Claire Chabanet
Qualitative and quantitative study of the mixture of two odorous compounds of wine
National audience
Fat and salt contents affect the in-mouth temporal sodium release and saltiness perception of chicken sausages
In cooked meats, sodium chloride is involved in taste, texture and flavour release. So a reduction in the salt content may have an impact on overall perception and acceptability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of composition on sodium release and saltiness intensity in chicken sausages. The rheological properties of the sausages differed according to composition. Temporal sodium release and temporal saltiness intensity were evaluated by four selected subjects when eating sausages. At each time point, the effect of the salt level in sausages on sodium release was positive and highly significant. The effect of lipids on sodium release was negative. Concerning perception, …
How do infants react to sweetness before the age of two? How is it different for the other primary tastes?
How do infants react to sweetness before the age of two? How is it different for the other primary tastes?. ILSI Europe Workshop “Dietary Sweetness, is it an issue"
Salivary protein profiles and sensitivity to the bitter taste of caffeine.
WOS: 000298381900008; International audience; The interindividual variation in the sensitivity to bitterness is attributed in part to genetic polymorphism at the taste receptor level, but other factors, such as saliva composition, might be involved. In order to investigate this, 2 groups of subjects (hyposensitive, hypersensitive) were selected from 29 healthy male volunteers based on their detection thresholds for caffeine, and their salivary proteome composition was compared. Abundance of 26 of the 255 spots detected on saliva electrophoretic patterns was significantly different between hypo- and hypersensitive subjects. Saliva of hypersensitive subjects contained higher levels of amylase…
Configural perception of 6-odorant mixtures in newborn rabbits and human adults
International audience
Development of a new auto administered test to assess food enjoyment in 5 to 10 years-olds
National audience
Olfactory responses: attraction or avoidance of food odours in the first two years of life?
National audience; Olfaction is a salient sensory modality early in life. Neonates show keen olfactory sensitivity and hedonic responsiveness. However, little is known on how olfactory responses develop over the first two years, especially in term of hedonics. Besides, olfaction plays an important role in the perception and appreciation of foods. Here, we aim to assess hedonic reactivity to food odours in the first two years of life in the context of a longitudinal study on the development of food preferences (OPALINE). Olfactory tests were conducted on 235 participants at 8, 12, 22 months. Scented and unscented bottles were presented successively and sequentially to them. The stimuli consi…
Food intake evolution between 2 and 3 years : results from a longitudinal study
National audience
Impact of a nutritional logo on mid-afternoon snack choices in mother-child dyads
National audience
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect. 13. Weurman flavour research symposium
Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially disliked vegetables in 7-month old infants: Individual differences in intake and liking patterns
'Just a pinch of salt'. An experimental comparison of the effect of repeated exposure and flavor-flavor learning with salt or spice on vegetable acceptance in toddlers.
N°CNRS : UMR6265 Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation; Children's vegetable intake is below the recommended amounts. No studies to date have tested the relevance of using salt or spices to increase children's vegetable acceptance. Our objective was to compare the effect of repeated exposure (RE) and of flavor-flavor learning (FFL) on toddlers' acceptance of a nonfamiliar vegetable. Two unconditioned stimuli were used: salt and a salt-associated spice. Toddlers attending six nurseries were assigned to 3 groups in a between subject design. Groups were exposed 8 times to a basic salsify puree (0.2% salt w/w; RE group; n = 47), a salty salsify puree (0.5% salt w/w; FFL-Salt group; n…
Maternal weaning practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new food
Objective. The introduction of solid foods is a major step in the development of food behaviour. Previous studies showed that higher sensory variety in weaning period can later influence infant's acceptance of new food. The aim of the present study is (i) to describe precisely the different maternal weaning practices, (ii) to relate them with the individual mothers' and infants' characteristics, (iii) to study if these practices could impact infant's acceptance of new foods. Methods. Mothers (n=121) were requested to record each food proposed to their infant detailed from a sensory point of view and to score the level of its acceptance at the 4 first presentations. The beginning of the wean…
Infant preferences for food odours
Communication orale
Preferences for basic tastes in 6-, 12- and 20-month-old infants
Preferences for basic tastes in 6-, 12- and 20-month-old infants. 7. Pangborn sensory science symposium
11 and 15-month-old infants do not compensate immediately for energy variation, and no further adjustment occurs 12 or 24 hours later
International audience; Previously, we demonstrated that, in the short term, infants undercompensated for the energy from a preload given 25 min before an ad libitum meal. However, although not consistent, there is evidence in young children that caloric adjustment may occur over longer periods. We investigated the extent to which further energy adjustment occurs up to 24 h after a single meal preceded by preloads of varying energy density (ED) in infants that are 11 and 15 months old. Short-term caloric adjustment was measured in 11- and 15-month-old infants through a preload paradigm meal in the laboratory. To assess their caloric adjustment over longer periods (12 and 24 h), we used 24 h…
Impact of olfactory and auditory priming on the attraction towards foods with high energy density
\]\Recent research suggests that non-attentively perceived stimuli may significantly influence consumers' food choices. The main objective of the present study was to determine whether an olfactory prime (a sweet-fatty odour) and a semantic auditory prime (a nutritional prevention message), both presented incidentally, either alone or in combination can influence subsequent food choices. The experiment included 147 participants who were assigned to four different conditions: a control condition, a scented condition, an auditory condition or an auditory-scented condition. All participants remained in the waiting room during15 min while they performed a 'lure' task. For the scented condition,…
Reactivity to basic tastes in 6-month-old infants: Comparison of intake and Baby FACS data
Reactivity to basic tastes in 6-month-old infants: Comparison of intake and Baby FACS data. 12. European conference on facial expression
Perceptual Interactions in Complex Odor Mixtures
The perception of everyday odors relies on elemental or configural processing of complex mixtures of odorants. Theoretically, the configural processing of a mixture could lead to the perception of a single specific odor for the mixture; however, such a type of perception has hardly been proven in human studies. Here, we report the results of a sorting task demonstrating that a six-component mixture carries an odor clearly distinct from the odors of its components. These results suggest a blending effect of individual components’ odors in mixtures containing more than three odorants.
In silico study of correspondences between odors descriptions linked to common features of aromas compounds
The first step of odor detection and discrimination of structurally diverse odorants depends of their interactions with olfactory receptors (ORs) [1], whereas the perception of odors quality results from a combinatorial coding [2], whose identification still remains a major challenge. Recently, Martinez-Mayorga et al. demonstrated that odor description can be successfully analyzed using a metric approach by performing a descriptive analysis of the Flavor Base database (http://www.leffingwell.com, version 2010) [3]. The current version Flavor Base (9th edition, 2013) is one of the largest collections of flavor molecules (4226 molecules). We extracted 3508 molecules for which the described od…
Variability in olfactory reactivity in 7-8 month-old infants
To determine the origin of early food preference variability, an Observatory of Food Preference in Infants and Children (Opaline) was set up. One of its objectives is to relate hedonic reaction to odours to previous exposures (via amniotic fluid and/or breast milk) and to understand the role of hedonic reaction to odours on food rejections or preferences. To answer this question, we developed an instrument to measure and to compare olfactory reactivity in 7-8 month-old infants.
Impact of the information provided to consumers on their willingness to pay for Champagne : comparison with hedonic scores
International audience; L'étude a été effectuée afin de comparer deux mécanismes destinés à révéler les préférences des consommateurs : une enchère Vickrey qui mesure la disposition à payer, et un test hédonique classique. A travers ces deux méthodes, l'objectif était d'estimer les effets respectifs des caractéristiques sensorielles et de l'information externe sur l'évaluation de cinq champagnes brut non millésimés. Cent-ving-trois consommateurs ont été assignés au hasard aux deux groupes et ont utilisé l'une des méthodes. Quelle que soit la méthode, ils ont évalué les champagnes à l'aveugle, puis sur la base d'une présentation des bouteilles et, enfin, après l'observation de la bouteille e…
Capacités olfactives face à des odeurs alimentaires et non-alimentaires chez des adultes de statuts pondéraux différents
Introduction et but de l’etude L’olfaction est un sens intrinseque a la prise alimentaire. En tant que determinant des choix alimentaires, sa relation avec l’obesite est encore mal comprise a ce jour. En effet, des etudes montrent que les capacites olfactives (detection et identification) sont plus faibles chez les individus en obesite (Peng, 2019) que chez les individus normo-ponderaux. D’autres auteurs ont montre au contraire que les individus en obesite pouvaient avoir une sensibilite accrue aux indices olfactifs alimentaires (Stafford, 2015). L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les capacites olfactives globales d’individus normo-ponderaux (N), en surpoids (S) et en obesite (O) fac…
Comportement alimentaire, facteurs psychosociaux et Indice de Masse Corporelle
International audience
Chemosensory reactivity and food neophobia in preschool children: impact of smell, but not of taste
Context and objective: Recent studies suggested that sensory sensitivity could be linked to food neophobia, described as the reluctance to eat, or the avoidance of, new foods. The objective of the present study was twofold. Firstly, this study aimed at assessing the links between smell reactivity and taste reactivity in children. Secondly, this study assessed the links between children’s smell/taste reactivity and food neophobia. The hypothesis was that the higher the chemosensory reactivity of the child, the more the child is neophobic. Method: One hundred and three dyads of mother-child, from the Opaline cohort, were involved. The child’s food neophobia was assessed using a validated pare…
A quelles saveurs les nourrissons sont-ils exposés dans la première année de vie ?
International audience; Résumé Les consommations alimentaires des jeunes enfants sont influencées par leurs préférences alimentaires, lesquelles sont en partie déterminées par l'attirance pour les différentes saveurs (sucrée, salée, acide, amère et umami). Les expériences alimentaires précoces pourraient moduler cette attraction. Or aucun travail n'avait jusqu'à présent décrit les saveurs de l'alimentation des nourrissons au cours de la première année. Tel est l'objectif de cette étude. Les caractéristiques de l'alimentation de 76 nourrissons ont été consignées par leurs parents pendant une semaine par mois au cours de la première année. Ce suivi a conduit à recenser 2902 aliments a priori …
Who should choose children's mid-afternoon snack: the mothers or their children?
International audience; Children's mid-afternoon snack is usually characterized by the consumption of fatty and sweetened foods (Anses, 2017). To the best of our knowledge, no study has investigated differences or similarities in terms of nutritional quality of mid-afternoon snack choices made by children or by their mothers. Our first goal was to compare the nutritional quality of children's mid-afternoon snack choices made by mothers or by themselves. Our second goal was to see whether the potential differences were maintained or not when mothers and children were informed about the product's nutritional quality. We invited 95 mother-child dyads (children mean age = 9.4±0.10) to choose in…
Modélisation GLM de la présence/absence de quelques espèces de mauvaises herbes en fonction de variables du milieu
National audience
Statistical analysis of sensory profiling data. Graphs for presenting results (PCA and ANOVA)
Abstract A principal component analysis is performed to analyse the matrix of median values, with 16 varieties in rows, and all descriptors in columns. Only texture descriptors contribute to the definition of the main axes. Six varieties are identified that score high on mealiness and low on moisture, the 10 other varieties are ordered according to a mashable axis which involves texture descriptors. Next we exclude texture descriptors since the main characteristics are already found, and mealy varieties since they are not suitable for steamed potatoes. A mixed linear model (ANOVA) with random subject effects is then used for each descriptor. Flavour and taste differences are found among the…
A path analysis model: how liking for vegetables emerges in children
A path analysis model is used to explain how preference for vegetables emerges before 2 years. It takes into account several determinants such as the child exposition, the child preferences for odors and flavors, as well as the parental behavior.
Étude exploratoire de l’effet d’un amorçage olfactif sur les biais attentionnels chez des adultes normo-pondéraux, en surpoids et obèses
National audience; Introduction Hendrikse et al. [1] mettent en évidence des biais attentionnels (le fait que notre attention soit attirée par certains stimuli plus perceptivement saillants que d’autres dans l’environnement) différents selon le statut pondéral des individus. Ces biais attentionnels sont exacerbés chez les individus en surpoids et obèses face à des stimuli alimentaires à haute densité énergétique [2]. Ces biais semblent jouer un rôle dans le développement et dans le maintien de l'obésité. Notre étude se propose d’étudier les biais attentionnels chez des adultes normo-pondéraux (NP), en surpoids (SP) et obèses (OB) ainsi que les effets d’odeurs alimentaires sur ces biais, en …
Développement des préférences pour les légumes dans la cohorte OPALINE : un modèle SEM pour intégrer les différents déterminants des préférences de la période intra utérine à l'âge de 2 ans (SESSION 1 : Comportement du consommateur : analyse et modélisation)
Présentation orale ; https://intranet.inra.fr/alimh/vie_scientifique/did_it/seminaire_modelisation
Adapting the spoonful pace to the spoonful weight: a favourable practice linked to the infant caloric compensation ability?
Seuil de détection d'une population, détermination par la méthode du modèle linéaire généralisé
National audience
Preferences for fat and basic tastes and in 3-, 6- and 12-month-old infants
Fat perception received recent interest, but fat preference in human infants is a matter of debate. The objective here was to investigate fat and taste preferences in the same infants (N= 66) at 3, 6 and 12 months. Preference for a fat solution (sunflower and rapeseed oils mixed with soy lecithin) and for taste solutions (sweet, lactose; salty, NaCl; bitter, urea; sour, citric acid; umami, sodium glutamate) was evaluated. The same method was applied at each age. Mothers and their infant participated in 2 videotaped sessions, during which the 5 taste and fat solutions were assessed in a balanced order. For each taste, 4 bottles (water, tastant, tastant and water) were presented by the experi…
Comportements alimentaires des jeunes enfants : liens avec les pratiques éducatives maternelles et paternelles ?
National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude : Les pratiques éducatives des parents en matière d'alimentation peuvent favoriser une alimentation saine chez l'enfant dès le plus jeune âge. Une évaluation précise de l'effet de ces pratiques sur les dimensions qualitatives (ex. sélectivité alimentaire) et quantitatives (ex. autorégulation de la consommation) du comportement alimentaire de l'enfant est nécessaire en raison de l'effet potentiellement ambivalent de ces pratiques selon la dimension comportementale considérée. Par ailleurs, peu d'études intègrent le rôle des pères dans l'alimentation de l'enfant. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude visait à évaluer (1) l'impact des pratiques a…
P87 Current practices regarding the introduction of solid foods to infants in two neighbouring cultural groups
Priming effects of an olfactory food cue on subsequent food-related behaviour
International audience; Studies in cognitive psychology have highlighted a link between perception and action, by revealing the non-conscious influence that a cue can have on thinking and doing. The present study aimed at exploring whether an olfactory food cue could have an impact on food choices. We chose fruity odours as olfactory food cues, in order to examine if this kind of olfactory cue could lead individuals to choose fruit and vegetables. In the first experiment, 58 participants were assigned randomly to either a control or a melon-scent condition. In the melon-scent condition, they were unobtrusively exposed to a melon odorant in a waiting room, while in the control condition the …
Links between maternal feeding practices and children's eating difficulties. Validation of French tools
Abstract: The main objectives of the study were to validate a measure of young children's eating difficulties and maternal feeding practices in a French sample, and to assess the links between these practices and children's eating difficulties. Mothers of French children aged 20-36 months completed 4 questionnaires that were validated using a Structural Equation Modelling approach. Links between children and maternal components were investigated using a PLS regression. The Children's Eating Difficulties Questionnaire yielded a 4-dimension solution: Neophobia, Pickiness, Low Appetite and Low Enjoyment in food. The Feeding Style Questionnaire assessed 3 dimensions: Authoritarian, Authoritativ…
Young children's eating behaviors: the link with fathers' and mothers' feeding practices
National audience; Parental feeding practices can promote healthy eating from a very young age. A profound understanding of the precise e_ect of these practices on both the qualitative (e.g., food neophobia) and quantitative dimensions (e.g., self-regulation of intake) of a child's eating behavior is needed. Some practices potentially have a bene_cial e_ect on one dimension, but a deleterious e_ect on the other. More insights in the role of fathers in feeding are also needed. This study aims to (1) evaluate the di_erences and similarities between maternal and paternal feeding practices, (2) evaluate the impact of parental feeding practices on children's eating behaviors (qualitative and qua…
Associations between caloric compensation ability and eating behaviour in infants
Capacité d'ajustement énergétique à court terme chez le nourrisson : évolution autour de 1 an
Combining two observational methods to describe mealtime episodes in mother-infant dyads during complementary feeding
What do we learn from comparing hedonic scores and willingness to pay data? [O8.2]
Hedonic measurements are generally conducted in a blind condition and thus evaluate consumer reactions to the sensory characteristics of the products whereas auctions are generally conducted to determine consumer valuation of extrinsic characteristics. In the last 10 years these two approaches were combined to reveal consumer preferences. Thus, tasting was introduced in the auction procedures. However, only two papers reported a comparison of these two approaches (Lange et al., 2002 with a between-subject design and Noussair et al., 2004 with a within-subject design). The aim of this paper is to present such a comparison on four data sets collected in our laboratory for different food produ…
Breastfeeding and experience with variety at weaning increase infants' acceptance of new foods
International audience
A prospective study of food variety seeking in childhood
International audience
Maternal and paternal feeding practices: links with child eating behaviors and effects of couples' concordant/discordant practices
International audience; Past research has mainly focused on mothers' feeding practices. This study aimed to study (1) gender differences in parental feeding practices, and (2) the impact of couples' concordant/discordant food parenting practices on child eating behaviors. To do so, both parents of 105 French children aged 2.01-6.51 years (51.4% boys, Mage= 3.88 years, SD=1.40) filled in a survey with items from validated questionnaires. Results showed that fathers and mothers had similar perceptions about their child's eating behaviors (Pearson correlations between 0.34 and 0.78; M=0.60), despite fathers taking significantly fewer meals with their child than mothers. Fathers reported using …
Combination of odour-stimulation tools and surface response methodology to improve recombination studies and reveal cheese aroma
International audience
Complementary feeding: what, when and how in OPALINE mothers? Consequences on infant's food acceptance.
National audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants’ eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant’s acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (breastfeeding duration, age at the initiation of weaning, variety of new foods introduced) and to study whether they impacted infants’ later acceptance of new foods in a longitudinal survey of French children’s eating behavior. Mothers (n = 203) were asked to record each food offered to their infants from the beginning of the weaning period t…
Maternal feeding practices during the first year and their impact on infants' acceptance of complementary food.
Funding: Regional Council of Burgundy + Regional Council of IFR92 + Regional Council of PRNH-INRA-INSERM + Regional Council of the "ANR The French National Research Agency" under the Programme National de Recherche en Alimentation et nutrition humaine (ANR-06-PNRA-028 ) + Regional Council of Bledina, Nestle, Symrise, Cedus and Valrhona; International audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants' eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant's acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (…
A prospective study of food variety seeking in childhood, adolescence and early adult life
Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience; This prospective study of food variety seeking among children was conducted between 1982 and 1999, with a follow-up in 2001–2002. Two- to three-year-old children were given a free choice of lunch foods in a nursery canteen. Their food choices were recorded and used to calculate early variety seeking scores, globally and by food group (vegetables, animal products, dairy products, starchy foods and combined dishes). The same subjects (n=339) were contacted in 2…
Bébé compense-t-il la consommation d'un aliment plus ou moins énergétique juste avant le repas ? (ANR PUNCH)
A prospective study of food preferences in childhood
Abstract This study has evaluated the impact of food choices at 2–3 years old on food preferences later in life, by following up the same subjects. Early preferences were estimated through recordings of food choices conducted in a nursery canteen in children aged 2–3, from 1982 to 1999. The children were free to choose the composition of their lunch from among a varied offering of eight dishes. The same subjects ( n =341) were contacted in 2001–2002 and so their ages varied from 17–22 ( n =91), 13–16 ( n =68), 8–12 ( n =99) to 4–7 ( n =83). Their present preference for the 80 foods most frequently presented at the nursery canteen was assessed through a questionnaire. Five food categories we…
Influence des représentations cognitives implicites sur les intentions de comportement
National audience
Lien entre fonctionnement de la dyade mère-nourrisson au cours du repas et capacités d'ajustement énergétique autour de 11 mois
Etude des déterminants précoces de l’appréciation des fruits et légumes chez l’enfant de la cohorte mère-enfant EDEN
National audience; Introduction et objectif : Identifier les déterminants précoces des préférences alimentaires est une condition nécessaire à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’alimentation de l’enfant (en termes de qualité et de fréquence). De nombreux déterminants ont été étudiés mais souvent de façon isolée. Notre objectif est d’étudier dans un modèle global les déterminants précoces de l’appréciation des fruits et légumes chez le jeune enfant, dont des facteurs maternels et d’autres propres à l’enfant. Matériel et Méthodes : Un test d’appréciation hédonique, basé sur la présentation de 36 aliments, a été administré à 1142 enfants de 5 ans de la cohorte mère-enfant EDEN. Les associations…
Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children
Childhood obesity may be responsible for a major alteration of life quality in children and in future adults. The causes of obesity are multiple and obesity results from a chronic imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure. The challenge is to understand the cause of this imbalance. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contribution of the attraction toward salty, sweet and fatty foods. Thus, the first aim of this study was to establish a tool to assess children’s attraction toward sweet, salty and fatty foods that could be used later in large-scale cohorts. The second objective was to compare this questionnaire to sensory tests measuring the overall liking for sweet…
Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in their chlorine flavour acceptability: A key role of trigeminal sensitivity?
International audience
Salivary protein profiles are linked to bitter taste acceptance in infants
Salivary protein profiles are linked to bitter taste acceptance in infants. Séminaire final du projet européen HabEat
Comparison between two protocols to assess dynamics of liking of flavoured waters
International audience
Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort
Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group
Smell but not taste reactivity is related to food food neophobia in toddlers: results from the Opaline cohort
The relationship between sweetness exposure and sweetness liking in infants 3-12 months of age
Infants are increasingly exposed to sweet-tasting foods in their first year of life but it is still unclear whether repeated exposure to those is related to sweetness liking during this period. The study aimed to use the OPALINE cohort to examine the influence of sweetness exposure on liking during two important changes in early infant feeding: at the start of complementary feeding (3-6 months) and the transition to the family table (10-12 months). Infants' sweetness exposure was assessed using monthly 7-day food records completed by mothers (n=312), indicating the number and timing of each feeding of breast/formula milk or complementary foods. Infants' sweetness liking was studied in the l…
Modèle linéaire mixte et analyse longitudinale des choix alimentaires
National audience
Are hedonic responses to food odours linked to food liking in infants at 12 and 22 months?
Communication orale (résumé 1 p.) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience
Multivariate statistical analysis of a large odorants database aimed at revealing similarities and links between odorants and odors
International audience; The perception of odor is an important component of smell; the first step of odor detection, and the discrimination of structurally diverse odorants depends on their interactions with olfactory receptors (ORs). Indeed, the perception of an odor's quality results from a combinatorial coding, in which the deciphering remains a major challenge. Several studies have successfully established links between odors and odorants by categorizing and classifying data. Hence, the categorization of odors appears to be a promising way to manage odors. In the proposed study, we performed a computational analysis using odor descriptions of the odorants present in Flavor-Base 9th Edit…
Breastfeeding and experience with variety early in weaning increase infants' acceptance of new foods for up to two months.
International audience; BACKGROUND & AIMS: Previous studies showed that (1) breastfeeding and (2) higher food variety early in weaning can increase acceptance of new foods for the next few days. Here we measure, in two European regions, effects of breast or formula feeding and experience with different levels of vegetable variety early in weaning on new food acceptance during two months following the start of weaning. METHODS: Breast- or formula-fed infants received their first vegetable (carrot pur? and, over the next 9 days, either carrots every day; 3 vegetables changed every 3 days; or 3 vegetables changed daily. On the 12th and 23rd days they received new vegetable pur?, zucchini-tomat…
Are maternal practices associated with children's eating difficulties? Comparing reported and observed behaviours
International audience
Contribution of culture, gender and age to preferences to different rice samples
International audience
Contrasting associations between maternal feeding styles and different dimensions of pre-schoolers' eating behaviours
International audience
Young children’s eating behaviors: the links with fathers’ and mothers’ feeding practices
International audience; Parental feeding practices – the strategies to control ‘what', ‘how much', ‘when', ‘where', and ‘how' a child eats1 – can be a tool to promote healthy eating habits from a very young age. To support parents in feeding in the best possible way, it is crucial to have a profound understanding of the precise effect of these feeding practices on both the qualitative (e.g., food neophobia) and quantitative dimensions (e.g., self-regulation of intake) of a child's eating behavior. Some feeding practices potentially have a beneficial effect on one dimension, but a deleterious effect on the other dimension. It is also important to gain more insights in the role of fathers in …
A simultaneous classification of products and descriptors before a grayscale representation of the profiles
National audience
Chapter 5 - Perceptual interactions in complex odor mixtures: the blending effect
Demand for french baguette: do BDM and real choice experiment give similar results?
International audience; The aim of this study was to compare two non-hypothetical approaches commonly used to reveal consumer willingness to pay. The accordance between these two methods can be examined at an aggregate level by comparing demand curves. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested 4 baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced to 17 scenarios. In each scenario, consumers chose between the four baguettes at various prices and a „no purchase‟ option. To compare data obtained with both methods we estimated demand curves for each baguette. We observed small differences between demand for French baguette obtained with the BDM mechanism and …
Estimating odorant trigeminal threshold with the laterization method associated to a constant stimuli procedure
International audience
Développement d’une mesure d’orientation de l’attention visuelle vers des stimuli alimentaires : Adaptation de la Visual Probe Task
National audience
Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.
www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)
Learning to Eat Vegetables in Early Life: The Role of Timing, Age and Individual Eating Traits
Vegetable intake is generally low among children, who appear to be especially fussy during the pre-school years. Repeated exposure is known to enhance intake of a novel vegetable in early life but individual differences in response to familiarisation have emerged from recent studies. In order to understand the factors which predict different responses to repeated exposure, data from the same experiment conducted in three groups of children from three countries (n = 332) aged 4-38 m (18.9 +/- 9.9 m) were combined and modelled. During the intervention period each child was given between 5 and 10 exposures to a novel vegetable (artichoke puree) in one of three versions (basic, sweet or added e…
Liking the odour, liking the food. Toddlers' liking of strongly flavoured foods correlates with liking of their odour
Olfaction plays a significant role in the sensing of foods. However, little information is available at any age on the relationship between the hedonic responses to given food odours and the effective liking and disliking of foods bearing these same odours. The present study aimed to assess the relationships between food odour liking and liking of the corresponding foods. This study relied on a longitudinal design involving 235 toddlers who were assessed for both their observed liking of a set of food odours and their parent-reported liking of foods at 12 and 22 months. To assess odour liking, eight odorants representing pleasant and unpleasant foods were presented in bottles along with neu…
A prospective study of food liking in childhood
International audience
Parental practices perceived by children using a French version of the Kids’ Child Feeding Questionnaire
WOS:000293677900024; International audience; About 18% of 6-11-year-old French children are overweight, of whom 3.3% are obese. Parental feeding practices, especially restriction and pressure-to-eat, seem to promote overeating in children. Since no tool was available for the perception of parental feeding practices of French children, our aim was to validate a French version of the Kids'Child Feeding Questionnaire (KCFQ, Carper, Orlet Fischer, & Birch, 2000), and to determine the relationship between KCFQ's dimensions and children's standardised body mass index (BMI z-scores). The questionnaire was completed by 240 normal-weighted or overweight children between the age of 9 and 11. The vali…
Are reactions to new foods at weaning related to infants’ taste reactivity at the age of 6 months?
Are reactions to new foods at weaning related to infants’ taste reactivity at the age of 6 months?. 3. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense)
Unravelling some early determinants of liking for vegetables at 2 years: a longitudinal study from pregnancy to 2 years
International audience; Food preferences guide food choices, and impact nutritional status, but their early origin needs clarification. The study aimed at understanding the early determining factors of the liking of vegetables (LVeg) at 2y, taking into account peri- and post-natal feeding experiences, children's acceptance of food tastes and odors and parental feeding practices. In a cohort of children (n 314), the milk, complementary feeding (CF) and table feeding received by children and the diet consumed by mothers during pregnancy/lactation were recorded by diaries. The acceptance of food tastes was evaluated in the lab at 3, 6, 12, 20mo; and of food odors at 8, 13, 22mo. Parental feedi…
The role of taste in food acceptance at the beginning of complementary feeding
article présenté lors du 18. Annual Meeting of the Society-for-the-Study-of-Ingestive-Behavior ; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie (Etats-Unis) - (2010-07-13 - 2010-07-17) / Rencontres; International audience; Introduction of solid foods is a major step in the establishment of eating behavior and is likely to affect children's health. However, the role of taste in acceptance of new foods, in particular in the first months of complementary feeding, is not fully understood and was the aim of the present study. Infants had to be in good health to participate (N=74). First, the infants' reactions to new foods were recorded by their parents between the ages of 5 and 7 months using a 4-point-scale ranging…
Impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on subsequent food choices
International audience; Current research in psychology suggests that unconscious processes influence a significant proportion of choices and decisions. To study the impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on food choices, we used a priming paradigm. We had previously shown that non-attentively perceived fruity odours could impact food choice intentions (on a menu card), guiding participants toward items containing more fruit and/or vegetables. The present study was designed to extend these findings, in a real-life consumption setting. One hundred and fifteen participants took part in this study, and were assigned randomly to either a control or a scented condition. On arrival in the lab…
Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in preschool children: evolution over 1 year and impact of an intervention focusing on internal cues
Invited communication in final symposiumInvited communication in final symposium; absent
Impact d'un logo nutritionnel sur les choix de goûters au sein de la dyade mère-enfant
National audience; Introduction et But de l'étude : L'étiquetage nutritionnel peut constituer un levier pour orienter les choix alimentaires en faveur d'aliments sains. A notre connaissance, aucune étude n'a évalué l'impact du logo Nutri-Score sur les choix de goûter au sein de la dyade mère-enfant. Notre objectif est de comparer la qualité nutritionnelle des goûters choisis avant et après étiquetage des produits avec le logo Nutri-score afin de mesurer son impact et d'évaluer le coût hédonique généré par un éventuel changement de choix. Matériel et Méthodes : 95 dyades mère-enfant (CE2, CM1, CM2) ont participé à une étude conduite en laboratoire où chaque mère et chaque enfant choisissaien…
La formation des préférences alimentaires
Chapitre 21; National audience
In silico approach to identify odor metric using odor descriptions
International audience
Associations between mother-infant dyadic functioning during mealtimes and infant's caloric compensation ability
Les habitudes alimentaires des familles françaises pendant le confinement lié au COVID-19 : (comment) ont-elles changé ?
La pandemie liee au COVID-19 a conduit la France a imposer un confinement strict, affectant les habitudes des familles dans de nombreux domaines Cette etude visait a evaluer les changements possibles dans les comportements alimentaires des enfants, les pratiques educatives parentales en matiere d'alimentation et les motivations d'achat des aliments, pendant le confinement par rapport a la periode avant confinement Pendant le confinement, les parents de 498 enfants âges de 3 a 12 ans (238 garcons ;M = 7,32 ;ET = 2,27) ont repondu a une enquete nationale en ligne comprenant les items issus de questionnaires valides (ex CEDQ, CEBQ, HomeSTEAD) Ils ont decrit leur situation et celle de l'enfant …
Des expositions répétées à un produit alimentaire nouveau permettent-elles une augmentation des préférences ?
National audience
Impact of adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices on eating in the absence of hunger and caloric compensation in preschool children
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Between the ages of 3 and 5 years, children may become less responsive to internal cues of satiation and more responsive to external cues, which may induce overeating and lead to weight gain. This study aimed to compare eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) and caloric compensation in 3- to 6-year-old children, and to relate the measurements with children's adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices. METHODS: According to a within-subject three sequential condition design, food intake in children (n=236) was measured at lunch during three sessions, once a week. The same meal (565 kcal) was offered at each session. The first session (control) was only composed …
Le sel dans l'alimentation du jeune enfant : effet sur les préférences, conséquences sur les consommations
National audience
Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially disliked vegetables in 7-month old infants
Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience; In the weeks following the start of weaning, 70 mothers were asked to identify a vegetable purée that their infant disliked and that they normally would not offer again. The 49 who did so were then asked to offer that vegetable on alternate days for 16 days, and to offer a well-liked one (carrot purée) on the other days. Amount eaten and acceptance were measured at each meal. On the first day of exposure, mean intake of the initially disliked vegetable was 39…
How does eating in the absence of hunger in children relate to child's BMI, inhibitory control and to maternal controlling feeding practices?
International audience; Young children have an innate ability to self-regulate their food-intake by following their inner sensations of hunger and satiation. Children's temperamental traits and environmental factors, such as controlling feeding practices, can alter their self-regulation abilities and can induce weight gain in the long-term. The current study aimed to study how young children's eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) is related to their level of inhibitory control, body mass index (BMI) and maternal controlling feeding practices (food as reward, restriction for health, restriction for weight control). Mothers of 621 French children aged 2.00-6.97 years (51% boys, M = 4.11 year…
Salt content impacts food preferences and intake among children
This work was supported by a PhD grant from the Nutrition, Chemical Food Safety and Consumer Behavior Division of INRA (French National Institute for Agronomical Research, France) and the Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SB; and by a research grant (Gustolf) from Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.; Decreasing dietary sodium intake, which can be achieved by reducing salt content in food, is recommended. Salt contributes to the taste of foods and makes them more enjoyable. Whether a food is liked or disliked is an important determina…
Salivary proteins and bitterness acceptance in infants: an intringuing link
Salivary proteins and bitterness acceptance in infants: an intringuing link[u][/u]. 9. European symposium on saliva
Are maternal practices associated with child fussiness?
International audience
Attentional biases toward food pictures: influence of olfactory priming according to weight status
International audience
Relationship between composition, sodium release and saltiness in chicken sausage
International audience
Development of new tools to assess child's eating behaviour: child's food preferences and parental feeding practices associated with child's self-regulation
National audience
Impacts of a non-consciously perceived food odour on subsequent food-related behaviour
International audience
Convergence/divergence des pratiques éducatives en matière d'alimentation entre les parents : quel impact sur le comportement alimentaire de l'enfant ?
National audience; Introduction et but de l’étude: La période de 2 à 6 ans est caractérisée par un pic de rejets alimentaires chez les enfants ainsi que par une détérioration de leur capacité d’autorégulation énergétique. Les recherches antérieures se sont principalement centrées sur les liens entre les pratiques éducatives maternelles en matière d’alimentation et les comportements alimentaires des enfants. Le rôle des pratiques paternelles et de la convergence/divergence de ces pratiques entre les parents a reçu beaucoup moins d'attention. L’objectif de cette étude est de combler cette lacune en examinant l’effet de convergence/divergence des pratiques éducatives en matière d'alimentation …
Taste acceptance: evolution in the 1st year and influence on food acceptance.
www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)
Child eating behaviours and parental feeding practices during the COVID-19 lockdown in France: did they change?
International audience; Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused France to impose a strict lockdown on its inhabitants for 8 weeks; leaving your home was allowed only under certain circumstances. This unseen situation affected families' habits in various domains. This study wanted to evaluate possible changes in child eating behaviours, parental feeding practices, and parental motivations when shopping food during the lockdown, compared to the period before the lockdown. Methods: Parents of 498 children aged 3-12 years (238 boys, 260 girls; mean age=7.32; SD=2.27) completed an online survey with items from validated questionnaires (e.g., CEDQ, CEBQ, HomeSTEAD). They reported on their …
Short-term caloric compensation ability in infants below 15 months old
International audience; Background and aims In infancy, a too rapid weight gain is a risk factor associated with overweight. Growth is linked to the infant's ability to adjust energy intake depending on the energy density of foods. Evidence regarding the behavioral aspects of appetite control ability in infancy is sparse. The objective was to study the short-term energy adjustment ability of, first, exclusively milk fed infants before the onset of complementary feeding (CF) and, second, of infants at 11 mo and 15 mo. Methods Caloric compensation ability was assessed in infants by adapting a preload paradigm. Before CF, the ‘preload' was a feed with formula made more or less caloric by conce…
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space. Human chemosensation meeting
Does an intervention based on the pleasure of eating healthy foods could favour a positive relationship between food liking and perceived healthiness in children?
International audience; It is generally admitted that consumers perceived unhealthy foods as tastier than healthy foods. However, the opposite association was found in French adults (Werle et al., 2013). Moreover, Marty et al. (2018) found that French children liked healthy foods as much as unhealthy foods. However, the link between liking and perceived healthiness in children needs to be further investigated, in particular at the individual level. Thus, our study aims, first at assessing the link between liking and perceived healthiness in children and, second at determining whether this potential link was modified after an intervention promoting pleasure of consuming healthy foods. To do …
Infant feeding practices and early neurodevelopment
Sensitivity to bitterness: may in-mouth proteolysis be involved?
Sensitivity to bitterness: may in-mouth proteolysis be involved?. 9. Pangborn sensory science symposium
A multi-generational study on low-dose BPA exposure in Wistar rats: Effects on maternal behavior, flavor intake and development
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a common endocrine disruptor found as an environmental and food contaminant. It exerts both developmental and behavioral effects, mainly when exposure occurs in early life. The aim of this study was to determine the multi-generational effects of chronic, human-relevant low-dose exposure to BPA on development, maternal behavior and flavor preference in Wistar rats. BPA was orally administered at a daily dose of 5 mu g/kg body weight to FO pregnant dams from the first day of gestation (GD 1) until the last day of lactation (LD 21), and then to Fl offspring from weaning (PND 21) to adulthood (PND 100). F2 offspring were not exposed. Development and clinical signs of toxici…
The impact of breastfeeding and early vegetable variety on acceptance of new foods over repeated exposure
Effects of BPA and Endocrine Disruptor Mixtures on development and taste preferences in the non-exposed F2 offspring Wistar rats. CIME project
Effects of BPA and Endocrine Disruptor Mixtures on development and taste preferences in the non-exposed F2 offspring Wistar rats. CIME project. Colloque PNR-PE
Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children
Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group
Smell but not taste reactivity is related to food neophobia in toddlers: results from the Opaline cohort
National audience; Context and objective: Research has previously identified relationships between chemosensory reactivity and food neophobia in toddlers. However, most studies have addressed this question using declarative data, and without analyzing separately smell and taste. The objective of the present study was twofold. The first objective was to assess the relationships between olfactory reactivity and taste reactivity in toddlers, using experimental designs with different tastants and odorants. The second objective was to determine the relationships between olfactory /taste reactivity and food neophobia in toddlers. The hypothesis was that the higher the chemosensory reactivity of t…
Equi-intensity across the SpectrumTM taste scales
Abstract This work aimed to study the equi-intensity across the Spectrum™ taste scales. The approach consisted of a comparison of four reference points illustrating the same level of intensity across the scales using two very different methods: 2-alternative forced-choice (2-AFC) and Labeled Magnitude Scale (LMS). The comparisons across these scales were based on caffeine, citric acid, sodium chloride, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate in water solutions, at different concentrations, prepared according to the guidelines given for the Spectrum™ method. A scale concerning the umami taste, designed in the spirit of the Spectrum™ scales, was also studied in this work. Both procedures produced s…
Early determinants of fruit and vegetables liking among children
Early determinants of fruit and vegetables liking among children. Séminaire du projet européen HabEat
Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in chlorine flavor acceptability but not sensitivity
International audience; Unpleasant taste and especially chlorine flavor is one of the most common reasons advocated for choosing tap water alternatives as drinking water. As a consequence, the putative link between sensitivity to chlorine flavor and tap water consumption is an issue in drinking water habits studies. In the present study, we set out to examine such a link following a strategy in which we measured chlorine flavor perception at threshold and supra-threshold level for two groups of participants selected on their drinking water consumption habits. The first group included exclusive tap water consumers and the second group included exclusive bottled water consumers. In a first ex…
Reading a brochure containing infant feeding recommendations, a way to improve the level and quality of knowledge in French parents?
Perception of wine fruity and woody notes : influence of peri- threshold odorants
International audience
Binary models of an odour masking effect in wine
International audience
Flavour release from poly saccharide gels : different approaches for the determination of kinetic parameters
International audience; Two different approaches were developed to quantify aroma release: static headspace syringe injection analysis at different times, and dynamic headspace analysis with trapping on Tenax® for different times. They were applied on two polysaccharide matrices in order to better understand relationships between the structure of the food matrix and flavour perception. These two approaches allowed the determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. Dynamic methods better simulate flavour release in the mouth, but only static measurements allow a determination of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters with a good precision.
In vivo aroma release during eating of a model cheese : relationships with oral parameters
International audience
Influence d’un amorçage olfactif chez des adultes de statut pondéral diffèrent
National audience
Food choices at lunch during the third year of life: Increase in energy intake but decrease in variety
Aim: Modelling the evolution between the ages of 2 and 3 y of the energy intake and the variety of free food choices at lunch time in relation to children's and context variables. Methods: One-year follow-up from 2 to 3 y old. In a nursery canteen, food choices at lunch were recorded by trained assistants who monitored portion size. Energy intake and food variety were estimated. Three hundred and ninety-five children were studied, for 112 meals and over 10 mo on average. Mixed models of analysis of variance were used to take into account the longitudinal character of the data. Results: From 2 to 3 y, energy intake increased. Variety decreased during the first 7 mo and then remained constant…
Features of multicomponent odour mixtures leading to blending effect in humans
International audience
Dietary variety in infants by the end of the 1st year: insights from a new questionnaire
There are data on the nutritional composition of foods dedicated to infants but descriptions of the infant's diet in terms of energy density (ED) are sparse. Besides, around the age of 1 year, the infant's diet shifts from foods specifically dedicated to infants to a diet composed of adult foods making this time period of interest. Our objective was to describe the ED of the consumed vegetable, the infants' exposure to dietary ED variability for vegetable-based recipes and whether this was linked to individual characteristics like sex, z-BMI or duration of breastfeeding and the age at the onset of complementary feeding. When their infant was 11 months old, parents completed a 3-month retros…
Are decisions in a real choice experiment consistent with reservation prices elicited with BDM 'auction'? The case of French baguettes
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare consumer choices observed in a real choice experiment and their reservation prices elicited with the BDM mechanism in order to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested four French baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced with 17 scenarios (17 × 4 baguette-price combinations). In each method, participants could select a “no purchase” option. Comparing choices and reservation prices made it possible to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. From a strict economic standpoint, 50% of observed choices were fully rational. When one baguette was a…
Réactivité hédonique vis-à-vis d’odeurs alimentaires chez les nourrissons
Réactivité hédonique vis-à-vis d’odeurs alimentaires chez les nourrissons. Colloque Régional Nutrition et Santé Publique
Consumer acceptance of nutritional innovation in traditional cheeses: effect of omega-3 information on hedonic scores and valuation
International audience
Une application du modèle mixte au suivi longitudinal de la taille du repas, validation et représentations graphiques
National audience
Infants' hedonic responsiveness to food odours: a longitudinal study during and after weaning (8, 12 and 22 months)
Abstract Background Olfaction is a highly salient sensory modality in early human life. Neonates show keen olfactory sensitivity and hedonic responsiveness. However, little is known about hedonic olfactory responsiveness between the neonatal period and 2 years of age. In an attempt to fill this gap, this longitudinal follow-up study aimed at investigating hedonic responses to food odours in infants during the first 2 years of life. The second objective was to evaluate whether gender has an influence on hedonic responses during this early period. Four control stimuli and eight odours (four rated by adults as a priori pleasant and four a priori unpleasant) were presented in bottles to 235 inf…
Food-related sensory experience from birth through weaning: contrasted patterns in two nearby European regions
International audience; This study describes infant feeding practices among mothers from two European regions from the perspective of early sensory experiences. Two groups of mothers, one in Dijon , France (n=139), the other in Aalen , Germany (n=157) with infants aged 4–9 months were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Clear between- and within-group differences in weaning practices were found, particularly with respect to breastfeeding duration (Aalen>Dijon) and exposure to flavour variety early in weaning (Dijon>Aalen). By 4 months, 65% of infants in Dijon and 20% in Aalen, had received their first non-milk, solid foods. Before beginning to wean, 39% of mothers in Dijon offered…
Evaluation of olfactory intensity : comparative study of two methods
Two experimental procedures recommended for the evaluation of the psychophysical characteristics of odorous compounds, olfactory matching with the 1-butanol scale and cross-modality matching with the finger span are compared. The intensity of ethyl butyrate and guaiacol solutions presented at four different concentration levels was evaluated by a panel of sixteen subjects over five repetitions using the two methods. Each stimulus was delivered to the subject from a Teflon bag through a nose-shaped glass sniffing port. The discrimination ability, repeatability, panel homogeneity and within-subject variability of the methods were assessed. Results indicate that with both methods, subjects wer…
Saliva electrophoretic protein profiles in infants: changes with age and impact of teeth eruption and diet transition.
International audience; Objective : The objective of this study was to describe the changes in salivary protein profiles in infants between the ages of 3 and 6 months, and to evaluate the impact of teeth eruption and introduction of solid foods on such profiles. Design : 73 infants were followed longitudinally at 3 and 6 months of age. Their whole saliva proteins were separated by SDS–PAGE electrophoresis and semi-quantified by image analysis. Amylase activity was also measured on a sub-sample of the population (n=42 infants). Bands which abundance was significantly different between the two ages according to paired comparisons were identified by mass spectrometry techniques. Results : Out …
Calculating the implied correlation matrix for a Path Analysis model
To overcome the limitations of two existing methods for calculating a Path Analysis implied correlation matrix, this paper presents an alternative method for calculating this matrix. This new method is based on a recurrence principle which is easy and quick to implement. This method is also operational regardless of the number of variables. The consequences of this result with the estimation or testing stages will be illustrated on the basis of examples.
Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children
Childhood obesity may be responsible for a major alteration of life quality in children and in future adults. The causes of obesity are multiple and obesity results from a chronic imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure. The challenge is to understand the cause of this imbalance. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contribution of the attraction toward salty, sweet and fatty foods. Thus, the first aim of this study was to establish a tool to assess children’s attraction toward sweet, salty and fatty foods that could be used later in large-scale cohorts. The second objective was to compare this questionnaire to sensory tests measuring the overall liking for sweet…
Exposure to different regimens of food variety influences the acceptance of new flavours by weanling infants
International audience
Impact of the information provided to the consumers on their willingness to pay : comparison of two methods applied on Champagne
National audience
Just noticeable differences in component concentrations modify the odor quality of a blending mixture.
International audience; The odors we perceive are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants that, however, are commonly perceived as single undivided entities; nevertheless, the processes involved remain poorly explored. It has been recently reported that perceptual blending based on configural olfactory processing can cause odorant mixtures to give rise to an emergent odor not present in the components. The present study examined whether specific component proportions are required to elicit an emergent odor. Starting from the composition of a ternary target mixture in which an emergent pineapple odor was perceived, 4 concentration levels of each component were chosen to elicit just noticea…
Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity
Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity. Forum Jeunes chercheurs
The role of novelty detection in food memory
International audience; Memory plays a central role in food choice. Recent studies focusing on food memory in everyday eating and drinking behaviour used a paradigm based on incidental learning of target foods and unexpected memory testing, demanding recognition of the target among distractors, which deviate slightly from the target. Results question the traditional view of memory as reactivation of previous experiences. Comparison of data from several experiments shows that in incidentally learned memory, distractors are rejected, while original targets are not recognised better than by chance guessing. Food memory is tuned at detecting novelty and change, rather than at recognising a prev…
Hedonic responses to food odours in 1-2 year-old toddlers: a longitudinal study
Communication orale; International audience
New questionnaire to assess parental feeding practices in large scale studies: cross validation in three countries (France, Portugal and Greece)
National audience