Pascal Schlich

Temporal Dominance of Sensations and Sensory Polarized Positionning. Two new techniques of sensory analysis which should be useful in cosmetics

research product

Les methodes de profils et leurs alternatives

National audience

research product

L'analyse sensorielle appliquée au confort du freinage

National audience

research product

Bitterness and astringency of flavan-3-ol monomers, dimers and trimers

Intensity of astringency and bitterness of seven flavonoid compounds was evaluated by a time-intensity (TI) procedure. Eighteen trained judges rated intensity continuously from ingestion, through expectoration at 10 s until extinction of the sensation. The seven stimuli included two flavan-3-ol monomers, (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin, three dimers and two trimers synthesised from catechin or epicatechin by condensation with (+)-dihydroquercitin. As the degree of polymerisation increased, maximum bitterness intensity (Imax) and total duration (Ttot) decreased whereas astringency Imax increased. The monomers were significantly higher in bitterness at Imax than the dimers, which were signif…

research product

Temporal dominance of sensations

International audience; Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret responses to products perceived through the senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It is used to reveal insights into the way in which sensory properties drive consumer acceptance and behaviour, and to design products that best deliver what the consumer wants. It is also used at a more fundamental level to provide a wider understanding of the mechanisms involved in sensory perception and consumer behaviour. Sensory perception of products alters considerably during the course of consumption/use. Special techniques are used in product development to measure these chan…

research product

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

Communication orale ; http://www.qualiment.fr/

research product

Multidimensional extension of the mixed assessor model

International audience

research product

Vins et fromages, innover en analyse sensorielle pour mieux étudier leur association

research product

Temporal drivers of liking of daily intake of Oral Nutritional Supplement determined at lab with monitoring of hunger and thirst status at home

Temporal drivers of liking of daily intake of Oral Nutritional Supplement determined at lab with monitoring of hunger and thirst status at home. 7. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense)

research product

De la technique du profil idéal à la cartographie des préférences : La quête du cidre idéal

National audience

research product

Sensory analysis: methodological aspects relevant to the study of cheese

Bien que certaines caracteristiques sensorielles puissent etre apprehendees par des mesures instrumentales, la methode la plus directe, a savoir celle utilisant l'homme comme instrument de mesure, reste la plus exacte. La mesure instrumentale ne peut s'y substituer que si les donnees ainsi obtenues sont bien correlees aux donnees sensorielles. Dans ce texte, les differents aspects de la mise en place et de la realisation des essais sensoriels visant a obtenir une description des produits sont exposes. L'attention est attiree sur les procedures et precautions necessaires pour l'obtention de mesures sensorielles fiables, condition indispensable a la reconnaissance de l'analyse sensorielle com…

research product

Effect of sensory exposure on liking for fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits

This study investigates the effect of exposure to fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits on liking for these products. Two sets of biscuits were manufactured, each including a standard variant and 4 variants differing by the level of reduction of either fat or sugar content, to 33% of fat content or 28% of sugar content. Biscuit consumers were recruited to eat either the fat (n ¼ 113) or the sugar-reduced set of biscuits (n ¼ 106). They participated in 5 testing sessions, once a week, in laboratory conditions. During each session, they rated their liking of the 5 variants. At the end of each of the 4 first sessions, consumers were given 16 biscuits for their home consumption during the week. Partic…

research product

Carte sensorielle d'eaux gazeuses : une application du vocabulaire libre et de l'analyse procusteenne

National audience

research product

Temporal drivers of liking in 6 european countries. Advances in data collection and analysis

Temporal drivers of liking in 6 european countries. Advances in data collection and analysis. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Can improving a biscuit's nutritional characteristics be compatible with maintaining it sensory quality?

Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; Authorities encourage people to reduce fat and sugar consumption in public campaigns such as the National Nutritional Health Program in France. French producers are also encouraged to improve the nutritional composition of well-known commercial products by reducing fat and/or sugar contents. The objective of our study was to determine whether it was possible to do so while maintaining the sensory quality of the reformulated products. The study dealt with the impact of fat and sugar reduction on liking and sensory perception of 6 types of French commercial biscuits and cakes. For each type of product, one example of the …

research product

Maternal weaning practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new food

Objective. The introduction of solid foods is a major step in the development of food behaviour. Previous studies showed that higher sensory variety in weaning period can later influence infant's acceptance of new food. The aim of the present study is (i) to describe precisely the different maternal weaning practices, (ii) to relate them with the individual mothers' and infants' characteristics, (iii) to study if these practices could impact infant's acceptance of new foods. Methods. Mothers (n=121) were requested to record each food proposed to their infant detailed from a sensory point of view and to score the level of its acceptance at the 4 first presentations. The beginning of the wean…

research product

L'analyse multidimentionnelle de profils sensoriels de vins

National audience

research product

Perception sensorielle et acceptabilité par les consommateurs des vins à teneur réduite en alcool.

research product

Use of Temporal Dominance of Sensation method to understand perception of complexity and quality - Application to partially dealcoholized wines

International audience

research product

Analyse sensorielle. Aspects méthodologiques dans le cas des fromages

International audience

research product

Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children.

International audience; As part of 'EduSens', a project aiming to measure the effect of a sensory education program developed in France on the food behaviour of school children, the present paper shows the results regarding neophobia. One hundred and eighty children (8-10 years old) were involved in the study. Half of them (experimental group) were educated during school-time with the 12 sessions of taste lessons "Les classes du go?by J. Puisais. The others served as a control group. Food neophobia was evaluated before and after the education period of the experimental group and once again 10 months later. An adapted food neophobia scale was used (AFNS) and the willingness to taste novel fo…

research product

Multi-bites or multi-sips TDS with untrained subjects: A live demonstration on chocolates

Workshop ; page d'accueil : http://www.pangborn2013.com/

research product

Uses of change-over designs and repeated measurements in sensory and consumer studies

Abstract The paper illustrates two statistical methods, the design and analysis of sensory experiments taking into account the effects of serving order and previously assessed treatment and the analysis of experiments with time repeated measurements. Change-over design experiments balance both presentation order and carry-over effects. The proper analysis of variance allows the testing of these effects and the estimation of product means adjusted for carry-over effect. Repeated measurements occur when groups are being compared over time. Either a corrected split-plot or a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with measurements at different times forming the variable should be adopted t…

research product

Traitement statistique de profil sensoriel des jambons secs par analyse procusteenne generalisee

National audience

research product

The impact of hedonic versus ethical values of a food product on the willingness to pay. The effect of earlier sensory exposure and/or knowledge of fair trade principle

research product

Panels de consommateurs : quel effectif interroger ?

Dossier technique ; Enils = Ecoles Nationales de l'Industrie Laitière; National audience

research product

SORT-CC: A procedure for the statistical treatment of free sorting data

International audience; A statistical approach for the analysis of free sorting data is discussed. In a first stage, the sorting data from each subject are arranged into a dataset consisting of indicator variables which reflect the memberships of the stimuli to the groups formed by the subject under consideration. Thereafter, an appropriate standardization is applied on these data and a three way statistical method, namely Common Components and Specific Weights Analysis, is performed on the datasets thus obtained. This makes it possible to take account of the individual differences among the subjects and to depict graphical displays showing the relationships among the stimuli on the one han…

research product

From model food to real food systems: Advances and challenges in relating sensory measurements to in vivo flavor release

From model food to real food systems: Advances and challenges in relating sensory measurements to in vivo flavor release. 250. american chemical society national meeting

research product

L'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle est-elle compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle ? L'exemple des biscuits

Communication orale ; 29 pages

research product

Effet d'une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires d'enfants âgés de 8 à 10 ans

http://cepe.univ-poitiers.fr/tl_files/CepeArts/Recherche/colloques/ActesFunFood2010/PDF/p32.pdf; International audience

research product

Nuevas metodologias dinamicas y sus aplicaciones con consumidores

research product

Sensometrics workshop

International audience

research product

Relating dimensions of perceived complexity to aroma profiles in Burgundy Truffles (Tuber uncinatum)

International audience

research product

Modeling TDS data and segmenting consumers thanks to a mixture of semi-Markov processes

International audience

research product

L'évaluation sensorielle: une technologie statistique?

International audience

research product

Could pupil dilation measurements be of any help to sensory analysis?

Could pupil dilation measurements be of any help to sensory analysis?. 29. Pupil colloquium

research product

RV coefficient and principal component analysis of instrumental variables using SAS/IML software

National audience

research product

Complexity, a sensory driver of consumer perceived quality

Complexity, a sensory driver of consumer perceived quality. 5. European conference on sensory consumer science of foods and beverages. A sense of inspiration

research product

The TDS-bands plot: a new graphical tool for Temporal Dominance of Sensations data

research product

A path analysis model: how liking for vegetables emerges in children

A path analysis model is used to explain how preference for vegetables emerges before 2 years. It takes into account several determinants such as the child exposition, the child preferences for odors and flavors, as well as the parental behavior.

research product

Multiplicative decomposition of the scaling effect in the Mixed Assessor Model into a descriptor-specific and an overall coefficients

Abstract In 1994, Brockhoff and Skovgaard presented the so-called assessor model, including a “scaling coefficient” expressing the predisposition of a panelist to spread more or less his scores than the panel on a given sensory descriptor. This paper discusses potential scaling causes, and then proposes a decomposition of the scaling coefficient into two components: (i) an overall scaling coefficient, independent of the descriptors, expressing a psychological trend of the panelist towards the scoring task in general; (ii) a corrected scaling coefficient for each descriptor, expressing specific sensitivity of the panelist to the descriptor. Applied to 187 sensory datasets, this decomposition…

research product

Caractérisation de la région de production des vins du cépage Chardonnay par l'analyse des acides aminés libres

National audience

research product

Collecting and analysing in vivo aroma release and perception by pairing nosespace PTR-ToF-MS and Temporal Dominance of Sensations

research product

Comments from Pascal Schlich on the Steinsholt's paper

International audience

research product

Grapes: a method and a SAS program for graphical representations of assessor performances

GRAPES computes individual and global analyses of variance for sensory profiling data, consisting of several sessions in which all the panelists gave scores to all the products for a number of attributes. The fitted model takes into account the session effect. GRAPES summarizes the results by means of graphical assessor scatterplots which allow to check and to compare panelist performances, such as the way of using scale, the reliability, the discrimination power and the agreement with the panel. In addition, GRAPES detects the outliers for each of these criterion. The usefulness of GRAPES for the panel leader will be demonstrated using texture and flavor profiling of 4 restructured steaks …

research product

Développement des préférences pour les légumes dans la cohorte OPALINE : un modèle SEM pour intégrer les différents déterminants des préférences de la période intra utérine à l'âge de 2 ans (SESSION 1 : Comportement du consommateur : analyse et modélisation)

Présentation orale ; https://intranet.inra.fr/alimh/vie_scientifique/did_it/seminaire_modelisation

research product

Monitoring panel performances with the Mixed Assessor Model. Meta-analysis of the SensoBase

Monitoring panel performances with the Mixed Assessor Model. Meta-analysis of the SensoBase. The 11. Sensometrics meeting

research product

Measuring liking for sweet, salt and fat by questionnaire and sensory test: complementary approaches

International audience

research product

Aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) and the representativeness of the odour of food extracts

International audience

research product

workshop: Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) and temporal liking data analysis

workshop: Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) and temporal liking data analysis. Sensometrics 2014 - data that works in the city that works

research product

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home "taste" profile method

International audience; The purpose of this study was to create a food 'taste' database using an innovative in-home profile method. The five basic tastes and fat sensation were studied. The proposed method consisted in an intensive training in laboratory (55 h, 5 months) immediately followed by an in-home measurements phase (8 months) during which 12 trained panelists had to evaluate the five tastes and fat sensation of the foods they typically consumed. The rating scales were inspired by scales used in the Spectrum (TM) method. During the in-home measurement phase, ratings were reported thanks to a web-based tool and each month the panelists returned to the laboratory for a 2-h retraining …

research product

EPIPREF : préférences et comportements alimentaires vis-à-vis du gras, du salé et du sucré

Colloque final édition 2006; absent

research product

3 questions à une jeune pousse : TimeSens et SensoStat

Toucher, ouïe, goût… l’analyse des perceptions sensorielles par rapport à un produit alimentaire, cosmétique, pharmaceutique ou autre, c’est le cheval de bataille de SensoStat, institut de recherche privé expert en tests sensoriels et consommateurs. Cet institut utilise souvent TimeSens®, un logiciel d’acquisition et d’analyse de données distribué par la startup TSI et développé par l’Inra, au Centre des sciences du goût et de l’alimentation (CSGA). Arnaud Thomas, responsable Recherche & Innovation de SensoStat et Pascal Schlich, chercheur au CSGA, répondent à nos questions.

research product

Choosing the right panel size for a descriptive or for an hedonic sensory study based on knowledge gained from two sensory databases

Choosing the right panel size for a descriptive or for an hedonic sensory study based on knowledge gained from two sensory databases. 5. european conference on Sensory consumer science of foods and beverages. A sense of inspiration

research product

TDS workshop

research product

L’attirance pour le gras, le salé et le sucré est associé à la corpulence. Etude de la cohorte française Nutrinet-Santé

National audience

research product

Amylase production in submerged culture using principal component analysis

Abstract The aim of our work was to study the production of α-amylase and glucoamylase in submerged culture by a species of Aspergillus niger screened for its high amylase activity. Statistical analysis was not used to optimize fermentation conditions but it was employed in a new approach to describe the culture behaviour. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to describe the influence of three agitation speeds on the rate of amylases synthesis and on the evolution of other indirect growth factors. The results of this analysis showed that the oxygen transfer at various agitation speeds affected the levels of enzymes, their production rates and the CO 2 production rate (indirect mea…

research product

Effet de la perception en gras/sucré sur l'appréciation des biscuits

Communication orale. Le Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs est une manifestation scientifique annuelle qui a lieu sur deux jours et qui permet aux doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale Environnement, Santé, STIC de Dijon (ED E2S) et de l'Ecole Doctorale Homme, Environnement, Santé (ED HES) de Besançon de présenter leurs travaux de thèse lors de sessions de communications scientifiques orales ou affichées. Les deux écoles doctorales organisent à tour de rôle cet évènement. (https://sites.google.com/site/fjc2011dijon/)

research product

La conception hygiénique au service de la sécurité sanitaire de l'hygiène des matériaux

La conception hygiénique au service de la sécurité sanitaire de l'hygiène des matériaux

research product

Composition of apricot aroma : correlation between sensory and instrumental data

International audience

research product

Extension de la cartographie des préférences aux plans incomplets

National audience

research product

Structure and culinary, sensory and nutritional properties of protein enriched pasta made from legume

National audience

research product

Adequate number of consumers in a liking test. Insights from resampling in seven studies

The recommended number of consumers to be enrolled in a hedonic test comparing several products usually ranges from 50 to 100, at least if no liking segmentation is sought. This paper seeks to examine whether such a panel size range is adequate, by means of 7 trials with different levels of product space complexity. Five types of products were tested: Two varied in fattiness and sweetness and were tested under the same conditions in two separate laboratories (4 trials); the remaining three, varying in taste and texture, were each tested in a different laboratory (3 trials). Each of the 7 trials was run by a different laboratory. Each of the seven laboratories enrolled in its trial 150 consu…

research product

Association de Penicillium camemberti Geotrichum candidum. effets sur la qualité sensorielle de camemberts

National audience

research product

Le goût de l'eau et les préférences des consommateurs en matière d'eau de boisson

National audience

research product

Individual characteristics associated with fat liking

Introduction: Various studies have shown that sensory liking influences dietary behaviors and that individual characteristics, such as socio-demographic or psychological factors, are related to dietary intake and weight status. However, little is known about individual profiles associated with fat liking. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat sensation and socio-demographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample of adults. Method / Design: Individual factors and liking scores were collected using validated questionnaires from 37,181 French adults participating in the NutriNet-Santé study,…

research product

Correlation between flavour profiles and aromagrams of Chardonnay Burgundy wines

research product

Complementary feeding: what, when and how in OPALINE mothers? Consequences on infant's food acceptance.

National audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants’ eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant’s acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (breastfeeding duration, age at the initiation of weaning, variety of new foods introduced) and to study whether they impacted infants’ later acceptance of new foods in a longitudinal survey of French children’s eating behavior. Mothers (n = 203) were asked to record each food offered to their infants from the beginning of the weaning period t…

research product

Effet d’une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires d’enfants âgés de 8 à 10 ans

National audience

research product

Production of representative wine extracts for chemical and olfactory analysis

International audience

research product

Maternal feeding practices during the first year and their impact on infants' acceptance of complementary food.

Funding: Regional Council of Burgundy + Regional Council of IFR92 + Regional Council of PRNH-INRA-INSERM + Regional Council of the "ANR The French National Research Agency" under the Programme National de Recherche en Alimentation et nutrition humaine (ANR-06-PNRA-028 ) + Regional Council of Bledina, Nestle, Symrise, Cedus and Valrhona; International audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants' eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant's acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (…

research product

Comparison of odour sensory profiles performed by two independent trained panels following the same descriptive analysis procedures

Odour sensory profiling of 28 associations of cheese ripening micro-organisms was performed by two panels of 10 assessors on two different sites. Sample preparation, training protocols and references, tasting procedures and scoring were similar in the two laboratories. Panel 2 used 10 attributes and panel 1 used these terms plus 4 extra descriptors. Analysis of variance and multivariate methods (canonical variate analysis, generalised procrustes analysis and STATIS) exhibited differences between assessors within a panel and between panels concerning the use of the scoring scale and the strength of product discrimination by attribute. Panel 1 was more sensitive to fruity notes and panel 2 to…

research product

Un outil sensoriel pour la mesure des préférences vis-à-vis du gras, du salé et du sucré

La surconsommation d'aliments gras, salés ou sucrés est nuisible à la santé, et, même si elles sont entendues du public, les recommandations nutritionnelles visant à éviter ces comportements à risque restent trop partiellement suivies. On peut alors s’interroger sur les déterminants de ces comportements alimentaires et plus spécifiquement sur le plaisir apporté par la consommation des aliments considérés comme gras, salés ou sucrés. En effet, les matières grasses, le sucre et le sel induisent les propriétés sensorielles de l’aliment (goût, texture, palatabilité) et contribuent au plaisir lors de la consommation, parfois en contradiction avec les préoccupations nutritionnelles. Entre le plai…

research product

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

Poster ; http://www.qualiment.fr/

research product

Outils d’analyse sensorielle pour l’étude de la perception des gels laitiers

research product

Mesure de la temporalité et de la complexité du goût du vin

National audience

research product

Dark chocolates organoleptic differences: a PTR-ToF-MS success story

International audience; Aroma of dark chocolate depends on process and cocoa origin and variety. Repeated sensory analyses of standardized chocolates produced from various cocoa beans batches using a standard fabrication process allowed classifying them into four sensory categories. These categories were confirmed in a PTR-ToF-MS analysis of the volatilome of 206 chocolate samples through supervised multivariate data analyses (PLS-DA). Variable selection using dedicated methods pinpointed some volatile compounds important for the discrimination of the chocolates. Moreover, the nosespace of a subset of chocolates was measured by twelve assessors using PTR-ToF-MS with simultaneous determinati…

research product

Preference and acceptability of partially dealcoholized white and red wines by consumers and professionals

International audience; The influence of partial alcohol reduction in wine on consumer appreciation and acceptability was investigated. Two white wines (Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc) and two red wines (Merlot and Syrah) were partially dealcoholized using reverse osmosis to span a range of three different alcohol contents (14% to 10%) by grape variety. A group of 79 French wine consumers comparatively rated their appreciation of these wines, first in blind tasting conditions and then with added information. A group of 35 French wine professionals also comparatively rated their appreciation of the same wines in blind conditions and described them by rating the intensity of 10 informal descr…

research product

Optimal Conditions for the Formation of Sotolon from .alpha.-Ketobutyric Acid in the French "Vin Jaune"

Sotolon (3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone) is a key flavor compound in the French flor-sherry Vin Jaune. Sotolon in Vin Jaune (120-268 microgram/L) is produced during the development of yeast film over a period of 6 years. In a synthetic medium resembling wine, the formation of sotolon was studied for different organic acids and acetaldehyde. Then, sotolon was quantified by HPLC on a Lichrospher 100 Diol column. Under the conditions of temperature, pH, and alcoholic content similar to the ageing of wine in barrels, sotolon was formed by a purely chemical mechanism from alpha-ketobutyric acid and acetaldehyde. The formation of sotolon increases by increasing temperature and decreasing p…

research product

The analysis of sensory profiling data revisited by scaling. Univariate and multivariate implications on panel performances and product differences

International audience

research product

Comparison of wine discrimination with orthonasal and retronasal profilings. Application to Burgundy Pinot Noir wines

Two sensory spaces, corresponding to the same wine sample profiled by nose (BN) and profiled by mouth (BM), were compared. The similarity between the two maps of product differences were measured by multivariate analysis, showing a good agreement and comparable product discrimination by the panel in the two modes, slightly in favor of BN discrimination. The superiority of one particular mode was not established from the comparison of individual performances BN versus BM, but differences between panelists and between descriptor use were found. Two-way canonical variate analysis of BN minus BM scores was also performed: the results revealed that panelists had higher influence than products in…

research product

Consumer texture preferences: Effect of age, gender and previous experience

Four different strawberry candies with varying thickening agents (pectin, gelatin, starch, and gelatin + starch) were rated by three consumer age groups: teenagers (13–14 years), young adults (19–23 years) and the middle-aged (40–63 years) (n = 60 in each group). Age, gender, use frequencies and hedonic ratings often commercial candy types were collected as background information. Four preference groups were found by using preference mapping. The most important factor predicting preference of a sample were hedonic evaluations of commercial candies whose texture was similar to that of the test sample. If the consumers gave high hedonic ratings to one sample they also tended to report liking …

research product

Monitoring sensory panel performances with the mamcap R-package

Monitoring sensory panel performances with the mamcap R-package. AgroStat 2016 Congress - 14. Symposium on Statistical Methods for the Food Industry

research product

Nosespace of dark chocolates differing in sensory characteristics using PTR-TOF-MS and link to flavour perception through simultaneous Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS)

International audience; Aroma of dark chocolate depends on process and cocoa origin and variety. Repeated sensory analyses of standardized chocolates produced from various cocoa beans using a standard fabrication process allowed classifying them in four sensory categories. These categories were confirmed in a PTR-MS analysis of the volatilome of 206 chocolate samples [1]. The objective here was to study the nosespace of a subset of chocolates simultaneously with their temporal profile to better explain the sensory categorization at a perception level. A Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) evaluation of 8 chocolates (2 selected per category) was done in triplicate by 12 subjects while the…

research product

The effect of Fat and Sweetness Perception on Biscuit Liking

International audience

research product

EveilSens: an ongoing project to investigate the effects of a sensory education in 5-6 year-old children

Poster ; www.opaline-dijon.fr/

research product

Panel performance in Temporal Dominance of Sensations studies

International audience

research product

Contributions a la sensometrie

Diplôme : Dr. d'Université

research product

Description de la typicite aromatique de vins de bourgogne issus du cepage chardonnay

<p style="text-align: justify;">La typicité aromatique de 23 vins blancs de Bourgogne issus du cépage Chardonnay est évaluée par 32 oenologues au cours de 3 séances. De manière indépendante, une caractérisation de l'odeur et de l'arôme de chaque vin est fournie par chaque sujet sous la forme d'un choix libre de 5 descripteurs au plus.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Les vins se répartissent selon 3 groupes de typicité croissante sans rapport net avec les appellations. Sept descripteurs-clefs de l'odeur et de l'arôme du Chardonnay de Bourgogne s'imposent: miel, vanille, pain grillé, beurre frais, boisé, floral et noisette. De plus, une liste de 9 autres descripteurs auxi…

research product

Acceptabilité des vins à teneur réduite en alcool. Importance relative du goût et de l'information

L’évaluation de l’acceptabilité des vins est généralement effectuée dans des conditions de dégustation à l’aveugle, afin de ne pas influencer le jugement du dégustateur. Cependant, les vins sont rarement présentés à l’aveugle en situation réelle de consommation, et de nombreux paramètres extérieurs au vin tels que le packaging, le prix, l’information sur l’étiquette peuvent influencer la perception sensorielle et l’acceptabilité globale du produit.L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’importance relative des caractéristiques sensorielles et de l’information dans l’acceptabilité de vins à teneur réduite en alcool.Pour cela, une méthodologie a été mise en place en faisant varier le vin …

research product

The effect of gender, age and smoking status on use of scale, repeatability, product discrimination and agreement with the panel investigated in 177 descriptive sensory studies

The effect of gender, age and smoking status on use of scale, repeatability, product discrimination and agreement with the panel investigated in 177 descriptive sensory studies. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Influence des facteurs individuels sur l’alimentation et la variation de poids sur cinq ans, NutriNet-Santé, France

Introduction Les facteurs sensoriels, psychologiques, socioeconomiques, de mode de vie, les consommations alimentaires et le statut ponderal forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette etude est d’etablir et de valider un cadre conceptuel de ces relations en estimant l’influence relative de chaque facteur individuel sur les consommations et la variation de poids sur cinq ans au sein d’une population d’adultes francais. Methode Les caracteristiques individuelles et les consommations ont ete collectees par questionnaire chez 8014 participants a la cohorte NutriNet-Sante, ainsi que les donnees de poids a cinq ans. La modelisation par equations structurelles …

research product

Sensory and Consumer testing

International audience

research product

Impact of information and in-home sensory exposure on liking and willingness to pay: The beginning of Fairtrade labeled coffee in France.

This study was conducted to assess how the Fairtrade label interacts with the perception of intrinsic product characteristics on liking and purchase decisions and to estimate the evolution of this interaction after exposure to the coffees and/or exposure to ethical information. In a first session, 119 consumers gave liking scores for 2 regular and 2 Fairtrade coffees under a blind tasting condition. Then, they were asked to indicate the maximum price they would pay for each product in 2 auctions taking place under different information conditions. In the first auction, participants saw the packaging but did not taste the coffee; in the second auction, they could both taste the coffee and se…

research product

Le fromage modifie et améliore le goût du vin

National audience

research product

Temporal Drivers of Liking: a review of 4 years of studies

International audience

research product

Temporal Dominance of Sensations paired with temporal liking

Temporal Dominance of Sensations paired with temporal liking. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Varietal and geographic classification of french red wines in terms of pigments and flavonoid compounds

Thirty-four French red wines originating from six different grape varieties and three different production areas were analysed in duplicate for 15 anthocyanins, ten flavonoids and three colour parameters, F-statistics, principal component analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis were used to identify and to explain differences among samples. Clear difference between wines made from different varieties were mainly related to anthocyanin 3-acylglucosides. Malvidin and peonidin 3-acetylglucosides were found in increasing concentrations in wines made respectively from Grenache, Carignan, Cinsault, Merlot, Carbernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grapes; the concentrations of peonidin and malvi…

research product

Sensory methodologies and the taste of water

/WOS: 000285178000010; International audience; Describing the taste of water is a challenge since drinking water is supposed to have almost no taste. In this study, different classical sensory methodologies have been applied in order to assess sensory characteristics of water and have been compared: sensory profiling, Temporal Dominance of Sensations and free sorting task. These methodologies present drawbacks: sensory profile and TDS do not provide an effective discrimination of the taste of water and the free sorting task is efficient but does not enable data aggregation. A new methodology based on comparison with a set of references and named “Polarized Sensory Positioning” (PSP) has bee…

research product

Contribution of culture, gender and age to preferences to different rice samples

International audience

research product

Indexes of individual and panel performances in TDS and TCATA and their statistical inference

International audience

research product

Sensory differentiation of carbonic maceration and destemming wines from Rioja Alavesa by using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method

International audience

research product

Flash analysis of profiling data

National audience

research product

Preference mapping : relating consumer preferences to sensory or instrumental measurements

National audience

research product

Effect of sensory education on categorization of unknown odors in children

International audience

research product

The right number of consumers to be enrolled in a liking test strongly depends on the level of sensory complexity among products

research product

CAP: a user-friendly system for the control of assessor performances

International audience

research product

More clues about Sensory Impact of Sotolon in Some Flor Sherry Wines

The olfactory impact of sotolon [4,5-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone] in wines was first demonstrated in botrytized wines. In sherry wines it was recently found to occur at concentrations varying from 0 to 500 ppb. The olfactory detection threshold of a sample of purified racemic sotolon was determined to be lower (15 ppb) in white wine than its concentration in most sherries. Its flavor impact in sherries was calculated to be between 1 and 25 OUV. Using MCA of the data obtained from 22 wines (white wines, rancios, Spanish and French sherries) during two tasting sessions by wine professionals, significant positive correlations were found-between the concentration of sotolon and the typica…

research product

Liking for fat is associated with sociodemographic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics

Sensory liking influences dietary behaviour, but little is known about specifically associated individual profiles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat-and-salt and fat-and-sweet sensations and sociodemographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample. Individual characteristics and liking scores were collected by a questionnaire among 37 181 French adults. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess the associations between liking levels and individual characteristics. In both sexes, subjects belonging to low-l…

research product

Development of a sensory tool to assess overall liking for the fatty, salty and sweet sensations

Abstract Understanding the origin of the overconsumption of too high levels of sucrose, sodium chloride and lipids in foods raises the question of the influence of the hedonics for these sensations. To better understand this relationship, a sensory tool that enables measurement of liking towards sweet, salty or fatty sensations is required. This liking towards a sensation has to be understood as an overall attractiveness of the sensation. Instruments already existing were unsatisfactory as including a limited number of foods not representative of the overall sensation. A set of hedonic tests, named PrefSens, was developed to measure an overall liking for fatty, salty or sweet sensations. Ea…

research product

Temporal dominance of sensation in wines. Keynote presentation of the flavor session

research product

Should I replace replicates by additional subjects in my trained descriptive sensory panel?

Should I replace replicates by additional subjects in my trained descriptive sensory panel?. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Pupillometry, a complementary tool to sensory analysis

Pupillometry, a complementary tool to sensory analysis. 30. Pupil Colloquium

research product

Salivary Composition Is Associated with Liking and Usual Nutrient Intake

Salivary flow and composition have an impact on flavor perception. However, very few studies have explored the relationship between saliva, individual liking and usual dietary intake. The aim of our study was to evaluate the association of salivary flow and composition with both a liking for fat, saltiness and sweetness and the usual nutrient intake in an adult French population. Liking for fat, saltiness, and sweetness were inferred from liking scores obtained during hedonic tests on 32 food products among 282 French adults participating in the Nutrinet- Santé Study. Before assessing liking, resting saliva was collected. Standard biochemical analyses were performed to assess specific compo…

research product

Correspondence analysis in sensory evaluation

International audience

research product

Protein structure versus Nutrional and sensory properties of legume enriched pasta

Wheat pasta is a convenient starchy food presenting interesting low glycemic index as a result of its compact structure made of a gluten network entrapping starch granules. However, its protein content remains low (12-13%), its amino acid profile unbalanced and it is unsuitable for gluten-intolerant people. The aim of this study was to produce pasta enriched in protein and in lysine by incorporation of Faba flour (0-100%) and to evaluate the impact of such enrichment on pasta structure and nutritional properties.

research product

Reducing Fat or Sugar Content in Biscuits: Does it Impact Liking? Should Nutritional Claims Be Added to Packagings?

Poster ; http://www.eurosense.elsevier.com/

research product

Prefsort: an external preference mapping on weighted sorting data

Prefsort: an external preference mapping on weighted sorting data. 9. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Importance relative de la sélection et de l'entrainement sur les performances d'un jury d'analyse sensorielle descriptive

National audience

research product

Typologie aromatique des fromages de Comté

National audience

research product

A multiple-response chi-square framework for the analysis of Free-Comment and Check-All-That-Apply data

International audience; Free-Comment (FC) and Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) provide a contingency table containing citation counts of descriptors by products. The analyses performed on this table are most often related to the chi-square statistic. However, such practices are not well suited because they consider experimental units as being the citations (one descriptor for one product by one subject) while the evaluations (vector of citations for one product by one subject) should be considered instead. This results in incorrect expected frequencies under the null hypothesis of independence between products and descriptors and thus in an incorrect chi-square statistic. Thus, analyses related …

research product

Effect of "Méthode Champenoise" process on aroma of four V. vinifera varieties

International audience

research product

Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.

www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)

research product

Time periods segmentation in TDS and TCATA

International audience

research product

The subject effect in descriptive analysis: fixed or random? An old question revisited thanks to 697 datasets from the sensobase

The subject effect in descriptive analysis: fixed or random? An old question revisited thanks to 697 datasets from the sensobase. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Les effets de l'éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires des enfants

National audience; Ce dossier réalisé en partenariat avec le Centre européen des produits de l’enfant traite de la responsabilité éducative des adultes et de l’éducation de l’enfant futur citoyen consommateur.Il consacre une large place à la mise en place des politiques et des pratiques existantes dans plusieurs pays d’Europe et au Canada. Son ambition est de participer aux débats d’idées et de donner des repères sur les enjeux que représentent pour l’avenir de l’humanité, l’éducation et la consommation. Ce dossier est coordonné par Valérie-Inès de La Ville Professeur de Sciences de Gestion, Directrice Centre Européen des Produits de l’Enfant et Christian Gautellier Directeur des publicatio…

research product

Méthodes d'acquisition, de codage et d'analyse de profils sensoriels temporels

National audience; La méthode de Temps-Intensité (TI) consiste à mesurer l’évolution de la perception de l’intensité d’un descripteur au fil du temps de la dégustation d’un produit. Lorsque plusieurs descripteurs sont étudiés (situation du profil sensoriel), cette méthode devient quasiment impraticable car elle nécessite une dégustation par descripteur. Cette communication se propose de synthétiser un ensemble de travaux visant à proposer des méthodes d’obtention de courbes des évolutions temporelles de plusieurs descripteurs simultanément. La première de ces méthodes, Dominance Temporelle des Sensations (DTS) [1], a permis de restituer assez fidèlement les courbes TI de 10 descripteurs pou…

research product

Unravelling some early determinants of liking for vegetables at 2 years: a longitudinal study from pregnancy to 2 years

International audience; Food preferences guide food choices, and impact nutritional status, but their early origin needs clarification. The study aimed at understanding the early determining factors of the liking of vegetables (LVeg) at 2y, taking into account peri- and post-natal feeding experiences, children's acceptance of food tastes and odors and parental feeding practices. In a cohort of children (n 314), the milk, complementary feeding (CF) and table feeding received by children and the diet consumed by mothers during pregnancy/lactation were recorded by diaries. The acceptance of food tastes was evaluated in the lab at 3, 6, 12, 20mo; and of food odors at 8, 13, 22mo. Parental feedi…

research product

Effect of oenological tannins on wine aroma before and after oxidation: a real-time study by coupling sensory (TDS) and chemical (PTR-ToF-MS) analyses

research product

Utilisation de la Dominance temporelle des sensations pour la caractérisation sensorielle des produits de la filière blé-farine-pain

Eurogerm is specialized in flour correctors, bread improvers and technological ingredients for the wheat, flour and bread sector. The company gives great importance to sensory analysis as a diagnostic tool of finished products and has four expert panels; each panel is specialized in one category of products and is trained to standard sensory profiling. Today, in addition to the traditional method, Eurogerm wants to explore new methods in order to offer new services to its customers. This paper describes the development of Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) created in the “Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation” (CSGA) (PINEAU et al., 2009). TDS provides information on the perc…

research product

A real-time in-vivo approach to explore tannins effect on aroma release and perception of red wine after air exposition

research product

Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines.

International audience

research product

Rôle relatif des facteurs individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans

Introduction et but de l’étude : Les facteurs individuels, les consommations alimentaires, l’activité physique et le statut pondéral forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Cependant, le rôle relatif des déterminants individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur les variations de poids n’a pas encore été étudié. L’objectif de cette étude était d’établir un cadre conceptuel causal en estimant l’influence relative des facteurs individuels, des consommations alimentaires et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans au sein d’une population d’adultes français.Matériel et méthodes : A l’inclusion, les caractéristiques individuelles, l’activité physiqu…

research product

Using repeated ingestion to determine the effect of sweetness, viscosity and oiliness on temporal perception of soymilk astringency

Abstract Astringency is a persistent sensation which increases upon repeated ingestion. To evaluate the effect of viscosity, sucrose and oil on perception of astringency during consumption of soymilk, a sequential sipping time–intensity (TI) procedure was utilized. For each soymilk, judges sipped the first of four ingestions and initiated the continuous recording of astringency intensity. Each sip was expectorated at 10 s after ingestion, and sipped 10 s after expectoration of the previous stimulus. After the fourth sample, judges rated astringency for 30 s. Traditional TI parameters, as well as rate of onset for each sip and increase in maximum intensity per sip were extracted from the TI …

research product

Sensory evaluation with consumers revisited thanks to Free-Comment

International audience

research product

Should I use touchscreen tablets rather than computers and mice in TDS trials?

International audience; Internet technologies are increasingly used as tools in sensory analysis. Thus, it would be a natural step forward for sensory science to move beyond the laboratory, into people's homes. Therefore, working with consumer IT devices like touchscreen tablets in sensory science should be taken into consideration. Working with the intuitive concept of dominance, Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) requires a non-analytical answer from the subject. Using a touchscreen tablet instead of a classic mouse could reduce the cognitive load and favor a more instinctive answer. Indeed, it was proven that touch interaction is natural and efficient, and that finger pointing is fas…

research product

Sensory analysis of Burgundy Pinot noir wines. Comparison of panel performances in orthonasal and retronasal profiling

International audience

research product

Free-comment data collection and analysis revisited and new tools in correspondence analysis

International audience; Free-Comment (FC), as a response to open-ended questions, provides sensory descriptions of a set of products with no issue due to a predefined list of descriptors as in Check-All-That-Apply (CATA).Performances (discrimination, characterization, stability, etc.) of the FC methodology as a method of sensory characterization of products have been poorly documented and FC has rarely been compared to other methodologies of sensory characterization. Further, the use of FC is usually restricted to static sensory descriptions of the products with few considerations given to temporal description, hedonic appreciation and drivers of liking.FC data is frequency data and as such…

research product

Sensory exploration of the freshness sensation in plain yoghurts and yoghurt-like products

WOS: 000324008600021 ; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950329313001092; International audience; The term "freshness sensation" is used by consumers for characterizing some plain yoghurts and yoghurt-like products. This study consisted in an investigation of this sensation aiming at determining its underlying sensory attributes. First, two focus groups of consumers were conducted to open up the framework. A set of plain yoghurts and yoghurt-like products, both commercial and experimental, was then subjected to sensory analysis. The samples were sorted by means of a free sorting task, and further scored for the intensity of their freshness sensation and their liking, by 72 …

research product

Temporal drivers of liking

Abstract Generally liking is measured overall but is likely to vary over the food intake, like sensory perception. Replacing the attributes in Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) by the categories of a usual ordinal liking scale makes it possible to monitor liking changes while eating a product (Sudre et al., 2012). This methodology allows for a better understanding of the influence of temporal dominance of sensations on liking and liking evolution over the time of product intake. Thus, it is possible to associate hedonic temporal data and descriptive temporal data (TDS profiles), which would identify drivers of liking, that is attributes which, when cited as dominant, would lead to a de…

research product

Odour profiling of the components of apricot flavour description by correspondence analysis

research product

Attack-Evolution-Finish: a new method allowing for temporal product description thanks to Free-Comment with consumers

research product

Nosespace PTR-MS analysis with simutaneous TDS or TCATA sensory evaluation: Release and perception of the aroma of dark chocolates differing in sensory properties

International audience; Perception of flavor is a dynamic process during which the concentration of aroma molecules at the olfactory epithelium varies with time as they are released progressively from the food in the mouth during consumption. However, how the various components combine to produce a sensory impression is still not completely understood. Real-time mass spectrometry (MS) techniques that measure aroma compounds directly in the nose (nosespace) aim at obtaining data patterns that are supposed to reflect the way aromas are released in real time during food consumption. These patterns are supposed to be representative of the retronasal stimuli perception. Real-time sensory methods…

research product

Development of a quantitative sensory method for the description of young red wines frome rioja alavesa.

International audience

research product

Selection and classification of volatile compounds of apricot using RV coefficient

International audience

research product

Temporal Dominance of Sensations as a tool for a better understanding of consumer behavior

International audience

research product

Eating chocolate, smelling perfume or watching video advertisement: Does it make any difference on emotional states measured at home using facial expressions?

Type d'article : méthodologie, recherche et revue.; International audience; The recording of facial expressions allows for implicit measurement of emotional states over time. The present study investigated whether these recordings can be acquired, using computer webcams, when testing products at home. Three types of product spaces (chocolates, perfumes and video advertisements) were evaluated at home by 44 subjects using a facial expression measurement protocol. Each product space was composed of three products. The first objective examined the feasibility of such a home-based protocol. The second objective investigated whether several products in the same product space could be characteriz…

research product

Acquisition and analysis of aromagrams of Chardonnnay Burgundy wines

research product

Can we increase liking of fat or sugar reduced biscuits by either a progressive or a direct exposure?

International audience

research product

L’arbitrage goût/santé. Reformulation des produits et perception sensorielle

Les relations entre pathologies chroniques et consommations alimentaires soulèvent de nombreux enjeux en matière de santé publique. Cet événement avait pour objectif de contribuer aux réflexions sur ce thème en s’intéressant à l’arbitrage entre goût et santé par les consommateurs et à ses conséquences sur l’évolution de l’offre alimentaire. La journée a abordé en particulier la question du rôle de l’étiquetage et de l’information nutritionnelle face à cette tension, parfois perçue par les consommateurs, entre qualités gustative et nutritionnelle.; absent

research product

Preference mapping -a statistical tool for the food industry

research product

Polarized sensory positioning (PSP), workshop de sensométrie

International audience

research product

A questionnaire for assessing the perceived complexity of wine. Application to the study of the effect of expertise on perception of wine complexity

International audience

research product

Amertume et fractions azotees de fromages a pate molle de type camembert : role de l'association de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum

National audience

research product

Food preferences for fat and sweet: Insights from an exploratory study including 696 consumers from 7 to 80 years old

International audience

research product

Déterminer le goût de l’eau ne coule pas de source

Describing the taste of water is a challenge since drinking water is supposed to have almost no taste. In this study, different classical sensory methodologies have been applied in order to assess sensory features of water. Nevertheless, these methodologies present drawbacks so a new methodology based on the comparison between water samples named “Polarized Sensory Positioning” (PSP) has been developed enabling to easily define the sensory characteristics of water without presenting too many samples. Finally, this new method provides new sensory data and could be extended to other products.

research product

Chemotaxonomy of the essential oils of the blackcurrant buds (Ribes sp.) from major terpenes (hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds)

International audience

research product

Internal and external mapping of preferences for commercial lager beers : comparison of hedonic ratings by consumers blind versus with knowledge of brand and price

Abstract The individual preferences of 170 consumers in six categories of age (20s, 30s, 40s) and gender (men, women) for 24 domestic, imported or specialty lager beers, tasted first blind and then with knowledge of brand and price, were investigated by preference mapping techniques. Internal preference mapping revealed differences in the preferences of consumers, with some consumers preferring domestic or ice beers, and others preferring specialty or imported beers. Hedonic ratings changed significantly from the blind to the informed tasting condition, particularly for consumers in their twenties, thereby documenting the significant role of non-sensory variables in the formulation of a hed…

research product

Association between intake of nutrients and food groups and liking for fat (The Nutrinet-Santé Study)

Apart from the established association between liking for fat and fat intake, little is known about the association between liking for fat and intake of specific nutrients or food groups. We investigated the association between dietary intake and liking for fat, fat-and-sweet and fat-and-salt. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire administered to 41,595 French adults participating in the Nutrinet-Santé study. Dietary data were collected using web-based 24 h records. Relationships between liking and dietary intake were assessed using linear regression adjusted for age and energy intake. Results are expressed in percentage difference of intake between indiv…

research product

Association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et les fluctuations pondérales sur 4 ans

Introduction et but de l’étude : Des études ont mis en évidence le lien entre l’attirance sensorielle pour le gras, le salé et le sucré et le statut pondéral, souvent évalué par une variation positive ou négative du poids. Les fluctuations pondérales sont également un indicateur pertinent bien que peu étudiées, puisque la multiplication de cycles de perte de poids puis de reprise, communément appelé « yo-yo pondéral » ou « fluctuation pondérales » pourrait avoir d’importantes répercussions sur la santé, tant au niveau physiologique qu’au niveau psychologique. L’objectif de cette étude était d’estimer l’association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et l’amplitude des fluctu…

research product

L'éducation au goût des enfants: préparons la génération goût?

research product

Understanding the Dynamic of Freshness Perception in Plain Fermented Milks thanks to Temporal Dominance of Sensations

International audience

research product

Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized red wine: A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation and analytical chemistry.

International audience; Addition of oenological tannins claims to have a positive impact on wine stability, protection from oxidation and likely sensory persistence. However, their role on red wine aroma during oxidation is controversial. The present study aims at investigating the effect of addition of oenological tannins on wine flavour (mainly aroma) before and after air exposure. Temporal Dominance of Sensations, a dynamic sensory evaluation, was coupled with a dynamic chemical measurement (nosespace analysis) using a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass-Spectrometer connected to the nasal cavity of 17 assessors. Results showed that the oxidation of a non-oaked Pinot Noir red wine decreases th…

research product

Qualité et représentation nutritionnelles, perception sensorielle et acceptabilité des biscuits

National audience

research product

Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant’s acceptance of new foods

International audience

research product

Etude de la qualité de camemberts réalisés avec des associations de Penicillium camemberti avec Geotrichum candidum: effet desamèrisant de Geotrichum candidum

National audience

research product

The project INSECT4CITY: assessment of benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas

research product

Nose-space of dark chocolates using PTR-ToF-MS and link to flavour perception through simultaneous Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS)

International audience; Introduction: Aroma of dark chocolate depends on process and cocoa origin and variety. A sensory analysis of 206 standardized chocolates produced from various cocoa beans classified them in four sensory categories. These categories were confirmed in a PTR-MS analysis of the chocolates volatilome [1]. The objective here was to study the nosespace of a subset of chocolates simultaneously with their temporal profile to better explain the sensory categorization at a perception level. Methods: A Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) evaluation of 8 chocolates (2 selected per category) was done in triplicate by 12 subjects while the aroma released in their nose were simul…

research product

Application of relicated difference testing

International audience

research product

Measuring temporal dominances of sensations and liking, hunger status and wanting dynamically from consumers eating a full portion of soup. Is that really possible?

Measuring temporal dominances of sensations and liking, hunger status and wanting dynamically from consumers eating a full portion of soup. Is that really possible?. 7. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense)

research product

A sensory map of sparkling waters : an application of free-choice profiling method and procustes analysis

research product

Dynamic of freshness perception in plain yoghurts temporal dominance of sensations

Communication orale ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience

research product

Effect of sensory education on categorisation of unknown odors in children

National audience

research product

Free comment using speech recognition: an alternative to Check-All-That-Apply for sensory characterization of red wines at home

International audience

research product

The analysis of a set of questionnaires composed of 151 items on salt-, sweet- and fat-liking using LISREL-type and PLS-PM techniques leads to equivalent results

International audience; Measure of salt-, sweet- and fat-liking is commonly assessed using sensory testing. However, this might become cumbersome with large number of subjects and products to assess. Thus, a questionnaire has been developed and administered through internet (Nutrinet-Sante Study) to a large sample (n=43 807) from the French population. The present study aimed to estimate the structural models underlying each sensory sensation (sweet, salty, fatty and sweet, fatty and salty) and to compute an overall score for each subject over each sensation using structural equation modeling (SEM). Subjects completed 151 questions based on (1) liking towards foods containing high amounts o…

research product

A SAS/IML program for generalised procrustes analysis

International audience

research product

Site internet du projet Prefbase (www.prefbase.fr)

research product

L'analyse sensorielle au service de l'étude des associations vin-fromage

National audience

research product

Comparison of canonical variate analysis and principal component analysis on 422 descriptive sensory studies

International audience; Although Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of product mean scores is most often used to generate a product map from sensory profiling data, it does not take into account variance of product mean scores due to individual variability. Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) of the product effect in the two-way (product and subject) multivariate ANOVA model is the natural extension of the classical univariate approach consisting of ANOVAs of every attribute. CVA generates successive components maximizing the ANOVA F-criterion. Thus, CVA is theoretically more adapted than PCA to represent sensory data. However, CVA requires a matrix inversion which can result in computing inst…

research product

TimeSens, a Web-based sensory software for Temporal Dominance of Sensations

TimeSens, a Web-based sensory software for Temporal Dominance of Sensations. 9. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Dynamics of taste perception and of liking

National audience

research product

Estimating finite mixtures of semi-Markov chains: an application to the segmentation of temporal sensory data

Summary In food science, it is of great interest to obtain information about the temporal perception of aliments to create new products, to modify existing products or more generally to understand the mechanisms of perception. Temporal dominance of sensations is a technique to measure temporal perception which consists in choosing sequentially attributes describing a food product over tasting. This work introduces new statistical models based on finite mixtures of semi-Markov chains to describe data collected with the temporal dominance of sensations protocol, allowing different temporal perceptions for a same product within a population. The identifiability of the parameters of such mixtur…

research product

Design and some analyses of the coffee experiment organized by the european sensory network (ESN)

International audience

research product

Associations Vins & Fromages

National audience

research product

Varietal and geographic classification of french red wines in terms of major acids

Concentrations of acids other than malic and lactic appeared to be related more to area of production than to grape variety. These variables (2- hydroxyglutaric, butyric and isovaleric acid concentrations) were attributed to differences in the technological process used for vinification in the various areas. Shikimic and galacturonic acids were helpful for classifying and discriminating wine varieties. Principal component analysis characterised Cabernet Franc, Grenache and Carignan wines well by their acid content but failed to discriminate Merlot from Cabernet Sauvignon and Cinsault. Stepwise discriminant analysis allowed a clear separation of all wines according to the different varieties…

research product

The MAM-CAP table: A new tool for monitoring panel performances

Abstract Assessor performances in sensory analysis are usually represented by three indicators: repeatability, discrimination and agreement. However, assessors can also differ on the range of their scores, the so-called “scaling effect”. Brockhoff, Schlich, and Skovgaard (2013) proposed the mixed assessor model (MAM) which, as the original assessor model ( Brockhoff & Skovgaard, 1994 ), takes this effect into account, but also allows for the product effect to be tested against a new interaction free of the scaling effect. The present paper proposes a unified system for monitoring assessor and panel performances based on the MAM. In addition to the product effect (tested at panel and individ…

research product

Could a sensory education improve taste identification, willingness to taste vegetables and food memory in 5 to 7 years-oldchildren?

Résumé 1 p. ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; The first objective of this study was to characterise children according to their ability towards taste identification, their willingness to taste usually disliked vegetables and their ability to memorize food previously eaten. Those aspects are assumed to be important in overall food behaviour in children. Three tests for measuring these aspects in 5-7 years-old children were designed. These 3 tests were taken by 160 children aged 5 to 7. First results revealed that children were able to identify 37%, 34%, 29%, 26% and 22% of respectively sweet, salty, umami, bitter and sour taste. One half of children were not willing to …

research product

Characterization of the production regions of Chardonnay wines by analysis of free amino acids

International audience

research product

CAP : Une méthode et un outil de contrôle rapide et synthétique des performances des sujets en évaluation sensorielle descriptive

National audience

research product

Oral sphere: salivary markers and food. A prospective study on children expressing oral disorders

National audience

research product

Pupillometry as a tool to better understand emotions driven by food perception

Pupillometry as a tool to better understand emotions driven by food perception. 5. european conference on Sensory consumer science of foods and beverages. A sense of inspiration

research product

Innovations in Sensometrics

research product

Relating biscuit preference to expectation and perception of fat and sweetness

International audience; Twenty-four types of well-known biscuits and cakes were sampled to represent as much as possible the wide range of products available on the French market and their variations in fat and sugar contents. First, 62 consumers recorded their liking while tasting the products in laboratory conditions. Then, they judged the sweetness and fattiness of the products in two manners: (1) using a home-based questionnaire showing product pictures (expected intensities), (2) after tasting the products in laboratory conditions (perceived intensities). To compare nutritional contents with intensity scores, Pearson correlations were calculated. Furthermore, expected and perceived int…

research product

Having cheese with wine… always a good idea! A sensory proof based on the use of Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS)

Having cheese with wine… always a good idea! A sensory proof based on the use of Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS). Oenométrie XXIII

research product

Influence of cooking methods on potato sensory properties

International audience

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Temporal dominance of sensations : a new technique to record several sensory attributes simultaneously over time

National audience

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Contribution of the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to the sensory description of subtle differences in partially dealcoholized red wines

ln this study, effect of partial alcohol reductio.n on the sensory modification of red wines was investigated. Preliminary triangle tests indicated the existencèof very slight differences between the dealcoholized wines of the study. Therefore, adapted descriptive methodologies had ta be used. ln addition to a comparative sensory profile, the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method was chosen. Both types of profiles will be linked ta consumer preferences. A Merlat and a Syrah wine were partially dealcoholized using reverse osmosis technique to span a range of four different alcohol contents (14 % to 10 %) by grape variety. ln a first step, the four wines of each variety were compared …

research product

Canonical Variate Analysis of Sensory Profiling Data

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of product mean scores is generally used to obtain a product map from sensory profiling data. However, this approach does not take into account the variance of the product mean scores due to the individual panelist variability. Therefore, Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) of the product effect in the two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) should be considered as a natural alternative analysis to PCA. Indeed, it is the extension of the classical univariate approach used for the analysis of each descriptor separately. This analysis generates successive components maximizing product discrimination as measured by the usual Fisher statistics in analy…

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Preference mapping in progress

National audience

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On the consistency of liking scores: a validation study run in France and Germany

International audience; A validation study was performed to confirm the findings of a previous experiment, by enlarging it at younger age groups. The study was conducted in France and Germany. Monadic preferences for seven orange juices were recorded. Three of the samples were replicates of the same juice (RJ). The four others were RJ slightly spiked with chemicals. Each subject then performed a paired preference test composed of RJ and the modified juice whose score was the furthest from the RJ score. Finally, subjects had to choose one among eight reasons why they preferred that sample. The effects of age, gender and country on the consistency of liking scores were examined. Most of the f…

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RV coefficient and statis: useful multivariate statistical methods for sensory evaluation

National audience

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What are the sensory differences among coffees? Multi-panel analysis of variance and FLASH analysis

International audience

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GPA ou STATIS, consensus ou compromis ?

International audience

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De nouveaux locaux pour les chercheurs

Les plateformes de recherche GenoSol (analyse des sols) et ChemoSens (étude des comportements alimentaires) disposent désormais de locaux neufs, à (...)

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Integration of analytical and consumer sensory data in cross-cultural studies for the prediction of consumer acceptance

National audience

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FLASH table and canonical mapping of potato varieties

International audience

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Application of replicated difference testing

International audience; In a recent paper, Brockho€ and Schlich (1998, Handling replications in discrimination tests. Food Quality and Preference, 9(5), 303±312) proposed a statistically sound way of handling replications in di€erence testing. In the present paper, this new test is applied to the data obtained in six experiments on non alcoholic beverages, where triangle tests were intensively replicated (between eight and 60 times) with groups of subjects composed of 12±61 students. The paper aims to estimate in these practical situations the extent to which a group of panelists is heterogeneous towards the ability of detecting a sensory di€erence among two products. As the results indicat…

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Number of assessors in descriptive sensory panels. A database approach

International audience

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Risk tables for discrimination tests

Abstract Duo-trio and triangle test are often used in the food industry for the purpose of declaring two products non-distinguishable. In that situation, it is much more important to control the power of the test rather than the type 1 error risk. This paper makes available by e-mail a SAS ® macro, called BINRISKS, for computing type 1 and type 2 risks for any one-tailed binomial test and for any level of the percentage above chance to be detected. Using this macro, two sets of tables have been compiled. The first table includes for any total number of responses below 50, for any number of correct responses and for three levels of the percentage above chance to be detected, the correspondin…

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Mesurer la temporalité et la complexité du goût du vin

research product

Quantitative descriptive analysis of cheese ripening strains in co-cultures performed by independent trained panels

International audience

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Impact of age and culture on food liking in three European countries

National audience

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From temporality of sensations to dynamic of liking

From temporality of sensations to dynamic of liking. Sensometrics 2014 - data that works in the city that works

research product

What makes the taste of waters? What sensory methodology to address this question?

International audience; To characterize the taste of drinking waters, Teillet et al. (2010) used first a free sorting task and then defined the Polarized Sensory Positioning (PSP) technique as a substitute better suited to industrial constraints. They conclude that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the main driver of water taste. Puget et al. (2010) found, based on triangular tests, that differences in mineral profiles can also generate taste differences. The research reported in this paper aims at assessing relative importance of TDS and mineral profile in water taste and at the same time comparing free sorting task, PSP and triangular test suitability for addressing this issue. Three levels…

research product

Les préférences pour le gras, le salé et le sucré. Pourquoi et comment les mesurer ?

Le gras, le salé et le sucré contribuent à la palatabilité des aliments. Toutefois, les préférences individuelles pour chacune de ces trois sensations sont très variables et influencent les choix alimentaires, lesquels en retour exposent plus ou moins le sujet à ces sensations. Cette boucle montre tout l’enjeu de la mesure des préférences vis-à-vis du gras, du salé et du sucré. Des outils originaux et uniques (questionnaire et tests d’analyse sensorielle) ont été élaborés et appliqués à des très grands groupes de sujets afin d’établir des relations entre préférences, expositions sensorielles, consommations alimentaires et caractéristiques sociodémographiques, pondérales et psychologiques de…

research product

Temporal dominance of sensations and sensory profiling: A comparative study

Abstract Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) is a recent descriptive sensory method consisting in assessing repeatedly, until the sensations end, which sensation is dominant and in scoring its intensity. Compared to time–intensity, this method considers the multidimensionality of the perceptual space over time. The objectives of this study were first to compare description of gels containing different levels of odorants (peach and mint), citric acid, cooling agent and xanthan gum obtained with TDS and with a conventional descriptive method and then to explore the impact of mint and peach odorant on long lasting perception. TDS provided reliable information close to standard sensory profi…

research product

Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children

International audience; During an evaluation of the effects of a French sensory education program for 8-10 years old school children, an experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of the program on the development of children's preferences for stimuli differing in arousal potential (higher complexity and/or intensity). An experimental group (n = 101) who participated in the education program and a control group (n = 102) who did not, rated liking for five stimuli differing in arousal potential in each of three product categories (mashed potatoes, fruit yoghurts and compotes) at three moments: just before (T0) and after (T1) the education program and 10 months later (T2). Althou…

research product

The risk of obesity is associated with fat and sweet liking

Introduction: Fat, added sugar and sodium are important nutritional factors involved in the risk of obesity, although these components contribute to eating pleasure thanks to their sensory properties. Few cross-sectional studies have shown equivocal results about relationships between liking and weight status. The only one prospective study has shown an increase of weight in individuals who liked sweet taste and no significant relationships for fat liking. However, the tool that assesses liking is unreliable. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the prospective association between liking for fat, sweet and salt and the onset of obesity in adults. Method / Design: Liking score…

research product

Reducing salt level in food : an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems

Reducing salt level in food: an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems; Reducing salt level in food: an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems

research product

Evaluation sensorielle. Actia. Guide de bonnes pratiques

Complete work aimed at the users of the research; absent

research product

Static vs. dynamic liking in chewing gum: a new approach using a background task and a natural setting

Fil: Galmarini, Mara Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina Fil: Galmarini, Mara Virginia. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina Fil: Symoneaux, R. Universidad de Nantes Angers Le Mans; Francia Fil: Visalli, Michel. Centro de Ciencias de los Alimentos y el Sabor; Francia Fil: Zamora, María Clara. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina Fil: Zamora, María Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina Fil: Schlich, Pascal. Centro de Ciencias de los Alimentos y el Sabor; Francia Abstract: Chewing gum is a particular product, consumed …

research product

Temporal Dominance of Sensations in wine and its link to wine complexity and consumer preferences

International audience

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Dynamic sensory description of Rioja Alavesa red wines made by different winemaking practices by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations

BACKGROUND Although sensory description of wines in scientific literature is very large, there is an evident lack of studies describing wines from a dynamic approach. The objective of this study was to describe the evolution of the sensations perceived in red wines from Rioja Alavesa by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) and also to compare wines made with the two winemaking procedures used in Rioja Alavesa: carbonic maceration (CM) and destemming (DS). RESULTS Ten sensory attributes were evaluated in eight wines (four CM and four DS wines) in triplicate by a panel of 16 trained assessors. Red/black berry and woody aromas were dominant firstly, whereas heat, astringent, bitter and…

research product

On the consistency of liking scores : insights from a study including 917 consumers from 10 to 80 years old

Preference for 7 orange juices was recorded monadically. Three of the samples were replicates of the same juice (RJ). The 4 other samples were RJ slightly spiked with either sucrose, or citric acid, or quinine or an orange flavor. Each subject then performed a paired preference test composed of RJ and the modified juice whose score was the furthest from the RJ score. Finally, subjects were asked to choose one among 8 reasons why they preferred that sample. A number of individual statistics were computed in order to compare the consistency of liking scores within session, across ages and between genders. Women were slightly more consistent than men. However, no significant effect of age nor …

research product

Development of a questionnaire to assay recalled liking for salt, sweet and fat

Abstract Liking for a sweet, salty or fatty diet may induce overconsumption of simple carbohydrates, sodium or lipids. Measuring overall liking of the corresponding sensory sensations contributes to understanding the determinants of dietary behaviours. However, no standardized validated questionnaire assaying these sensations is currently available. In the present study, we developed a web-based questionnaire, “PrefQuest”, which measures recalled liking for the following four sensations: salt, fat and salt, sweet, fat and sweet. PrefQuest included four types of items: (1) liking for sweet, fatty-sweet and fatty-salty foods, (2) preferences in the level of seasoning by adding salt, sweetener…

research product

The impact of sugar and fat reduction on perception and liking of biscuits

Abstract Reducing the fat and/or sugar content in biscuits can be a way to improve their nutritional composition. Seventy-nine consumers of biscuits were recruited to study the impact of these reductions on liking and perception. Four categories of products were selected from a wide range of biscuits available at the French market. Three to six variants of each type of biscuit were produced based on reduced content of sugar, fat or both. Consumers tested the samples under laboratory conditions (6 sessions), recording their liking during initial sessions and crispiness, sweetness and fat perception during latter sessions. Sugar-reduced biscuits were perceived as less sweet than standard bisc…

research product

Effet de la perception en gras/sucré sur l’appréciation des biscuits

National audience

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Modeling temporal dominance of sensations data with stochastic processes

National audience

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Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines

Background and Aims: This work studies the effect of winemaking process (carbonic maceration (CM) vs destemming) and the effect of grape variety (100% Tempranillo red grapes vs Tempranillo grapes and Viura white grapes) on sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines from Rioja Alavesa. Methods and Results: Nineteen wines distributed in four groups (the four combinations from the two factors) were collected from 12 wineries. Twenty-four sensory attributes and 15 physicochemical parameters were analysed at four time points through 9 months. Data were analysed by analysis of variance and by canonical variate analysis. CM wines were higher in red berry aroma and flavour, alco…

research product

L’analyse sensorielle au service de l’étude des associations vin-fromage

National audience

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Sensory perception influenced by food structure and balance of tastants

International audience

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Handling replications in discrimination tests

International audience

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Comparison of the trigeminal effects of several mustards and spices

National audience

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Using repeated ingestion to determine the effect of sweetness, viscosity and oiliness on temporal perception of astringency of soymilk

International audience

research product

Setting up of the polarized sensory positioning (PSP) methodology. Application to the taste of water

International audience

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Acceptability of partially dealcoholized wines - Measuring the impact of sensory and information cues on overall liking in real-life settings

International audience; In this study, the effect of partial alcohol reduction in wine on consumer expectation and overall liking was investigated in real-life settings (by a Home-Use-Test). By varying the wine in the bottle and by manipulating the information on the label, it was possible to assess the relative impact of sensory properties and information cues on overall liking. Standard Chardonnay and Syrah wines were partially dealcoholized from about 13.5% to about 9.5%. After bottling, these dealcoholized wines were presented once with information about real alcohol content (9.5%) and once with false information about alcohol content (13.5%). A third bottle with standard wine inside wa…

research product

La segmentation gustative : cibler les envies des consommateurs

National audience

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Contribution of the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to the sensory description of subtle differences in partially dealcoholized red wines

Abstract In this study, effect of partial alcohol reduction on the sensory modification of red wines was investigated. A Merlot and a Syrah wine were partially dealcoholized using reverse osmosis technique to span a range of three different alcohol contents (14–10%) by grape variety. Preliminary triangle tests indicated the existence of very slight differences between the dealcoholized wines of the study. Therefore, adapted descriptive methodologies had to be used. In a first step, wines were described with a comparative sensory profile by 16 trained panellists on 15 sensory attributes. Then, the same panellists profiled the wines with the TDS technique, which consists in identifying and ra…

research product

Varietal and geographic classification of french red wines in terms of elements, amino acids and aromatic alcohols

Thirty-four French red wines from three regions already studied for their anthocyanin and flavonoid constituents have been further analysed for elements, amino acids and aromatic alcohols. An interpretation of the differences between wines related to their different geographic and varietal origins has been made from the results of statistical analyses: F statistic, principal component analysis (PCA) and stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA). Wine samples produced near Bordeaux were found to be characterised by higher rubidium and lower lithium and calcium concentrations. Differences between wine samples made from the same grape variety or produced in the same region are mainly related to dif…

research product

Associations between weight status and liking scores for sweet, salt and fat according to the gender in adults(The Nutrinet-Santé study)

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: As taste preferences may be associated with obesity, the present study investigated whether obese subjects presented heightened liking for the sensations of sweet, salt and fat.SUBJECTS/METHODS: Liking scores were determined by a questionnaire including 83 items on liking for sweet or fatty foods, and the preferred extent of seasoning with salt, sweet or fat. Data from 46 909 adults included in the French web-based observational cohort of the Nutrinet-Santé study were collected and weighted according to the national population census. Relationships between liking scores and body mass index (BMI) as categorical or linear explanatory variable were assessed separately by…

research product

Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new foods

International audience

research product

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home profile method

Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; The purpose of this study was to create a food taste database using an innovative in-home profile method and to have an overview on the sensory sapid world we face in our diet. The intensity of salty, sweet, acid and bitter tastes were scored using universal scales proposed within the Spectrum™ method (Muñoz and Civille, 1992) and newly developed scales for umami taste and fattiness. The in-home taste profile method was composed of two phases. The first phase consisted in an intensive training in laboratory (55 h). The second one was the in-home measurements phase (8 months) during which 12 panellists had to rate the ta…

research product

La cartographie des préférences incomplètes- Validation par simulation

National audience

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Dominance temporelle des sensations - Codage et analyse d'un nouveau type de données sensorielles

National audience

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Do we need replications in sensory profiling?

research product

RV coefficient: a new approach to select variables in PCA and to get correlations between sensory and instrumental data

International audience

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Goût et acceptabilité des vins à teneur réduite en alcool

National audience

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Underdetermination in PCA: towards a psychometric approach of sensory data analysis

International audience

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