pyridine (4:1, v/v) to obtain an acetoxy derivate of the hydroxide present. Two chromatography runs,…
Determination of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn content of infant formulas by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV).
The differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) method described is based on the one reported by Hasse et al., but adapted to normal laboratory conditions. The values obtained in the estimation of the analytical parameters (linearity, detection and quantification limits, precision and accuracy) show that in the conditions described the method is sensitive enough, reliable and useful for determining these elements in infant formulas. A comparison between DPASV and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) methods in the conditions described here shows that the former is less sensitive but that they are similar in precision. The cadmium, copper, lead and zinc contents of different type…
Methylmercury and inorganic mercury determination in fish by cold vapour generation atomic absorption spectrometry
Abstract Given that organic mercury is more dangerous than the inorganic form and that it is converted into methylmercury by biological methylation, we have studied and optimized a simple method for measuring both organic and inorganic mercury contents in fish, using a spectroscopic vapour generation technique, with a sequential reduction of the digested sample with stannous chloride and sodium tetrahydroborate. Prior to applying the method the sample was subjected to alkaline wet digestion. Due to the matrix interferences calibration curves with matrix addition were needed for mercury determinations. The analytical parameters of the method were: linearity from 10 to 200 ng of Hg in the red…
Direct determination of lead in human milk by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Abstract Infants are particularly sensitive to the toxic effects of lead. Since milk is their only or main food it is important to know the contribution of milk to lead intake. The purpose of this study was to develop a direct method for determining the lead content of human milk by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry when a deuterium lamp is the only background correction available. The optimum conditions for lead determination in breast milk: sample dilution in Triton ×-100, modifier (75 μg of palladium) and nitric acid contents (2%) and the graphite furnace program (mineralization: 1100°C; atomization: 2300°C) were selected. The analytical parameters are: linearity (20–300 ng m…
Cytotoxic effect of As(III) in Caco-2 cells and evaluation of its human intestinal permeability.
Inorganic arsenic has been classified as a carcinogen for humans (Group I). However, its transit across the human intestinal epithelium has not been characterized. Using Caco-2 cells, the thiol-redox balance and apparent permeability coefficients (P(app)) for As(III) in the apical to basolateral (AP-BL) and basolateral to apical (BL-AP) direction were evaluated. After As(III) exposure, GSH-induced synthesis was observed, increasing the GSH/GSSG ratio by elevating the As(III) concentration. The AP-BL permeabilities decreased as the As(III) concentrations increased, indicating the existence of a mediated transport mechanism. The (BL-AP)/(AP-BL) permeability ratios were higher than unity, sugg…
Evaluation of methylmercury cytotoxicity at intestinal level
Selenium, Copper, and Zinc Indices of Nutritional Status : Influence of Sex and Season on Reference Values
The objective was to estimate the possible influence of season or season and sex on the selenium, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), copper, zinc, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) values in plasma with a view to establishing reference values. For this purpose, 55 healthy volunteers (36 women and 19 men) were selected and their whole-blood samples were collected four times a year at the beginning of each season. In the population as a whole, no statistically significant seasonal differences were detected in copper, selenium, and GSH-Px values in plasma, whereas zinc and SOD values in plasma depended on the season. In general, the variability was higher among the women. In view of the differences…
Mathematic predictive models for calculating copper, iron and zinc dialysability in infant formulas
Differences in the dialysability of a mineral element from infant formulas of the same type were detected in a previous study. As these may be due to the effects that different levels of the components of the formulas could have on dialysability, we attempted to establish mathematical models to predict the dialysability of Cu, Fe and Zn from infant formulas according to their ascorbic, citric, or selected amino acid contents. A simple linear regression was applied between the ascorbic acid, citric acid and amino acid contents and the Cu, Fe and Zn dialysability of 18 powdered infant formulas of different types. Significant correlations (P<0.05) were obtained between the dialysability of Fe …
Evolution of Copper Contents from Colostrum to Transitional Human Milk
Review: Effect of Some Components of Milk- and Soy-Based Infant Formulas on Mineral Bioavailability
Infants' high nutritional needs are fulfilled by mother's milk or infant formulas to provide all the necessary nutrients, among them minerals. Minerals uptake depends not only on mineral content but also on their bioavailability which, in turn, is affected by the different components of the infant formulas. An understanding of these effects would help to improve mineral bioavailability. This work reviews the influence of endogenous (proteins and phytates) and added (ascorbic and citric acid) components in infant formulas on the bioavailability of nutritionally important mineral elements (calcium, zinc, iron and copper) and their interactions. Special attention is given to the influence of p…
RP-HPLC Determination of Tiger Nut and Orgeat Amino Acid Contents
The amino acid profile of 11 samples of tiger nuts ( Cyperus esculentusL.) grown in the area of “L'Horta Nord” in Valencia (Spain) and one sample of African origin were determined, along with the amino acid contents of 10 samples of natural orgeat from Valencia. Protein was hydrolysed by hydrochloric acid at 110 °C for 23 h, and amino acids were derivatised with AQC and determined by RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection. The chromatographic conditions were optimised. The analytical parameters (detection and quantification limits, precision and accuracy) showed the method to be sufficiently sensitive and reproducible for determining amino acids resistant to acid hydrolysis in tiger nuts and o…
Simultaneous Determination of Thiamin and Riboflavin in Mushrooms by Liquid Chromatography
A simple, fast, inexpensive, and reliable method useful for the simultaneous, routine determination of thiamin and riboflavin in mushrooms is examined. It uses the extraction procedure, with slight modifications, proposed by the AOAC for the extraction of thiamin and riboflavin, followed by a liquid chromatographic separation on a reversed-phase Spherisorb ODS column with methanol/water as mobile phase gradient. Fluorometric detection is used at the following excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively, 360 and 425 nm in the case of thiamin and 422 and 515 nm for riboflavin. The analytical parameters of linearity, the precision of the method (RSD = 2.45 and 2.51% for thiamin and ribof…
Fortification of milk with calcium: effect on calcium bioavailability and interactions with iron and zinc.
Calcium solubility, dialysability, and transport and uptake (retention + transport) by Caco-2 cells as indicators of calcium bioavailability have been estimated in the in vitro gastrointestinal digests of milk and calcium fortified milk. A significant linear correlation (p < 0.05) was obtained between calcium uptake and the amount of soluble calcium added to the cells, and also between percentage calcium uptake and the calcium measured in the analyzed samples. The solubility, dialysis, transport, and uptake values are higher (p < 0.05) for calcium fortified milks than for nonfortified milks; that is, calcium fortification increases not only calcium content but also its bioavailability. An i…
Effect of cooking on oxalate content of pulses using an enzymatic procedure.
An enzymatic method proposed for the determination of oxalate in urine is adapted for the estimation of soluble oxalate content in beans, chickpeas and lentils. Oxalates were extracted in water by refluxing for 2 h. The method is based on the oxidation of oxalate by the oxidase and the determination of the resulting hydrogen peroxide, which in presence of peroxidase, 3-methyl-2 benzotiazinolone and 3-dimethylamino benzoic, gives an indamine compound with an absorption maximum at 590 nm. The linearity (from 0.015 to 0.6 mM) of the method is adequate to the analysis of oxalate contents in pulses, and the inter-day precision of the method expressed as relative standard deviation was good (3.01…
Improvement of Analytical Conditions of Mineral Caco-2 Cell Uptake Assays
Caco-2 cell mineral uptake assays are used to estimate the bioavailability of minerals from foods. The uptake of minerals by Caco-2 cells can be affected by several factors – particularly the conditions of the in vitro digestion process and the growth conditions of the cell culture. Therefore, a standardisation of the assays conditions is required to obtain reproducible results. This work determined the effect of enzyme demineralisation, the inactivation of the proteolytic activity of the digest and the replacement of distilled-deionised water by cell culture degree water. Treatment with Chelex-100 resin was applied to remove calcium, iron and zinc from pepsin and pancreatin-bile salts. Th…
Revision: Indicadores del deterioro de la calidad proteica y del valor nutritivo de la leche / Review: Indicators of damage of protein quality and nutritional value of milk
The nutritional value of milk can be negatively affected by thermal treatments. The quality of the proteins can be modified as a consequence of a set of reactions, the most important of which are the interactions between protein and carbohydrates, also known as Maillard reactions. These reactions can also occur when the storage conditions of moisture and temperature are unfavorable. The differ ent thermal treatments involved in processing milk (pasteurization, sterilization, drying, etc.) lead to different steps of the Maillard reaction and therefore to the formation of different compounds that can be useful as chemical markers of milk alteration, or more exactly of protein alteration. Est…
Determination of antimony in drinking waters by an inexpensive, reproducible hydride generator for atomic spectroscopy.
A method for determining antimony in drinking waters is described. In order to prevent a substantial error caused by the different oxidation states of antimony, Sb(V) is reduced to Sb(III) with potassium iodide-ascorbic acid. Covalent hydride is generated with a home made device by adding NaBH4. The hydride is then atomized in a flame-heated silica tube and atomic absorption is measured spectrophotometrically. The optimal conditions for this determination are discussed and interference effects are described. Results obtained by determining linearity range (0-200 ng), detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) limits (LOD = 0.347 ng/ml, LOQ = 1.158 ng/ml), precision (instrumental CV 4.08% and me…
Cadmium and lead in infant cereals — electrothermal-atomic absorption spectroscopic determination
Because infant cereals are an important component of the infant diet from the fourth month of life onwards and therefore contribute to the dietetic intake of metals by infants, cadmium and lead were measured in samples of cereals commercially available in Spain. For this purpose an electrothermal atomic absorption (ET-AAS) method for determining cadmium and lead in these products was studied. The ET-AAS instrumental conditions and temperature/time furnace program were selected. The analytical parameters of the method (linearity, detection and quantification limits and precision) show its usefulness in measuring cadmium and lead in infant cereal products. The method was applied to eight diff…
Effects of phytosterol ester-enriched low-fat milk on serum lipoprotein profile in mildly hypercholesterolaemic patients are not related to dietary cholesterol or saturated fat intake
Phytosterols (PS) are recommended to reduce LDL-cholesterol. However, the influence of cholesterol and fat intake on the lipid-lowering effect of PS in mildly hypercholesterolaemia is unclear. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate whether the efficacy of PS is related to the composition of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol intake. Additionally, serum carotenoid content was analysed to evaluate to what extent it was undermined by PS. This was a 3-month randomised, parallel trial with a three-arm design. Patients were divided into three groups: healthy diet (n 24), healthy diet + PS (n 31) and free diet + PS (n 29), receiving 2 g/d of PS. Healthy and free diets were character…
In Vitro Dialyzability of Zinc from Different Salts Used in the Supplementation of Infant Formulas
Seven zinc salts--acetate, chloride, lactate, sulfate, citrate, gluconate, and oxide--were added to milk--and soy-based infant formulas to estimate possible differences in zinc availability depending on the type of salt used. For this purpose, an in vitro method that estimates the dialyzability of the element (i.e., the fraction available for absorption) was applied. Zinc dialyzability is always higher in milk-based products than in soy products, even when the total zinc contents are higher in the latter. The salts can be classified according to the zinc dialyzability in the two types of formulas as follows: oxidegluconate = chloride = lactatecitrate = acetatesulfate. Therefore, according t…
An approach to As(III) and As(V) bioavailability studies with Caco-2 cells
Foods and drinking water are the main sources of human exposure to inorganic arsenic [As(III) and As(V)]. After oral ingestion, the intestinal epithelium is the first barrier to absorption of these species. A human intestinal cell line (Caco-2) was used to evaluate cell retention and transport of As(III) (15.6-156.0 microM) and/or As(V) (15.4-170.6 microM). Cell monolayer integrity, cell viability, membrane damage and effects on cell metabolism were evaluated. Only the highest concentrations assayed [As(III): 156.0 microM; As(V): 170.6 microM] produced a cytotoxic effect with different cellular targets: As(III) altered the permeability of tight junctions, and As(V) caused uncoupling of the …
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Cobalt in Foods
A method is reported for determination of chromium in foodstuffs. Organic matter is digested with nitric acid, followed by oxidation to Cr(VI) and extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) after HCl addition. Chromium determinations are performed by flame absorption spectroscopy. Absence of interferences is verified and recovery tests are performed on food samples. Quantitation limit (3.8 ng/mL), accuracy (NBS Standard Reference Material 1,573 Tomato Leaves, 4,500 +/- 500 ng/g, found 3,860 +/- 409 ng/g), and precision (CV for vegetable matrix = 9.05%, CV for animal matrix = 14.95%) of the procedure are evaluated.
Optimization of selenium determination in human milk and whole blood by flow injection hydride atomic absorption spectrometry.
abstract A flow injection hydride atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HAAS) method was developed for determining selenium in human milk and whole blood after microwave digestion of the sample. The sample (2 mL human milk or 0.25 mL blood) was introduced into the microwave vessel with 1.5 mL HN03 and 0.25 mL H202 and 300 W (4 min) and 600 W (4 min) were applied. The digestion was completed by heating to 140 C (2-3 h). Se (VI) was reduced to Se (IV) with hydrochloric acid. The instrumental conditions for FI-HAAS (concentrations of reducing agent and carrier acid, flow rate of argon carrier gas, and sample volume injected) were optimized. The detection limit of the proposed method was 0.23 ng/m…
HPLC Method for Cyst(e)ine and Methionine in Infant Formulas
Cyst(e)ine and methionine were converted into cysteic acid and methionine sulfone by oxidizing with performic acid. The oxidized samples were then subjected to acid hydrolysis (6N HCl, 105-110°C/24 hr). After derivatization with phenylisothiocyanate, reverse phase HPLC separation was carried out at 48°C and with UV detection. Different gradients and pH values in the eluent were assayed to determine the best resolution. Analytical parameters, detection and quantification limits, linearity, precision and accuracy, were determined. The method was reliable and accurate for measuring cyst(e)ine and methionine in infant formulae.
Contents of vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 in pork and meat products
The concentration of B vitamins (B(1), B(2), B(6), and B(12)) was determined in three pork muscles (Longissimus dorsi, loin; Biceps femoris, ham; and Triceps brachii, shoulder) and in pork and other meat products (cooked, pickled, and cured), of importance because they are consumed in high quantities. The results were compared with values reported by other authors and their contribution to the daily intake of these vitamins estimated. This showed that pork provides, on average, 97, 25.8, 35/43.7 (men/women), and 37% of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) for vitamins B(1), B(2), B(6), and B(12), respectively.
Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
To evaluate oxidative stress in type I diabetes mellitus, two antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes, copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD EC and seleno-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px; EC 1.11.19), and two indexes of peroxidation in plasma, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and organic hydroperoxides (OHP), were measured in 118 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), classified in accordance with the presence or absence of vascular complications and the degree of metabolic control established by the HbA1c level. Ninety healthy subjects made up the control group. According to our results, plasmatic TBARS and OHP concentrations are significan…
Bioavailability of calcium from milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals estimated by in vitro methods (solubility, dialyzability, and uptake and transport by caco-2 cells).
An adequate calcium intake during the first years of life is needed for normal growth and development and to prevent rickets. The bioavailability of calcium from infant foods (milk-based formulas and fruit juices containing milk and cereals, FMC), the dietary sources of calcium in these stages of life, has been estimated on the basis of simulated gastrointestinal digestion and calcium solubility and dialyzability values and on the efficiency of transport and uptake by Caco-2 cells. The ranking of samples according to calcium bioavailability depends on the use of solubility or dialyzability as criterion. On the basis of the former, the highest value corresponded to adapted formulas and the l…
Selenium, zinc and copper in plasma of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in different metabolic control states
The Studies of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) levels in diabetic patients have led to contradictory findings as the possible relationship between the degree of diabetic control and the changes in mineral contents. In the present study the plasma Cu, Se, and Zn contents of diabetic patients and healthy people were measured and the relationship between these contents and diabetic metabolic control, as determined by glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), was studied. The mean plasma Se content in diabetic patients was significantly lower than in controls (p < 0.01) and a negative correlation between the plasma contents of Se and HbA1c was found. No statistically significant differences in …
Effects of thermal processing and storage on available lysine and furfural compounds contents of infant formulas.
The Maillard reaction-related effects that thermal treatments during the manufacturing process and storage (at 20 and 37 degrees C) have on powdered adapted and follow-up milk-based infant formulas were estimated by measuring the available lysine and furfural compounds contents of raw cow milk used in manufacturing, intermediate products and formulas. A fluorimetric method was used to measure the available lysine contents, and free and total furfural compounds were determined by HPLC. Statistically significant losses in available lysine (about 20%) in the infant formulas with respect to raw milk were found. The storage period did not affect the available lysine contents of adapted formulas …
Calcium bioavailability in human milk, cow milk and infant formulasâcomparison between dialysis and solubility methods
Abstract The percentages of total, soluble and dialysable calcium of human milk, cow milk and milk and soy based infant formulas were determined in order to detect possible differences in the calcium bioavailability of the samples. For this purpose an in vitro method was applied to these four calcium sources. The ranking of the analysed samples in terms of calcium bioavailability depends on the criteria applied. Calcium ranked dialysis percentage was: cow milk>human milk>soy based formula>milk based formulas. Calcium ranked solubility percentage was: human milk>cow milk>soy-based formula>milk-based formulas. Comparison of the results of the in vitro assay with the information available on i…
Dialysability of Calcium, Iron, and Zinc in Beans, Chick Peas, and Lentils
As2O3-induced oxidative stress and cycle progression in a human intestinal epithelial cell line (Caco-2)
Foods and drinking water are the main routes for human exposure to inorganic arsenic, the intestinal epithelium being the first barrier against such exogenous toxicants. The present study evaluates the effect of As(III) (0.5-25 microM) upon Caco-2 cells as an intestinal epithelia model. Cell viability, intracellular formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsim) changes, and cell cycle distribution in exposed cultures were evaluated. The intracellular production of ROS was seen to increase in a non-dose dependent manner at all concentrations tested, with impairment of cell mitochondrial enzyme function secondary to a loss of Deltapsim. Concentration…
Optimization of iron speciation (soluble, ferrous and ferric) in beans, chickpeas and lentils
Abstract A spectrophotometric method with bathophenanthroline for iron determination that makes it possible to differentiate between iron (II) and iron (III) in total soluble iron in legumes (beans, chickpeas and lentils) was optimized. Sample size, volumes of reducing agent and bathophenanthroline were selected. Matrix interferences made it necessary to apply the addition’s method. To check the quality of the method, linearity and precision (RSD%) were determined. A linear response between 0.1 and 1.8 μg Fe/ml in the assay and precision values ranging from 2.1 to 6 for instrumental precision, and from 1.6 to 1.7 and 2.7 to 9.1, for intra- and inter-day assays, respectively were obtained. T…
Copper, iron, and zinc contents in human milk during the first three months of lactation: A longitudinal study
The aim of the study has been to analyze the evolution of copper, iron, and zinc contents in human milk, from colostrum to the third postpartum month, following a longitudinal design, under specific conditions of sample collection and to apply an analytical procedure previously optimized to reduce any variation outside physiological lactation. The copper, iron, and zinc concentrations in 144 milk samples from 39 healthy puerpera women, were analyzed in five stages by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, following a standardized protocol. Copper presented a gradual decrease from 0.38 mg/L to 0.19 mg/L by the 90th day; the particular analysis from colostrum to transitional milk manifested th…
Evolution of available lysine and furosine contents in milk-based infant formulas throughout the shelf-life storage period
The evolution of the Maillard reaction (MR) by measuring the available lysine and furosine (FUR) contents in adapted and follow-up powdered milk-based infant formulas over the shelf-life storage period, at 20 and 37 °C, was studied. Available lysine and FUR contents were determined by fluorimetry and high-performance liquid chromatography respectively. Statistically significant differences were found between adapted and follow-up infant formulas with respect to the available lysine and FUR contents. Available lysine contents decreased significantly throughout the storage time, and the contents at 37 °C were lower than at 20 °C. A statistically significant increase in FUR contents was observ…
Calcium dialysability as an estimation of bioavailability in human milk, cow milk and infant formulas
Abstract The calcium dialysability of human milk, cow milk and infant formulas is estimated by applying the in vitro method (Miller, Schricker, Rasmussen, & Van Campen, (1981). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34, 2248–2256) slightly modified, as a measure of its bioavailability. The influence of the protein composition of infant formula samples on calcium bioavailability is also studied. Whole cow milk, a pool of human milk and 18 commercial infant formulas of 6 different types are analysed. The highest values of calcium dialysability (mg Ca/100 ml infant formula) correspond to premature (13.6) and follow-up formulas (11.8) and the lowest ones to adapted formulas (3.7); the latter v…
Cobalt content of foods and diets in a Spanish population
The WHO Expert Committee on Food Contaminants has pointed out the need of determining the content of foods in trace elements in order to ascertain their contribution to the total intake of oligoelements through the diet. Since the contents in trace elements depend on the environmental features, it is necessary to carry out systematic determinations of trace elements in foods of local origin in order to know the exposure level of population. This work intends to study the cobalt contribution through the diet. The element intake is calculated from the cobalt content in raw foods after elimination of the non-eatable moiety by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy, after formation of a chelate w…
Iron Bioavailability in Fortified Fruit Beverages Using Ferritin Synthesis by Caco-2 Cells
The bioavailability of iron from fortified fruit beverages was estimated by an in vitro system including enzymatic digestion, iron uptake by Caco-2 cells, and ferritin formation determined via an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess iron bioavailability as influenced by the presence of known dietary promoter and inhibitory factors in fortified fruit beverages containing iron and/or zinc and/or skimmed milk. No negative effect (p > 0.05) derived from micronutrient interaction can be ascribed to zinc supplementation on iron availability. Besides, the presence of caseinophosphopeptides derived from casein hydrolysis during digestion may confer enhancing …
Review: Determination of Vitamin D in Dairy Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
This work reviews the methods used for the determination of vitamin D in some dairy products (milk and infant formulas) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The low vitamin D contents and the presence of interfering compounds require sample treatment and purification of the extract. The advantages and drawbacks of hot and cold saponification, direct extraction and different types of extract purification are also discussed, taking into account the lack of vitamin D stability by heating, exposure to light and oxidation. With respect to chromatographic determination, the mode (normal or reverse phase), type of column (microcolumn or conventional) and detection system (UV, electro…
Lead, cadmium and chromium content of edible vegetables grown in three different agricultural areas
(1990). Lead, cadmium and chromium content of edible vegetables grown in three different agricultural areas. Food Additives & Contaminants: Vol. 7, No. sup1, pp. S22-S25.
Ascorbic Acid Stability in Ground Asparagus Samples and in Oxalic Acid Extracts
To establish the storage conditions for asparagus preparation before ascorbic acid determination, samples were ground, the mass was divided into three aliquots that were, respectively, stored at 4°C, – 18°C, or extracted with 1% oxalic acid. The extract was further split into aliquots and stored at 25°, 4°, –18° and -75°C. Ascorbic acid content was measured at different times of storage by a polarographic method. The rate of degradation increased with storage temperature; the degradation rate was higher in ground samples than in extracts; no significant changes in ascorbic acid content were observed in extracts stored for 7 days at -18° or for 90 days at -75°C.
Effects and future trends of casein phosphopeptides on zinc bioavailability
This review focuses on studies of the effects of CPPs on zinc bioavailability. It evaluates the main differences in studies performed in the last two decades, such as methodology used to measure zinc, food matrix, CPP preparation, CPP dose, CPP:Zn molar ratio and presence and concentration of zinc absorption inhibitors, such as phytate, iron and calcium. The future trends of CPPs as functional ingredients in zinc-enriched or zinc-containing foods are also discussed.
Calcium, Iron, and Zinc Uptake from Digests of Infant Formulas by Caco-2 Cells
Our aim was to estimate the bioavailability of calcium, iron, and zinc from infant formulas using a model that includes in vitro digestion and a Caco-2 cell culture to estimate the uptake. The cell culture conditions were selected, and uptake assays were carried out first with calcium, iron, and zinc standard solutions, and then with the soluble fraction of enzymatic digests of an adapted milk-based and a soy-based infant formula. It was not possible to measure the uptake of calcium, iron, and zinc from standard solutions added to the cell cultures in amounts similar to those present in infant formula digests with our method. The fact that it was, however, possible in the case of enzymatic …
Selenium contents of human milk and infant formulas in Spain.
The selenium content of Spanish human milk samples and different milk-based and soy-based infant formulas has been estimated by using a flow injection hydride atomic absorption spectrometric method after microwave digestion of the organic matter. Mean values of 11.4 +/- 3.7 and 10.7 +/- 4.6 ng/ml for colostrum and transitional milk, 8.4 +/- 3.4 and 5.3 +/- 1.9 ng/ml for mature milk at 1 month and up to 2 months respectively, was obtained. These values are close to those reported by others authors in Europe, and lower than the ones from the US, Japan and Korea. Selenium contents of the analyzed infants' formulas ranged from 2.7 to 9.6 ng/ml and from 1.8 to 7.5 ng/ml for soy and milk-based in…
Evaluation of Antimony, Cadmium and Lead Levels in Vegetables, Drinking and Raw Water from Different Agricultural Areas
Abstract Lead and cadmium levels in edible vegetables and antimony, lead and cadmium in drinking and raw waters from three agricultural areas exposed to different levels of environmental pollution (1-high industrial pollution, 2-high urban pollution, 3-standard low industrial and urban pollution) are determined. The organic matter is destroyed by repeated attack with nitric acid. Cadmium and lead are determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and antimony by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS). When the results obtained for three different areas are compared, differences between cadmium and lead contents in vegetables are observed. Waters are…
Liquid chromatographic determination of Vitamin D3 in infant formulas and fortified milk
Abstract An isocratic reverse-phase liquid chromatographic (LC) method with electrochemical (EC) detection has been developed and validated for determining Vitamin D 3 in fortified milk and infant formulas. LC–EC determination provides linear responses in the range from 0.03 to 0.7 μg Vitamin D 3 /ml, with inter- and intra-day variations (R.S.D.%) of 4.1 and 4.4, respectively, and detection and quantification limits of 0.012 ng in assay (48 ng/100 g of sample) and 0.039 ng in assay (156 ng/100 g of sample), respectively. Application of the method to a set of infant formulas and fortified milk confirmed its usefulness.
Casein phosphopeptides released by simulated gastrointestinal digestion of infant formulas and their potential role in mineral binding
Abstract Adapted and follow-up milk-based infant formulas were subjected to gastrointestinal digestion simulating physiological conditions. The naturally occurring casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) generated were fractionated by anion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography and sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry. In both infant formula digests, a total of 19 CCPs from bovine casein were identified, of which 7 corresponded to α s1 -casein and 12 to α s2 -casein. Most CPPs had the cluster sequence SpSpSpEE, representing the binding sites for minerals. The distribution of calcium, iron and zinc content in CPP fractions eluted from the anion exchange column was also studied. The results …
Fluorescence, Browning Index, and Color in Infant Formulas during Storage
Free and total fluorescent compounds, browning index, and color formation were measured in milk-based powdered infant formulas (IF) during 2 years of storage at 20 and 37 degrees C. The excitation spectra from 415 nm emission show three peaks (ex lambda1 = 270 nm, lambda2 = 325/315 nm, lambda3 = 350 nm) and from 347 nm excitation two emission peaks (415 and 520 nm), and no wavelength shifts were observed. Temperature and time of storage exert in general no significant effect on the development of fluorescence emission intensity and browning index. However, an important increase in pentodilysine was recorded-probably because of the iron and ascorbic acid contents of the samples-as well as in…
Antioxidant effect of casein phosphopeptides compared with fruit beverages supplemented with skimmed milk against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells
Abstract Casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) have been proposed as potential dietary antioxidants on designing new functional products. A fruit beverage, with/without milk, was subjected to in vitro digestion. Caco-2 cultures were preincubated with soluble fractions or isolated CPPs, the latter obtained from skimmed milk. The mitochondrial activities (MTT test), intracellular GSH and GSH-reductase activity (GSH-Rd), cell cycle analysis and RNA distribution in cycle phases were studied after inducing oxidative stress status (5 mM H2O2). MTT conversion was better preserved by soluble fractions of fruit beverages, either with or without milk. GSH concentration was equally decreased, and GSH-Rd was i…
Estimation of Arsenic Bioaccessibility in Edible Seaweed by an in Vitro Digestion Method
The aim of this study was to examine the bioaccessibility (maximum soluble concentration in gastrointestinal medium) of total (AsT) and inorganic (AsI) arsenic contents and the effect on them of cooking edible seaweed, a food of great interest because of its high As content. An in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (pepsin, pH 2, and pancreatin−bile extract, pH 7) was applied to obtain the mineral soluble fraction of three seaweeds (Hizikia fusiforme, Porphyra sp., and Enteromorpha sp.). AsT was determined by dry-ashing flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. AsI was determined by acid digestion, solvent extraction, and flow injection hydride generation atomic absorp…
Effectiveness of microwave based digestion procedures for the demineralization of human milk and infant formulas prior to fluorometric determination of selenium
The use of two types of microwave oven, one domestic (A) and the other specially designed for laboratory (B) for microwave-based digestion, to destroy the organic matter in milk and infant formulas prior to fluorometric determination of selenium is studied in order to check their applicability and reliability. In both systems the best results were obtained using the acid mixture HNO3—H2O2, and additional treatment with perchloric acid (60%) in a Thermoblock. The application of two different microwave-based digestion procedures to infant formulas was free of interferences. In the case of human milk, it was necessary to use the standard addition method. Values obtained for detection and quant…
Stability of ascorbic acid in orange juices after initial use at home begins
Ascorbic acid (AA) stability in orange juices, both fresh and commercially packaged in different types of containers (Tetrabrik, glass and tin), was studied. The purpose was to ascertain how well AA is retained once use at home has commenced. The AA levels of the orange juices were measured at 0, 1, 3, 5, 67, 24, 48, 72 and 168h following squeezing in the case of fresh oranges and for commercially packaged juices following opening of the container. Storage was at 4 or 25C. Fresh juice was stored in an open jar; packaged juice in the container in which it came. When stored 7 days at 4C, retention ranged from 93.8 to 95%.
Determination of liposoluble vitamins in cooked meals, milk and milk products by liquid chromatography
A method for the simultaneous determination of liposoluble vitamins in cooked meals was established. Saponification was performed with 50% (w/v) KOH at 80 degrees C, and ascorbic acid was added as antioxidant. The subsequent extraction was carried out with diethyl ether. This was followed by a liquid chromatographic separation on a reversed-phase C18 column with methanol-water (94:6, v/v as the mobile phase. Retinyl acetate was used as the internal standard. The analytical parameters linearity, detection limit (0.19 and 8.33 microg/100 g for retinol and alpha-tocopherol, respectively), precision of the method (RSD=5.24 and 6.99% for retinol and alpha-tocopherol, respectively) and recovery a…
Monitoring of headspace volatiles in milk‐cereal‐based liquid infant foods during storage
The effect of storage (time and temperature) on the evolution of pentanal, hexanal, heptanal and pentane as volatile lipid oxidation products in two liquid ready-to-eat milk-cereal-based infant foods was studied. An SPME-GC method was used to this effect. Samples were stored for 9 months at 25, 30 and 37 °C and tested eight times during this period. Freshly produced infant foods contained pentanal, hexanal and heptanal (mean values: 10.71, 71.5 and 1.2 μg/kg, respectively), which decreased during the first 3 months of storage, although from the fourth month onwards no significant differences among storage times were found. Aldehyde content was inversely proportional to storage temperature. …
Relationship between cobalt, copper and zinc content of soils and vegetables
The relationship between cobalt, copper and zinc content of soils and the vegetables grown in them is discussed. Samples of soil and edible vegetables were taken from 15 different sites, corresponding to four agricultural areas exposed to different degrees of environmental pollution: high industrial and traffic, high industrial and urban, and low industrial and urban pollution. Elements were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Variance analysis (ANOVA) was applied to cobalt, copper and zinc content of vegetables and soils in order to detect significant differences among soils of different areas and the vegetables grown there. The possible relationship between the heavy metal conte…
Determination of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn in diets: Development of a method
A method useful for the determination of cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in diets is described. Organic matter is destroyed applying a wet procedure, and element content is measured by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) in the case of copper, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc, and by graphite furnace (GF-AAS) in the case of cadmium, cobalt and lead. The matrix interference study is carried out. Values found for linearity, detection and quantitation limits as well as accuracy show that the described method is useful to determine the elements taken into account at usual levels in diets.
Ferritin synthesis by Caco-2 cells as an indicator of iron bioavailability: Application to milk-based infant formulas
The bioavailability of iron from milk-based infant formulas was estimated by an in vitro system including enzymatic digestion, iron uptake by Caco-2 cells and ferritin determination via an enzymoimmunoassay (ELISA). Positive correlations (p < 0.01) were found between the Fe(II) added to Caco-2 cells and ferritin synthesis and between the amount of dialyzed iron added to the cell culture and ferritin synthesis. The comparison of the bioavailability of iron from different milk-based formulas showed that adapted formulas having the same composition but differing in the iron salts added yielded similar ferritin levels. The same happened with follow-up formulas differing only in the presence or …
Bioavailability of inorganic arsenic in cooked rice: practical aspects for human health risk assessments.
Arsenic is present in rice grain mainly as inorganic arsenic. Little is known about the effect of cooking on inorganic arsenic content in rice and its bioavailability. This study evaluated total arsenic and inorganic arsenic in rice cooked with arsenic-contaminated water, the bioaccessibility of As(III) and As(V) after simulated gastrointestinal digestion, and the extent of arsenic retention and transport by Caco-2 cells used as a model of intestinal epithelia. After cooking, inorganic arsenic contents increase significantly. After simulated gastrointestinal digestion, the bioaccessibility of inorganic arsenic reached 63-99%; As(V) was the main species found. In Caco-2 cells, arsenic retent…
Determination of cobalt in foods by atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (Short communication)
Sterol oxidation in ready-to-eat infant foods during storage.
The effect of storage on sterol oxidation of ready-to-eat infant foods was evaluated. Two different flavor (honey -LH- or fruits-LF-) liquid infant foods, prepared with milk and cereals, were stored for 0, 2, 4, 7 and 9 months, at 25ºC. Sterol oxidation products (SOP) were extracted by cold saponification, purified by silica solid-phase and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. -sitosterol was the most representative sterol, followed by cholesterol and campesterol. No significant differences in the total and single SOP content (0.8-1 mg/kg of product) were observed with respect to storage time and type of sample; the main SOP found was 7-ketositosterol (< …
Stability of the lipid fraction of milk‐based infant formulas during storage
A study is made of the effects of storage (time and temperature) on the lipid fraction of four milk-based adapted infant formulas with basically the same composition, though differing in the iron salt added (lactate or sulfate) and/or the vitamin E source (a-tocopherol or α-tocopherol acetate). Peroxide value, hydroperoxide C 18 percentage and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) content were used as indicators of lipid peroxidation. Fat contents remained stable throughout storage. Peroxide values increased from the first storage month and were affected by storage time, although they exhibited irregular behavior. Storage time and temperature affected hydroperoxide percentage, whic…
Fluorescence and color as markers for the Maillard reaction in milk–cereal based infant foods during storage
Abstract Free and total fluorescence compounds and color formation were measured in three different milk–cereal based infant foods stored at 25, 30 and 37 °C for 9 months to evaluate the advanced and final stages of the Maillard reaction. Milk–cereal infant foods containing honey (B) or fruits (C) had fluorescent values higher than sample (A) without them. This difference could be ascribed to the higher monosaccharide (fructose and/or glucose) content of (B) and (C), which could increase susceptibility to the Maillard reaction. However, for color increase (ΔE), no significant differences (p
Effect of Enzyme Amounts Used in Gastrointestinal Digestion Upon Solubility and Caco-2 Cell Uptake Assays of Minerals from Infant Formulas
The effect of enzyme amounts used in gastrointestinal in vitro digestion upon the solubility and Caco-2 cell uptake of calcium, iron and zinc from infant formulas (IFs) was studied. Different amounts of enzymes (g enzyme/g IF), pepsin (0.002 and 0.048), pancreatin (0.0005, 0.002 and 0.01) and bile extract (0.003, 0.125 and 0.0625) were assayed. Mineral soluble contents and mineral uptakes by Caco-2 cells were affected by the enzyme amounts used in digestion. Although the highest mineral solubility (Ca 98.6 vs 46.2%; Fe 98.1 vs 83.9%; Zn 98.4 vs 83%) was obtained when the lowest enzyme (pepsin 0.002 vs 0.048; pancreatin 0.0005 vs 0.01g/g IF) and bile extract (0.003 vs 0.0625g/g IF) amounts …
Effect of cooking and legume species upon calcium, iron and zinc uptake by Caco-2 cells
Abstract An in vitro system, consisting of simulated gastrointestinal digestion and Caco-2 cell culture, was used to estimate the uptake of calcium, iron and zinc from white beans, chickpeas and lentils, and the effect of cooking upon uptake, with the ultimate aim of evaluating legumes as a dietary source of the aforementioned minerals. In raw products, differences were observed in the uptake percentages by Caco-2 cells of a same mineral from different legumes, although these were not related to the total mineral content. In the three elements studied, the highest uptake values corresponded to chickpeas. Traditional cooking significantly ( p 0.05 ) increased the uptake (%) of calcium, iron …