Thierry Thomas-danguin
Less salt in food: science-tested strategies and the practices of consumers
Carbon dioxide in effervescent wines: influence on descriptive analysis, discrimination and consumer liking
National audience
Perceptual blending in odor mixtures depends on the nature of odorants and human olfactory expertise.
International audience; Our olfactory system is confronted with complex mixtures of odorants, often recognized as single entities due to odor blending (e.g., coffee). In contrast, we are also able to discriminate odors from complex mixtures (e.g., off-odors). Therefore, the olfactory system is able to engage either configural or elemental processes when confronted with mixtures. However, the rules that govern the involvement of these processes during odor perception remain poorly understood. In our first experiment, we examined whether simple odorant mixtures (binary/ternary) could elicit configural perception. Twenty untrained subjects were asked to evaluate the odor typicality of mixtures…
Using cross-modal interactions to counterbalance salt reduction in solid foods
International audience; We investigated odour-induced saltiness enhancement (OISE) in a solid model cheese with the aim of evaluating the influence of cross-modal interactions (odour-texture-taste) on saltiness perception and assessing the efficacy of using OISE to counterbalance salt reduction. Four model cheeses, varying in texture, were flavoured with three commercial tasteless aromas (comte cheese, sardine and carrot) differently associated with salty and cheesy food products. Twenty-seven consumers evaluated taste intensity, aroma intensity and its congruence with the product flavour, and the overall pleasantness of 12 flavoured and four unflavoured samples. The comparison of the perce…
ApéroSens : Les sens du plaisir
Dosage du chlore dans un headspace d'eau de Javel par électrode spécifique
National audience
Salt and Aroma Compound Distributions Influence Flavour Release and Temporal Perception While Eating Hot-Served Flans.
International audience; To counteract the negative effect of salt overconsumption on health, strategies have been developed to reduce the salt content in food products. Among them, two promising strategies based on odour-induced saltiness enhancement and the heterogeneous distribution of flavour compounds were combined and assessed in four-layer cream-based snacks. To investigate the relationship between saltiness enhancement, temporal release and perception of flavour compounds in hot snacks with heterogeneous distribution of salt and aroma compounds, complementary techniques were used: nose space PTR-Tof-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction-Time of Flight–Mass Spectrometry) to assess the release …
Qualitative and quantitative study of the mixture of two odorous compounds of wine
National audience
Perception des arômes en mélange : les facettes de la flaveur
National audience
Wine bouquet: the perceptual integration of chemical complexity
Although hundreds of chemical compounds have been identified in grapes and wine, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that only a small fraction of these compounds in reality contribute to the flavor of wine. These compounds have the ability to activate at least one of the chemical senses located in the mouth and in the nose. Even if the actual number of flavor compounds is reduced, when compared to wine chemical complexity, the mixture of stimuli is transformed into a mixture of sensory signals that is integrated all along the sensory pathways to give rise to the wine’s bouquet. During this integration process, perceptual interactions, within and between senses, are likely to occur [1]. Bei…
Configural perception of 6-odorant mixtures in newborn rabbits and human adults
International audience
Identification of volatile compounds in fruit juices using stir bar sorptive extraction, headspace solid-phase microextraction and solvent-assisted flavor evaporation
Identification of volatile compounds in fruit juices using stir bar sorptive extraction, headspace solid-phase microextraction and solvent-assisted flavor evaporation. Euro Food Chem 18
Sensory analysis and olfactory perception : some sources of variation
International audience
Strategies to enhance saltiness in food involving cross modal interactions
A series of results is reported on cross modal odour-taste interactions as a mean to enhance salty taste in food. Salt-related odours can enhance salty taste in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride through odour-induced changes in taste perception. Odour-induced saltiness perception enhancement (OISE) depends on salt concentration (intensity). OISE was also found effective in low-salt content solid model cheese, but texture dependant. A significant saltiness perception enhancement induced by Comté cheese and sardine odours was observed for softer textures only. In ternary odour-sour-salty solutions, sourness enhances saltiness perception additively with salt-related odo…
L'eau a-t-elle du goût ?
In vivo high-throughput identification of olfactory receptor repertoire coding for a blending mixture
International audience
Influence du contexte semantique sur la performance d'identification d'odeurs
National audience
Le bouquet du vin : une intégration complexe des perceptions au nez et en bouche
Le bouquet du vin : une intégration complexe des perceptions au nez et en bouche. VINELINK international: avancées en perception sensorielle du vin
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect
Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect. 13. Weurman flavour research symposium
Odour mixture processing: from birth to adulthood
International audience
Which influence of ageing on odour perception?
Which influence of ageing on odour perception?. Vitagora, 7. congrès "goût nutrition santé"
Cross-species configural perception of binary odor mixtures
International audience
La répartition hétérogène du NaCl influence la perception salée
Le régime alimentaire occidental conduit à une surconsommation de sodium deux fois supérieure au niveau recommandé. Le sodium est majoritairement apporté par le sel (NaCl) et sa consommation en excès est un des facteurs responsable de l’augmentation de l’hypertension artérielle. Ainsi, les pouvoirs publics recommandent-ils une réduction de 20% de la teneur en sel dans les principaux vecteurs alimentaires, tel que les plats préparés et les snacks. Cependant, il est difficile de réduire le taux de sel dans ces aliments tout en maintenant leur qualité gustative. En effet le sel confère aux aliments une saveur salée gage de leur palatabilité. Ce travail s’inscrit dans une recherche globale sur …
Enhancing salty taste through odour–taste–taste interactions: Influence of odour intensity and salty tastants’ nature
WOS:000315557500017 ; www.elsevier.com/locate/foodqual; International audience; Decreasing the sodium content in food products without changing consumer acceptability has become an important challenge for the food industry, and several strategies are currently under investigation to reach this goal. This study investigated the effectiveness of saltiness enhancement by an odour to maintain the perception of saltiness in reduced salt content solutions. In the first experiment, we tested the hypothesis that odour intensity drives the level of saltiness enhancement. The results showed that odour can increase the salty intensity by 25%, while no clear influence of odour intensity either in taste…
Perceptual Interactions in Complex Odor Mixtures
The perception of everyday odors relies on elemental or configural processing of complex mixtures of odorants. Theoretically, the configural processing of a mixture could lead to the perception of a single specific odor for the mixture; however, such a type of perception has hardly been proven in human studies. Here, we report the results of a sorting task demonstrating that a six-component mixture carries an odor clearly distinct from the odors of its components. These results suggest a blending effect of individual components’ odors in mixtures containing more than three odorants.
In silico study of correspondences between odors descriptions linked to common features of aromas compounds
The first step of odor detection and discrimination of structurally diverse odorants depends of their interactions with olfactory receptors (ORs) [1], whereas the perception of odors quality results from a combinatorial coding [2], whose identification still remains a major challenge. Recently, Martinez-Mayorga et al. demonstrated that odor description can be successfully analyzed using a metric approach by performing a descriptive analysis of the Flavor Base database (http://www.leffingwell.com, version 2010) [3]. The current version Flavor Base (9th edition, 2013) is one of the largest collections of flavor molecules (4226 molecules). We extracted 3508 molecules for which the described od…
Perceptual interactions between fruity and woody notes of wine
The quantitative olfactory interactions in three binary mixtures of wine aroma compounds were studied. For the first two mixtures, whisky lactone (woody note) was mixed separately with two esters (fruity note), ethyl butyrate and isoamyl acetate. For the third mixture, guaiacol (woody note) was mixed with ethyl butyrate (fruity note). Perceived odour intensity of 24 stimuli (four supra-threshold concentration levels of two compounds and the respective 16 mixtures) were evaluated in five replications, by a trained panel of 13 subjects. The results showed that for the three binary mixtures studied, quantitative perceptual interactions were non-level independent, non-symmetrical, and reached t…
Relationship between sensory profiles and odor-active compounds detected by Gas-Chromatography olfactometry
Cheese flavour has been widely studied and key-aroma compounds identified. However the strategies involved were mostly correlation studies between quantitative measurements of aroma compounds and either gas chromatography olfactometry (GC-O) data or sensory data. These correlations do not take in account the differences in the Stevens’ slopes relating sensory perception and concentration and perception thresholds. The objective of this study was thus to explain sensory perception of cheese by the intensity of single molecules measured by GC-O analysis. Seven commercial semi-hard cheeses were evaluated by a sensory descriptive analysis. Thirteen odour attributes were evaluated by a panel of …
Capacités olfactives face à des odeurs alimentaires et non-alimentaires chez des adultes de statuts pondéraux différents
Introduction et but de l’etude L’olfaction est un sens intrinseque a la prise alimentaire. En tant que determinant des choix alimentaires, sa relation avec l’obesite est encore mal comprise a ce jour. En effet, des etudes montrent que les capacites olfactives (detection et identification) sont plus faibles chez les individus en obesite (Peng, 2019) que chez les individus normo-ponderaux. D’autres auteurs ont montre au contraire que les individus en obesite pouvaient avoir une sensibilite accrue aux indices olfactifs alimentaires (Stafford, 2015). L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les capacites olfactives globales d’individus normo-ponderaux (N), en surpoids (S) et en obesite (O) fac…
Evidence for odor blending in odorant mixtures
Cross-modal interactions between taste and smell: Odour-induced saltiness enhancement depends on salt level
International audience; In recent years, health concerns related to salt have led to extensive research on low-salt foods. One major remaining issue is to reduce sodium content while still providing the salty fix, to maintain food appreciation, acceptance and choice. Using well-selected odours has been proposed to compensate for sodium chloride reduction in food, due to the cross-modal interactions between odour and taste. However, interactions between taste and odour, with regards to saltiness, remain poorly investigated. Moreover, although a few studies have assessed the influences of odour and sweet supra-threshold intensity on cross-modal interactions, none focused directly on how they …
Taking advantage of aromas to optimize liking of low salt foods
Synergy and masking in odor mixtures: an electrophysiological study of orthonasal vs. retronasal perception
Perceptual interactions in a model of wine woody–fruity binary mixtures were previously reported in a psychophysical study performed through orthonasal stimulation only. However, recent studies suggested that the perception of food-like and nonfood-like odors may depend on the route of stimulation. The aim of the present study was two-fold: first to examine the neural correlates of perceptual interactions using electroencephalogram (EEG)-derived event-related potentials (ERPs) and second to test the influence of the stimulation route on quality perception. Therefore, we designed an experiment with 30 subjects to study perceptual interactions in woody–fruity mixtures and compared ortho- vs. …
Neural activation induced by an odour mixture perceived elementally or configurally by the newborn rabbit
National audience; Perception of odours plays a crucial role in mammals facilitating interindividual communication, food choice and detection of danger, even from early in life (e.g. mother-young communication). However, little is known about the brain processing and perception of odorants in mixtures, which is by far the more common situation in life. To better understand how the brain processes odorants in mixtures, we used the newborn rabbit as a model. Rabbit pups display a clear sucking behaviour in response to the mammary pheromone (MP, the single molecule 2MB2) carried in the milk of lactating rabbit females. The MP also promotes associative conditioning and very rapid acquisition of…
Salt, sugar and lipid reduction in solid foods; a summary of the main outcomes from PLEASURE and TERIFIQ FP7 Twin projects
National audience; Most developed countries are facing excessive consumption of salt, saturated fat and free sugars. The reduction of salt-sugar-saturated fats (SSSF) in foods influences not only its nutritional qualities but also its sensory properties and safety (e.g.shelf-life). The main challenge is to formulate healthier foods, which will be accepted by consumers. In this context, two FP7 European projects, TeRiFiQ and PLeASURe have been funded on the same call (2012-2015) to investigate innovative strategies for the reduction of sodium, sugar and fat content in selected foods. Both projects focused on staple foods such as cheese, meat, bakery (cake), sauces and also pizza as an assemb…
Comment assurer l'éveil des sens pour mieux apprécier la vie ?
National audience
Mélanges odorants : que Bugs Bunny perçoit-il de sa carotte ?
La perception chimique, chez les Vertébrés comme les Invertébrés, permet de s'interroger sur les causes proximales et évolutives des comportements. Les animaux trouvent dans les composés chimiques qui les entourent des informations vitales, relatives par exemple à la prédation, la reproduction, l’alimentation. Ceci étant, très rares sont les situations où un odorant est émis et perçu seul; les organismes perçoivent en fait des odeurs en mélanges, ou des mélanges d'odeurs. Certains mélanges ont la particularité d’être perçus comme des entités propres, à l'odeur en partie ou totalement distincte de celles des constituants; on parle de perception synthétique. Ainsi, le lapereau perçoit dès la …
La matrice minérale de l'eau influence la perception de la flaveur chlore
poster exposé au 5e Congrès Vitagora Goût-Nutrition-Santé les 23-24 mars 2010 à Dijon (FRANCE); Objectif de l’étude : Le traitement par le chlore garantit une qualité bactériologique irréprochable à l’eau de réseau. La flaveur du chlore est un des reproches majeurs à l’encontre de l’eau du robinet. Le goût d’une eau est influencé par : a) la quantité totale de minéraux présents dans celle-ci (Teillet et al., 2007) [1] ; b) La nature et la proportion relative de ces minéraux (Puget, Curé et al., 2009) [2]. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si le goût intrinsèque de l’eau, induit par sa matrice minérale, peut avoir une influence sur la perception de la flaveur chlore.
Odor-induced change in saltiness: Enhancement of salt perception with salt-associated aroma
Towards the improvement of food flavour analysis: Modelling chemical and sensory data and expert knowledge integration
International audience
Can aroma compounds really improve the taste of sugar-reduced foods
International audience
Sentir différemment la même chose : approche comparative de la perception synthétique des mélanges chez le lapereau et l'Homme
Résumé de poster; Sentir différemment la même chose : approche comparative de la perception synthétique des mélanges chez le lapereau et l'Homme. SFECA 2013
The lyon clinical olfactory test: validation and measurement of hyposmia and anosmia in healthy and diseased populations.
; International audience; The LCOT is a self-administered test designed to assess olfactory deficits. Altogether, 525 subjects contributed to the validation. Elderly participants were well represented in this sample. In a validation study (study 1), 407 healthy and 17 anosmic volunteers between 15 and 91 years of age underwent threshold, supraliminal detection, and identification testing. Cutoff values for normosmia and hyposmia were calculated and applied in a second study in a group of patients with smell complaints and in a group of Alzheimer patients with age-matched controls. Incidence of smell deficit was estimated at 5.6% in the healthy population of study 1, and at 16% in the elder…
Evidence of regional differences in chlorine perception by consumers: sensitivity differences or habituation?
Chlorinous flavors are a leading cause of customers9 dissatisfaction with drinking water. Potential differences in chlorine perception were investigated by conducting sensory testing experiments in France and Spain to assess consumers9 sensory sensitivity (chlorine flavor detection threshold and supra-threshold intensity) as well as their liking of and acceptability for chlorinated solutions. In both countries, two groups of panelists were constituted based on their water drinking habits (tap vs. bottled water). Chlorine flavor detection threshold was found to vary depending on countries (0.17 mg/L Cl 2 in France and 0.56 mg/L Cl 2 in Spain). Taking into account that mean flavor detection t…
How is salt taste intensity encoded within the human brain? The responses of BOLD fMRI using food models
Functional MRI (fMRI) allows understanding the mechanisms by which sensations induced by food cues are perceived and processed within the brain, under the influence of various external (e.g. visual stimuli) and internal factors (e.g. body state). In particular, it allows analyzing at neurophysiological level how food formulations influence their sensory qualities and the pleasure experienced. Here, we used fMRI to infer several neural correlates of the perceived salty intensity produced by rewarding food models. Subjects received different savory solutions on their tongue using an MR-compatible gustatometer. The activations were mapped from smoothed high-resolution data, an imaging protocol…
Les molécules odorantes, sapides et trigéminales
National audience
Research group: Molecular interactions, in-mouth breakdown and flavour perception
publication de transfert; Research group: Molecular interactions, in-mouth breakdown and flavour perception. 3. edition of Vitagora®'s innovation business event
Prediction of sweetness potency from sweet taste receptor dose-response curves
International audience
Perceptual responses to odorant mixtures originate mainly from peripheral processing
International audience
Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors
Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors. International symposium olfaction & electronic noses (ISOEN 2011)
Perception des arômes et des parfums : Le codage olfactif de la complexité chimique
Perception des arômes et des parfums : Le codage olfactif de la complexité chimique. 4. journée Arômes et parfums
Evidence for multiple interactions at the olfactory receptor level
International audience
Perception of odour mixtures: the next challenge in flavour analysis.
Short paper dans conférence.; International audience; The olfactory dimension of food flavour is critical to the food identity and typicality. Food odour and aroma result from the processing of complex mixtures of volatile compounds activating the sense of smell. The perceptual properties of odour mixtures have been explored from both the aroma analysis point of view and the psychophysical point of view, thus revealing perceptual effects such as masking, synergy, or perceptual blending. However, considering odorants separately, the classical aroma analysis approach misses the central role of perceptual integration in odour mixture processing. Therefore, the challenge of food flavour analysi…
Counterbalancing salt reduction with aromas and consequences on sensory acceptability: A study with real cheese
Introduction and objective: Unbalanced diet with an overconsumption of salt contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Several strategies are currently investigated to design low-salt food while maintaining taste and consumer liking. The strategy relying on cross-modal sensory compensation is being tested within the framework of the EU-TeRiFiQ research project. In this context, this study had for aim to examine whether selected aromas could help to maintain salt and fat perception in low-salt real cheese. Methods: Two commercial cheeses, low-salt cheese (LSC) and regular-salt cheese (RSC), were reprocessed by grinding and addition of a sardine aroma associated to salty taste …
Combination of odour-stimulation tools and surface response methodology to improve recombination studies and reveal cheese aroma
International audience
Récepteurs olfactifs, modélisation et psychophysique... vers la compréhension du codage qualitatif des odeurs
National audience
Perte du goût et de l'odorat : un test d'autoévaluation (dans dossier de presse : Les recherches INRAE à l'heure de la pandémie de Covid-19 - 02 Quelles stratégies de lutte ? Dépister : autoévaluation de l'odorat)
Reducing salt and fat while maintaining taste: An approach on a model food system
Unbalanced diets with an excess consumption of fat, salt and low‐size sugars contribute to the development of pathologies such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. As a consequence, worldwide healthcare authorities advocate salt, fat and sugar reduction in food. However, the multifunctional roles of these ingredients in both food composition and perception prevent a simple reduction of their content. Several strategies are currently investigated to design healthier food while maintaining its taste and consumer acceptability. Among these strategies, the one relying on crossmodal sensory compensation is tested within the framework of the EU‐TeRiFiQ research project. The main obj…
Exemplarity measurement and estimation of the level of interjudge agreement for two categories of French red wines
Abstract Exemplarity measurements of wines by at least 20 judges are used to estimate the degree of interjudge (dis)agreement and to tell wines apart into two contrasting extremes. Two sets of French red wines – Pinot noir from Burgundy and Cabernet franc from the Loire Valley – are studied separately but by the same approach. Short-listing criteria are used to collate 40 starting-price and middle-range wines for each set differing a priori in olfactory terms. Wine professionals assess their local wines first orthonasally and then, independently, by global evaluation. A pool of descriptive and inferential statistics indicates there is generally neither complete divergence nor real agreement…
How to predict the odor profile of wine from its chemical composition? In silico modelling using experts' knowledge, fuzzy logic and optimization
International audience
Perception of odor mixtures in a newborn ammal
Les récepteurs olfactifs et le codage des odeurs
The first step of the olfactory detection involves the activation by odorants of olfactory receptors, which are membrane proteins embedded in the membrane of olfactory neurons. Odour coding results from the combinatory activation of a set of receptors and rests on their clonal expression. Neuronal olfactory connexion leads to the formation, in the cortex, of a specific sensory map, which gives rise to the odor perception. This combinatorial system allows, with approximately 340 different receptors, to discriminate myriads of odorants that are natural or not (new cooking flavours, synthetic chemicals…). The extreme olfactory genome diversity in human beings may explain different food behavio…
Evidence of neonatal memory of odor configuration
The perception of some mixtures of odorants engages configural abilities, i.e. the perception of these mixtures as single odor objects. For instance, data in human adults demonstrated that a mixture of two odorants (AB), one smelling like strawberry and the other like caramel, generates the configural perception of the odor of pineapple (Le Berre et al., 2008; Barkat et al., 2012). Configural processing may be adaptive also for young organisms, to which rapid extraction of chemical information from the maternal environment, highly complex, is a prerequisite to survival. Thus, results in newborn rabbits suggest the perception of a unique odor in the AB mixture (smelling like configural pinea…
Counterbalancing salt reduction in food using cross-modal interactions
International audience
Both the number and perceptual quality of odorants control configural processing of odor mixture in human adults
Both the number and perceptual quality of odorants control configural processing of odor mixture in human adults. 36. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS XXXVI)
Impact of ethanol on the perception of wine odorant mixtures
International audience; Several studies have focused on perceptual interactions in binary odor mixtures, but few on more complex mixtures. The aroma of wine is an example of a complex odor mixture. Our aim was to assess the impact of ethanol on the perception of mixtures of Woody (whiskey lactone) and Fruity (isoamyl acetate) odorants commonly found, physico-chemically and perceptually, in wine. Physico-chemically, reduced whiskey lactone volatility was observed in hydro-alcoholic solutions. Perceptually, a synergy effect by the Woody on the Fruity odor was observed in aqueous solutions, which disappeared with the addition of ethanol. Conversely, the Woody odor was masked in both aqueous an…
Effets de l'expérience sur la perception de mélanges odorants chez l'Homme adulte et le lapereau nouveau-né
Poster présenté
Perception of mixtures of odorants and tastants: sensory and analytical points of view
Perception of mixtures of odorants and tastants: sensory and analytical points of view
Multisensory integration as a strategy to compensate for sodium and fat reduction in food
Multisensory integration as a strategy to compensate for sodium and fat reduction in food. Forum Jeunes chercheurs
Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in their chlorine flavour acceptability: A key role of trigeminal sensitivity?
International audience
Perceptual odor blending is influenced by chemical complexity of odorant mixtures
International audience; Perfumers and flavorists are familiar with odor blending phenomenon and often report that a minimum number of odorants has to be mixed for a good odor blend to arise. Previous studies in humans and animals suggested that a configural process could be involved in the perceptual analysis of mixtures of odorants. It has been proposed that the perceptual blending phenomenon corresponds to a configural perception of odorant mixtures. In the present study, we investigated the influence of chemical complexity on the configural perception of odorant mixtures. Six mixtures including 2 to 6 odorants as well as each unmixed odorant were assessed for their odor quality by a pane…
Pre-exposure to odour mixture modifies the perceptual quality of the components
International audience
L'arôme, la Saveur, la Flaveur : que nous apprend la science sur l'origine du goût des fruits et légumes ?
Understanding the odor mixture
International audience
Evidences of regional differences in chlorine perception by consumers: sensitivity differences or habituation?
Résumé du poster présenté.; Chlorinous flavors are one of the leading cause of customers’ complaints and dissatisfaction with drinking water. To investigate potential regional differences in chlorine perception, sensory testing experiments were conducted in France and in Spain to assess consumers’ sensory sensitivity (chlorine flavor detection threshold) as well as their liking and acceptance for chlorinated solutions. The chlorine flavor detection threshold was found to vary depending on countries (0.17 mg/LCl2 in France and 0.56 mg/LCl2 in Spain). According to the relation found between chlorine practices and average flavor detection thresholds, it is likely that habituation may support o…
La perception des mélanges odorants alimentaires. Exemple d'étude couplée chez l'Homme et le lapin.
Elemental abilities of newborn rabbits facing multicomponent odour mixtures
National audience
Proportion of odorants impacts the configural versus elemental perception of a binary blending mixture in newborn rabbits.
WOS: 000295167200002; International audience; Processing of odor mixtures by neonates is weakly understood. Previous studies showed that a binary mixture of ethyl isobutyrate/ethyl maltol (odorants A/B) blends in newborn rabbits at the 30/70 ratio: Pups would perceive a configural odor in addition to the components' odors. Here, we investigated whether the emergence of this additional odor in AB is determined by specific ratio(s) of A and B. To that goal, we tested whether pups discriminated between AB mixtures with lower (A(-)B, 8/92 ratio) or higher (A(+)B, 68/32) proportion of A. In Experiment 1, pups conditioned to A (or B) responded to A(-)B and A(+)B but not to AB. In Experiment 2, pu…
Heterogeneous distribution of aroma and salt in food enhances salt perception
In the worldwide context of healthy diet, taste enhancement is essential to maintain low salt food acceptability. Aroma-taste interactions and heterogeneous distribution of tastants were used as strategies for taste enhancement. However, the combination of these two strategies has never been studied. This study investigated the effect of heterogeneous aroma-salt distribution on salty taste enhancement and consumer acceptability of hot snacks. A four-layers cream-based model food was designed with the same total amount of sodium and ham aroma, but their distribution varied in each layer. Low, medium or large contrasts between layers of salt and aroma concentration were used, according to an …
An olfactory receptor detects waxy, fatty and rose odors
An olfactory receptor detects waxy, fatty and rose odors. Salon Européen de la Recherche et de l’Innovation
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT National project
International audience
The NAOMI (Nasal Odorant Metabolites) consortium: an international, multidisciplinary consortium investigating how metabolites resulting from nasal enzymatic odorant metabolism can shape odor perception
International audience; A functional sense of smell is essential for evaluating and enjoying food, receiving information about conspecifics, and detecting threats via airborne chemical cues. Olfactory dysfunction has been associated with an impaired quality of life, reflected by a higher incidence of undesirable mental states such as depression and social insecurity. Addressing and overcoming related olfactory dysfunction issues require a detailed understanding of peripheral and central processes involved in olfaction. Consequently, there is a growing body of research unravelling molecular and cellular interactions that shape olfactory sensation. Recent studies have demonstrated that in the…
Comparison of stir bar sorptive extraction in the liquid and vapour phases, solvent-assisted flavour evaporation and headspace solid-phase microextraction for the (non)-targeted analysis of volatiles in fruit juice
The volatile fraction plays an important role on the organoleptic properties and overall acceptability of fruit juices. This work reports for first time a non-targeted approach for the analysis of the volatile fraction of fruit juice by stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE[1]) in liquid and vapour phase (HSSE[2]) at three extraction times (30, 60, and 120 min), two temperatures (room temperature and 40 °C), and two sample volumes (5 and 10 mL). The resultant volatile profiles were compared with solvent-assisted flavour evaporation (SAFE[3]) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME[4]). SBSE and HSSE enabled the detection and identification of more compounds than HS-SPME and less tha…
Configural vs. elemental processing of complex odour mixtures in newborn rabbits
National audience
Perceptual processing strategy and exposure influence the perception of odor mixtures
; In flavor perception, both experience with the components of odor/taste mixtures and the cognitive strategy used to examine the interactions between the components influence the overall mixture perception. However, the effect of these factors on odor mixtures perception has never been studied. The present study aimed at evaluating whether 1) previous exposure to the odorants included in a mixture or 2) the synthetic or analytic strategy engaged during odorants mixture evaluation determines odor representation. Blending mixtures, in which subjects perceived a unique quality distinct from those of components, were chosen in order to induce a priori synthetic perception. In the first part, …
[P32] Study of Odorants Sharing the Odor Notes of an Aroma Blending Mixture by a Pharmacophore Approach
Odors perceived in our environment are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants whose the specific mechanisms involved in their processing remain poorly understood [1]. In previous studies performed at INRAE-CSGA [2], the perception of a mixture of ethyl isobutyrate (Et-iB, strawberry-like odor, STR) and ethyl maltol (Et-M, caramel-like odor, CAR) was investigated in comparison with a reference (allyl hexanoate, Al-H, pineapple-like odor, PNA) chosen to evoke an odor close to the one expected in the mixture. The binary specific mixture of Et-iB and Et-M was judged as more typical of a pineapple odor than the individual components. Some studies highlight the significance of the biological f…
Predicting odor similarity of complex mixtures from molecular approach
The question of Organic Unity in Flavour: The whole is not equal to the sum of the parts
International audience
Exploring the network of odours shared by an aroma blending mixture
International audience; The first step of odour perception is an interaction between odorants and olfactory receptors [1]. Moreover, odours perceived in our environment are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants; however, the specific mechanisms involved in their processing remain poorly understood [2]. In previous studies performed at INRA-CSGA [3], the perception of a mixture of ethyl isobutyrate (Et-iB, strawberry-like odour, STR) and ethyl maltol (Et-M, caramel-like odour, CAR) was investigated in comparison with a reference (allyl hexanoate, Al-H, pineapple-like odour, PNA) chosen to evoke an odour close to the one expected in the mixture. The binary specific mixture of Et-iB and Et…
Chapter 5 - Perceptual interactions in complex odor mixtures: the blending effect
The capacity of humans to perceive components in a configural senary mixture and its sub-mixtures
Estimating odorant trigeminal threshold with the laterization method associated to a constant stimuli procedure
International audience
Identification of volatile compounds of fruit juice by head space (HSSE) and immersion stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and thermal desorption-cryogenic focusing-gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Identification of volatile compounds of fruit juice by head space (HSSE) and immersion stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and thermal desorption-cryogenic focusing-gas chromatography mass spectrometry. 16. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses (ISOEN 2015)
Salt distribution in food influences salt perception
Salt (NaCl) consumption is recognized as an important factor in the rise of hypertension in industrialized countries. Therefore, health authorities recommend a reduction of 20% of salt content (generally salt is present about 0.5 to 2g per 100g of food) in several food products such as ready meals and snacks. However, salt reduction in processed foods induces numerous technical difficulties since salt has a number of functions: preservation, water and fat binding and flavour enhancement. Indeed, salt gives a salty taste that guarantees food palatability. The present study is in line with global research to reduce salt level in foods while maintaining saltiness. The aim is to evaluate the in…
Multivariate approach to reveal relationships between sensory perception of cheeses and aroma profile obtained with different extraction methods
A new and original statistical approach was used to compare the effectiveness of 4 different methods to analyse aroma compounds of seven different commercial semi-hard cheeses with regard to their orthonasal sensory perception. Four extraction methods were evaluated: Purge and Trap, Artificial Mouth, Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) and Solvent-Assisted Flavour Evaporation (SAFE). Among the headspace methods, Artificial Mouth gave the closest representation of the studied product space to the sensory perception one. The SAFE method was complementary to the dynamic headspace methods, as it was very efficient in extracting the heavy molecules but less efficient for extracting the most volat…
Consistency between sorting task and sensory descriptie analysis: application to cheese products
Sensory descriptive analysis (DA) is the incontrovertible method to obtain a complete description of a product. In such methodology, trained panellists evaluate a series of attributes that significantly discriminates products in a set. Sensory sorting task (ST) is often used with consumers in order to obtain a sensory map representing the global differences between products. The two methods are based on very different methodology, but each attends to show the main differences and similarity amongst products. Thus, one can wonder whether these two methods show the same differences, or more precisely, do the results obtained by DA resemble the ones obtained with ST? In the present study, we e…
Interactions at the olfactory receptor level contribute to the coding of odorant mixtures
International audience
Perceptual interactions in odour mixtures: The blending effect
The odour perceived from a mixture of odorants varies depending on several factors as the context, individual physiological abilities, experience… but also as the perceptual interactions occurring over the processing of odorant mixtures. Sometimes, these interactions which appear during odour information coding and processing, lead to synergy or masking of odour notes (1). In other occasions, they lead to a blending effect. Odour blending appears when a mixture is perceived as a unique odour different from the odour of its components (1, 2). This type of mixture is well known by perfumers and flavourists who daily construct and use it in an empirical fashion. Here, we conducted a series of …
Experience influences elemental and configural perception of certain binary odour mixtures in newborn rabbits.
SUMMARY Elemental and configural olfactory perception allows interaction with the environment from very early in life. To evaluate how newborn rabbits can extract and respond to information from the highly complex chemical surroundings, and how experience acts on this sensory, cognitive and behavioural capability, we ran a study in four steps including a total of eight experiments. We mainly used a binary AB mixture comprising ethyl isobutyrate (component A) and ethyl maltol (component B), previously shown as a bearer of blending properties; in rabbit pups (as in human adults), the mixture elicits a weak configural perception, i.e. the perception of a configural odour different from the odo…
Correction des hétérogénéités de champ RF b1+ pour l'optimisation de l'IRM quantitative du sodium dans des aliments réels
Grace aux corrections présentées, des données quantitatives de répartition du sodium sont recueillies sur différents aliments salés pour étudier l'effet matrice (carotte, pâte, viande, pomme de terre), l'effet structure (carotte entière, purée de carotte, potage de carotte) et l'effet moment de salage (pendant la cuisson ou à l'assiette) sur la répartition finale du sel. Dans un second temps ces données seront mises en regard de données de relargage du sodium en bouche et de perception gustative. L'objectif du projet étant de fournir des indications aux familles pour utiliser plus efficacement le sel de table : en préservant leur santé et en respectant leurs attentes gustatives.
Goût et plaisir : Deux concepts fortement associés sur le plan neurobiologique. Cahier n° 2 de l'Observatoire des saveurs
PARI 2010-2011 - Projet DINOS "Innovinaroma" ou Mélanges d'odorants et milieux complexes
L'idée est de réaliser une méta-analyse non ciblée de données d'origines multiples afin de prendre en compte à la fois les résultats de l'analyse sensorielle établie sur le concept de typicité mais aussi celles de l'olfactométrie séparative, de l'analyse semi-quantitative, de la chimie des odorants identifiés, de la psychophysique et de l'aromatique alimentaire. Le statut de composés clés porteurs de typicité aromatique, relève de leur présence en mélange dans des gammes de concentrations et dans un environnement à la fois complexe et diversifié propre à la catégorie sensorielle cible. Les approches, dont le but était de faire émerger un tel groupe d'odorants, jusqu'ici trop simplistes ou t…
Development of the ETOC : a European test of olfactory capabilities
A number of smell tests designed to evaluate human olfactory capabilities have been published, but none have been validated cross-culturally. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a reliable and quick olfactory test that could be used to evaluate efficiently the olfactory abilities of a European population. This test, named ETOC and based on a combination of a supra-threshold detection task and an identification task, was designed to be a cross-cultural tool that would measure the decline in olfactory performance with ageing. Two versions of the ETOC, one easy and one less easy, were used to test the olfactory performance of European citizens in three countries (France, Sweden and …
Odorants' metabolism in Human: a critical role in odor perception revealed
Selection of potential impact odorants and attempts at sensory validation of their importance on Chardonnay wines typicality
International audience
The perception of odor objects in everyday life: a review on the processing of odor mixtures
International audience; Smelling monomolecular odors hardly ever occurs in everyday life, and the daily functioning of the sense of smell relies primarily on the processing of complex mixtures of volatiles that are present in the environment (e.g., emanating from food or conspecifics). Such processing allows for the instantaneous recognition and categorization of smells and also for the discrimination of odors among others to extract relevant information and to adapt efficiently in different contexts. The neurophysiological mechanisms underpinning this highly efficient analysis of complex mixtures of odorants is beginning to be unraveled and support the idea that olfaction, as vision and au…
Heterogeneous salt distribution: A way to enhance saltiness without loss of acceptability
Health authorities recommend a drastic reduction of salt content in food products. However, such reduction leads to a decrease in both saltiness and acceptability. In a series of experiments, we investigated a new strategy to compensate for salt reduction in food. We assessed the effect of heterogeneous salt distribution on saltiness enhancement, and food acceptability. First, we examined whether salt distribution could affect sodium perception in a salty baked food. This model food is composed of two layers: a cream-based and a cereal-based layer. Three salt levels were tested within each layer, according to a full factorial design. A panel of consumers (n=87) evaluated saltiness of each f…
Interactions of odorants with olfactory receptors and receptor neurons match the perceptual dynamics observed for woody and fruity odorant mixtures
The present study aimed to create a direct bridge between observations on peripheral and central responses to odorant mixtures and their components. Three experiments were performed using mixtures of fruity (isoamyl acetate; ISO) and woody (whiskey lactone; WL) odorants known to contribute to some of the major notes in Burgundy red wine. These experiments consisted of (i) calcium imaging of human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293T) transfected with olfactory receptors (ORs); (ii) single-unit electrophysiological recordings from olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and analyses of electro-olfactogram (EOG) responses in the rat nose in vivo; and (iii) psychophysical measurements of the perceived in…
Perception of blending mixtures at different ages - A pilot study in humans
Olfactory configural and elemental abilities in adults with autism
Olfactory configural and elemental abilities in adults with autism. Clinical chemosensation 2014
Cross-modal interactions as a strategy to enhance salty taste and to maintain liking of low-salt food: a review.
Salt reduction in foods is becoming an important challenge to preserve population health from severe diseases as recommended by different health agencies worldwide. Among the reduction strategies already evaluated in order to lower sodium salt content in foods, the use of cross-modal interactions between taste and odour, regardless of saltiness, was revealed to be a very promising method to improve saltiness perception. Cross-modal odour-taste interaction, as means to enhance salty taste in foods, is reviewed. Salt-related odours can enhance salty taste in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride through odour-induced changes in taste perception. Odour-induced saltiness per…
Multidisciplinary approach to explore interactions in odor mixture perception
Odors and aromas perceived in food and in the environment result from the processing of complex chemical mixtures of volatile compounds that should be efficiently processed by the olfactory system. It is known for decades that this processing generates perceptual interactions, such as masking, synergy, or perceptual blending, which contribute to elaborating a synthetic brain representation of the chemical information. Nevertheless, the perceptual processes underlying these interactions are still poorly known. In this project, we set out a multidisciplinary approach to identify the characteristics of odorants and olfactory receptors (ORs) that could support perceptual interactions. We hypoth…
Perception thresholds for fat in cottage cheese: inter-individual variability, aroma contribution and impact of tasting temperature
Perception thresholds for fat in cottage cheese: inter-individual variability, aroma contribution and impact of tasting temperature. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium
Combined heterogeneous distribution of salt and aroma in food enhances salt perception
Aroma–taste interactions and heterogeneous spatial distribution of tastants were used as strategies for taste enhancement. This study investigated the combination of these two strategies through the effect of heterogeneous salt and aroma distribution on saltiness enhancement and consumer liking for hot snacks. Four-layered cream-based products were designed with the same total amount of sodium and ham aroma but varied in their spatial distribution. Unflavoured products containing the same amount of salt and 35% more salt were used as references. A consumer panel (n = 82) rated the intensity of salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami tastes as well as ham and cheese aroma intensity for each pro…
Aroma compounds to rescue the taste of healthy foods and beverages
Aroma compounds to rescue the taste of healthy foods and beverages. 252. American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Exploring the odorant and molecular characteristics of molecules sharing the odour notes of an aroma blending mixture
Online event (Live and on-demand); International audience; To perceive a huge number of odors from few hundreds ORs, the human olfactory system encodes odor identities by an olfactory scheme whereby one olfactory receptor (OR) recognizes multiple odorants while one odorant activates different combinations of ORs [1, 2]. Odors perceived in our environment are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants, but the specific mechanisms involved in their processing remain poorly understood [3]. In previous studies performed at INRAE-CSGA [4], the perception of a mixture of ethyl isobutyrate (Et iB, strawberry-like odor, STR) and ethyl maltol (Et-M, caramel-like odor, CAR) was investigated in compari…
Initial dominance of salty taste increases saltiness in heterogeneous food products
In the worldwide context of healthy diet, a reduction of sodium intake is recommended. However, low-salt foods are poorly appreciated by consumers due to flavour drawbacks. Among the various strategies under investigation to compensate for salt reduction at a sensory level, the combination of aroma-taste interactions and tastants heterogeneous distribution is a promising one. This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of such a strategy throughout the full eating experience. To do so, Temporal Dominance of Sensation (TDS) was used to assess the saltiness enhancement in hot model snacks specifically designed to vary in salt and aroma distribution. According to an optimized experimental …
Neonatal representation of odour objects: distinct memories of the whole and its parts
Extraction of relevant information from highly complex environments is a prerequisite to survival. Within odour mixtures, such information is contained in the odours of specific elements or in the mixture configuration perceived as a whole unique odour. For instance, an AB mixture of the element A (ethyl isobutyrate) and the element B (ethyl maltol) generates a configural AB percept in humans and apparently in another species, the rabbit. Here, we examined whether the memory of such a configuration is distinct from the memory of the individual odorants. Taking advantage of the newborn rabbit's ability to learn odour mixtures, we combined behavioural and pharmacological tools to specifically…
Investigating semi-hard cheese aroma: Relationship between sensory profiles and gas chromatography-olfactometry data
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate semi-hard cheese aroma by explaining sensory characteristics of cheese by gas chromatography–olfactometry (GC–O) data obtained via intensity ratings. Sensory (13 odour attributes) and GC–O profiles obtained by trained panels were carried out on seven non-processed semi-hard cheeses. Intensity scores for significant sensory attributes and significant odour-active compounds were analysed by partial least squares to determine correlations between these datasets. A total of nine sensory attributes and 15 odour-active molecules significantly discriminated between the cheeses. There were strong correlations (89% of the sensory data was explain…
Reducing salt and fat while maintaining taste: An approach using cross-modal sensory compensation
Unbalanced diets with an overconsumption of fat, salt and sugars contribute to the development of pathologies. As a consequence, healthcare authorities advocate salt, fat and sugar reduction in food, but this often leads to less tasty products. Several strategies are currently investigated to design healthier food while maintaining taste and consumer liking. The strategy relying on cross-modal sensory compensation is being tested within the framework of the EU-TeRiFiQ research project. The main objective is to evaluate whether an optimisation texture, taste and aroma could help to maintain especially salt or fat perception in low-fat-salt food. Here we set out to examine whether a modificat…
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space
Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space. Human chemosensation meeting
Composés-clés de la flaveur dans des mélanges modèles complexes : Perception et apprentissage
; absent
Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products
Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products. 28. EFFOST conference. Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health
Differential memory persistence of odor mixture and components in newborn rabbits: competition between the whole and its parts
Interacting with the mother during the daily nursing, newborn rabbits experience her body odour cues. In particular, the mammary pheromone (MP) contained in rabbit milk triggers the typical behaviour which helps to localize and seize the nipples. It also promotes the very rapid appetitive learning of simple or complex stimuli (odorants or mixtures) through associative conditioning. We previously showed that 24h after MP-induced conditioning to odorants A (ethyl isobutyrate) or B (ethyl maltol), newborn rabbits perceive the AB mixture in a weak configural way, i.e. they perceive the odour of the AB configuration in addition to the odours of the elements. Moreover, after conditioning to the m…
Smellier food could help cut salt levels
Saltiness perception and strategies to reduce salt content in food publié dans 100 results to understand the fate of food in the digestive tract: Chapter 1. Food oral processing: a key step for food sensory perception
Salt-related odors can enhance saltiness perception in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride. Sourness additively enhanced saltiness with salt-related odors. In real food systems, a strategy combining odor-induced saltiness enhancement and heterogeneous distribution of stimuli was found to compensate for over a 25% decrease in salt-content without significant loss of acceptability.
Towards an understanding of odor blending in odorant mixtures: a pharmacophore approach
National audience; Odors we perceived in our environment are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants. The first step of odor perception is an interaction between these odorant mixtures and olfactory receptors. The corresponding transduced olfactory signals, conveyed by olfactory sensory neurons, are then processed by the brain (Zou et al. 2006). In previous studies, we investigated the perception of a mixture including specific proportions of ethyl isobutyrate (strawberry-like odor) and ethylmaltol (caramel-like odor). This specific mixture was especially judged as more typical of a pineapple odor than the individual components (Coureaud et al. 2008, Le Berre et al. 2008, Coureaud et al. …
Elemental or configural perception of an odour mixture induces differences in neural activation in the newborn rabbit
International audience
Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?
Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?. 35. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS)
Tap water consumers differ from non-consumers in chlorine flavor acceptability but not sensitivity
International audience; Unpleasant taste and especially chlorine flavor is one of the most common reasons advocated for choosing tap water alternatives as drinking water. As a consequence, the putative link between sensitivity to chlorine flavor and tap water consumption is an issue in drinking water habits studies. In the present study, we set out to examine such a link following a strategy in which we measured chlorine flavor perception at threshold and supra-threshold level for two groups of participants selected on their drinking water consumption habits. The first group included exclusive tap water consumers and the second group included exclusive bottled water consumers. In a first ex…
Comparison of two sensory methods to obtain reliable dose-intensity curves for sweet taste compounds
International audience
Perception of wine fruity and woody notes : influence of peri- threshold odorants
International audience
Binary models of an odour masking effect in wine
International audience
What makes the taste of waters? What sensory methodology to address this question?
International audience; To characterize the taste of drinking waters, Teillet et al. (2010) used first a free sorting task and then defined the Polarized Sensory Positioning (PSP) technique as a substitute better suited to industrial constraints. They conclude that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the main driver of water taste. Puget et al. (2010) found, based on triangular tests, that differences in mineral profiles can also generate taste differences. The research reported in this paper aims at assessing relative importance of TDS and mineral profile in water taste and at the same time comparing free sorting task, PSP and triangular test suitability for addressing this issue. Three levels…
Food composition and oral processing influencing flavour release and perception
Aroma and taste release depend on food composition and texture Oral physiology influences aroma and taste release and perception (interindividual variability) Aroma and taste release does not always explain aroma and taste perception Aroma-taste cross modal interactions may explain these differences Aroma-taste cross modal interactions can also be used in a strategy of salt reduction.
MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT project. Potential interest in baking
Miraculine is a glycol-protein extracted from the Miracle fruit which is a berry(Synsepalum dulcificum - Sapotaceae family, Daniell-1952). Common names for the miracle fruit are miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry …. It originated from West Africa and is grown under tropical climate. In the 1970s, it has been attempted to commercialize miraculin on a large scale in the United States under the name of Miralin. The FDA allowed and then blocked the development of this new natural sweetener because no non-toxicity test had been performed. At the same time, aspartame was authorized. Today, miraculin is still not permitted in the USA and in Europe (classified as Novel Food). Besides, it …
Newborn rabbits perceive odour mixtures elementally or configurally according to theri experience
Features of multicomponent odour mixtures leading to blending effect in humans
International audience
Multimodal interactions
Revue; International audience; Introduction A central sensory characteristic of food is its flavor, which, most of the time, confers to a given food product its identity and typicality, and thus contribute to its liking (Prescott, 2015). Flavor has been defined as a sensory percept induced by food or beverage tasting. This holistic perception is constructed through the functional integration of information transmitted by the chemical senses: olfaction, gustation, and oral and nasal somatosensory inputs (Thomas-Danguin, 2009). Flavor may be influenced by other nonchemical sensory inputs such as texture, sound, or color (Spence, 2013). The functional integration of information transmitted by …
Perception de mélanges d'odorants, étude psychophysique et comportementale chez l'Homme et le mammifère nouveau-né
Perception de mélanges d'odorants, étude psychophysique et comportementale chez l'Homme et le mammifère nouveau-né. Sens & Co PhD
Impact of pre-exposure on the perception of odorant mixtures in humans
International audience
Cross modal interactions: way to counterbalance salt reduction in solid foods?
International audience; Four model cheeses varying in texture (2 Dry Matter (DM) levels; 2 Fat/DM levels and 1 salt level) were designed and flavored with 3 commercial tasteless aromas (“Comté Cheese”, Sardine and Carrot) differently associated with salty and cheesy food products. Thirty untrained subjects were instructed to evaluate taste intensity (sourness, bitterness, saltiness and sweetness), aroma intensity, texture attributes (firmness, moistness and graininess), aroma congruency with the product and their hedonic appreciation of the 12 flavored and 4 unflavored model cheese samples. A comparison of the saltiness perception of the flavored and unflavored model cheeses revealed cross-…
Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?
Is the superior temporal sulcus involved in the reinforced configural processing of a binary odor mixture?. 35. annual meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS)
Heterogeneous salt distribution in hot snacks enhances saltiness without loss of acceptability
clef UT: 000318667000026; International audience; Abstract Health issues have led worldwide organisations to encourage the food industry to reduce salt in processed foods. Therefore, different strategies for salt reduction have been investigated. Here, the effect of heterogeneous salt distribution on saltiness perception intensity was assessed to compensate for salt reduction in snack foods. Two models of hot-served baked foods were developed. One model is made of two layers that vary in composition (cream-based and cereal-based layers) and salt (NaCl) concentration; the other one is made of four cream-based layers that vary in salt concentrations. Consumer panels rated the saltiness intens…
Mécanismes impliqués dans la détection périphérique d'un mélange d'odorants
Chez les mammifères, la première étape de la perception olfactive implique des interactions biochimiques entre les molécules odorantes et les récepteurs olfactifs. La plupart des connaissances sur le fonctionnement du système olfactif repose sur l’utilisation des stimuli simples c’est-à-dire un seul odorant. De ce fait on ignore encore comment le système olfactif reçoit et traite cette information lorsque l’odeur est issue d’un mélange de molécules odorantes. Certaines études suggèrent que les interactions au niveau des récepteurs olfactifs (RO) peuvent affecter fortement la perception des mélanges odorants. La présente étude a pour but d’explorer les phénomènes périphériques qui soustenden…
Nutrition : des arômes pourraient très bien remplacer le sel
Perception analytique et synthétique des mélanges d’odorants : études combinées chez le lapereau nouveau-né et l’Homme adulte
National audience
The distribution of sodium within cooked food and sodium interactions with the matrix depends on both food matrices and salting practices
The quantitative maps results show that the sodium distribution is more heterogeneous in the carrot salted after cooking than in the carrot salted during cooking The salt diffusion during 5 hours after the 20 minutes of cooking for cooked carrot either salted during cooking or salted after cooking show an homogenization of the sodium
Just noticeable differences in component concentrations modify the odor quality of a blending mixture.
International audience; The odors we perceive are mainly the result of mixtures of odorants that, however, are commonly perceived as single undivided entities; nevertheless, the processes involved remain poorly explored. It has been recently reported that perceptual blending based on configural olfactory processing can cause odorant mixtures to give rise to an emergent odor not present in the components. The present study examined whether specific component proportions are required to elicit an emergent odor. Starting from the composition of a ternary target mixture in which an emergent pineapple odor was perceived, 4 concentration levels of each component were chosen to elicit just noticea…
Olfactoscan device used to reveal aroma active compounds in pinot noir wines
Olfactoscan device used to reveal aroma active compounds in pinot noir wines. 16. International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses (ISOEN 2015)