Gilles Feron

Cationisation des esters de coenzyme A dans une matrice basique en LSIMS

National audience

research product

Strategies to overcome toxicity during flavour production by micro-organisms: The case of gamma-decalactone from Sporidiobolus salmonicolor

International audience

research product

Oral enzymatic detoxification system: Insights obtained from proteome analysis to understand its potential impact on aroma metabolization

The oral cavity is an entry path into the body, enabling the intake of nutrients but also leading to the ingestion of harmful substances. Thus, saliva and oral tissues contain enzyme systems that enable the early neutralization of xenobiotics as soon as they enter the body. Based on recently published oral proteomic data from several research groups, this review identifies and compiles the primary detoxification enzymes (also known as xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes) present in saliva and the oral epithelium. The functions and the metabolic activity of these enzymes are presented. Then, the activity of these enzymes in saliva, which is an extracellular fluid, is discussed with regard to the…

research product

In-mouth air cavity volume changes and aroma release during mint consumption in human

Poster; International audience

research product

Inter-individual retronasal aroma release variability during cheese consumption: Role of food oral processing

The aim of our study was to explain inter-individual differences on in vivo aroma release during cheese consumption by oral physiological parameters. To reach this objective, 34 subjects were recruited. Their salivary flow, oral volume and velum opening were determined. Six cheddar-based melted cheeses with different fat levels and firmness were flavoured with nonan-2-one.(NO) and ethyl propanoate (EP). During their consumption (free protocol), in vivo retro nasal aroma release was followed by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical lonisation-Mass Spectrometry (APCI-MS). Chewing activity was evaluated by electromyography recordings. Bolus saliva content, mouth-coating, and bolus rheology were also d…

research product

Multi-omics profiling reveals that eating difficulties developed consecutively to artificial nutrition in the neonatal period are associated to specific saliva composition.

Prolonged enteral or parenteral nutrition in neonatal periods sometimes results in eating difficulties persisting for years, with reduced food intake through the oral route and thereby reduced stimulation of the oral cavity. Aiming at describing the consequences on oral physiology, saliva of 21 children with eating difficulties (ED) was compared to that of 23 healthy controls, using various omics and targeted methods. Overall, despite heterogeneity within the groups (age, medication etc.), the three spectral methods (MALDI-TOF, SELDI-TOF, (1)H NMR) allowed discriminating ED and controls, confirming that oral stimulation by food intake plays a role in shaping the composition of saliva. Saliv…

research product

Toxicity of gamma-decalactone and 4-hydroxydecanoic towards two species of sporidiobolus

National audience

research product

Metabolism of ricinoleic acid into gamma-decalactone : beta oxidation and long chain acyl intermediates of ricinoleic acid in the genus Sporidiobolus sp

International audience

research product

Salivary redox status: a key parameter involved in the release and perception of sensory stimuli in human

International audience

research product

The production of lactone by micro-organisms: a review with particular interest to the model: Ricinoleic acid-Spiridiobolus spp.-gamma-decalactone

*INRA URD BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA URD BP 86510 21065 Dijon cedex (FRA); International audience

research product

Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha-pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux Trichoderma

National audience

research product

Salt release monitoring with specific sensors in "in vitro" oral and digestive environments from soft cheeses

International audience; The objective of the present work is to demonstrate the interest and the feasibility of the measurement of NaCl concentrations in soft cheeses and in particular an in vitro digestion process by the use of chemical sensors. The analyzed matrices were the commercial Italian mozzarella cheeses and domestic cheese base models. The classification of mozzarellas was performed according to their salinity, while the breakdown of cheese base models has been followed both at initial steps of digestion in artificial mouth dispositive mimicking the oral sphere and in a gut-imitating digester (TIM-1). During the breakdown of soft cheese in the digester, the estimated values for N…

research product

Chewing bread: impact on alpha-amylase secretion and oral digestion

During chewing, saliva helps in preparing food bolus by agglomerating formed particles and initiates food enzymatic breakdown. However, limited information is actually available on the adaptation of saliva composition during oral processing of complex foods, especially for foods that are sensitive to salivary enzymes. We addressed this question in the context of starch–based products and salivary alpha-amylase. The objectives were two-fold: 1) determining if salivary alpha-amylase secretion can be modulated by bread type and 2) evaluating the contribution of the oral phase in bread enzymatic breakdown.Mouthfuls of three different wheat breads (industrial, artisan and whole breads) were chew…

research product

Association between degree of processing, glycaemic impact, satiety potential and nutrient profile of 279 ready-to-eat foods commonly consumed by French elderly population

International audience; Epidemiological studies clearly show that a high adherence to ultra-processed products is associated with increased prevalence of diet-related chronic diseases. Ultra-processed foods are made of recombined ingredients and added with various additives. They are also characterized by the loss of food structure and micronutrient density through refining. Yet, food structure plays an essential role in food glycaemic impact and satiety potential. In a preliminary study, we showed on 98 ready-to-eat foods usually consumed by diabetic subjects that the more foods are processed the higher their glycaemic impact and the lower their satiety potential. The objective of this stu…

research product

Identification of beta-oxidation and thioesterase activities in Staphylococcus carnosus 833 strain

International audience

research product

Solid cheese consumption: Quantification of oral coating

International audience; Mouth coating, defined as the residual food that sticks to the oral surface after food ingestion, plays an important role in both the delivery of food components and mouth feel and after-feel perceptions. The aim of this work was to adapt a rapid and simple instrumental method to the quantification of food remaining after the in vivo ingestion of a solid food. This method was investigated in 12 non-trained subjects who consumed four melted cheeses differing in terms of their fat and water contents. Mouth coating was determined by fluorescence measurements using curcumin, an oil-soluble dye that had been added to the cheeses during their preparation. The results obtai…

research product

Role of saliva and oral processing in sensory perception of maltodextrin solutions

In human, food oral processing plays a role in our perception of taste, aroma and texture. This study aimed at investigating the role played by individual salivary flow rate and composition and oral mechanisms in the sensory perception of sweetened and thickened solutions. Thirty one subjects were selected with high differences in salivary flow rates and composition (protein concentration and amylase activity). They consumed twelve thickened solutions (varying independently in maltodextrin type (2), viscosity level (2) and sucrose level (3)) and rated the perceived thickness and sweetness intensities. After rating, boluses were collected in order to evaluate moistening by saliva. Residual o…

research product

Addition of reducing agent dithiothreitol improves 4-decanolide synthesis by the genus Sporidiobolus.

Two species of the genus Sporidiobolus, S. johnsonii and S. ruinenii, were used to study the effect of the reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT), on 4-decanolide production using ricinoleic acid as the substrate. The results indicate that the addition of DTT into the cultures significantly enhanced 4-decanolide biosynthesis by the two species.

research product

Comparative study of bioconversion of ricinoleic acid into gamma-decalactone by Sporidiobolus spp.

International audience

research product

Purification and characterization of geranyl diphosphate synthase from Vitis vinifera L. cv Muscat de Frontignant cell cultures

A geranyl diphosphate synthase (EC, which catalyzes the formation of geranyl diphosphate from dimethylallyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate, was isolated from Vitis vinifera L. cv Muscat de Frontignan cell cultures. Purification of the enzyme was achieved successively by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, hydroxylapatite, Mono Q, Phenyl Superose, Superose 12, and preparative nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The enzyme formed only geranyl diphosphate as a product. In all cases, neither neryl diphosphate, the cis isomer, nor farnesyl diphosphate was detected. The enzyme showed a native molecular mass of 68 [plus or minus] 5 kD as determined …

research product

Acyl-CoA intermediates in the beta-oxidation of ricinoleic acid and palmitoic acid by extracts of Fusarium poae INRA FP45

National audience

research product

Oral processing and matrix composition affect aroma release and particle size distribution after consumption of coffee-creamer emulsions.

International audience; Context and objectives: In humans, the main events that contribute to in-mouth emulsion breakdown are shear forces due to tongue movements and action of saliva. To date, most of the studies on the field were conducted on model emulsions and little is known about creamer emulsion and in particular hot coffee/creamer emulsions. In this context, the objective of the present work is to better understand how human oral physiology may govern the in-mouth breakdown of coffee-creamer beverages with consequence of food bolus structure and aroma release and to focus on saliva role and composition in particular. Methodology: The work was conducted on 7 coffee-creamer matrices d…

research product

In situ recovery of gamma-decalactone by membrane based solvent extraction : an integrated bioreactor-separator

International audience

research product

Influence of a reducing environment on the bioconversion of fatty acids to lactones and methyl-ketones by microorganisms : cellular and enzymatic approaches

National audience

research product

Participation of lipoxygenase in the production of flavour volatiles in Penicillium caseicolum cells.

National audience

research product

Influence of cell immobilization on the production of benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol by the white-rot fungi Bjerkandera adusta, Ischnoderma benzoinum and Dichomitus squalens

International audience; Three white-rot basidiomycetes, Bjerkandera adusta, Ischnoderma benzoinum and Dichomitus squalens, were cultivated on a liquid medium supplemented with l-phenylalanine, a precursor for benzaldehyde (bitter almond aroma) and benzyl alcohol. Remarkable amounts of benzaldehyde (587 mg l−1) were found in cultures of B. adusta. Immobilization of this fungus on polyurethane foam cubes allowed an 8.3-fold increase of the production of benzaldehyde and a 15-fold increase of the productivity as compared with non-immobilized cells. Aryl-alcohol oxidase activity was only detected in B. adusta. This activity was also significantly enhanced in immobilized cells, suggesting that i…

research product

Kinetics of aroma release: what are interactions between subjects, products and aroma compounds?

International audience

research product

Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach

Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach. 1. International symposium on profiling

research product

Model cheese aroma perception is explained not only by in vivo aroma release but also by salivary composition and oral processing parameters

This advance article is part of themed collection: Structure & Sensory.; International audience; The aim of the present paper was to determine, from four model cheeses differing in fat content and firmness and consumed by fourteen well characterised subjects, the respective impacts of in vivo aroma release, bolus rheology, chewing activity, mouth coating and salivary composition on dynamic aroma perception. The originality of the approach is that it considers all the parameters together and is able to evaluate their relative contribution using multi-block partial least square (MB-PLS) regression. The fruity aroma perception of the more hydrophilic compound (ethyl propanoate) was related to …

research product

Combined effect of cheese characteristics and food oral processing onin vivoaroma release

The aim of this work was to clarify the influence of the properties (firmness and fat content) of a solid processed model cheese on in vivo aroma release while considering the role of the in-mouth process during both mastication and post-swallowing steps, and the hydrophobicity of aroma compounds, on a large number of well characterized subjects. In vivo aroma release was studied on 44 subjects who freely consumed six processed model cheeses flavoured with the same concentration of nonan-2-one and ethyl propanoate. Globally, an increase in firmness induced an increase in chewing duration, amount of saliva incorporated into the food bolus, total amount of aroma released and rate of release. …

research product

Screening of lactic acid bacteria for reducing power using a tetrazolium salt reduction method on milk agar.

WOS:000315703100020 ; www.elsevier.com/locate/jbiosc; International audience; Reducing activity is a physiological property of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of technological importance. We developed a solid medium with tetrazolium dyes enabling weakly and strongly reducing LAB to be discriminated. It was used to quantify populations in a mixed culture (spreading method) and screen strains (spot method).

research product

Sex-Specific Sociodemographic Correlates of Dietary Patterns in a Large Sample of French Elderly Individuals

International audience; This cross-sectional analysis provides up-to-date information about dietary patterns (DP) and their sociodemographic correlates in European elderly individuals. We studied 6686 enrollees aged 65+ (55% women) in the ongoing French population-based NutriNet-Sante e-cohort. Diet was assessed via three 24 h records. The sex-specific correlates of factor analysis derived DP were identified with multivariable linear regression. Using 22 pre-defined food groups, three DP were extracted. The "healthy" DP (fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish) was positively associated with education, living alone, and being a former smoker (women), and negatively associated with being overw…

research product

Binding of benzaldehyde by beta-lactoglobulin, by static headspace and high performance liquid chromatography in different physico-chemical conditions

International audience

research product

Physiological and oral parameters contribute prediction of retronasal aroma release in an elderly cohort.

International audience; Malnutrition is a serious problem in the elderly while understanding flavour perception could be a tool for controlling appetite or food choices. To increase our knowledge, we characterised the health and oral physiology (oral volume, swallowing tongue force, number of teeth and salivary flow rate, protein content and antioxidant capacity) of a cohort of 54 community-dwelling French elderly as well as their individual retronasal release of five aroma compounds (2-pentanone, 2-nonanone, 2,3-hexanedione, octanal and linalool) by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). In general, large variability across participants was observed in both oral physiological…

research product

Salivary lipolysis Infant’s saliva lipolysis: relationships with age, milk and complementary feeding history

Salivary lipolysis Infant’s saliva lipolysis: relationships with age, milk and complementary feeding history. 5. international conference on food digestion

research product

Production and toxicity of linear from and lactone from of 4-hydroxy decanoic acid by Sporidiobolus sp.

International audience

research product

Early artificial nutrition: consequences on feeding disorders in children

Background and objectives: several pathologies (metabolic, neurologic and prematurity) may involve. the use of artificial nutrition (AN) in the first months of life. The absence of oral feeding during this. essential period for the formation of eating behavior may be associated to long-term deleterious. consequences, especially when it is associated to an invasive treatment (i.e. naso-gastric tubing). The. objective here was 1) to develop a questionnaire aimed at characterizing feeding disorders, food. preferences and food habits in children with (FD) or without feeding disorders (CT) ; and 2) to evaluate. the consequences of timing of early AN on eating behavior. Methods: FD children were …

research product

The Relationship Between Salivary Redox, Diet, and Food Flavor Perception.

The mouth is the gateway for entrance of food and microorganisms into the organism. The oral cavity is bathed by saliva, which is thus the first fluid that food and microorganisms will face after their entrance. As a result, saliva plays different functions, including lubrication, predigestion, protection, detoxification, and even transport of taste compounds to chemoreceptors located in the taste buds. To ensure its function of protection, saliva contains reactive harmful compounds such as reactive oxygen species that are controlled and neutralized by the antioxidant activity of saliva. Several antioxidant molecules control the production of molecules such as reactive oxygen compounds, neu…

research product

L1: Oral processing behaviours and retronasal aroma release variability during cheese consumption in human

Abstract of oral presentation

research product

Do you like cream in your coffee? This could be due to your saliva composition…

Saliva composition can be modified by several factors (mastication, diet), but remains fairly stable for an individual subject in resting conditions. Saliva composition is linked to the sensory perception of fat and bitterness, and should thus be considered to better understand and model taste and food perception.

research product

(L14) Effect of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity

Abstract of oral presentation; Fat consumption is described as one of the major reasons for the obesity epidemic. Fat sensitivity may. be one of the causes as a recent study shows that subjects hyposensitive to fat perception have a higher. Body Mass Index value than hypersensitive ones1. Moreover interest on fat perception in the mouth has. grown especially after the discovery of fat taste receptors on the tongue and their possible implications in. fat metabolism. This gives another dimension for fat perception as it was always thought to have only. olfactory and textural characteristics. However, this perception is still unclear and other factors could play. a role in it. During consumpti…

research product

Using food comfortability to compare food's sensory characteristics expectations of elderly people with or without oral health problems

International audience; Food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments. Those impairments may impact food perception by changing texture perception and the release of flavor components, which have a significant impact on food acceptability. The present study aimed at evaluating the impact of oral health on the perception of food comfortability in an elderly population. This was achieved by asking elderly people with a good oral health and elderly people with poor oral health to rate six cereal products and six meat products using a food comfortability q…

research product

Associations between food consumption patterns and saliva composition: Specificities of eating difficulties children

Identifying objective markers of dietwould be beneficial to research fields such as nutritional epidemiology. As a preliminary study on the validity of using saliva for this purpose, and in order to explore the relationship between saliva and diet, we focused on clearly contrasted groups of children: children with eating difficulties (ED) receiving at least 50% of their energy intake through artificial nutrition vs healthy controls (C). Saliva of ED and C children was analyzed by various methods (targeted biochemical analyses, 2-D electrophoresis coupled to MS, 1H NMR) and their diet was characterized using food frequency questionnaires, considering 148 food items grouped into 13 categories…

research product

Effets de la variabilité interindividuelle de la salive humaine (flux et composition) sur la libération d’arômes et la perception de la flaveur chez le sujet âgé afin de mettre en place des stratégies d’élaboration des produits alimentaires pour un vieillissement en bonne santé « Food4Elderly »

International audience

research product

Can saliva-related reactions influence sensory perception of food? A case study on fat degradation and preference

Can saliva-related reactions influence sensory perception of food? A case study on fat degradation and preference. 3. international symposium of delivery of functionality in complex food systems

research product

Understanding the release and metabolism of aroma compounds using micro-volume saliva samples by ex vivo approaches

International audience; This study investigated the behaviour of key aroma compounds in the presence of human saliva (200 mu L) from different individuals (n = 3) submitted or not to centrifugation (whole vs clarified saliva). HS-GC results showed that human saliva strongly decreased the release of carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones). This effect was dependent on i) the structure of the aroma compounds and ii) the saliva composition. Whole saliva exerted a higher effect than clarified saliva on aroma compounds. Moreover, this effect was individual-dependent and related to the total protein content and the total antioxidant capacity of saliva. HS-SPME and LLE-GC/MS analyses revealed t…

research product

Does human saliva drive flavour perception?

International audience

research product

Metabolism of fatty acid in yeast: Characterisation of beta-oxidation and ultrastructural changes in the genus Sporidiobolus sp cultivated on ricinoleic acid methyl ester

International audience; Cell structure modifications and b-oxidation induction were monitored in two strains of Sporidiobolus, Sp. Ruinenii and Sp. pararoseus after cultivation on ricinoleic acid methyl ester. Ultrastructural observations of the yeast before and after cultivation on fatty acid esters did not reveal major modifications in Sp. ruinenii. Unexpectedly, in Sp. pararoseus a proliferation of the mitochondrion was observed. After induction, Sp. ruinenii principally exhibited an increase in the activities of acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO), hydroxyacyl- CoA deshydrogenase (HAD), thiolase and catalase. In contrast, Sp. pararoseus lacked ACO and catalase activities, but an increase in acyl-CoA…

research product

Activités oxydo-réductrices dans la salive : modulation par l’alimentation et importance pour la perception sensorielle des aliments

Resume La salive est un fluide complexe contenant des electrolytes, des molecules organiques, des microorganismes, des debris alimentaires et cellulaires, mais aussi des proteines de differentes natures qui lui permettent d’assurer de nombreuses fonctions. La salive a entre autres un role dans le controle et la modulation des dommages resultant de mecanismes oxydants en bouche. Cet article introduit les principaux composes salivaires impliques dans le stress oxydant et ceux impliques dans la neutralisation de ces especes oxydantes, le maintien du potentiel redox et la reparation des dommages issus de l’oxydation des biomolecules en bouche. Il propose un etat des lieux des connaissances sur …

research product

Effects of EGCg on the metabolisation of aroma compounds and its implication on retronasal aroma

research product

Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants

International audience; Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants. 3. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating

research product

Procédé pour la préparation d'un précurseur d'un composé aromatique par biosynthèse

La présente invention se rapporte au domaine de la synthèse de composés aromatiques par voie enzymatique ou biologique.L'invention est plus particulièrement relative à un procédé d'obtention d'un précurseur de composés aromatiques, notamment un précurseur de cétone framboise, par bioconversion enzymatique.

research product

La sensibilité à l'astringence en fonction de l'âge est-elle liée aux Protéines Riches en Proline (PRP) de la salive ?

research product

Inter-individual variability in aroma release during sweet mint consumption

Inter-individual variations of in vivo aroma release kinetics have been observed widely in the literature. However, the corresponding causes are yet to be clearly identified. For this purpose, 68 subjects in whom salivary flow rates (at rest and Parafilm™-stimulated) had been determined were recruited for the study. The release of menthone was measured using atmospheric pressure ionisation–mass spectrometry during the consumption of a sweet mint tablet. The subjects complied with an imposed protocol of oral movements. Inter-individual variability was investigated through a qualitative analysis of the oral movements inducing menthone release, and through quantitative analysis. Swallowing eve…

research product

Inter-individual differences in human saliva composition affect the partition of food and beverages aroma compounds

Saliva is the first biological fluid in contact with food during consumption. As such, it might exert an important role on the release of volatile compounds from foods into the oral cavity. Thus, understanding this role could help to explain aroma perception, food preferences and dietary intake in human. To date, most of the studies performed on the field have employed compositionally simple artificial salivas or pools mixing human salivas from different individuals. Nevertheless, the whole complexity of human saliva and the effect of interindividual differences on aroma release remains underexplored. Therefore, there is a need to gain a better understanding of the effect of human saliva co…

research product

Understanding aroma release from model cheeses by a statistical multiblock approach on oral processing

For human beings, the mouth is the first organ to perceive food and the different signalling events associated to food breakdown. These events are very complex and as such, their description necessitates combining different data sets. This study proposed an integrated approach to understand the relative contribution of main food oral processing events involved in aroma release during cheese consumption. In vivo aroma release was monitored on forty eight subjects who were asked to eat four different model cheeses varying in fat content and firmness and flavoured with ethyl propanoate and nonan-2-one. A multiblock partial least square regression was performed to explain aroma release from the…

research product

Effects of mastication on salivary metabolome

International audience

research product

Microbial production of flavors for the food industry. A case study on the production of gamma-decalactone, the key compound of peach flavor, by the yeast Sporidiobolus sp

International audience

research product

In-mouth mechanism leading to the perception of fat and its consequence on post-prandial lipid metabolism in humans. The particular role of saliva

In humans, the in-mouth perception of dietary fat in food is a complex process involving many sensory modalities (texture, aroma, taste and trigeminal). During food oral processing, a bolus is formed in which saliva is significantly incorporated thus contributing significantly to the perception of fat. In particular, it has been shown that the levels of some salivary characteristics (lipolysis, lysozyme, flux, antioxidant status, level of carbonic anhydrase and proteins) are related to the sensitivity of the individual to triolein and oleic acid. Interestingly, the involvement of some of these salivary variables in the perceived intensity and preference towards model oil emulsions was also …

research product

Retro-nasal aroma release is correlated with variations in the in-mouth air cavity volume after empty deglutition.

International audience; We hypothesized that interindividual differences in motor activities during chewing and/or swallowing were determining factors for the transfer of volatile aroma from the in-mouth air cavity (IMAC) toward the olfactory mucosa. In our first experiment, we looked for changes in IMAC volume after saliva deglutition in 12 healthy subjects. The mean IMAC volume was measured after empty deglutition using an acoustic pharyngometer device. Based on the time course of the IMAC volume after swallowing, we discerned two groups of subjects. The first group displayed a small, constant IMAC volume (2.26 mL ±0.62) that corresponded to a high tongue position. The second group displa…

research product

Is saliva composition related to oral fat sensitivity or exposure?

Parution prochaine de la présentation orale dans un livre; International audience; To characterize the taste of drinking waters, Teillet et al. (2010) used first a free sorting task and then defined the Polarized Sensory Positioning (PSP) technique as a substitute better suited to industrial constraints. They conclude that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the main driver of water taste. Puget et al. (2010) found, based on triangular tests, that differences in mineral profiles can also generate taste differences. The research reported in this paper aims at assessing relative importance of TDS and mineral profile in water taste and at the same time comparing free sorting task, PSP and triangul…

research product

Le confort en bouche, un nouveau concept pour mieux comprendre les attentes des consommateurs seniors

International audience; In humans, oral food intake is the ultimate stage of food supply chain and the beginning of food disintegration and digestion process. During aging, the oral health changes and sometimes eating food can be a real challenge as food can be hard to masticate, humidify or swallow. To meet this challenge, and as part of the AlimaSSenS project, a team of researchers from the Centre of taste and eating behaviour investigated the concept of “oral comfort” when eating a food in an elderly population. A group of 107 seniors aged 65 years and more participated in qualitative (focus group) and quantitative studies (tasting sessions) in order to explore the concept of oral comfor…

research product

Food comfortability: a new concept to understand elderlies' expectations in terms of sensory characteristics

Food comfortability: a new concept to understand elderlies' expectations in terms of sensory characteristics. 7. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense)

research product

Impact of Oral Microbiota on Flavor Perception: From Food Processing to In-Mouth Metabolization.

International audience; Flavor perception during food intake is one of the main drivers of food acceptability and consumption. Recent studies have pointed to the oral microbiota as an important factor modulating flavor perception. This review introduces general characteristics of the oral microbiota, factors potentially influencing its composition, as well as known relationships between oral microbiota and chemosensory perception. We also review diverse evidenced mechanisms enabling the modulation of chemosensory perception by the microbiota. They include modulation of the chemosensory receptors activation by microbial metabolites but also modification of receptors expression. Specific enzy…

research product

Interindividual variability of oral metabolization and release of aroma compounds in elderly

International audience

research product

Caractériser les troubles du comportement alimentaire de l’enfant atteint de dysoralité

Introduction et objectif : Différentes pathologies (métaboliques, neurologiques, prématurité) peuvent nécessiter le recours à une alimentation artificielle dans les premiers mois de vie. L’absence d’alimentation par voie orale lors de cette période essentielle de la formation du comportement alimentaire, surtout lorsqu’elle est associée à un traitement invasif (i.e. sonde naso-gastrique), peut s’accompagner de conséquences à long terme sur le comportement alimentaire. L’objectif est de développer un questionnaire évaluant le comportement, les préférences et les habitudes alimentaires d’enfants atteints de dysoralité (TO), en comparaison avec des enfants sains (STO). Méthode : L’inclusion de…

research product

A Method to Evaluate Chewing Efficiency in Infants Through Food Bolus Characterization: A Preliminary Study

Chewing skills develop greatly during the two first years of life, but the evolution of masticatory efficiency has never been directly measured so far. A bottleneck for such study is the difficulty in using the chew-and-spit method with infants and very young children. Herein, we propose a new method based on a model gel enclosed in a food feeder, which has been assessed with adult subjects. Subjects chewed and compressed the gel either alone or enclosed in two different feeders. Analysis of the number of particles and particle area distribution revealed that one feeder,made from silicone teat, interfered with bolus breakdown. However, similar results were observed between experiments in a …

research product

Contribution of exofacial thiol groups in the reducing activity of Lactococcus lactis

Lactococcus lactis can decrease the redox potential at pH 7 (E(h7)) from 200 to -200 mV in oxygen free Man-Rogosa-Sharpe media. Neither the consumption of oxidizing compounds or the release of reducing compounds during lactic acid fermentation were involved in the decrease in E(h7) by the bacteria. Thiol groups located on the bacterial cell surface appear to be the main components that are able to establish a greater exchange current between the Pt electrode and the bacteria. After the final E(h7) (-200 mV) was reached, only thiol-reactive reagents could restore the initial E(h7) value. Inhibition of the proton motive force showed no effect on maintaining the final E(h7) value. These result…

research product

Salivary composition in obese vs normal-weight subjects: towards a role in postprandial lipid metabolism?

In the pathophysiological context of obesity, oral exposure to dietary fat can modulate lipid digestion and absorption but underlying in-mouth mechanisms have not been clearly identified. Therefore we tested the hypothesis that salivary components related to dietary fat sensitivity would differ according to BMI and postprandial lipid metabolism in young men. Saliva was collected from 9 normal-weight (BMI=22.3±0.5 kg/m2) and 9 non-morbid obese (BMI=31.7±0.3 kg/m2) men before a 8 h-postprandial metabolic exploration test involving the consumption of a 40 g fat-meal, in which obese subjects revealed a delayed postprandial lipid metabolism. Nine salivary characteristics (flow, protein content, …

research product

Production d'arôme de noix de coco (pentyl-6-alpha pyrone) par le champignon filamenteux trichoderma

National audience

research product

Rôle de la salive dans la perception sensorielle et introduction aux pratiques analytiques

Resume Le gout est l’image sensorielle produite par le cerveau lorsqu’il recoit les informations provenant des 5 sens. La vue, l’ouie, l’odorat et le toucher apportent les premiers signaux puis, lorsque l’aliment est mis en bouche, de nombreux facteurs lies a l’individu modulent sa perception gustative. Cela inclut les transformations en bouche de l’aliment, la physiologie et la biologie de la cavite orale. La salive est le premier fluide biologique a rentrer en contact avec l’aliment au cours de l’initiation de ce processus oral ou elle occupe un role mecanique et biochimique. Sa secretion et sa composition influent sur les signaux gustatifs, olfactifs et les sensations qui sont generes et…

research product

Main individual and product characteristics influencing in-mouth flavour release during eating masticated food products with different textures: mechanistic modelling and experimental validation

Research Areas: Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics; Mathematical & Computational Biology; A mechanistic model predicting flavour release during oral processing of masticated foods was developed. The description of main physiological steps (product mastication and swallowing) and physical mechanisms (mass transfer, product breakdown and dissolution) occurring while eating allowed satisfactory simulation of in vivo release profiles of ethyl propanoate and 2-nonanone, measured by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry on ten representative subjects during the consumption of four cheeses with different textures. Model sensitivity analysis showed that the main paramet…

research product

Evidence for a geranyl-diphosphate synthase located within the plastids of Vitis vinifera L. cultivated in vitro

Intact plastids from cell suspensions of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat de Frontignan, free of detectable contamination by other particles as judged by the distribution of organelle-specific marker enzymes and by electron microscopy, exhibit geranyl-diphosphate synthase activity (EC This synthase activity remains stable after tryptic digestion of unlysed organelles and is enhanced by plastid disruption. We conclude that the enzyme is located within the organelle. The possibility of an isopentenyl diphosphate/dimethylallyl diphosphate translocating system which would play a major role in the regulation of monoterpene metabolism is discussed.

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Wine matrix composition affects temporal aroma release as measured by proton transfer reaction - time-of-flight - mass spectrometry

This work was funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (AGL2012-04172-C02-01), and Consolider Ingenio 2010 (Fun-C-Food, CSD2007-063, Projects). Dr Carolina Munoz-Gonzalez thanks Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas for its research contract co-funded by the European Social Fund together with Regional Council for Burgundy and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (European Union) for experiments undertaken in Dijon, France.

research product

Can saliva composition explain salt perception in cheese?

International audience

research product

Flavour & saliva interaction – a brief overview

Saliva is a highly complex body fluid composed of many proteins, peptides, small organic molecules and ions. Saliva is secreted at rest and during eating by major and minor salivary glands. Resting saliva is continuously bathing our oral cavity and as such stimulates our taste receptors playing thus a role in taste sensitivity against some active taste substances. Beside, during eating, foods are chewed and a significant level of stimulated saliva is rapidly incorporated in the bolus. This in-mouth phenomena impact on flavor release and thus perception through saliva-food physical interactions but also through the action of biological compounds (enzymes mainly) against the food matrix. Sali…

research product

In-mouth mechanism leading to the perception of fat in humans: from detection to preferences. The particular role of saliva

In humans, the perception of fat in food is a complex process involving many sensory modalities (texture, aromaand flavour). Themouth is the first place in which the process of digestion begins. During this process, a bolus is formed in which saliva is significantly incorporated. For solids and semi-solid fatty matrices, saliva and the shear forces applied during mastication contribute to their breakdown and/or destabilisation in emulsified systems. These mechanisms are often dependent on the fat content of the food and thus play an important role in not only the perception of texture but also the release of compounds responsible for the flavour of “fat”. In addition, saliva is directly inv…

research product

In-mouth mechanisms leading to flavor release and perception.

Review; International audience; During eating, foods are submitted to two main oral processeschewing, including biting and crushing with teeth, and progressive impregnation by saliva resulting in the formation of a cohesive bolus and swallowing of the bolus. Texture influences the chewing behavior, including mastication and salivation, and in turn, these parameters influence texture perception and bolus formation. During this complex mouth process, flavor compounds are progressively released from the food matrix. This phenomenon is mainly dependent on the food texture, the composition and in-mouth breakdown, and on saliva impregnation and activity, but an individual's anatomical and physiol…

research product

Role of saliva on wine aroma release by using in vitro static and dynamic headspace conditions

Unlike other food products, the number of studies regarding aroma release during wine consumption using in vitro or in vivo approaches is very scarce, and research on the role of different intra-oral factors (such as saliva), which might be involved in aroma release during wine drinking is still incipient (1). Although the relatively short-intra-oral period of consumption of liquid foods, could indicate a limited effect of saliva on aroma release, the formation of intra-oral (and pharyngeal) aroma depots (2), and the fact that natural swallowing of saliva is continuously performed, makes the idea that saliva might exert an important role in the perception of wine aroma during consumption pe…

research product

Differences in the Density of Fungiform Papillae and Composition of Saliva in Patients With Taste Disorders Compared to Healthy Controls

International audience; This study investigated the relation of the fungiform taste papillae density and saliva composition with the taste perception of patients suffering from diagnosed taste disorders. For this purpose, 81 patients and 40 healthy subjects were included. Taste was measured by means of regional and whole mouth chemosensory tests, and electrogustometry. Olfaction was assessed using the Sniffin Sticks. Fungiform papillae were quantified using the "Denver Papillae Protocol for Objective Analysis of Fungiform Papillae". In addition, salivary parameters [flow rate, total proteins, catalase, total anti-oxidative capacity (TAC), carbonic anhydrase VI (caVI), and pH] were determine…

research product

Aroma release from coffee beverages is affected by matrix composition and human saliva during in vitro analysis in model mouth device coupled with PTR-ToF-MS

International audience

research product

Influence of Prebiotic Fructans on Retronasal Aroma from Elderly Individuals

This study investigates for the first time the role of fructans with prebiotic effects (oligofructose and inulin) on retronasal aroma among elderly individuals. The impact of oligofructose (20% w/w) on retronasal aroma release was investigated using proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) after 73 elderly individuals consumed aqueous solutions aromatized with five aroma compounds (pentan-2-one, nonan-2-one, hexan-2,3-dione, octanal and linalool). The influence of oligofructose and inulin (10% w/w) on the perceived intensity (n = 26) of two aroma descriptors (butter and floral) was also studied together with the possibility of a dumping effect on aroma evaluation due to the sweet…

research product

Metabolism of L-phenylalanine in the lignin-degrading white-rot fungi Bjerkandera adusta and Ischnoderma benzoinum

International audience

research product

Variability of human saliva composition: possible relationships with fat perception and liking

International audience; Saliva is the medium that bathes the taste receptors in the oral cavity and in which aroma and taste compounds are released when food is eaten. Moreover saliva contains enzymes and molecules that can interact with food. To date, little research has been devoted to the intra- and inter-individual variabilities of these components and their inter-relationships. The first aim of this work was to study intra- and inter-individual variabilities over time in the composition of molecules likely to interact with food in the mouth, with particular focus on molecules that might interact with fat. The second aim was to try to relate this composition to a liking for fat and its …

research product

Understanding the role of saliva in aroma release from wine by using static and dynamic headspace conditions.

The aim of this work was to determine the role of saliva in wine aroma release by using static and dynamic headspace conditions. In the latter conditions, two different sampling points (t = 0 and t = 10 min) corresponding with oral (25.5 °C) and postoral phases (36 °C) were monitored. Both methodologies were applied to reconstituted dearomatized white and red wines with different nonvolatile wine matrix compositions and a synthetic wine (without matrix effect). All of the wines had the same ethanol concentration and were spiked with a mixture of 45 aroma compounds covering a wide range of physicochemical characteristics at typical wine concentrations. Two types of saliva (human and artifici…

research product

Physiological routes explaining human differences in liking for margarines, butter, melanges, and other water in oil emulsions

Fat perception and liking is subject of growing interest from both the industries and the scientific community. Despite numerous studies relating consumer liking with product formulation, differences in consumer perception need to be explored in more details. One hypothesis is that individual oral physiology could better explain differences in liking than only composition and socio-economic data. The aim of this review is to explore the different physiological parameters which could be involved in fat liking and fat perception with a particular focus on spreads and to analyse the links already evidenced in the literature between food composition and structure, physiological behaviour in fun…

research product

Saliva in Food … How does it drive sensory perception?

Saliva is a highly complex body fluid composed of many proteins, peptides, small organic molecules and ions. Saliva is produced and secreted by major and minor salivary glands to protect the mouth and to participate to the digestion. Generally distinction is made between resting saliva that is a result of autonomic stimulation, and stimulated saliva that is produced during chewing and taste stimulation. The link between saliva and sensory perception can be thus regarded through two main angles: the role of resting saliva as a background taste and the mechanistic role of saliva during eating. Indeed resting saliva (and its components) is continuously bathing our oral cavity and as such stimu…

research product

Salivary Composition Is Associated with Liking and Usual Nutrient Intake

Salivary flow and composition have an impact on flavor perception. However, very few studies have explored the relationship between saliva, individual liking and usual dietary intake. The aim of our study was to evaluate the association of salivary flow and composition with both a liking for fat, saltiness and sweetness and the usual nutrient intake in an adult French population. Liking for fat, saltiness, and sweetness were inferred from liking scores obtained during hedonic tests on 32 food products among 282 French adults participating in the Nutrinet- Santé Study. Before assessing liking, resting saliva was collected. Standard biochemical analyses were performed to assess specific compo…

research product

Mouthcoating: interaction between food properties and physiology of the consumer

International audience

research product

Unravelling the effects of interindividual variability of human saliva (flow and composition) on aroma compounds

International audience

research product

In vivo aroma release depends on product characteristics

Changing cheese composition (more or less fat) and texture (soft to firm) modifies in vivo release of aroma compounds as a function of their hydrophobicity. An increase in cheese firmness induced an increase in the total amount of aroma released. A higher fat content led to a lower amount of release of the more hydrophobic compound.

research product

The salivary reactor: an innovating tool for the categorization of food products through their aroma and taste compounds release profiles

ISBN-10: 3-938896-38-9 ISBN-13: 978-3-938896-38-9

research product

How trigeminal, taste and aroma perceptions are affected in mint-flavored carbonated beverages

 ; The integration of olfactory, taste and trigeminal perceptions must be taken into account to better understand the perception of beverages. To do this, seven beverages were formulated to investigate the role of ingredients on trigeminal perception. All mutual interactions between olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal perceptions were studied. Instrumental measurements and sensory evaluation were used to elucidate both physicochemical and sensory interactions. Sensory profiling was conducted according to monadic product presentation, and in vivo aroma release was assessed in the nasal cavities of subjects during beverage consumption. This study further revealed the influence of trigeminal p…

research product

Does interindividual variability of saliva affect the release and metabolization of aroma compounds ex vivo? The particular case of elderly suffering or not from hyposalivation.

The aim of this work was to study the effects of interindividual variability of human elderly saliva on aroma release and metabolization by ex vivo approaches. Thirty individuals suffering or not from hyposalivation were selected from a panel formed by 110 elderly people (aged >65 years old) that were matched by age and sex. Then, their stimulated saliva samples were independently incubated in presence of three aroma compounds (ethyl hexanoate, octanal, 2-nonanone) to perform headspace-gas chromatography and liquid/liquid extraction-gas chromatography mass spectrometry analyses. These assays revealed that the extent of saliva effect on the release and metabolization of aroma compounds was h…

research product

Effect of oenological tannins on wine aroma before and after oxidation: a real-time study by coupling sensory (TDS) and chemical (PTR-ToF-MS) analyses

research product

Lipides, libération et perception des arômes

National audience

research product

Does saliva modify the volatility of aroma compounds?

National audience

research product

Application of an in vivo ptr-tof-ms approach to determine differences in wine aroma release among wines spiked with different types of oenological tannins

International audience

research product

Does oral health affect food comfortability and bolus properties during consumption of dairy products in elderly population?

The elderly population is growing increasingly. In 2030, 1/3 of the population will be over 60 years old. However this population has specific nutritional needs and often, oral impairments such as loss of tooth and/or decrease of salivary flow. Therefore it is necessary to develop foods adapted for the elderly, in terms of organoleptic properties and nutritional composition. In this context, the purpose of this work is to study the impact of oral impairments of elderly persons on food comfortability and bolus properties during the consumption of dairy products.76 elderly persons (ages 66 to 88, 42 women and 34 men), with or without oral health problems in terms of dental and/or salivary sta…

research product

Saliva lipidome: A new source of sensory perception and eating habits markers?

International audience

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Children with eating disorders secondarily to artificial nutrition in the neonatal period have specific food preferences and saliva composition

- Objectives and studyIn the neonatal period, some severe digestive diseases require the cessation of oral feeding and the use of enteral or parenteral nutrition for prolonged periods. In some cases, this by-pass of the oral cavity during the early stages of feeding results in the development of so-called oral disorders (OD). Oral disorders may persist for years after healing of the causal disease, and are expressed for example by an exacerbated gag reflex, difficulties in chewing and swallowing and high food selectivity.The aim of this study were to describe the consequences on oral physiology of oral by-pass and enteral nutrition in a population of 21 children who suffered oral disorder (…

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Impact of human salivary components on the release of different flavour molecules

International audience

research product

Rôle de la sphère orale

National audience

research product

L'efficacité masticatoire du jeune enfant permet-elle d'expliquer l'acceptabilité des aliments solides pendant la période de diversification alimentaire ?

research product

Does oral health affect food comfortability and bolus properties during consumption of dairy products in elderly population?

The elderly population is growing increasingly. In 2030, 1/3 of the population will be over 60 years old. However this population has specific nutritional needs and often, oral impairments such as loss of tooth and/or decrease of salivary flow. Therefore it is necessary to develop foods adapted for the elderly, in terms of organoleptic properties and nutritional composition. In this context, the purpose of this work is to study the impact of oral impairments of elderly persons on food comfortability and bolus properties during the consumption of dairy products.76 elderly persons (ages 66 to 88, 42 women and 34 men), with or without oral health problems in terms of dental and/or salivary sta…

research product

Fatty acid accumulation in the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicor during batch production of gamma-decalactone

International audience

research product

Mechanistic modeling approach as a tool to better understand in-mouth flavour release during the eating of a solid food product

International audience

research product

Libération des composés d'arôme en bouche lors de la consommation d'un aliment solide : modélisation des transferts et validation expérimentale

research product

Food oral processing: a key step for food sensory perception

Food oral processing: a key step for food sensory perception

research product

Understanding the dynamics of flavor compounds release during food mastication of cheese products in function of oral physiology

ISBN-10: 3-938896-38-9 ISBN-13: 978-3-938896-38-9; International audience

research product

Projet Alimassens, « Bien manger pour bien vieillir ». Résultats de l’étude concernant notamment les produits céréaliers

research product

Conversion of oleic acid to 10-hydroxystearic acid by Nocardia paraffinae

International audience

research product

Main effects of human saliva on flavour perception and the potential contribution to food consumption.

Part of: Nutrition Society Winter Meeting 2017; Whole saliva is a mixture composed by the secretions of the major and minor salivary glands and the crevicular fluid, bacteria, cells and food debris. Its properties (flow and composition) are highly intra- and inter-individually dependent and reflect the health status of individuals. Saliva plays a key role in the eating process and on the perception of flavour. Flavour corresponds to the combined effect of taste sensations, aromatics and chemical feeling factors evoked by food in the oral cavity. It is a key determinant of food consumption and intake. This review summarises the evidence about the role of saliva in flavour perception and its …

research product

Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized red wine: A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation and analytical chemistry.

International audience; Addition of oenological tannins claims to have a positive impact on wine stability, protection from oxidation and likely sensory persistence. However, their role on red wine aroma during oxidation is controversial. The present study aims at investigating the effect of addition of oenological tannins on wine flavour (mainly aroma) before and after air exposure. Temporal Dominance of Sensations, a dynamic sensory evaluation, was coupled with a dynamic chemical measurement (nosespace analysis) using a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass-Spectrometer connected to the nasal cavity of 17 assessors. Results showed that the oxidation of a non-oaked Pinot Noir red wine decreases th…

research product

The GOHAI: A new tool for panel selection

International audience

research product

Development of a rapid and highly sensitive biochemical method for the measurement of fungal spore viability. An alternative to the CFU method

Abstract 1 A biochemical method, based on dehydrogenase activity (DHA) measurement, has been developed as an alternative to colony forming unit (CFU) enumeration, for assessing the viability of fungal spores. In viable cells, a tetrazolium salt (MTT) is reduced to a coloured formazan (MTTf) by cellular dehydrogenase enzymes. From the colorimetric assay developed by Mosmann for mammalian cells, the procedure has been adapted and optimised using P. digitatum spores as a model. Propan-2-ol has been selected as the best solvent to extract the MTTf from the spores. The sensitivity of the method has been considerably increased by determining the optimal conditions of incubation for the MTT reduct…

research product

The salivary reactor: an innovating tool for the categorization of food products through their aroma and taste compounds release profiles

International audience

research product

In vivo aroma release depends on the subject’s physiology and food oral processing

In vivo aroma release depends on the subject’s physiology and food oral processing

research product

Relationships between oral characteristics, bolus formation and aroma compound releases during the consumption of fat spread in humans

Source : 13th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium - Zaragoza, Spain - September 27th – 30th, 201; International audience; The release and perception of flavour compounds is an important factor for the acceptance of a food product. It is a complex echanism that depends not only on the food’s chemical composition and structure, but also on in-mouth mechanisms involved in its breakdown. To date, most of the studies have been focused on hard or semi-hard product such as cheese for instance (1, 2). Among the works published on dairy product, fat spreads were not considered while they represent an important market. However these products are particularly interesting by their structure and composit…

research product

Impacts of emotional regulation and inhibition on Emotional Eating (EE) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED): Protocol for a scoping review

research product

New determinants of olfactory habituation

AbstractHabituation is a filter that optimizes the processing of information by our brain in all sensory modalities. It results in an unconscious reduced responsiveness to continuous or repetitive stimulation. In olfaction, the main question is whether habituation works the same way for any odorant or whether we habituate differently to each odorant? In particular, whether chemical, physical or perceptual cues can limit or increase habituation. To test this, the odour intensity of 32 odorants differing in physicochemical characteristics was rated by 58 participants continuously during 120s. Each odorant was delivered at a constant concentration. Results showed odorants differed significantl…

research product

Production of gamma-decalactone in the genus Sporidiobolus

International audience

research product

Sensory, in vitro, in vivo and modeling approaches to understand salt release and perception in mouth: toward tools to design palatable and healthy foods (communication orale)

International audience; no abstract

research product

Are metabolomics and proteomic salivary profiles related to human taste sensitivity to oleic acid?

Are metabolomics and proteomic salivary profiles related to human taste sensitivity to oleic acid?. 2. International congress of translational research in human nutrition "Integrative Approaches in Nutrition Research"

research product

Lipase linguale et détection des lipides

Lipase linguale et détection des lipides. Journées francophones de nutrition (JFN)

research product

How saliva composition influences food bolus properties?

International audience

research product

Release of aroma compounds from fat spread in a salivary reactor

International audience

research product

In situ detoxification of the fermentation medium during gamma-decalactone production with yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor

International audience

research product

The biotechnology of flavours

International audience

research product

Application of an in vivo ptr-tof-ms approach to determine differences in wine aroma release among wines spiked with different types of oenological tannins

International audience

research product

Using food comfortability to compare food's sensory characteristics expectations of elderly people with or without oral health problems

Food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments. Those impairments may impact food perception by changing texture perception and the release of flavor components, which have a significant impact on food acceptability. The present study aimed at evaluating the impact of oral health on the perception of food comfortability in an elderly population. This was achieved by asking elderly people with a good oral health and elderly people with poor oral health to rate six cereal products and six meat products using a food comfortability questionnaire. Thirty-sev…

research product

Production, identification , and toxicity of gamma - decalactone and 4-hydroxydecanoic acid from Sporidiobolus spp.

International audience

research product

Kinetics of aroma release and consumer physiology

International audience

research product

Oral sphere: salivary markers and food. A prospective study on children expressing oral disorders

National audience

research product

Food oral processing and interindividual variability in human. Links between physiological parameters, release of sensory stimuli and perception of food.

International audience; In human food oral processing is the first step in the digestive process. It prepares the food to be swallowed and then to undergo the process of digestion. During chewing, the food is comminuted by the combined action of chewing and saliva to form a bolus. The particle size of the bolus is reduced thanks to the action of the tongue and the teeth and the saliva is continuously produced by the salivary glands for humidifying and impregnating the food. Saliva impregnates and lubricates the bowl and also allows cohesion of the particles to prepare the step of swallowing. During food oral processing, the compounds responsible for food flavour and taste are released durin…

research product

Corrigendum to "Understanding the release and metabolism of aroma compounds using micro-volume saliva samples by ex vivo approaches" [Food Chem. 240 (2018) 275-285].

research product

Vieillissement : les risques d'une mauvaise santé bucco-dentaire

research product

Understanding aroma release during fat spread consumption by an integrated approach on oral processing in human

Understanding aroma release during fat spread consumption by an integrated approach on oral processing in human. 14. Weurman Flavour Research Symposium

research product

Is saliva composition linked to fat taste sensitivity in human?

Is saliva composition linked to fat taste sensitivity in human?. 10. european symposium on Saliva

research product

Microbial hemi-synthesis of gamma-C12 lactones chirality and sensory properties

National audience

research product

Techniques culinaires et confort en bouche chez la personne âgée

Culinary processes and food comfortability in an older population Aging is often accompanied by oral impairments, including the loss of teeth and a decline in saliva flow. These changes can lead older people to avoid the consumption of foods that are difficult to chew such as meat. This may consequently increase the risk of sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass, strength and performance) as well as the risk of protein-energy undernutrition in this population. In order to compensate the decline in oral health observed in older individual and to maintain meat consumption, we assessed the impact of four culinary processes (cooking bag, tenderizer, marinade and low-temperature cooking) on the percept…

research product

Chirality of the gamma lactones produced by Sporidiobolus salmonicolor grow in two different media

International audience

research product

Food oral processing understanding, a way to revisit the sensory properties of food

research product

Food composition and oral processing influencing flavour release and perception

Aroma and taste release depend on food composition and texture Oral physiology influences aroma and taste release and perception (interindividual variability) Aroma and taste release does not always explain aroma and taste perception Aroma-taste cross modal interactions may explain these differences Aroma-taste cross modal interactions can also be used in a strategy of salt reduction.

research product

Production of gamma-decalactone and 4-hydroxy-decanoic acid in the genus Sporidiobolus

International audience

research product

Fat sensitivity in humans: oleic acid detection threshold is linked to saliva composition and oral volume

Fat perception is assumed to result, at least in part, from in-mouth non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) detection. The aim of this study was to better understand how human oral physiology may govern the sensory sensitivity to NEFAs. For this purpose, the detection thresholds for oleic acid were determined for 17 human subjects with highly varying salivary and oral characteristics, and the thresholds were related to their oral and salivary characteristics with conventional and multidimensional data analysis. These thresholds were tested on a dairy oil-in-water emulsion that was specifically designed to avoid biases caused by differences in the initial structure of the emulsion as a function …

research product

Flavour release and perception

Flavour perception is a complex combination of the olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations perceived during eating. During this eating process, tastants must be dissolved into saliva to be transported to the taste bud receptor cell membranes and aroma compounds have to be released in the oral cavity then transferred to the nasal cavity to reach the olfactory receptors. This release highly depends on food composition and structure, on the molecular properties of the stimuli but also on physiological characteristics of individuals and mastication behaviour. However, interactions occur between texture, taste and aroma perception at different levels: physic-chemical interactions in the f…

research product

Eh and pH gradients in Camembert cheese during ripening: Measurements using microelectrodes and correlations with texture

International audience; This study investigated the use of microelectrodes to continuously and simultaneously monitor pH and redox potential (Eh) gradients in Camembert cheeses from the rind to the core, as a function of ripening time (15 and 35 days). Cheeses were shown to be heterogeneous throughout their mass. An Eh gradient existed from the rind to the core. The surface was oxidizing (+330 to +360 mV) and the core was reducing and became more so in the course of ripening (−300 to −360 mV). A relationship between firmness and Eh was shown. pH gradients were in line with those previously described in the literature and related to ammonium and lactate gradients. Gradients evolved from the …

research product

Phenyltransferase compartmentation in cells of Vitis vinifera cultivated in vitro

International audience

research product

Prospects for the microbial production of food flavours

The microbial production of natural flavours has been extensively studied during the past decade, and some processes are currently being exploited commercially. However, in the case of flavour compounds such as lactones and some aromatic compounds, the lack of basic information on their metabolism, as well as their high toxicity, are two main barriers to industrial production. The development of novel and cheap production processes, such as solid-state fermentation, may help overcome some of the current limitations of microbial flavour production, as well as widening the spectrum of biotechnologically accessible compounds.

research product

In vitro digestion of two age-tailored dairy products in the aging gastrointestinal tract

For older adults (> 65 years old), undernutrition is a severe health problem that can impact the quality of life, induce or aggravate the development of diseases, and reduce life expectancy. Undernutrition can be defined as an inadequate intake of dietary energy and proteins combined with a low muscle mass. Diet-induced muscle mass and strength loss in older adults may be due to insufficient protein intake. Therefore, older adults need to increase the amount of high-quality ingested proteins, particularly foods rich in leucine, to promote muscle health. However, it is still unclear if changes in protein digestibility and absorption kinetics in old age may affect the anabolic effect of high-…

research product

Taste Bud Density and Composition of Saliva in Patients Suffering from Taste Disorders Compared to Healthy Individuals

Aim: Previous studies have shown a correlation between fungiform papillae density and acuity of taste. In addition changes of salivary composition in oral sensation complaints were observed as well. Aim of this prospective investigation was to determine correlations between the fungiform papillae density, salivary composition and taste acuity of healthy individuals and patients with idiopathic taste disorders.Material & Methods: The present study was performed in 81 patients with a mean age of 58±13 years complaining of gustatory dysfunctions and groups of 20 younger (age 24±3 years) and 20 older healthy subjects (age 55±10 years).Taste perception was measured using taste strips and electro…

research product

Does oral health people imparirments modify bolus formation, bolus characteristics and food comfortability of meat products?

International audience; Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments like tooth loss or decrease saliva flow that play a key role in eating behavior. In the context of aging population, the aim of this study is 1- to understand the influence of dental status and salivary flow on the meat bolus formation and characteristics in function of meat structure, 2- to investigate the link between the food bolus properties and the food comfortability (as defined by (Vandenbergue-Descamps et al., 2017)) during meat consumption. This was achieved by asking elderly people (n=65) with good oral health (17H, 16F, age=73±6, UFP n=8±1) or poor oral health (15H, 17F, age=75±6, UFP n=3±1) to consume 4 meat…

research product

Assessment wine aroma persistence by using an in vivo PTR-ToF-MS approach and its relationship with salivary parameters

To better understand wine aroma persistence, the nasal cavity of nine volunteers was monitored by Proton Transfer Reaction-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) after they rinsed their mouths with three rosé wines (one control and the same wine supplemented with two tannin extracts) during four minutes. Wines were aromatised with a mixture of five target aroma compounds. Results showed that wine aroma persistence was highly compound-dependent: while esters disappeared very fast, other compounds such as linalool remained in the oral cavity for longer times after wine expectoration. A low effect of tannins (at 50 mg/L) on nasal cavity parameters was observed, with the exception for th…

research product

Improvement in the understanding of aroma compound retention and release in naso-oro-pharyngeal cavity

Poster ; Livre ISBN-13 : 978-3-902811-91-2; International audience

research product

ALIMADENT : un projet de recherche participatif pour développer des recettes adaptées aux capacités bucco-dentaires des personnes âgées

research product

Molecular mechanisms behind the phenomenon of food aroma persistence

International audience

research product

Glucosamine measurement as indirect method for biomass estimation of Cunninghamella elegans grown in solide state cultivation conditions

Glucosamine measurement has been tested as the indirect method to estimate the biomass produced by Cunninghamella elegans during solid state cultivation (SSC). The independence of this cell constituent content from the age and the conditions of the culture have been verified. The influence of the medium composition, in particular the nature of the carbon source on glucosamine amount is presented. Glucosamine can be considered as a well-adapted biomass indicator, with the necessity to establish for each medium tested a prior correlation between biomass and glucosamine amount. This correlation should be defined in submerged conditions before applying the biomass estimating method in SSC.

research product

Molecular mechanisms of aroma persistence: From noncovalent interactions between aroma compounds and the oral mucosa to metabolization of aroma compounds by saliva and oral cells

International audience; The present study aims to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying aroma persistence, as it plays a major role in food appreciation and quality. A multidisciplinary approach including ex vivo experiments using a novel model of oral mucosa and saliva as well as in vivo dynamic instrumental and sensory experiments was applied. Ex vivo results showed a reduction in aroma release between 7 and 86% in the presence of the thin layer of salivary proteins covering the oral mucosa (mucosal pellicle). This reduction was explained by hydrophobic interactions involving the mucosal pellicle and by the ability of oral cells and saliva to metabolize specific aroma compounds. The …

research product

Production of 6-pentyl-alpha-pyrone by Trichoderma sp. from vegetable oils

International audience

research product

Influence of composition(CO2 and Sugar) on aroma release and perception of mint-flavored carbonated beverages

The aim of the present work was to identify and quantify physical mechanisms responsible for in-nose aroma release during the consumption of mint-flavored carbonated beverages in order to better understand how they are perceived. The effect of two composition factors (sugar and CO(2)) was investigated on both the sensory and physicochemical properties of drinks by studying in vitro and in vivo aroma release. Sensory results revealed that the presence of CO(2) increased aroma perception regardless of the sugar content. In agreement with volatility parameters, in vivo measurements showed that carbonated drinks released a greater quantity of aroma compounds in the nose space than non-carbonate…

research product

Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity

Effects of fat on saliva composition: Relation with human fat sensitivity. Forum Jeunes chercheurs

research product

Effet de l'âge sur les consommations alimentaires et les raisons de non-consommation : résultats d'une enquête menée auprès de 32 000 adultes âgés de 20 à 80 ans

National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude : S'il existe un certain nombre d'études ayant décrit les consommations alimentaires au sein de la population française dans différentes classes d'âge (eg, étude INCA3, 2017, pour la plus récente), très peu se sont intéressées aux raisons de non-consommation de tel ou tel type d'aliment, et notamment à l'évolution de ces raisons de non-consommation au cours de l'avancée en âge. Matériel et méthodes : 32 696 volontaires enrôlés dans la cohorte française NutriNet-Santé (20-80 ans ; 76% de femmes) ont évalué leur fréquence de consommation de 21 catégories d'aliments (eg, viande ; poisson & fruits de mer ; légumes crus…). En cas de non-consommat…

research product

The use lipase to overcome the toxicity of gamma-decalactone during its batch production with the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor

International audience

research product

Development of innovative food-based fortification solutions to sustain health in older people using a co-creation approach

research product

Mécanismes en bouche et perception du gras chez l'homme : de la détection aux préférences

National audience; Chez l’homme, la perception du gras de l’aliment est un mécanisme complexe faisant appel à de nombreuses modalités sensorielles (texture, arômes et saveur). Dans ce contexte, la bouche joue un rôle important. En effet elle est le tout premier lieu où commence le processus de digestion de l’aliment, lieu où il est déstructuré et perçu. Elle est ainsi le siège d’un nombre important d’évènements physiques, chimiques et biologiques vis à vis de cet aliment [1]. Au cours de ce processus, un bol alimentaire se forme dans lequel de la salive est incorporée de manière très significative [1]. A ce titre la salive est donc un élément central de la perception sensorielle de l’alimen…

research product