Benoist Schaal
Olfaction in the fetal and premature infant: functional status and clinical implications.
This article considers olfaction as a functioning source of information for the fetus and the neonate, born on term or prematurely. It aims to present how odors are involved in the sensory continuity between the prenatal and postnatal environments and how they influence the earliest adaptive responses of newborns in the realms of self-regulation, emotional balance, feeding, and social interactions.Finally, it evaluates odors as sensory means to ameliorate the physiologic and behavioral responses of preterm infants to the adverse impacts of separation from mother, nonoral feeding, or iatrogenic distress.
Olores, aprendizaje y periodos sensibles durante el desarrollo
traduction simultanée du titre; absent
Odeurs et saveurs du sein et du lait : facilitatrices de l'allaitement et promotrices d'apprentissages
National audience
Effects of Perinatal Chemical Variety Exposure on Adulthood Emotional Response to Novelty in Mice
Chemical and behavioural characterization of the rabbit mammary pheromone.
Mammals owe part of their evolutionary success to the harmonious exchanges of information, energy and immunity between females and their offspring. This functional reciprocity is vital for the survival and normal development of infants, and for the inclusive fitness of parents. It is best seen in the intense exchanges taking place around the mother's offering of, and the infant's quest for, milk. All mammalian females have evolved behavioural and sensory methods of stimulating and guiding their inexperienced newborns to their mammae, whereas newborns have coevolved means to respond to them efficiently. Among these cues, maternal odours have repeatedly been shown to be involved, but the chem…
Abdominal odours of young, low-ranking European rabbit mothers are less attractive to pups: an experiment with animals living under natural breeding conditions.
International audience
Les attentes sensorielles du nouveau-né : Modelage périnatal et Fonctions adaptatives
Exposure to Androstenes Influences Processing of Emotional Words
This article is part of the Research Topic 'The Importance of Olfaction in Intra- and Interspecific Communication'; International audience; There is evidence that human-produced androstenes affect attitudinal, emotional, and physiological states in a context-dependent manner, suggesting that they could be involved in modulating social interactions. For instance, androstadienone appears to increase attention specifically to emotional information. Most of the previous work focused on one or two androstenes. Here, we tested whether androstenes affect linguistic processing, using three different androstene compounds. Participants (90 women and 77 men) performed a lexical decision task after bei…
Perception périphérique des signaux sensoriels. 1- Gustation
National audience
The breast and milk as conveyors of mother-to-infant communication cues
Configural perception of 6-odorant mixtures in newborn rabbits and human adults
International audience
Modelage périnatal et fonctions adaptatives des attentes sensorielles du nouveau-né et du jeune enfant
Olfactory responses: attraction or avoidance of food odours in the first two years of life?
National audience; Olfaction is a salient sensory modality early in life. Neonates show keen olfactory sensitivity and hedonic responsiveness. However, little is known on how olfactory responses develop over the first two years, especially in term of hedonics. Besides, olfaction plays an important role in the perception and appreciation of foods. Here, we aim to assess hedonic reactivity to food odours in the first two years of life in the context of a longitudinal study on the development of food preferences (OPALINE). Olfactory tests were conducted on 235 participants at 8, 12, 22 months. Scented and unscented bottles were presented successively and sequentially to them. The stimuli consi…
Descendance captive : effets maternels olfactifs dans le développement précoce des toxicophilies
International audience
The mammary pheromone of the rabbit: from where does it come?
Newborn rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, are directed to their mother's nipples by specialized odour cues. Previous investigations have suggested that these cues are released from the doe's abdominal surface from structures located around the nipple. We tested pups with samples of various cutaneous tissues or fluids collected from lactating females to determine the location of the source of the odour cues. After finding that the nipples from lactating does were more attractive than those of virgin females, we conducted three experiments using skin samples collected at increasing distance from the nipples, dermal and mammary tissues taken below the nipples, and milk collected at different lev…
Orientation of newborn mice to lactating females: Identifying biological substrates of semiochemical interest
International audience; Among mammals, odor-based communication between females and infants is decisive for neonatal survival. So far, the nature of odor substrates involved in the localization of the mother and their nipples is unknown in mice. The present study aims: (1) to evaluate the specific attractive value of lactating females to newborn mice, (2) to localize the abdominal region that is most attractive to pups, and (3) to identify odor substrates that support such attraction. Results showed that 5-6-day-old mice roam preferentially over the abdomen of lactating females than the abdomen of non-lactating females. In lactating females, pups are more attracted to abdominal areas compri…
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect. 13. Weurman flavour research symposium
Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially disliked vegetables in 7-month old infants: Individual differences in intake and liking patterns
Transmitting selective responsiveness: Odour-based maternal effects in Mammals
Testing Smell When It Is Really Vital: Behavioral Assays of Social Odors in the Neonatal Mouse
The initial interactions of mouse newborns with their mother are crucial for their survival. These interactions rapidly end in the pups reaching nipples and getting milk. While we realize that olfaction is clearly prevailing in the success of these first suckling episodes, we still understand little about the nature and range of the natural odorants involved. Here we non-exhaustively describe some experimental principles and methods to assay the behavior of newly born and infant mice exposed to different odor stimuli from conspecifics. Testing neonatal and young mice with chemostimuli which they are evolutionarily or developmentally canalized to detect may be a productive way to trace unant…
Odour mixture processing: from birth to adulthood
International audience
Olfaction and early development in mammals
Infant preferences for food odours
Communication orale
Sensorialité et diversification alimentaire
ISSN : 0291-0233 ; http://www.medecine-et-enfance.net/
Quand la survie des nouveau-nés ne tient qu'à un fil... odorant
Olfaction and behaviour: From fetus to infant to child
“Once liked – Always liked” or how do we develop odor preferences
key-note talk; absent
Tony DeCasper, the man who changed contemporary views on human fetal cognitive abilities
Tony DeCasper, the man who changed contemporary views on human fetal cognitive abilities
Application of what we know about early olfactory development to practice in the NICU
plenary talk; absent
L’épigenèse de l’hédonisme olfactif et gustatif chez l’enfant
National audience
Human neonatal responses to androstenone
Poster P327 session VII: Olfactory Psychophysics & Clinical Studies; Central Olfaction; Aims. Human newborns show equal attraction to the odors of amniotic. fluid (AF) and mothers’ colostrum [1]. As 5-a-androst-16-en-3-. one (An) has been found in both fluids [2, 3], we studied it as a. potential vector of this perinatal odor continuity and of neonatal. attraction to the smell of breast and milk [4]. Methods. Two studies. were run. 1) We recorded the behavior of 16 newborns (3 days) and. 26 adults exposed to a saturating water solution of An and to 3. reference odorants [butyric acid, B; vanilla, V; water, W]. 2) We videotaped. 26 newborns (3 days) being administered 7 stimuli: 4 dilution. …
Le modelage des attentes sensorielles par l'environnement prénatal
Perceptual Interactions in Complex Odor Mixtures
The perception of everyday odors relies on elemental or configural processing of complex mixtures of odorants. Theoretically, the configural processing of a mixture could lead to the perception of a single specific odor for the mixture; however, such a type of perception has hardly been proven in human studies. Here, we report the results of a sorting task demonstrating that a six-component mixture carries an odor clearly distinct from the odors of its components. These results suggest a blending effect of individual components’ odors in mixtures containing more than three odorants.
A neural marker of rapid discrimination of facial expression in 3.5 and 7-month-old infants
Little is known about infants' ability to rapidly discriminate a facial expression against many others. Here, we investigated the development of facial expression discrimination in infancy with fast periodic visual stimulation coupled with scalp electroencephalography (EEG). EEG was recorded in 3.5- and 7-month-old infants (n=18 per group) displayed with an expressive (disgust or happy) or neutral female face at a base stimulation frequency of 6 Hz. Pictures of the same individual randomly expressing other expressions (either anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, or neutrality) were introduced every 6 stimuli (i.e., at 6/6 = 1 Hz) to directly isolate a discrimination response between th…
Children's reward responses to picture- and odor-cued food stimuli: a developmental analysis between 6 and 11years.
International audience; The reward system is largely involved in the control of food intake. Whether components of this system (i.e., wanting and liking) change during development remains understudied, as well as how proximate factors (sensory cues, motivational state) modulate reward reactivity across development. We examined the developmental pattern of wanting and liking for sensorily-cued food stimuli in 6-11year old children as a function of the child's motivational state (hunger/satiety), gender, and the nature of foods. School children were exposed before or after their lunch on alternative days to visual and odor stimuli representing different categories of familiar foods. Their tas…
Variability in olfactory reactivity in 7-8 month-old infants
To determine the origin of early food preference variability, an Observatory of Food Preference in Infants and Children (Opaline) was set up. One of its objectives is to relate hedonic reaction to odours to previous exposures (via amniotic fluid and/or breast milk) and to understand the role of hedonic reaction to odours on food rejections or preferences. To answer this question, we developed an instrument to measure and to compare olfactory reactivity in 7-8 month-old infants.
Indices odorants et phéromones chez les mammifères: sur-détermination des signaux dans un contexte social soumis à forte contrainte évolutive.
Odour-guided social behaviour in newborn and young cats: an analytical survey.
International audience
Body odor and perfume of caregivers are salient to typically- and atypically- developing young children
Body odor and perfume of caregivers are salient to typically- and atypically- developing young children. 24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO)
Olfactory Event-Related Potentials Reflect Individual Differences in Odor Valence Perception
Investigating the neural substrates of perceived quality in olfaction using different odorants is intrinsically difficult. By utilizing individual differences in perceived quality of the odor of androstenone, we obtained a continuum of individual differences in rated valence of the same stimulus allowing investigations of its manifestation in the olfactory event-related potentials (ERPs). In an initial group consisting of 43 individuals that were screened for their verbal descriptors and sensitivity for the odor of androstenone, 22 normosmic volunteers were chosen forming 2 distinct groups with regard to verbal labels (‘‘body odor'' and ‘‘nonbody odor'') for androstenone while maintaining c…
Une alimentation maternelle enrichie en gras pendant la gestation et l’allaitement oriente le nouveau-né vers un lait produit sous régime gras (modèle murin)
Prenatal Mouth Movements: Can We Identify Co-Ordinated Fetal Mouth and LIP Actions Necessary for Feeding?
Observations of prenatal movement patterns of mouth and lips essential for feeding could have the potential for an assessment of the readiness to feed after birth. Although there is some research on suckingper se, we know very little about prenatal preparatory movements for sucking, namely, the ability to co-ordinate opening the mouth widely and then pursing the lips as if around a teat or nipplein utero. The purpose of the present study was to test two hypotheses using an adapted version of the Facial Action Coding Scheme: first that mouth stretch (AU 27) will be followed by lip pucker (AU 18), and second that these coordinated movement patterns will increase as a function of gestational a…
Responsiveness of human neonates to the odor of 5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one: A behavioral paradox?
The odorous steroid 5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one (AND) occurs in numerous biological fluids in mammals, including man, where it is believed to play a chemocommunicative role. As AND was recently detected in milk and amniotic fluid, sensitivity and hedonic responses to this substance were assessed in human neonates. To this aim, respiration and facial expressions were recorded in 3-day-old newborns in response to aqueous solutions of AND, ranging from 500ng/mL to 0.5 fg/mL. Although analyses of respiratory rate did not lead to clear-cut results, the newborns changed their facial expressions at concentrations not detected by adults in a triangle test. Newborns displayed negative facial actions …
Watching happy faces potentiates incentive salience but not hedonic reactions to palatable food cues in overweight/obese adults
International audience; ‘Wanting’ and ‘liking’ are mediated by distinct brain reward systems but their dissociation in human appetite and overeating remains debated. Further, the influence of socioemotional cues on food reward is little explored. We examined these issues in overweight/obese (OW/OB) and normal-weight (NW) participants who watched food images varying in palatability in the same time as videoclips of avatars looking at the food images while displaying facial expressions (happy, disgust or neutral) with their gaze directed only toward the food or consecutively toward the food and participants. We measured heart rate (HR) deceleration as an index of attentional/incentive salienc…
Modérateur d'une séance sur l'éducation du goût
The human breast as a scent organ: structures, secretions, chemistry and possible functions in mother-infant interactions
The development of oral feeding skills in infants.
Appropriate nutritional intake is a major component of growth in infants. Interests in nutrition customarily have been centered on the types of nutrients and caloric intake offered, for example, the benefits of mother's milk over that of formula, presence/absence of growth factors, and potential advantages provided by probiotics early in life [1, 2]. An important component of infant nutrition that has been overlooked until recently is the ability of infants to take their nutrients by mouth safely and successfully. As the majority of healthy term newborns are readily taken to the breast or bottle soon after birth, the ability to feed by mouth generally does not raise concern. However, over t…
Odorization of a novel object can influence infant's exploratory behavior in unexpected ways.
International audience; Although much is known about the development of object exploration during infancy, it remains to be understood whether and how olfaction can influence infants' interactions with novel objects. To address these issues, sixteen infants aged 7-15 months were videotaped during two consecutive 5-min free play sessions with a scented or an unscented version of visually similar objects. Results indicate that adding an odor to a novel object influenced the infants' behavior: the infants exhibited more and longer manipulations and mouthing of the unscented object than of the scented object. The differential responsiveness to the scented, relative to the unscented, object was …
Adaptive value of maternal odors in human neonates
The neural networks underlying the liking and wanting responses to food odors are modified in bulimia nervosa
The neural networks underlying the liking and wanting responses to food odors are modified in bulimia nervosa. 25. Congress of the european chemoreception research organisation (ECRO)
La formation d'attentes sensorielles chez le foetus et le nouveau-né: implications pour le développement des préférences
National audience
Affective matching of odors and facial expressions in infants: shifting patterns between 3 and 7 months.
Recognition of emotional facial expressions is a crucial skill for adaptive behavior. Past research suggests that at 5 to 7 months of age, infants look longer to an unfamiliar dynamic angry/happy face which emotionally matches a vocal expression. This suggests that they can match stimulations of distinct modalities on their emotional content. In the present study, olfaction-vision matching abilities were assessed across different age groups (3, 5 and 7 months) using dynamic expressive faces (happy vs. disgusted) and distinct hedonic odor contexts (pleasant, unpleasant and control) in a visual-preference paradigm. At all ages the infants were biased toward the disgust faces. This visual bias…
Olfactory function in children assessed with psychophysical and electrophysiological techniques
International audience; The olfactory information processing abilities of children undergo changes during early life. The aims of the present study were to describe these changes and to probe for their electrophysiological correlates. These aims were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, responses of 146 subjects (3-12 years) were tested with psychophysical tools. Approximately 2/3 of the subjects completed the olfactory tests ("Sniffin' Sticks"). In Experiment 2, 12 additional subjects (3-10 years) were tested with electrophysiological tools. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in response to olfactory stimulation with H(2)S. Results from Experiment 1 indicated that d…
Matching emotional expressions of faces within an olfactory context: Does my own feeling matter?
L’odeur du cheval : caractérisation sensorielle humaine, corrélats avec quelques variables indivi-duelles
National audience
A variety of common odour cues and (at least) one pheromone shaping the behaviour of young rabbits: a brief survey
Maternal odor selectively enhances rapid face categorization from natural images in the 4-month-old infant brain
Many Common Odour Cues and (at Least) One Pheromone Shaping the Behaviour of Young Rabbits
Maternal odor selectively enhances the categorization of face(like) stimuli in the 4 month-old infant brain
Présentation Poster; International audience; In the 4-month-old infant brain, the visual categorization of natural face images is enhanced by concomitant maternal odor (Leleu et al., 2019), providing support for the early perception of congruent associations between co-occurring inputs from multiple senses. Here, we further explore whether this maternal odor effect is selective to faces or if it can be explained by a more general influence of salient odor cues on the perception of any visual object category. In Experiment 1, scalp electroencephalogram was recorded during a fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS-EEG) while 4-month-old infants were exposed to the maternal vs. a control odor. …
Des substances naturelles de liaison identifiées dans la voie lactée
invited plenary conference; absent
Indices olfactifs et phéromones chez les Mammifères : Concepts, méthodes, fonctions
Development of social and feeding behaviour in young rabbits
Hommage à Jean-Pierre Lecanuet
Age-related changes in the processing of the Rabbit Mammary Pheromone: morphological transformation in the responses
Chémoréception chez le grand dauphin
National audience; La chémoréception des cétacés a été très peu étudiée et les résultats des quelques études connues, notamment neurobiologiques et génétiques, sont contradictoires. Nous avons donc testé si des dauphins captifs pouvaient percevoir des stimuli chimiques présentés sous différentes formes. Dans une première étude (collaboration Univ. Rennes – Univ. Dijon – Planète Sauvage), nous avons testé si des dauphins étaient capables de discriminer différents stimuli gustatifs. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des glaçons aromatisés avec des goûts différents de hareng, de saumon, de crevette ainsi que des glaçons « neutres ». Les glaçons étaient distribués chaque fois qu’un dauphin le deman…
Le développement des préférences pour les aliments : quelques mécanismes chimiosensoriels et affectifs
The sensory and nutritional experience of parents guide offsprings' feeding behavior
Le comportement alimentaire est régulé par des facteurs physiologiques intrinsèques et est largement influencé par l’environnement culturel. Une prise alimentaire excessive et un mode de vie trop sédentaire sont les principales raisons de l’épidémie mondiale d’obésité. Si l’influence du contexte familial sur les habitudes alimentaires ne fait aucun doute, le fait que l’état nutritionnel, métabolique et hormonal des parents avant la conception, puis de la mère pendant la gestation et l’allaitement puisse influencer le comportement alimentaire futur de l’enfant est un concept novateur qui ouvre la voie à des mesures de prévention. Au cours des dernières décennies, des travaux sur des cohortes…
Activity of neural reward circuits in response to food odors: an fMRI study of liking and wanting
Activity mappings in olfactory bulb of newborn rabbits elicited by odor stimulation using quantitative manganese enhanced MRI
International audience
From 160 to 20 to 1 odorant: steps in a chemo-ethological strategy to identify a mammalian pheromone
This paper presents the strategy used to fractionate a complex odorant mixture into 20 candidate compounds, to finally single out a compound which activity explains the activity of the whole mixture. The joint chemical-behavioral approach will be outlined, and followed by a description of the experiments permitting to enter the isolated key-compound into the category of biologically-active compounds termed "pheromone".
Do overlapping odor constituents explain undifferentiated neonatal attraction to amniotic fluid and human milk?
ISBN-10: 3-938896-38-9 ISBN-13: 978-3-938896-38-9; International audience
L'olfaction dans les transitions du développement précoce : données empiriques et implications cliniques
Age-related changes in the processing of the Rabbit Mammary Pheromone: comparison in domestic and wild pups
Suckling odours in rats and mice: biological substrates that guide newborns to the nipple
Proceedings Paper 12th Meeting of the Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, Aug 28-31, 2011, Berlin, GERMANY ; http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology/book/978-1-4614-5926-2; International audience; It is a general strategy for mammalian females to emit odour signals to direct their offspring to the mammae and to motivate their suckling. The survival of newborns depends on their own capacities to exploit the cues emitted by their mother, or by conspecific lactating females, and to direct their behaviour to the vital targets on the mother's body-the nipples. This chapter synthesises data on some natural substrates that contribute to nipple searching and grasping in the newborns of (laborato…
Empreintes sensorielles : la genèse des préférences alimentaires entre prédispositions et apprentissage
Chemosignals ‘designed for’ neonates in mammals
Focused Meeting of the Animal Behaviour Society and the Biochemical Society; absent
P87 Current practices regarding the introduction of solid foods to infants in two neighbouring cultural groups
Cortical activation of androstadienone is different from perceptually similar odorants
Sight sublimated by odors: effect of subliminal odors on facial emotion detection.
Early development of filial preferences in the rabbit: implications of nursing- and pheromone-induced odour learning?
Newborn rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, discriminate between different categories of adult conspecifics on the basis of their abdominal odour cues. Whether these cues can support the development of filial preferences has not been adequately tested. Using a two-choice paradigm, we assessed the ability of 3–8-day-old pups to orient selectively to the mother versus an unfamiliar female, either spontaneously or after odour conditioning. In experiment 1, nonconditioned pups roamed indifferently over the mother and an unfamiliar female. In experiment 2, pups conditioned to a neutral odorant while nursing or with the mammary pheromone became attracted by the odorant. In experiment 3, pups that had…
Chemocommunication in a vision-ruled world
The odour of human milk: Its chemical variability and detection by newborns
International audience; Human milk odour has for long elicited research interest with regard to its function in breastfeeding initiation. The present review aims to provide an overview of the behavioural effects of human milk odour in the human neonate, considering different types of response measures in a feeding or non-feeding context. Further, an overview of the current knowledge of odorant composition and factors influencing milk odour is provided by summarizing results from analytical studies using olfactometry, and addressing changes in milk odour due to storage, lactational stage, and maternal dietary intake of odorous substances. We finally highlight some issues for future research.
L’enfant consommateur captif de ses préférences
Breastfeeding and experience with variety at weaning increase infants' acceptance of new foods
International audience
How mammalian females olfactorily broadcast the source of milk to their offspring
Seeing odors in color: Cross-modal associations in children and adults from two cultural environments
International audience; We investigated the occurrence and underlying processes of odor–color associations in French and American 6- to 10-year-old children (n = 386) and adults (n = 137). Nine odorants were chosen according to their familiarity to either cultural group. Participants matched each odor with a color, gave hedonic and familiarity judgments, and identified each odor. By 6 years of age, children displayed culture-specific odor–color associations, but age differences were noted in the type of associations. Children and adults in both cultural groups shared common associations and formed associations that were unique to their environment, underscoring the importance of exposure le…
The responsiveness of young rabbits to the mammary pheromone : a predictor of survival ?
National audience; L’objectif de cette expérience était d’étudier le lien existant entre le poids et la réponse/non réponse des lapereaux à la phéromone mammaire, et leur ingestion de lait, leur survie et leur croissance. Pour cela, 293 nouveau-nés de 30 portées on été individuellement testés pour leur réactivité à la phéromone mammaire et leur ingestion de lait au lendemain de leur naissance (J1), et suivis pour leur mortalité et leur croissance jusqu’à J21. Environ 90% des lapereaux ont répondu à la phéromone à J1. Les lapereaux non réactifs à la phéromone ingéraient moins de lait et présentaient un taux de mortalité plus élevé que les lapereaux qui y répondaient (P<0,05). Cet impact est …
Olfactory abilities and behaviour in 6-12 year-old French children
Independence of first- and second-order memories in newborn rabbits
WOS:000291649400006; International audience; The mammary pheromone promotes the acquisition of novel odorants (CS1) in newborn rabbits. Here, experiments pinpoint that CS1 becomes able to support neonatal learning of other odorants (CS2). We therefore evaluated whether these first- and second-order memories remained dependent after reactivation. Amnesia induced after CS2 recall selectively blocked this memory, when recall and amnesia of CS1 left the souvenir of CS2 safe; this finding partially differed from results obtained in adult mammals. Thus, in this model of neonatal appetitive odor learning, second-order memory seems to depend on first-order memory for its formation but not for its m…
Body odors of newborns activate neuronal regions associated with reward in women
abstract in symposium Cerebral Imaging in Taste and Olfaction; Olfactory signals are prime mediators of mother-infant bonding in. mammals, and they have been shown to be linked with maternal. attitudes and behavior in our own species as well. Human mothers. are indeed highly attentive to their infants odor cues, but although. we have good understanding of the neuronal network supporting. mother-infant olfactory recognition in various mammals, to date. no such information exists for humans. The present study is a first attempt at delineating the neural. network underlying the processing of infant odor properties by. women. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),. we measured the …
Chemosensory anxiety signals prime defensive behavior in prepubertal girls
indexation en cours; Chemosensory anxiety signals effectively prime motor responses related to withdrawal behavior, such as the startle reflex, in adult humans. As the reproductive status strongly affects the response to social chemosignals, the current study examined whether chemosensory anxiety signals would augment the startle response in prepubertal children as it does in adults. Using cotton pads, axillary sweat was collected from 28 men while waiting for an important oral examination (anxiety condition), and during ergometer training (sport control condition). Using a constant-flow olfactometer, sweat samples and pure cotton samples (cotton control) were presented to 10 prepubertal gi…
Identification of odor active substances in human amniotic fluid
Poster P326 session VII: Olfactory Psychophysics & Clinical Studies; Central Olfaction; Objectives. Physiological evidence indicates that olfaction could. already function in the human fetus [1]. Right after birth the odor. of amniotic fluid (AF) is detectable to newborns and seems to. attract [2] and calm them [3]. Such early attraction may derive. from fetal learning/memory, and may help newborns adapt to the. postnatal environment. The chemosensory basis of AF. attractiveness has not been investigated yet, and this study aimed. to characterize odor active compounds therein. Methods. The. flavor profile of AF was monitored by descriptive sensory. evaluation using an adult panel, while the…
L'excès ou la perte d'olfaction comme handicap
The sensory environment of the intensive care nursery
Perception of odor mixtures in a newborn ammal
The development of rapid face categorization in the human infant brain
La conscience animale
Colloque Olfaction et Emotion
Effet d'un apprentissage olfactif hors nid sur le succès de tétée du lapereau nouveau-né
National audience
Les liens entre les odeurs et les émotions : contributions à une question transdisciplinaire
Effets de l'expérience sur la perception de mélanges odorants chez l'Homme adulte et le lapereau nouveau-né
Poster présenté
Effects of exposure to olfactory variability during active feeds on the development of sucking performance in preterm infants
National audience
Olfaction and adaptive behavior in early human development
An overlooked aspect of the human breast: areolar glands in relation with breastfeeding pattern, neonatal weight gain, and the dynamics of lactation.
WOS: 000301474900013; International audience; The early nursing-sucking relationship is not to be taken for granted in humans. A number of factors can either facilitate or mitigate its optimal establishment on the mother's or newborn's sides. Among these factors, a morphological feature of human mothers' breasts--the areolar glands (AG)--has been identified as potentially important. Three day-old infants display attraction during the presentation of the native secretions of the AG, suggesting that they could influence the newborn's behaviour during breastfeeding. The present study assessed this topic in a sample of 121 Caucasian mother-infant dyads. The areolae of these women were screened …
Olfaction, survie et premiers apprentissages
Inhibition of the mammary pheromone catabolism by a second odorant present in the same mixture
National audience
Overweight children display enhanced reward responses to food-related pictures and odours
Overweight children display enhanced reward responses to food-related pictures and odours. 19. European congress on obesity (ECO)
Impact of age and social rank on maternal odour attractiveness in the European rabbit
Pre-exposure to odour mixture modifies the perceptual quality of the components
International audience
Crossmodal associations between vision and olfaction: evidence from eye movements
I've got your nose, I know how you feel: odor effects on the visual processing of faces in 7 month-old infants
I've got your nose, I know how you feel: odor effects on the visual processing of faces in 7 month-old infants. 24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO)
Le lait "communiquant"
Fos mapping of brain activation induced by the mammary pheromone in the newborn rabbit
The female European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, displays a surprising maternal behaviour. Indeed, she comes into the nest only once per day and for a very brief period (3-4 minutes), almost exclusively to nurse. A pheromonal signal identified as the 2-methylbut-2-enal and named the mammary pheromone (MP) is emitted in milk by all lactating rabbit females. This chemosensory cue induces typical head-searching and oral-seizing movements in newborn rabbits usually involved in the localisation of the nipples. The MP therefore appears as a biological signal important for sucking, survival and growth in pups. To date, only few data are available regarding the neuronal substrate which sustains t…
Breastfeeding and experience with variety early in weaning increase infants' acceptance of new foods for up to two months.
International audience; BACKGROUND & AIMS: Previous studies showed that (1) breastfeeding and (2) higher food variety early in weaning can increase acceptance of new foods for the next few days. Here we measure, in two European regions, effects of breast or formula feeding and experience with different levels of vegetable variety early in weaning on new food acceptance during two months following the start of weaning. METHODS: Breast- or formula-fed infants received their first vegetable (carrot pur? and, over the next 9 days, either carrots every day; 3 vegetables changed every 3 days; or 3 vegetables changed daily. On the 12th and 23rd days they received new vegetable pur?, zucchini-tomat…
Développement social et alimentaire du jeune mammifère
Olfactorily-conspicuous nipples as vital interfaces for colostrum intake in humans
Maternal odor shapes face categorization in the 4-month-old infant brain
Making sense of infants' olfaction: the early making of olfactory knowledge
Invited Keynote Conference
Proportion of odorants impacts the configural versus elemental perception of a binary blending mixture in newborn rabbits.
WOS: 000295167200002; International audience; Processing of odor mixtures by neonates is weakly understood. Previous studies showed that a binary mixture of ethyl isobutyrate/ethyl maltol (odorants A/B) blends in newborn rabbits at the 30/70 ratio: Pups would perceive a configural odor in addition to the components' odors. Here, we investigated whether the emergence of this additional odor in AB is determined by specific ratio(s) of A and B. To that goal, we tested whether pups discriminated between AB mixtures with lower (A(-)B, 8/92 ratio) or higher (A(+)B, 68/32) proportion of A. In Experiment 1, pups conditioned to A (or B) responded to A(-)B and A(+)B but not to AB. In Experiment 2, pu…
Impact of pheromone-induced odour learning on the sucking success of rabbit newborns
National audience
Olfactory maternal effects: cues and signals promoting adaptive behaviour in infant mammals
Olfaction development in the fetus and newborn
Configural vs. elemental processing of complex odour mixtures in newborn rabbits
National audience
Caractérisation de quelques substrats mammaires odorants impliqués dans le succès de la tétée des souriceaux
Visual scanning behaviors of 8-month-old infants facing expressive faces
Visual scanning behaviors of 8-month-old infants facing expressive faces. 12. european congress of psychology
Newborn crawling and rooting in response to maternal breast odor
International audience; A growing literature shows that perception and action are already tightly coupled in the newborn. The current study aimed to examine the nature of the coupling between olfactory stimuli from the mother and the newborn's crawling and rooting (exploratory movements of the head). To examine the coupling, the crawling and rooting behavior of 28 2-day-old newborns were studied while they were supported prone on a mobility device shaped like a mini skateboard, the Crawliskate®, their head positioned directly on top of a pad infused with either their mother's breast odor (Maternal) or the odor of water (Control). Video and 3D kinematic analyses of the number and types of li…
A putative social chemosignal elicits faster cortical responses than perceptually similar odorants.
Social chemosignals, so-called pheromones, have recently attracted much attention in that effects on women's psychophysiology and cortical processing have been reported. We here tested the hypothesis that the human brain would process a putative social chemosignal, the endogenous steroid endrostadienone, faster than other odorants with perceptually matched intensity and hedonic characteristics. Chemosensory event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded in healthy women. ERP analyses indicate that androstadienone was processed significantly faster than the control odorants. Androstadienone elicited shorter latencies for all recorded ERP components but most so for the late positivity. This fin…
The development of rapid face categorization in late infancy
Sensorialité du nouveau-né prématuré et à terme
From sex in the brain to brain in the gut. Back and forth between sendai and dijon to reinitiate the « club des gourmets ». More than 20 years collaboration and friendship with daisuke-san
Odour cues and pheromones in the mediation of rabbit female-offspring relations
Reward for food odors: An fMRI study of liking and wanting as a function of metabolic state and BMI
Brain reward systems mediate liking and wanting for food reward. Here, we explore the differential involvement of the following structures for these two components: the ventral and dorsal striatopallidal area, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior insula, and anterior cingulate. Twelve healthy female participants were asked to rate pleasantness (liking of food and non-food odors) and the desire to eat (wanting of odor-evoked food) during event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The subjective ratings and fMRI were performed in hunger and satiety states. Activations of regions-of-interest were compared as a function of task (liking vs. wanting), odor category (food vs. non-…
An exploration of mammary odor cues in newborn mice
International audience
Attitudes toward everyday odors for children with visual impairments: A pilot study
The question of how the processing of stimuli from the external world is organized or reorganized when a sensory modality is altered or missing has been the subject of numerous studies, although the studies have mostly been on tactile and auditory abilities (Hatwell, 2003). In contrast, olfaction has been poorly investigated in people who are visually impaired, despite the increasing evidence that humans have a keen sense of smell (Schaal & Porter, 1991). Odors influence mood; well-being (Ehrlichman & Bastone, 1992); and social interactions, such as the choice of partners (Herz & Inzlicht, 2002). Emotional and social implications of odors go back to the earliest periods of development (Scha…
Surdétermination de la cognition dans un système social contraint : le nouveau-né et les odeurs
Réactivité chimiosensorielle et alimentation de l'enfant atteint de handicap
ISSN : 0291-0233 ; http://www.medecine-et-enfance.net/
Maternal odor favors the categorization of faces in younger, but not older, infants
Long-lasting memory for an odor acquired at the mother's breast
Whether neonatal odor memory can persist into toddlerhood and influence behaviors that tap processes related to cognition (attention and exploration), motivation (choice and consumption), and emotion (hedonic processing) remains under-researched. Using a quasi-experimental longitudinal design, we examined whether an odor experienced at the mother’s breast can be retained at 7 and 21 months. The prescribed prophylactic use of a camomile-scented balm defined two groups: infants exposed (CaE) or never exposed (CaNE) to camomile odor. At 7 months, exploratory responses to three similar objects differing in odor (including camomile) were analyzed. At 21 months, three tasks were used to assess to…
Born to smell and to smook
Dépression, comportements émotionnels et qualité de vie : une remédiation des états dépressifs par les odeurs est-elle possible ? Quelques liens réciproques éclairés par les sens chimiques
How mothers shape their offspring responses to the food environment
International audience
Présentation : La sensorialité de l'enfant mangeur, consommateur et patient
ISSN : 0291-0233 ; http://www.medecine-et-enfance.net/
Chapter 5 - Perceptual interactions in complex odor mixtures: the blending effect
Chemosensory development in humans
Human sweat odour conjugates in human milk, colostrum and amniotic fluid
International audience; Using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry we identified for the first time glutamine-N-alpha-conjugates of the fatty acids (E)/(Z)-3-methylhex-2-enoic acid and (R)/(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid as well as cysteinylglycine-S-conjugates of (R)/(S)-3-methyl-3-sulphanylhexan-1-ol and (R)/(S)-3-sulphanylhexan-1-ol as constituents of human milk and colostrum. The glutamine-N-alpha-conjugates were detected also in human amniotic fluids. The mean values of glutamine-N-alpha-conjugate of (R)/(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid were highest in colostrums with a range of <0.1-382 mu g/kg, followed by the mature human milk with values from <0.1 to 39.…
Psychobiological effects of perinatal exposure to odorants in mice. Part II: Behavioural alteration
Early exposure to odorants pre-, post- or transnatally is known to. result in a decreased avoidance or increased preference for these. odorants in mammals. There are also indications that olfactory sensitivity. for these odorants can be affected. We exposed C57-Bl/6. mice of Mor23-GFP and M71-GFP lines to lyral (LY) or acetophenone. (AC), respectively, either transnatally through the water of the. mother (1*10-5 M) or postnatally in air for 1 hr per day (20 ll pure). Animals were weaned on postnatal day 20 (P20), and 3 tests were. performed:. 1) A 3-min exploration test on P20 in a rectangular arena presenting. LY and AC under a wire mesh to measure the time spent in each. half of the arena…
Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.
www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)
Influences on infant's food acceptance
Ouvrage didactique; National audience
Vertebrate embryos and neonates are competent to encode odor information, and to later use it in guiding neonatal, juvenile, and, sometimes, adult behaviour. These data generally derive from experiments in which single odorants were administered. Here, we consider whether the perinatal exposure to multiple odorants administered sequentially will affect later behaviour. Mouse perinates were exposed to contrasted chemosensory regimen through the mother's ingestion of odorized water from days E15 through P21. The effects of 3 treatments were considered: 1/ olfactory monotony (MON; females accessing a benzaldehyde solution 5 days/week; n=46); 2/ olfactory variety (VAR; females accessing each ot…
Experience influences elemental and configural perception of certain binary odour mixtures in newborn rabbits.
SUMMARY Elemental and configural olfactory perception allows interaction with the environment from very early in life. To evaluate how newborn rabbits can extract and respond to information from the highly complex chemical surroundings, and how experience acts on this sensory, cognitive and behavioural capability, we ran a study in four steps including a total of eight experiments. We mainly used a binary AB mixture comprising ethyl isobutyrate (component A) and ethyl maltol (component B), previously shown as a bearer of blending properties; in rabbit pups (as in human adults), the mixture elicits a weak configural perception, i.e. the perception of a configural odour different from the odo…
Liking the odour, liking the food. Toddlers' liking of strongly flavoured foods correlates with liking of their odour
Olfaction plays a significant role in the sensing of foods. However, little information is available at any age on the relationship between the hedonic responses to given food odours and the effective liking and disliking of foods bearing these same odours. The present study aimed to assess the relationships between food odour liking and liking of the corresponding foods. This study relied on a longitudinal design involving 235 toddlers who were assessed for both their observed liking of a set of food odours and their parent-reported liking of foods at 12 and 22 months. To assess odour liking, eight odorants representing pleasant and unpleasant foods were presented in bottles along with neu…
Communication odorante et phéromonale à finalité alimentaire entre la lapine et les lapereaux.
National audience
Fonctions psychobiologiques et éducabilité de l'olfaction
Les fonctions de l'odorat en société: le laboratoire et le terrain
Le développement des préférences olfactives humaines: Conséquences de la variabilité culturelle et recherché d'invariants
Repeated exposure to an initially disliked vegetable enhances its acceptance by infants at weaning
Ce que les réponses sensorielles nous enseignent sur l’anorexie mentale
A propos d'un "mécanisme caché" de stimulation de la sensorimotricité (pressenti par André Bullinger)
La communication olfactive mère-jeunes chez les mammifères comme modèle d’éthologie et d’écologie chimique comparatives
Les odeurs mammaires dans les co-adaptations entre mère et enfant
Maternal effects that shape offspring perception and cognition: In search of sensitive periods and long-term effects
Chemical and behavioral approaches in the elucidation of olfactory interactions between human mothers and newborns
Préférences sociales chez le lapin en période de sevrage: impact des apprentissages olfactifs néonatals
When the nose must remain responsive: glutathione conjugation of the mammary pheromone in the newborn rabbit
In insects, xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes were demonstrated to regulate pheromones inactivation, clearing them from the olfactory periphery and keeping receptors ready for stimulation renewal. Here, we investigate whether similar processes could occur in mammals, focusing on the pheromonal communication between female rabbits and their newborns. Lactating rabbits emit in their milk a volatile aldehyde, 2-methylbut-2-enal, that elicits searching-grasping in neonates; called the mammary pheromone (MP), it is critical for pups which are constrained to find nipples within the 5 min of daily nursing. For newborns, it is thus essential to remain sensitive to this odorant during the whole nursin…
Age differences in olfactory affective responses: evidence for a positivity effect and an emotional dedifferentiation
International audience; Studies on aging and hedonic judgment of odors have never been addressed within the empirical frameworks of age-related changes in emotion which state that advancing age is associated with a reduced negativity bias and a less pronounced differentiation between hedonic valence and emotional intensity judgments. Our aim was to examine and extend these age-related effects into the field of odors. Thirty-eight younger adults and 40 older adults were asked to evaluate the hedonic valence, emotional intensity, and familiarity of 50 odors controlled for their pleasantness. Compared to younger adults, older adults rated unpleasant odorants as less unpleasant and showed an in…
Les attentes sensorielles du nouveau-né : mdelage périnatal et fonctions adaptatives
The Human Mammary Odour Factor: Variability and Regularities in Sources and Functions
In the course of evolution, human mothers have been, and still are, under strong selective pressure to induce their newborns’ colostrum ingestion promptly after birth. As a concentrate of nutrients, passive immunity, antioxidants, growth factors and symbiotic microbiota, colostrum functions as the evolved antidote to ubiquitous pathogens and threats of neonatal exhaustion. Under such constraints, any means to speed up colostrum/milk intake can only have been beneficial to neonatal viability and adaptive life onset along evolutionary time. The areolar-nipple areas of human lactating females emit lacteal substrates conveying chemostimuli that are attractive and release mouthing and sucking in…
L’olfaction dans les troubles dépressifs : intérêts et perspectives
International audience; Research on sensorial interactions with psychiatric diseases and particularly with the depressive syndrome has mainly focused on visual or auditory processes and much less on olfaction. The depressive illness is one of the most frequent psychiatric diagnoses in the community, with approximately one in five women and one in eight men experiencing a major depressive episode during their lifetime. Although genetic, epigenetic, neuroanatomical, neurochemical, neuroendocrinological and neuroimmunological changes can be detected during depression, the etiology of depression remains partly unclear. The current explanatory models are based on two main factors, i.e. pharmacol…
How mothers manage flavour experience to acquaint their offspring with the present and future food environment
www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)
Decreasing prevalence of specific anosmia to non-steroid odorants from childhood to adolescence
International audience; Specific anosmia is defined as the inability to detect a particular odorant, despite a normal olfactory function. Previous studies reported sex-related difference in detection threshold to steroid odorants, like androstenone or androstadienone during adolescence, and boys showed an increased detection threshold with age. However, such investigations have not been performed for non-steroid odorants. Hence, the current study investigated sex- and age-related effects on the prevalence of specific anosmia in children/adolescents aged 5-14 years (n = 800) to non-steroid odorants. The detection thresholds of three non-steroid odorants (bacdanol, methylsalicylate, and 3-hyd…
Existe-t-il des phéromones humaines?
The hedonic newborn: experiencing and expressing attraction/avoidance when you know (almost) nothing
Unconscious odour conditioning 25 years later: Revisiting and extending ‘Kirk-Smith, Van Toller and Dodd’
International audience; The pioneering work by Kirk-Smith, Van Toller, and Dodd [Kirk-Smith, M. D., Van Toller, C., & Dodd, G. H. (1983). Unconscious odour conditioning in human subjects. Biological Psychology, 17, 221–231], established that an unnoticed odorant paired with an emotionally meaningful task can influence mood and attitudes when the odorant alone is re-encountered subsequently. This study was particularly important in highlighting unconscious odour learning processes as they may happen in everyday life. However, it was severely criticized by Black and Smith [Black, S. L., & Smith, D. G. (1994). Has odor conditioning been demonstrated? A critique of “Unconscious odour conditioni…
Breastfeeding and experience with a variety of vegetables increases hedonic responses to new flavours in infants
How does a newly born mouse get to the nipple? odor substrates eliciting first nipple grasping and sucking responses
It is a mammalian female strategy to emit odor cues and signals that direct their inexperienced newborns to the nipple, and optimize their initial sucking success and, hence, viability. Here, natural odorous substrates that contribute to nipple grasping were investigated in mice, a species that has not been much scrutinized on this topic. The response of pups toward the nipples of lactating females (LF) versus nonlactating females (NLF) were first assessed right after watched birth, before and after the first suckling experience, and at 1 day old, after more extended suckling experience. It appeared that only nipples of LF induced grasping at these early ages, leading to take NLF as the bas…
Influence of early weaning practices on acceptance of vegetables in 15 months and 3-4 year-old children
International audience
How odors assist the developing visual system in humans
Apprentissage appéritif et consolidation mnésique chez le lapin nouveau-né
The Rabbit Mammary Pheromone: Comparative activity in breeding and semi-wild conditions as a function of age
Human awareness and uses of odor cues in everyday life: Results from a questionnaire study in children
The Children's Olfactory Behavior in Everyday Life questionnaire was developed to assess attention to, and uses of, odors in real-life situations, and to evaluate individual variations. The tool comprises 16 items prompting self-reports of active seeking, awareness and affective reactivity to odors of food, people and the environment. Children (102 girls, 113 boys) aged 6–10 years participated in the study. The results revealed that girls were significantly more olfaction-oriented than boys, especially towards the odors of people, self and the environment. An increasing ability of children to describe the odor facets of their perceptual world was found between 6 and 10 years, partly due to …
Emotional communication in the context of joint attention for food stimuli: Effects on attentional and affective processing
Guided by distinct theoretical frameworks (the embodiment theories, shared-signal hypothesis, and appraisal theories), we examined the effects of gaze direction and emotional expressions (joy, disgust, and neutral) of virtual characters on attention orienting and affective reactivity of participants while they were engaged in joint attention for food stimuli contrasted by preference (disliked, moderately liked, and liked). The participants were exposed to videos of avatars looking at food and displaying facial expressions with their gaze directed either toward the food only or toward the food and participants consecutively. We recorded eye-tracking responses, heart rate, facial electromyogr…
Learning at the breast: Preference formation for an artificial scent and its attraction against the odor of maternal milk
International audience; Human newborns are known to display spontaneous attraction to the odor of human milk. This study aimed to assess whether the positive response to human milk odor can be explained by nursing-related learning, and whether it can be easily reassigned to a novel odor associated with nursing. Infants were exposed or not to a novel odor (camomile, Ca) during nursing, and tested on day 3–4 for their preference for camomile in comparison with either a scentless control (Exp. 1), a scented control (Exp. 2), or maternal milk (Exp. 3). Prior experience with Ca modified the newborns’ responses. While the Ca odor became more attractive than a scented control in the Ca-exposed gro…
Précoces odeurs : perception, effets psychobiologiques, applications au bien-être de l'enfant
International audience
Unconditional response to offensive smells: what we learn from newborns'reactions
Years after years, the accumulation of results permits us to better. understand the development of human food preferences during the. lifespan. The foetal and neonatal periods appear to be very important. in this process. Neonates are attracted to volatile compounds. being present in the amniotic environment (Marlier et al., 1997). Women who consumed garlic, alcohol, anise, or carrot flavour in. late pregnancy produce offsprings that manifest positive responses. towards these odorants, for durations ranging from hours, days to. months (Hepper, 1995; Faas et al., 2000; Schaal et al., 2000; Mennella. et al., 2001). After birth, the exposition to an artificial odorant. (camomile) spread on the…
La cognition olfactive du nouveau-né et du nourrisson
Séminaire au Collège de France à Paris.
Maternal body odor helps the development of rapid face categorization in the human infant brain
Comparison of rabbit pup responsiveness to the mammary pheromone in breeding and semi-wild conditions.
International audience
Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially disliked vegetables in 7-month old infants
Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience; In the weeks following the start of weaning, 70 mothers were asked to identify a vegetable purée that their infant disliked and that they normally would not offer again. The 49 who did so were then asked to offer that vegetable on alternate days for 16 days, and to offer a well-liked one (carrot purée) on the other days. Amount eaten and acceptance were measured at each meal. On the first day of exposure, mean intake of the initially disliked vegetable was 39…
Interactions entre cognition et émotion au cours des premiers mois du développement postnatal
Psychobiological effects of perinatal exposure to odorants in mice. Part II: Behavioural alterations
National audience
How amniotic fluid shapes early odor-guided responses to colostrum and milk (and more)
Revue; Among the multiple transitions that characterize mammalian development, birth certainly is the most abrupt and spectacular. It is also the most challenging for newborns when one considers their high mortality rates in any mammalian species. Although evolution has selected newborn organisms that possess the physiological and behavioral keys leading to adapt to this harsh psychobiological challenge, their capabilities cannot be considered separately from the maternal organism and the environment she creates. Mammalian females provide indeed passive (physiological) and/or active (behavioral) assistance to complement and boost their offspring’s capacities. One notable strategy of mammali…
Olfaction, cognition and adaptive responsiveness in early life
key-note lecture; absent
The development of anticipation in the fetus: A longitudinal account of human fetal mouth movements in reaction to and anticipation of touch
Research suggests that fetuses open or close their mouth in relation to directed movements but it is unclear whether mouth opening anticipates the touch or is a reaction to touch, as there has been no analysis so far of (1) the facial area of touch and (2) the sequential ordering of touch and mouth movements. If there is prenatal development of the anticipation of touch we would expect the frequency of fetal mouth opening immediately preceding the arriving hand at the mouth area to increase with fetal age. Fifteen healthy fetuses, eight girls and seven boys, underwent four additional 4-D scans at 24, 28, 32, and 36 weeks gestation. Changes in the frequency of touch for different facial regi…
Mammary olfactory signalisation in females and odor processing in neonates: ways evolved by rabbits and humans
International audience; Mammalian females have long been known to release olfactory attraction in their offspring. Mammary odor cues control infant state, attention and directional responses, delay distress responses, stimulate breathing and positive oral actions, and finally can boost learning. Here, we survey female-offspring odor communication in two mammalian species - European rabbits and humans - taken as representatives of evolutionary extremes in terms of structure and dynamics of mother-infant relations, and level of neonatal autonomy. Despite these early psychobiological differences, females in both species have evolved mammary structures combining multiple sources of endogenous a…
Human olfactory communication: current challenges and future prospects
Although anthropologists frequently report the centrality of odours in the daily lives and cultural beliefs of many small-scale communities, Western scholars have historically considered the sense of smell as minimally involved in human communication. Here, we suggest that the origin and persistence of this latter view might be a consequence of the fact that most research is conducted on participants from Western societies who, collectively, were ratherold(adults),deodorizedanddesensitized(ODD) to various aspects of olfactory perception. The view is rapidly changing, however, and this themed issue provides a timely overview of the current state-of-the-art on human chemocommunication. Based …
Pheromone-induced odor learning modifies Fos expression in the newborn rabbit brain.
Research report; International audience; Associative learning contributes crucially to adjust the behavior of neonates to the permanently changing environment. In the European rabbit, the mammary pheromone (MP) excreted in milk triggers sucking behavior in newborns, and additionally promotes very rapid learning of initially neutral odor cues. Such stimuli become then as active as the MP itself to elicit the orocephalic motor responses involved in suckling. In this context, the rabbit is an interesting model to address the question of brain circuits early engaged by learning and memory. Here, we evaluated the brain activation (olfactory bulb and central regions) induced in 4-day-old pups by …
How influential is early experience with food-related odours/flavours? An overlook with a look at paradoxes
key-note talk at final Habeat symposium; absent
Une alimentation maternelle enrichie en gras pendant la gestation ou l’allaitement oriente les préférences du souriceau vers un aliment gras à la naissance et au sevrage
It Takes a Mouth to Eat and a Nose to Breathe: Abnormal Oral Respiration Affects Neonates' Oral Competence and Systemic Adaptation.
Review Article; International audience; Mammalian, including human, neonates are considered to be obligate nose breathers. When constrained to breathe through their mouth in response to obstructed or closed nasal passages, the effects are pervasive and profound, and sometimes last into adulthood. The present paper briefly surveys neonates' and infants' responses to this atypical mobilisation of the mouth for breathing and focuses on comparisons between human newborns and infants and the neonatal rat model. We present the effects of forced oral breathing on neonatal rats induced by experimental nasal obstruction. We assessed the multilevel consequences on physiological, structural, and behav…
ARET : colloque 2018 au CSGA Dijon. 28 et 29 mai 2018 - CSGA, 9E boulevard Jeanne d'Arc, Dijon
L'Association pour la REcherche en Toxicologie (ARET) organise un colloque sur le thème "Substances odorantes et sapides : du plaisir des sens aux cibles biologiques", lundi 28 et mardi 29 mai 2018 au CSGA. Ce colloque bénéficie du soutien du département AlimH. Invité d'honneur de la table ronde: Roland Salesse.
Infants and Children Making Sense of Scents
This chapter summarizes research on the development of human olfactory skills to rely on different cues conveyed by odorants, such as odor quality, intensity, position in space, novelty/familiarity, and hedonic value. The sensory, neural, and psychological dimensions at the root of these early aptitudes remain poorly explored in humans, but one can safely affirm that any weak odor to which the infant has previously been nonadversely exposed will have a higher reinforcing value than any novel odor. Developmental differences in odor discrimination and appreciation are certainly causally multiple and may depend on general or olfaction-specific cognitive factors which can be traced back to pren…
Depression, sensory systems and expressive behaviour: reciprocal links illustrated by olfaction
Manifestations initiales des préférences et des émotions
Hedonic reactivity to food odours in infants: Longitudinal approach from 6 to 12 months
Mammary odor cues and pheromones: mammalian infant-directed communication about maternal state, mammae, and milk
International audience; Neonatal mammals are exposed to an outstandingly powerful selective pressure at birth, and any mean to alleviate their localization effort and accelerate acceptance to orally grasp a nipple and ingest milk should have had advantageous consequences over evolutionary time. Thus, it is essential for females to display a biological interface structure that is sensorily conspicuous and executively easy for their newborns. Females' strategy to increase the conspicuousness of nipples could only exploit the newborns' most advanced and conserved sensory systems, touch and olfaction, and selection has accordingly shaped tactilely and olfactorily conspicuous mammary structures.…
Dissociation of emotional processes in response to visual and olfactory stimuli following frontotemporal damage.
Contemporary neuropsychological studies have stressed the widely distributed and multicomponential nature of human affective processes. Here, we examined facial electromyographic (EMG) (zygomaticus and corrugator muscle activity), autonomic (skin conductance and heart rate) and subjective measures of affective valence and arousal in patient TG, a 30 year-old man with left anterior mediotemporal and left orbitofrontal lesions resulting from a traumatic brain injury. Both TG and a normal control group were exposed to hedonically valenced visual and olfactory stimuli. In contrast with control subjects, facial EMG and electrodermal activity in TG did not differentiate among pleasant, unpleasant…
Manganese-ehanced fMRI in olfaction: optimisation of Mn dose with minimal deleterious effects upon odour induced behaviour in rats
Selectivity of C57BL/6 and BALB/c newborn mice to the odors of milk and nipple differing in lactational age and strain
Selectivity of C57BL/6 and BALB/c newborn mice to the odors of milk and nipple differing in lactational age and strain. 24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO)
The time course of facial expression processing modulation by the olfactory context: an ERP study
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space. Human chemosensation meeting
Infant preferences for food odours over the first 2 years of life
Emotional expressiveness of 5–6 month-old infants born very premature versus full-term at initial exposure to weaning foods
International audience; Facial expressions of 5-6 month-old infants born preterm and at term were compared while tasting for the first time solid foods (two fruit and two vegetable purees) given by the mother. Videotapes of facial reactions to these foods were objectively coded during the first six successive spoons of each test food using Baby FACS and subjectively rated by naive judges. Infant temperament was also assessed by the parents using the Infant Behaviour Questionnaire. Contrary to our expectations, infants born preterm expressed fewer negative emotions than infants born full-term. Naive judges rated infants born preterm as displaying more liking than their full-term counterparts…
Human neonates prefer colostrum to mature milk: Evidence for an olfactory bias toward the "initial milk"?
International audience; OBJECTIVES: Colostrum is the initial milk secretion which ingestion by neonates warrants their adaptive start in life. Colostrum is accordingly expected to be attractive to newborns. The present study aims to assess whether colostrum is olfactorily attractive for 2-day-old newborns when presented against mature milk or a control. METHODS: The head-orientation of waking newborns was videotaped in three experiments pairing the odors of: (a) colostrum (sampled on postpartum day 2, not from own mother) and mature milk (sampled on average on postpartum day 32, not from own mother) (n tested newborns = 15); (b) Colostrum and control (water; n = 9); and (c) Mature milk and …
The Lasting Influences of Early Food-Related Variety Experience: A Longitudinal Study of Vegetable Acceptance from 5 Months to 6 Years in Two Populations
International audience; Children's vegetable consumption falls below current recommendations, highlighting the need to identify strategies that can successfully promote better acceptance of vegetables. Recently, experimental studies have reported promising interventions that increase acceptance of vegetables. The first, offering infants a high variety of vegetables at weaning, increased acceptance of new foods, including vegetables. The second, offering an initially disliked vegetable at 8 subsequent meals markedly increased acceptance for that vegetable. So far, these effects have been shown to persist for at least several weeks. We now present follow-up data at 15 months, 3 and 6 years ob…
De l'intérêt d'identifier des odeurs qui contrôlent les comportements chez les mammifères
Multiple influences on the transmission of food preferences: from biology to culture
plenary talk; absent
Olfactory tutoring of adaptive behavior in perinatal life and beyond
International audience
Relationship between olfactory reactivity and food rejections in infants
N° 261; The role of hedonic reactions to odours on determining rejections of foods in infants is still debated. To answer this question, the first requirement is to have an instrument to test infants’ olfactory reactivity. Indeed, except in neonates, there is a lack of validated method. This study presents results of a new method designed to assess olfactory reactivity of 7- to 8-month-old infants. This method is based on the observation of infants’ reactions while they explored different rattles. The rattles were visually identical but differed in their odours (neutral or with a food odour). Two sequences of 6 rattles were presented to each infant. Eight odorants were used. Four odorants w…
Le cerveau vu comme un système prédictif
Séminaire au Collège de France à Paris.
Newborn rabbit responsiveness to the mammary pheromone is concentration-dependent.
The effect of the intensity of odour signals has rarely been investigated in the regulation of odour-guided behaviour in young mammals. This series of experiments used the mammary pheromone (MP) of the female rabbit to assess the influence of stimulus concentration on neonatal pup responsiveness. The MP is a single compound isolated from rabbit milk that releases in pups the typical head searching and oral seizing behaviour. The pups (n = 621) were exposed to graded concentrations of the MP in bioassays varying in stimulus delivery conditions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that in aqueous dilutions the MP efficiently elicits behavioural responses only within a limited range of concentrations (f…
The Secretion of Areolar (Montgomery's) Glands from Lactating Women Elicits Selective, Unconditional Responses in Neonates
Background The communicative meaning of human areolae for newborn infants was examined here in directly exposing 3-day old neonates to the secretion from the areolar glands of Montgomery donated by non related, non familiar lactating women. Methodology/Principal Findings The effect of the areolar stimulus on the infants' behavior and autonomic nervous system was compared to that of seven reference stimuli originating either from human or non human mammalian sources, or from an arbitrarily-chosen artificial odorant. The odor of the native areolar secretion intensified more than all other stimuli the infants' inspiratory activity and appetitive oral responses. These responses appeared to deve…
Relationship between olfactory reactivity and food rejections in infant
Orofacial reactivity to the sight and smell of food stimuli. Evidence for anticipatory liking related to food reward cues in overweight children.
International audience; Whether food liking may be a risk factor of overconsumption and overweight/obesity remains a controversial issue. So far, most studies used subjective reports to assess consummatory behavior, approaches that might overlook subtle or implicit hedonic changes to sensory properties of foods. Therefore, we used a cue-exposure approach by recording different measures of hedonic processes (orofacial reactivity, self-rated pleasantness, food preference) in 6-11 years old overweight (n=20) and normal-weight (n=20) children. Children were exposed to the smell and sight of high and low-energy density food stimuli and to non-food stimuli during pre- and post-prandial states. Th…
Pheromone-induced olfactory memory in newborn rabbits: Involvement of consolidation and reconsolidation processes.
Mammary pheromone (MP)-induced odor memory is a new model of appetitive memory functioning early in a mammal, the newborn rabbit. Some properties of this associative memory are analyzed by the use of anisomycin as an amnesic agent. Long-term memory (LTM) was impaired by anisomycin delivered immediately, but not 4 h after either acquisition or reactivation. Thus, the results suggest that this form of neonatal memory requires both consolidation and reconsolidation. By extending these notions to appetitive memory, the results reveal that consolidation and reconsolidation processes are characteristics of associative memories of positive events not only in the adult, but also in the newborn.
Human breast areolae as scent organs: morphological data and possible involvement in maternal-neonatal coadaptation.
In humans, areolar skin glands (AG) enlarge during pregnancy and lactation. Their role in mother-infant interactions may pertain to protective, mechanical, and communicative functions. It was questioned here whether more profuse AG could be related to more optimal adaptation to breastfeeding. A morphological study of the areolae was undertaken between birth and day 3 to assess the number, secretory status, and spatial distribution of AG. These data were related to infants' weight variation, mothers' perception of their infant's behavior at breast, and time between delivery and onset of lactation. AG were seen in virtually all women but with great interindividual variations; their areolar di…
The impact of breastfeeding and early vegetable variety on acceptance of new foods over repeated exposure
Food diversification in pre-term infants
Food diversification in pre-term infants. 15. european conference on developmental psychology
Mammary odor cues and pheromones. A comparative view on infant-directed communication about milk
Unconscious odor conditioning twenty-five years after: Revisiting and extending "Kirk-Smith, van Toller and Dodd"
International audience
From amnion to colostrum to milk: odor bridging in early developmental transitions
The Neural networks underlying the liking and wanting responses to food odors are modified in anorexia nervosa
International audience
Les mécanismes olfactifs dans la dépression
Développement de la communication olfactive
Olfaction scaffolds the developing human from neonate to adolescent and beyond
The impact of the olfactory sense is regularly apparent across development. The fetus is bathed in amniotic fluid (AF) that conveys the mother's chemical ecology. Transnatal olfactory continuity between the odours of AF and milk assists in the transition to nursing. At the same time, odours emanating from the mammary areas provoke appetitive responses in newborns. Odours experienced from the mother's diet during breastfeeding, and from practices such as pre-mastication, may assist in the dietary transition at weaning. In parallel, infants are attracted to and recognize their mother's odours; later, children are able to recognize other kin and peers based on their odours. Familiar odours, su…
Le nouveau-né prématuré : un modèle pour l'étude du développement du comportement alimentaire
La naissance prematuree est exemplaire pour comprendre les evenements les plus precoces de la formation des comportements alimentaires. La succession des modes d’alimentation pour subvenir aux besoins nutritifs de l’enfant (alimentation continue ou discontinue ; passive par sonde ou active au sein/biberon ; lait humain ou artificiel ; alimentation par mere ou soignants) ponctue en effet les etapes de la coordination succion-deglutition-respiration et sa capacite a reguler ces evenements. Le contexte particulier des prises alimentaires, peu propice a l’exposition a la variete sensorielle (en particulier chimiosensorielle), croise avec les singularites des pratiques parentales, compose la tra…
Emergence fœtale et néonatale de la perception et consolidation des préférences chez le jeune enfant: le cas de l'olfaction
L'expérience périnatale des odeurs et le comportement alimentaire de l'enfant
L'expérience périnatale des odeurs et le comportement alimentaire de l'enfant
Infants' use of odor to organize and fine-tune their affect, knowledge and behavior
plenary talk; absent
Odor-driven visual categorization in the infant brain
Les débuts de la cognition olfactive : de l'homme à l'animal à l'homme
The reactivity of neonatal rabbits to the mammary pheromone as a probe for viability
International audience; Newborn rabbits depend on a daily nursing interaction with the mother to gain milk and to survive. During this interaction, they localise and seize the nipples displaying a typical behaviour triggered by maternal odour cues. The mammary pheromone constitutes such a signal in domestic rabbits: it elicits sucking-related movements in more than 90% of the pups. However, some newborns remain unresponsive to the presentation of the pheromone, even pups apparently healthy and highly motivated to suck. The main goal of the present study was therefore to explore the link between the unresponsiveness of rabbit pups to the mammary pheromone and their growth and survival in bre…
Newborn rabbits perceive odour mixtures elementally or configurally according to theri experience
Les cultures olfactives enfantines: expérience individuelle, pratiques partagées, clivage des genres
Neural correlates of food odors: "liking" and "wanting" reward network
International audience
Symposium Offensive odours - Chemistry, Behaviour, Development and Language: Introduction
International audience
Mimicking emotions: how 3–12-month-old infants use the facial expressions and eyes of a model
International audience; While there is an extensive literature on the tendency to mimic emotional expressions in adults, it is unclear how this skill emerges and develops over time. Specifically, it is unclear whether infants mimic discrete emotion-related facial actions, whether their facial displays are moderated by contextual cues and whether infants’ emotional mimicry is constrained by developmental changes in the ability to discriminate emotions. We therefore investigate these questions using Baby-FACS to code infants’ facial displays and eye-movement tracking to examine infants’ looking times at facial expressions. Three-, 7-, and 12-month-old participants were exposed to dynamic faci…
Prenatal and Postnatal Human Olfactory Development: Influences on Cognition and Behavior
L'enfant face aux aliments: d'avant-goûts en préférences en programmations
Features of multicomponent odour mixtures leading to blending effect in humans
International audience
Olfaction and gustation
International audience
L’olfactilité sociale des humains : la science fluctuante d’un sens omniprésent
Les chimiosensibilités permettant aux organismes d’apprécier l’innocuité du milieu s’exprimèrent les toutes premières au fil de l’évolution. Parmi elles, l’olfaction est, ontogénétiquement, l’un des sens les plus précoces (Holley, 1999). Mais cette double préséance ne lui a pas valu de privilège culturel dans les sociétés judéo-chrétiennes. Au contraire, penseurs et moralistes ont généralement déprécié ce sens. Pour élever l’humain au-dessus de l’animal, ils ont relégué les odeurs au primitif...
The milk “bouquet”, its effects on newborns, its composition
A developmental trade-off: Maternal odor tutors face categorization in younger, but not older, infants
Impact of pre-exposure on the perception of odorant mixtures in humans
International audience
Biological substrates for communication between mother and infant: candidate processes for pheromonal mediation in humans
Le foetus perçoit les odeurs et s'en souvient : la formation d'attentes sensorielles et leurs implications
ISSN : 0291-0233 ; http://www.medecine-et-enfance.net/
Learning to see faces with body odors
La lente construction des préférences alimentaires au fil des odeurs et des saveurs
Réactivité hédonique vis-à-vis d’odeurs alimentaires chez les nourrissons
Réactivité hédonique vis-à-vis d’odeurs alimentaires chez les nourrissons. Colloque Régional Nutrition et Santé Publique
A single key-odorant accounts for the pheromonal effect of rabbit milk : Further test of the mammary pheromone's activity against a wide sample of volatiles from milk.
In the rabbit, lactating females emit a volatile compound in milk, the mammary pheromone (MP), that triggers rooting for the nipple and its grasping in pups. Previous studies have shown that the MP seems to act selectively, in terms both of intensity and quality. Here, we aimed to add new evidence to these properties of the MP. Newborn rabbits (n=825) were submitted to an oral activation test allowing to measure their searching/grasping responses towards different stimuli. In Experiment 1 we assessed whether pups respond to the MP in an intensity-dependent manner. In Experiment 2 we assessed the activity of 20 volatiles previously identified in rabbit milk, other than the MP, which were nev…
A thread from amnion to milk to food: flavour continuities over birth and weaning transitions
Olfaction and taste engage oral activity from birth. Odorants and tastants are thus in a good position to modulate the first milk intake responses and the selective acceptance of non-milk foods around weaning. In the perinatal period, the biological fluids – amniotic fluid and milk – that contact the nasal/oral chemosensors carry stimuli which are salient to newborns. Amniotic fluid and milk are at first treated by infants as sensorily/motivationally equivalent, giving credit to the double notion of a chemosensory overlap between perinatal ecologies and of neonatal preparation by foetal experience to attend certain stimuli more than others. Tests of several predictions derived from this hyp…
Un modèle prédisposé d'induction de l'apprentissage chez le jeune mammifère: analyses éthologiques, neurophysiologiques et computationnelles
Anthropologie physiologique
Les recherches de terrain en primatologie, particulièrement nombreuses et détaillées au cours des dernières décennies, nous ont montré de nombreux exemples d'adaptations physiologiques qui résultent de la co-évolution en fonction des caractéristiques des environnements propres à chaque espèce. Dans quelle mesure ces recherches en primatologie permettent-elles une meilleure compréhension des adaptations et des comportements de l'homme, en particulier de son comportement alimentaire ?
Mammary pheromone-induced odour learning influences sucking behaviour and milk intake in the newborn rabbit
Newborn rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, locate their mother's nipples through typical orocephalic movements elicited by odour stimuli, in particular by the mammary pheromone (MP). The MP also promotes neonatal odour learning: after single pairing with the MP, an initially neutral odorant becomes able to elicit sucking-related head-searching/oral-grasping movements. However, the behavioural significance of the MP-induced odour learning remains poorly understood. We carried out three experiments to explore its influence on milk intake and compare its consequences with those resulting from nursing-induced conditioning. First, pups conditioned to an odorant by pairing with the MP on postnatal d…
Perception analytique et synthétique des mélanges d’odorants : études combinées chez le lapereau nouveau-né et l’Homme adulte
National audience
A mammalian pheromone that carry both releasing and reinforcing functions
IV Symposium des German-Brain-Endocrine-Immune-Network
Visual exploration and discrimination of emotional facial expressions in 3-, 7- and 12-month-old infants
The first year of life is critical in the development of the abilities to process facial expressions. Numerous studies have investigated discrimination and categorization of distinct facial expressions of emotion. However, infants' visual exploratory strategies of these facial expressions and their developmental paths remain unclear. The perfection of eye movement tracking systems makes now the detailed analysis of facial exploration of faces feasible, and hence facilitates the identification of the features in facial expressions which infants focus on. In this study, oculometric parameters of 3- (n=36), 7- (n=66) and 12-month-old infants (n=59) were collected while facial expressions were …
Infants' hedonic responsiveness to food odours: a longitudinal study during and after weaning (8, 12 and 22 months)
Abstract Background Olfaction is a highly salient sensory modality in early human life. Neonates show keen olfactory sensitivity and hedonic responsiveness. However, little is known about hedonic olfactory responsiveness between the neonatal period and 2 years of age. In an attempt to fill this gap, this longitudinal follow-up study aimed at investigating hedonic responses to food odours in infants during the first 2 years of life. The second objective was to evaluate whether gender has an influence on hedonic responses during this early period. Four control stimuli and eight odours (four rated by adults as a priori pleasant and four a priori unpleasant) were presented in bottles to 235 inf…
Exploration oculaire du visage et expression faciale chez le jeune enfant : une approche qualitative du développement cognitif et social
National audience
Sagesses vosgiennes. Les savoirs naturalistes populaires de la Plaine
Voici une étude ethnographique émouvante. Et totalement abordable pour le profane curieux de la vie quotidienne des Vosgiens de la montagne. L'étude de la vallée de la Plaine, entre Donon et Raon-L'Etape, a été réalisée il y a une trentaine d'année. Elle n'avait jamais été publiée. Elle présente les savoirs anciens de cette société vosgienne appuyée, pour sa subsistance comme pour sa compréhension du monde, sur la montagne et sa forêt. Une société qui, au moment de l'enquête, n'avait pas encore perdu ses repères d'autosubsistance alors qu'elle subissait déjà de profondes mutations : la disparition de l'activité textile et celle de la révolution des techniques des travailleurs en forêt. . Pe…
Lasting Odor Memories Acquired while Sucking on the Mother's Breast
Food-related sensory experience from birth through weaning: contrasted patterns in two nearby European regions
International audience; This study describes infant feeding practices among mothers from two European regions from the perspective of early sensory experiences. Two groups of mothers, one in Dijon , France (n=139), the other in Aalen , Germany (n=157) with infants aged 4–9 months were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Clear between- and within-group differences in weaning practices were found, particularly with respect to breastfeeding duration (Aalen>Dijon) and exposure to flavour variety early in weaning (Dijon>Aalen). By 4 months, 65% of infants in Dijon and 20% in Aalen, had received their first non-milk, solid foods. Before beginning to wean, 39% of mothers in Dijon offered…
Chemical fingerprints suggest direct familiarisation rather than phenotype matching during olfactory recognition in Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea)
International audience; Olfaction is one of the most commonly used senses for communication among animals and is of particular importance to mother-offspring recognition in mammals. The use of smell in offspring recognition has been well studied, however, we often lack information about the underlying mechanistic basis for olfactory recognition. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), we examine chemical profiles of two different colonies of Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) and assess similarity of chemical fingerprints in mother-pup pairs. This analysis allows us to examine whether a chemical base for phenotype matching exists in this species. Our results showed no GC-de…
Pheromones for newborns
PMID:24830031; Newly born mammals have to reach the source of milk as promptly as possible to ensure uninterrupted mother-to-offspring transfer of hydration, nutrients, and energy. Colostrum and milk intake also warrants the neonates' immediate exposure to micronutrients and antioxidants, passive immunization, innocuous bacterial strains, growth factors, and a range of bioactive peptides that control conservative behavioral functions (i.e., antinociception, sleep induction, learning). With these matters and commodities, mothers also pass on to their offspring different levels of chemosensory information that reveal her identity, the location of the mammae, and the composition of milk. Thus,…
Maternal odor selectively enhances the categorization of face(like) stimuli in the 4-month-old infant brain
In the 4-month-old infant brain, the visual categorization of natural face images is enhanced by concomitant maternal odor (Leleu et al., 2019), providing support for the early perception of congruent associations between co-occurring inputs from multiple senses. Here, we further explore whether this maternal odor effect is selective to faces or if it can be explained by a more general influence of salient odor cues on the perception of any visual object category. In Experiment 1, scalp electroencephalogram was recorded during a fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS-EEG) while 4-month-old infants were exposed to the maternal vs. a control odor. In rapid 6-Hz streams of natural images (i.e.…
Exposure to different regimens of food variety influences the acceptance of new flavours by weanling infants
International audience
Pheromonal odour learning and brain activation in the newborn rabbit.
Depression and the senses: reciprocal links highlighted by olfaction
Le flair en images, ou comment est donnée à voir la communication olfactive
How is the action of sniffing others, which has been depreciated by good manners and aesthetic standards, represented in pictures? In unveiling the theme of social sniffing, this essay aims to track variations around the odour of the body and olfactory communication in Western visual arts. This issue implies to examine the social roles of sui generis as well as artefactual human odours, and to assess figurative arts as a means to unveil historical trends in the forms and functions of the sense of smell in our culture. The corpus of figurative works consulted, far from exhaustive, stretches from medieval and classical allegories of smell to the visual language of perfume advertisements, thro…
Le modelage périnatal des attentes sensorielles
Odeurs et Emotions. Le nez a ses raisons...
Ouvrage issu d'un colloque, édité sous la direction de Benoist Schaal, Camille Ferdenzi et Olivier Wathelet. Publié par les Editions Universitaires de Dijon en avril 2013. Il présente les diverses méthodes et les concepts liés aux relations entre olfaction et affectivité.; Le nez a ses raisons que, dit-on, la raison ne connaîtrait pas. Ou ne connaît plus. L'affirmation est en effet courante selon laquelle l'odorat humain ne serait qu'une relique superflue d'un lointain passé simien. Un sens qui serait dépourvu de toute fonction, en particulier dans les mondes urbains et soi-disant aseptisés du 21ème siècle. Et pourtant, odeurs, parfums, arômes et fragrances sont des expédients très actuels …
Le développement de l'olfaction au delà de la prime enfance
National audience
Satiation-related changes in olfactory hedonismheterogeneous effects for food and non-food odours
Chemical Profiles of Integumentary and Glandular Substrates in Australian Sea Lion Pups ( Neophoca cinerea )
International audience; Recognition of individuals or classes of individuals plays an important role in the communication systems of many mammals. The ability of otariid (i.e., fur seal and sea lion) females to locate and identify their offspring in colonies after returning from regular foraging trips is essential to successful pup rearing. It has been shown that olfaction is used to confirm the identity of the pup by the mother when they reunite, yet the processes by which this chemical recognition occurs remain unclear. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we examined chemical profiles of integumentary and glandular secretions/excretions from pre- and post-molt Australian sea lion …
L'éveil des papilles
Telle mère, telle fille ; tel père tel fils. En matière de préférences alimentaires on pourrait croire que les parents conditionnent les enfants. Pourtant, c'est surtout seuls qu'ils se forgent leurs goûts. "E t dès que j'eus reconnu le goût du morceau de madeleine trempé dans le tilleul que me donnait ma tante (...) , aussitôt la vieille maison grise sur la rue, où était sa chambre, vint comme un décor de théâtre s'appliquer au petit pavillon, donnant sur le jardin, qu'on avait construit pour mes parents sur ses derrières. " L'association d'un goût agréable et de souvenirs d'enfance est tellement familière que les madeleines de Proust, décrites dans le roman Du côté de chez Swann, sont dev…
Brain processing of the mammary pheromone in newborn rabbits.
International audience; Chemosignals strongly contribute to social interactions in mammals, including mother-young relationships. In the European rabbit, a volatile compound emitted by lactating females in milk, the 2-methylbut-2-enal, has been isolated. Carrying the properties of a pheromone, in particular the spontaneous ability to release critical sucking-related movements in newborns, it has been called the mammary pheromone (MP). Lesion of the vomeronasal organ and preliminary 2-deoxyglucose data suggested that the MP could be processed by the main olfactory system. However, the neuronal substrate that sustains the MP-induced response of neonates remained unknown. Here, we evaluated Fo…
Des odeurs attachantes ou comment l’olfaction colore l’attachement parent-enfant
An odor timer in milk? Synchrony in the odor of milk effluvium and neonatal chemosensation in the mouse.
International audience; Mammalian newborns exhibit avid responsiveness to odor compounds emanating from conspecific milk. Milk is however developmentally heterogeneous in composition as a function of both evolved constraints and offspring demand. The present study aimed to verify whether milk odor attractivity for neonates is equally distributed along lactation in Mus musculus (Balb-c strain). Therefore, we exposed pups varying in age to milk samples collected from females in different lactational stages. The pups were assayed at postnatal days 2 (P2), 6 (P6) and 15 (P15) in a series of paired-choice tests opposing either murine milk and a blank (water), or two samples of milk collected in …
Subliminal fear priming potentiates negative facial reactions to food pictures in women with anorexia nervosa.
BackgroundTo investigate hedonic reactivity and the influence of unconscious emotional processes on the low sensitivity to positive reinforcement of food in anorexia nervosa (AN).MethodAN and healthy women were exposed to palatable food pictures just after a subliminal exposure to facial expressions (happy, disgust, fear and neutral faces), either while fasting or after a standardized meal (hungerversussatiety). Both implicit [facial electromyographic (EMG) activity from zygomatic and corrugator muscles, skin conductance, heart rate, and videotaped facial behavior] and explicit (self-reported pleasure and desire) measures of affective processes were recorded.ResultsIn contrast to healthy wo…
Hedonic responses to food odours in 1-2 year-old toddlers: a longitudinal study
Communication orale; International audience
Breastfeeding and experience with a variety of vegetables increases acceptance of new flavours by infants at weaning
Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience