Sophie Nicklaus

When do health and taste drive children’s food choices? The influence of context and weight status

International audience

research product

Modifying the texture of foods for infants and young children

The first section of this chapter describes the evolutions in oral physiology (anatomical motor components, oral motor skills and feeding skills) in healthy children (< 3 years). The second section describes how each type of texture is accepted at each oral physiology stage, and how exposures to textures impact oral physiology development and acceptability of textures. The third section shows how the need to modify food texture for infant foods is addressed, through national regulations or recommendations from public health bodies, and describes practices of texture modification, based on national surveys and case reports (including baby-led weaning). The chapter is closed by a commentary o…

research product

Acceptance of bitter and sour tastes in 6-month-old infants: what can we learn from their facial mimics?

Acceptance of bitter and sour tastes in 6-month-old infants: what can we learn from their facial mimics?. 14. european conference on developmental psychology

research product

Les déterminants sociodémographiques et culturels de l’initiation de l’allaitement en France : une analyse exploratoire des données de la cohorte Elfe

National audience

research product

Development on the attraction towards sweet and/or fatty foods in children: integrated understanding of the role of early experience on behavioral, molecular, physiological and neural outcomes, impact on food intake and on weight status (SWEETLIPKID)

National audience

research product

Le comportement alimentaire des enfants

research product

Protein expression in submandibular glands of young rats is modified by a high-fat/high-sugar maternal diet

International audience; OBJECTIVE: Maternal diet has consequences on many organs of the offspring, but salivary glands have received little attention despite the importance of the saliva secretory function in oral health and control of food intake. The objective of this work was therefore to document in rats the impact of maternal high-fat/high-sugar diet (Western Diet) on submandibular glands of the progeny. DESIGN: Sprague-Dawley rat dams were fed either a Western diet or control diet during gestation and lactation and their pups were sacrificed 25 days after birth. The pups' submandibular gland protein content was characterized by means of 2D-electrophoresis followed by LC-MS/MS. Data we…

research product

Assessing children’s food texture acceptance between the beginning of complementary feeding and the age of 36 months old: a French survey

National audience

research product

Early development of healthy eating in children: from research findings to public health

International audience

research product

Débuter la diversification alimentaire : une décision influencée par la croissance de l'enfant ?

National audience; Les pratiques d'alimentation des nourrissons sont soumises à des influences multiples. Ainsi, l'âge de début de diversification varie selon de nombreux facteurs comme les caractéristiques maternelles (tabagisme, âge, niveau d'études, corpulence, pays de naissance) ou infantiles (sexe) (Bournez et al., 2017). Nous voulions étudier si cet âge pouvait de plus dépendre de la croissance de l'enfant, et traduire ainsi une sensibilité de la mère à cet aspect du développement. Nous avons envisagé que les enfants les plus grands (ou lourds, ou corpulents) pourraient être diversifiés plus tôt que les enfants de taille « moyenne ». Les données de la cohorte ELFE (Etude Longitudinale…

research product

Qualitative and quantitative study of the mixture of two odorous compounds of wine

National audience

research product

O24 Obésité et perception oro-sensorielle des lipides alimentaires : impact sur la triglycéridémie et le taux de cholécystokinine

research product

How do infants react to sweetness before the age of two? How is it different for the other primary tastes?

How do infants react to sweetness before the age of two? How is it different for the other primary tastes?. ILSI Europe Workshop “Dietary Sweetness, is it an issue"

research product

Adjustment of energy intake in children: Relation with their weight status and with parental feeding practices

International audience

research product

Traditional Cheeses: rich and diverse microbiota with associated sensorial and health benefits

International audience

research product

Development of a new auto administered test to assess food enjoyment in 5 to 10 years-olds

National audience

research product

Food intake evolution between 2 and 3 years : results from a longitudinal study

National audience

research product

Etudier le comportement alimentaire avec et pour les consommateurs : Un exemple de sciences participatives avec les parents de jeunes enfants ?

National audience

research product

Complementary food introduction and allergic diseases in childhood in the ELFE nationwide cohort

International audience

research product

'Just a pinch of salt'. An experimental comparison of the effect of repeated exposure and flavor-flavor learning with salt or spice on vegetable acceptance in toddlers.

N°CNRS : UMR6265 Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation; Children's vegetable intake is below the recommended amounts. No studies to date have tested the relevance of using salt or spices to increase children's vegetable acceptance. Our objective was to compare the effect of repeated exposure (RE) and of flavor-flavor learning (FFL) on toddlers' acceptance of a nonfamiliar vegetable. Two unconditioned stimuli were used: salt and a salt-associated spice. Toddlers attending six nurseries were assigned to 3 groups in a between subject design. Groups were exposed 8 times to a basic salsify puree (0.2% salt w/w; RE group; n = 47), a salty salsify puree (0.5% salt w/w; FFL-Salt group; n…

research product

Compte-rendu de fin de projet. ANR PUNCH, Programme générique 2015

research product

How to facilitate the acceptance of fruits and vegetables in children: early feeding strategies

Despite recommendations throughout Europe to increase children's consumption of fruit and vegetables (FV), they remain below recommendations in many countries. For instance, in France, the National Program on Nutrition and Health recommends consuming five 80-gram portions of fruit and vegetables per day, but the consumption observed in three- to 10-year-old children in 2007 only reached 74 g for fruit and 67 g for vegetables. Thus, it is crucial to establish preferences for FV early, when children are learning to eat. We will summarize the factors that influence FV acceptance at the start of the CF period and during the first years of life: previous milk feeding experience; timing of onset …

research product

Les enfants en surpoids seraient-ils moins hédonistes que les enfants normo-pondéraux ?

Poster confidentiel; absent

research product

Preferences for basic tastes in 6-, 12- and 20-month-old infants

Preferences for basic tastes in 6-, 12- and 20-month-old infants. 7. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

La diversité de consommation de fromages dans la petite enfance : un facteur protecteur des maladies allergiques ?

Introduction et but de l’étudeUne diversité alimentaire importante et précoce a été montrée protectrice contre des maladies allergiques (Roduit C. et al, JACI2012 Jul;130(1): 130-6). L’effet de la diversité de consommation de fromages, riches en microorganismes, n’a pas été étudié. Or l’exposition aux microorganismes est suspectée pour son rôle protecteur contre la survenue de maladies allergiques. Le but de notre étude était d’évaluer l’effet protecteur de la diversité de consommation de fromages contre des maladies allergiques (MA) : allergie alimentaire (AA), dermatite atopique (DA), asthme (AS), rhinite allergique (RA) et bronchite (BR).Matériel et méthodesL’étude a porté sur 941 enfant…

research product

Le développement de la gustation chez l'enfant

National audience

research product

Quoi de neuf dans l'assiette des bébés ?

Dans le cadre de l'étude OPALINE; absent

research product

The development of food preferences and eating behavior at the beginning of life

Diaporama confidentiel; absent

research product

L'allaitement en France trop court par rapport aux recommandations

L'allaitement en France trop court par rapport aux recommandations. Dans "La République du Centre" le ‎21 septembre 2015‎ sur news.google.com

research product

Quand et comment se forment les préférences alimentaires chez l'enfant ? Résultats de l'étude OPALINE

Manger est essentiel pour la survie, et nous naissons bien équipés pour absorber des nutriments. Cependant, tous les autres aspects du comportement alimentaire sont appris, essentiellement durant les premières années de vie [1]. De plus, les habitudes acquises pendant l'enfance contribueront en grande partie au développement des habitudes alimentaires futures [2,3,4]. Ainsi, il est fondamental de comprendre quand et comment s'acquièrent les habitudes alimentaires favorables à la santé. Cette présentation soulignera certains facteurs qui favorisent ou modulent les préférences alimentaires, comme l'allaitement au sein préalable, les expositions répétées à un aliment, l'introduction d'une vari…

research product

Testing children's sensory abilities : methodological considerations

International audience

research product

Reactivity to basic tastes in 6-month-old infants: Comparison of intake and Baby FACS data

Reactivity to basic tastes in 6-month-old infants: Comparison of intake and Baby FACS data. 12. European conference on facial expression

research product

Comment aider les enfants à manger des légumes ? Conférence orale invitée lors de l'Assemblée générale de l'Institut Danone France le 3 juin 2019 à Saint-Ouen


research product

Representativeness of Extracts of Offset Paper Packaging and Analysis of the Main Odor-Active Compounds

Packagings often carry odors due to the support and printing inks. The aim of the investigation was to define a representative solvent-free extract of paper-based packaging materials printed by the offset process, for the identification of the odor-causing volatile compounds. Static headspace and solid-phase microextraction were the two applied extraction methods. Representativeness tests showed that the odor of the PDMS fiber extract gave satisfying odor similarities with the original packaging. The sample incubation was performed at 40 degrees C for 30 min, whereas the extraction time was 3 min at 40 degrees C. Extracts of both the nonprinted and printed papers of different batches were a…

research product

Favoriser l'acceptabilité des légumes par les enfants. Journée d'actualité du CNFPT à Dijon (France), 20 mars 2019

Co organisation de la journée de formation nationale avec le Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (CNFPT) à destination de cuisiniers.

research product

Children’s food choices: early origin, attitudinal component, modifiability?

International audience

research product

Déterminants précoces des préférences alimentaires des enfants

research product

Determination and gustatory properties of taste-active compounds in tomato juice

The water-soluble compounds of a tomato juice selected for its high taste intensity and quality, have been investigated by both physico-chemical and sensory analyses. The physico-chemical assessment of the crude juice led to the construction of a synthetic model juice. Although 97% of the material contained in the crude juice has been identified and quantified, significant sensory differences between the crude and model juice have been found concerning bitterness and sharpness, showing that the components responsible for these gustatory descriptors have not yet been identified in the juice. For the other descriptors: sweetness, saltiness, sourness, umami and astringency, no significant diff…

research product

Développement des préférences sensorielles et du comportement alimentaire dans l'enfance

Mémoire en vue de l’obtention de l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches confidentiel

research product

Reducing the environmental impact of consumers' food choices: what is the effectiveness of a cross-category environmental label?

research product

Perceptual interactions between fruity and woody notes of wine

The quantitative olfactory interactions in three binary mixtures of wine aroma compounds were studied. For the first two mixtures, whisky lactone (woody note) was mixed separately with two esters (fruity note), ethyl butyrate and isoamyl acetate. For the third mixture, guaiacol (woody note) was mixed with ethyl butyrate (fruity note). Perceived odour intensity of 24 stimuli (four supra-threshold concentration levels of two compounds and the respective 16 mixtures) were evaluated in five replications, by a trained panel of 13 subjects. The results showed that for the three binary mixtures studied, quantitative perceptual interactions were non-level independent, non-symmetrical, and reached t…

research product

Table ronde : La gastronomie peut-elle s'envisager pour les moins de 3 ans ?

research product

Children's acceptance of new foods at weaning. Role of practices of weaning and of food sensory properties

International audience; Weaning (i.e. introduction of complementary foods) is a transitional process between the consumption of a unique food, milk, and family foods. This review of existing literature regarding factors favouring the development of food acceptance at the beginning of weaning underlines in particular the roles of repeated exposure, of introduction of a variety of foods, of timing of introduction of weaning foods, and of food sensory properties (texture, taste and flavours). All factors appear to play a role in the acceptance of weaning foods. The efficiency, most favourable windows and long-term impact of each of these factors is not known accurately.

research product

P129 L’obésité interfère avec la détection oro-sensorielle des acides gras à longue chaîne chez l’homme

research product

Human infant saliva peptidome is modified with age and diet transition.

Abstract In order to describe developmental changes in human salivary peptidome, whole saliva was obtained from 98 infants followed longitudinally at 3 and 6 months of age. Data on teeth eruption and diet at the age of 6 months were also recorded. Salivary peptide extracts were characterised by label-free MALDI-MS. Peptides differentially expressed between the two ages, and those significantly affected by teeth eruption or introduction of solid foods were identified by MALDI TOF–TOF and LC ESI MS–MS. Out of 81 peaks retained for statistical analysis, 26 were overexpressed at the age of 6 months. Exposure to solid foods had a more pronounced effect on profiles (overexpression of nine peaks) …

research product

Sensory evaluation based on verbal judgments

Studies of the repeatability and the homogeneity of expert panel scores in sensory profiling show that lasting and reliable evaluations of food products are difficult to obtain: strong inter- and intra-individual differences are commonly observed. Our hypothesis is that this variability is due to quantification methods that consist of asking panelists to furnish quantitative values (by attributing a numerical point to perceived intensity) and that using natural language in the form of verbal judgements in a hierarchical tree would allow improving the reliability of sensory evaluations. This hypothesis was tested by comparing a numerical value scale and a specific hierarchical semantic scale…

research product

INRA complementary feeding

International audience

research product

Chemosensory reactivity and food neophobia in preschool children: impact of smell, but not of taste

Context and objective: Recent studies suggested that sensory sensitivity could be linked to food neophobia, described as the reluctance to eat, or the avoidance of, new foods. The objective of the present study was twofold. Firstly, this study aimed at assessing the links between smell reactivity and taste reactivity in children. Secondly, this study assessed the links between children’s smell/taste reactivity and food neophobia. The hypothesis was that the higher the chemosensory reactivity of the child, the more the child is neophobic. Method: One hundred and three dyads of mother-child, from the Opaline cohort, were involved. The child’s food neophobia was assessed using a validated pare…

research product

Determinants of diet and physical activity: ensuring the healthy choice is the easy choice for consumers

Communication orale (diaporama de 45 p.) ; https://www.healthydietforhealthylife.eu/

research product

Intersections between beta-lactoglobulin and flavour compounds of different chemical classes. Impact of the protein on the odour perception of vanillin and eugenol

International audience

research product

Maternal Western Diet” feeding of rat dams leads to profound plasticity and GABAergic phenotype changes within reward pathway from birth to sexual maturity in the offspring

National audience

research product

Allaitement et diversification alimentaire : un voyage dans un monde sensoriel


research product

A quelles saveurs les nourrissons sont-ils exposés dans la première année de vie ?

International audience; Résumé Les consommations alimentaires des jeunes enfants sont influencées par leurs préférences alimentaires, lesquelles sont en partie déterminées par l'attirance pour les différentes saveurs (sucrée, salée, acide, amère et umami). Les expériences alimentaires précoces pourraient moduler cette attraction. Or aucun travail n'avait jusqu'à présent décrit les saveurs de l'alimentation des nourrissons au cours de la première année. Tel est l'objectif de cette étude. Les caractéristiques de l'alimentation de 76 nourrissons ont été consignées par leurs parents pendant une semaine par mois au cours de la première année. Ce suivi a conduit à recenser 2902 aliments a priori …

research product

Forcer les enfants à finir leur assiette n'est pas une bonne idée

«Ah non, pas de dessert pour toi, tu n'as pas fini ton plat.» Cette injonction a une visée éducative; au fond, le but est que ses rejetons ne s'alimentent pas qu'avec du sucré mais plutôt qu'ils mangent de tout, en quantité suffisante. Fini, les caprices. Hors de question que nos bambins regardent avec dédain (et parfois même avec un air faussement innocent) leurs haricots verts, leur préférant le riz ou, évidemment, les frites, aussi salées que grasses. Sauf que, même si cela part d'un bon sentiment, «ce n'est pas recommandé d'un point de vue comportemental ni nutritionnel», abonde Sophie Nicklaus, directrice de recherches au Centre des sciences du goût et de l'alimentation (CSGA). Cette s…

research product

Which factors promote the highest food acceptance at weaning?

Which factors promote the highest food acceptance at weaning?. 1. Stakeholder workshop of the HabEat project

research product

Alliesthesia is greater for odors of fatty foods than of non-fat foods

International audience; Alliesthesia is the modulation of the rewarding value of a stimulus according to the internal state (hungry or satiated). This study aimed to evaluate this phenomenon as a function of the nature of the stimulus (odors evoking edible and non-edible items, and the food odors evoking fatty and non-fat foods) and to compare the effectiveness of two reward evaluations (measures of pleasantness and appetence) to reveal alliesthesia. The results showed that both fatty and non-fat food odors were judged as less pleasant and less appetent when the subjects were satiated than when they were hungry, whereas no such difference was observed for non-food odors. There was a greater…

research product

Individual responses to repeated exposures of a novel vegetable in pre-school children

International audience

research product

Consommation d'aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique pendant la diversification alimentaire et allergies jusqu'à 5,5 ans dans la cohorte ELFE

Introduction et but de l’étude : Le rôle de la consommation d'aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique (AB) pendant la diversification alimentaire et ses associations avec les allergies ne sont pas clairement établis. La présente étude visait à déterminer : 1) si les antécédents d'allergie sont associés à la consommation d'aliments AB pendant la diversification alimentaire et 2) si la consommation d'aliments AB pendant la petite enfance est liée à l'incidence des maladies respiratoires et allergiques jusqu'à 5,5 ans.Matériel et méthodes : Des analyses ont été effectuées sur plus de 8000 enfants de la cohorte de naissance ELFE. La consommation d’aliments AB a été recueillie à l’aide d’auto…

research product

A new approach to sensitivity testing with 4-year olds

In order to have valid results from sensory experiments with pre-schoolers, there is a need to match the sensory test to the abilities of children. A new approach for sensitivity testing with 4- year olds was therefore developed to accommodate their abilities as well as to engage them in the task. Inspired by the principles of authenticity tests, a protocol was designed to induce an affective response to a paired comparison test. This protocol included a story with magical characters, and the children were asked to identify if water samples with different concentrations of diluted basic tastes were “magic” water or regular water. Water was labelled as “magic” to trigger an emotional respons…

research product

Gustatory evoked potentials activity and fatty taste

International audience; Introduction: Gustatory evoked potentials (GEP), detected in response to an intermittent stimulation of the gustatory receptors by a primary flavor, are a reliable and safe record of the human gustatory function. We previously highlighted the modifications of GEP in response to saccharose stimulation by the concentration of the saccharose solution and its hedonic sensation. Fatty taste might be considered as the sixth primary flavor. We aimed to demonstrate that GEP in response to fatty taste stimulation do exist, and to compare these GEP with the GEP in response to saccharose and salty taste.Methods: Healthy and voluntary male subjects were included. Each subject un…

research product

The impact of salt level on children's food intake and preferences

International audience

research product

Consequences of a high sugar/high fat maternal diet on protein expression in young rat salivary glands

Introduction: Early nutrition through maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding was shown to have an impact on obesity in childhood. Experiments on animal models have also indicated alterations regarding taste preferences. In addition, salivary physiology has a documented role in taste preferences and food intake in rodents. The objective of this study was therefore to study the impact of maternal diet on salivary glands’ protein profiles of the offspring.Materials and methods: Female rats received during gestation and lactation either a control (C) or a high fat / high sugar diet (WD for “Western Diet”). 18 offspring rats (9C/9WD) were sacrificed at 25 days of age, i.e. shortly afte…

research product

Supplementary data to: Algorithms to define abnormal growth in children: external validation and head-to-head 3 comparison 4 5

Suplemental Tables 1, 2 and 3. Supplemental Fig.1 and Fig.2 Article published in J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Aug 20. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00723

research product

Santé et alimentation. Diversification alimentaire. On en sait plus !

Etude OPALINE; Entre 4 et 6 mois, le tout-petit découvre des aliments variés. Sophie Nicklaus, coordinatrice de l'étude Opaline, nous livre les résultats préliminaires sur les préférences alimentaires des enfants.

research product

Taste active compounds in a goat cheese water-soluble extract 1. Development and sensory validation of a model water-soluble extract

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the components of a goat cheese water-soluble extract (WSE) on its flavor by both physicochemical and sensory techniques with special emphasis on taste. After characterization of the organoleptic properties of the cheese, the WSE was extracted with pure water and submitted to successive tangential ultrafiltrations and nanofiltration. The physicochemical assessment of these fractions led to the constitution of a model mixture (MWSE) compared by sensory evaluation to the crude WSE, using a panel of 16 trained members. The results of both sensory profile and triangular tests indicate no significant difference, therefore proving that the recon…

research product

Evolution of the taste of a bitter camembert cheese during ripening : characterization of a matrix effect

The objective of this study was to characterize the effect of ripening on the taste of a typically bitter Camembert cheese. The first step was to select a typically bitter cheese among several products obtained by different processes supposed to enhance this taste defect. Second, the evolution of cheese taste during ripening was characterized from a sensory point of view. Finally, the relative impact of fat, proteins, and water-soluble molecules on cheese taste was determined by using omission tests performed on a reconstituted cheese. These omission tests showed that cheese taste resulted mainly from the gustatory properties of water-soluble molecules but was modulated by a matrix effect d…

research product

A path analysis model: how liking for vegetables emerges in children

A path analysis model is used to explain how preference for vegetables emerges before 2 years. It takes into account several determinants such as the child exposition, the child preferences for odors and flavors, as well as the parental behavior.

research product

Exposition et acceptabilité des textures lors de la période de diversification alimentaire

research product

Consequences of a high sugar/high fat maternal diet on protein expression in young rat submandibular glands

Consequences of a high sugar/high fat maternal diet on protein expression in young rat submandibular glands. Congrès français de Spectrométrie de Masse et d'Analyse Protéomique (SMAP 2015)

research product

Acceptation of novel dietary flavours by infants after exposure to flavour in mother’s milk

research product

L’obésité interfère avec la détection oro-senorielle des acides gras à longue chaîne chez l’homme

National audience

research product

Impact de la consommation d'aliments ultra-transformés sur les préférences et habitudes alimentaires

research product

Perinatal Western Diet Consumption Leads to Profound Plasticity and GABAergic Phenotype Changes within Hypothalamus and Reward Pathway from Birth to Sexual Maturity in Rat

This article is part of the Research Topic Early Life Origins of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.; International audience; Perinatal maternal consumption of energy dense food increases the risk of obesity in children. This is associated with an overconsumption of palatable food that is consumed for its hedonic property. The underlying mechanism that links perinatal maternal diet and offspring preference for fat is still poorly understood. In this study, we aim at studying the influence of maternal high-fat/high-sugar diet feeding [western diet (WD)] during gestation and lactation on the reward pathways controlling feeding in the rat offspring from birth to sexual maturity. We performed a longit…

research product

Infant feeding practices and early growth among children of the nationwide Elfe cohort

International audience; Rapid early growth is considered as a risk factor for obesity later in life. Breastfeeding is associated with slower growth in the first months of life, but the complementary diet of non- exclusively breastfed infants remains poorly considered. Our objective was to analyze the links between infant diet during the first year and growth up to 18 months. Analyses included 8315 infants from the Elfe birth cohort. Infants were grouped into clusters using hierarchical clustering according to infant diet characteristics (breastfeeding duration, introduction of infant formula, main food groups and unmixed foods). Association between clusters and weight, height and BMI betwee…

research product

Developing food variety at weaning

Developing food variety at weaning. séminaire interne Danone baby nutrition

research product

Goût et préférences alimentaires chez l’enfant

A travers des sujets de recherche commun, INRAE et le Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Paul Bocuse ont décidé conjointement de mettre l’accent sur des études autour des comportements de consommateurs, des propriétés sensorielles et nutritionnelles des repas ou encore des déterminants de choix alimentaire hors domicile. Après la signature d’un accord de coopération en novembre dernier, les deux instituts ont décidé de présenter au public du Salon international de l’Agriculture une partie de leurs travaux autour de l’alimentation durable. Un atelier « La science a du goût », diffusé en direct sur le site inrae.fr, fera intervenir un duo entre scientifique INRAE et expert de l’Institut Paul B…

research product

A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Controlled Trial (NutrienT trial)

Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…

research product

L'alimentation des enfants racontée aux parents

Beaucoup de on-dit sont énoncés par les médias et la publicité et propagés par chacun de nous sur l’alimentation des enfants, le pédiatre jouant bien souvent le rôle de modérateur. Cherchant à en savoir un peu plus sur l’alimentation du bébé à l’adolescent - diversification, éducation au goût, comportement et choix alimentaires - l’auteur a retracé l’expérience de son enfance. Il a alors passé cette trame romancée au crible de la science en allant interroger des chercheurs de différentes disciplines. Accompagné dans sa démarche par une chercheuse réputée, il raconte ainsi cette tranche de vie qu’il livre aux apprentis parents d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

research product

Table ronde : Connaissez-vous l'importance des 1000 premiers jours de vie pour la santé de votre bébé ? 6èmes rencontres du Grand Forum des Tout Petits, Bordeaux, 13 novembre 2018

research product

Impact of early feeding practices on food acceptance at complementary feeding. [Présentation donnée lors d'une réunion avec des partenaires scientifiques et socio-économiques durant le séminaire "Project meeting in the Children's Taste project" à Dijon]

research product

« Comment as-tu aimé le plat aujourd'hui ? » Des bornes de satisfaction pour accompagner la transition alimentaire en restauration scolaire

research product

Salivary lipolysis Infant’s saliva lipolysis: relationships with age, milk and complementary feeding history

Salivary lipolysis Infant’s saliva lipolysis: relationships with age, milk and complementary feeding history. 5. international conference on food digestion

research product

Sophie Nicklaus était l'invitée de l'émission L'entre Deux sur France Télévisions

Le journaliste Cyrus a interrogé Sophie Nicklaus sur le thème de l'alimentation du XXIème siècle : de quoi seront composées nos assiettes de demain ?

research product

Développement des préférences pour les légumes dans la cohorte OPALINE : un modèle SEM pour intégrer les différents déterminants des préférences de la période intra utérine à l'âge de 2 ans (SESSION 1 : Comportement du consommateur : analyse et modélisation)

Présentation orale ; https://intranet.inra.fr/alimh/vie_scientifique/did_it/seminaire_modelisation

research product

Regard sur l'alimentation de l'enfant (OPALINE : Observatoire des Préférences Alimentaires du Nourrisson et de l'Enfant)

research product

Early development of eating behaviour in relation to food tastes, flavors and textures

International audience

research product

Early artificial nutrition: consequences on feeding disorders in children

Background and objectives: several pathologies (metabolic, neurologic and prematurity) may involve. the use of artificial nutrition (AN) in the first months of life. The absence of oral feeding during this. essential period for the formation of eating behavior may be associated to long-term deleterious. consequences, especially when it is associated to an invasive treatment (i.e. naso-gastric tubing). The. objective here was 1) to develop a questionnaire aimed at characterizing feeding disorders, food. preferences and food habits in children with (FD) or without feeding disorders (CT) ; and 2) to evaluate. the consequences of timing of early AN on eating behavior. Methods: FD children were …

research product

Beurk?!... Mais comment faire aimer les légumes aux enfants ?

research product

Preferences for fat and basic tastes and in 3-, 6- and 12-month-old infants

Fat perception received recent interest, but fat preference in human infants is a matter of debate. The objective here was to investigate fat and taste preferences in the same infants (N= 66) at 3, 6 and 12 months. Preference for a fat solution (sunflower and rapeseed oils mixed with soy lecithin) and for taste solutions (sweet, lactose; salty, NaCl; bitter, urea; sour, citric acid; umami, sodium glutamate) was evaluated. The same method was applied at each age. Mothers and their infant participated in 2 videotaped sessions, during which the 5 taste and fat solutions were assessed in a balanced order. For each taste, 4 bottles (water, tastant, tastant and water) were presented by the experi…

research product

Comment se forment les préférences alimentaires du très jeune enfant ?

research product

Development of taste preferences in early life

International audience

research product

Développement des préférences alimentaires : Faire aimer l'amertume ?

Le comportement et les préférences alimentaires sont appris, essentiellement durant les premières années de vie, sous l'effet des expériences alimentaires. Nous chercherons ici à décrire les conditions de ces apprentissages précoces, ainsi que les facteurs susceptibles de les influencer en analysant en particulier l'influence des propriétés sensorielles des aliments telles que les saveurs, les arômes et les textures. Les apprentissages en lien avec la flaveur des aliments (saveurs et arômes) peuvent avoir lieu dès la grossesse et la lactation, à travers l'exposition du foetus puis du nourrisson aux flaveurs des aliments ingérés par la mère, qui sont susceptibles de parfumer le liquide amnio…

research product

HabEat: Understanding critical periods and critical factors of the formation and of the modification of food habits

Introduction: Diets of young children in many European countries are not ideal (too many lipids; not enough fruit and vegetables). Early nutrition may have an impact on health in later life (diabetes, obesity, heart problems) and the first two years of life are of crucial importance in the acquisition of food habits. The HabEat project aims at understanding better of how food habits are formed and can be changed, in infants and children (< 5 years). Methods: With 11 beneficiaries from 6 European countries, HabEat (2010-2013) is based on a multidisciplinary approach (epidemiology, nutrition, behavioural science, psychology and sensory science). On one hand, in order to identify critical peri…

research product

Les déterminants sociodémographiques et culturels de l'initiation de l'allaitement en France au XXIe siècle

National audience

research product

Associations between food consumption patterns and saliva composition: Specificities of eating difficulties children

Identifying objective markers of dietwould be beneficial to research fields such as nutritional epidemiology. As a preliminary study on the validity of using saliva for this purpose, and in order to explore the relationship between saliva and diet, we focused on clearly contrasted groups of children: children with eating difficulties (ED) receiving at least 50% of their energy intake through artificial nutrition vs healthy controls (C). Saliva of ED and C children was analyzed by various methods (targeted biochemical analyses, 2-D electrophoresis coupled to MS, 1H NMR) and their diet was characterized using food frequency questionnaires, considering 148 food items grouped into 13 categories…

research product

Complementary feeding: comparison and evaluation of national and international guidelines

Complementary feeding: comparison and evaluation of national and international guidelines. Nutrition and nurture in infancy and childhood: Bio-cultural perspectives

research product

Émergence des comportements alimentaires : Regards croisées.

International audience

research product

WP5 final report: Taste, pleasure, satiation and overeating

research product

Portion size selection in children: Effect of sensory imagery for snacks varying in energy density

Food sensory imagery - creating a vivid mental image of the sensory experience of eating - can lead to the selection of smaller portions because it serves as a reminder that eating enjoyment does not necessarily increase with portion size. The evidence is mostly limited to adults and to energy-dense foods for which it is particularly difficult to predict the satiating effects of consumption quantity. The objective was to study how food sensory imagery influences portion size selection of foods varying in energy density (brownie and applesauce) by 7- to 11-year-old children. During after-school time, 171 children were randomized into two conditions. Children in the food sensory imagery condi…

research product

Rôle de la prématurité dans le développement du comportement alimentaire

National audience

research product

Le plaisir de manger

research product

Preference for astringent foods in children: no link with oral parameters

International audience

research product

Selection of products presenting given flavor characteristics : an application to wine

International audience

research product

Le plaisir de manger chez les enfants : un facteur clef pour des choix alimentaires plus sains

Plaisir et santé sont deux concepts souvent opposés lorsqu'il est question d'alimentation, notamment chez l'enfant. Or, des chercheurs de l'Inra ont montré que les enfants associant plutôt l'alimentation au plaisir font les choix de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle. Ces résultats suggèrent que le plaisir alimentaire pourrait servir de levier dans des interventions visant à encourager la consommation d'aliments « bons pour la santé » chez les enfants. Ces travaux viennent d'être publiés dans la revue International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Dans un contexte d'amélioration de l'état de santé de la population, les campagnes de santé publique – à destination des enfa…

research product

Hydrolysed proteins in infant formula and child neurodevelopment: The French ELFE study

research product

Le goût amer : un obstacle à vaincre ?

research product

Associations between caloric compensation ability and eating behaviour in infants

research product

Comment bébé apprend à manger des morceaux : acceptabilité de la texture, développement des compétences masticatoires, effet de l'exposition à des aliments de différentes textures. Séminaire interne au Centre des Sciences du Goût à Dijon le 7 décembre 2018

research product

Capacité d'ajustement énergétique à court terme chez le nourrisson : évolution autour de 1 an

research product

Evaluation des effets d'un dispositif d'éducation au goût déployé en restauration scolaire sur le comportement alimentaire des enfants

research product

Rôle de la gustation dans l’orientation de l’alimentation de l’enfant

National audience

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et émissions de gaz à effet de serre des menus végétariens et non-végétariens en restauration scolaire : analyse des menus de la ville de Dijon

National audience

research product

Sensory testing in new product development: working with children

Abstract This chapter aims at briefly reviewing applications of sensory descriptive testing methods with children, as well as their limits in relation to the cognitive development of children. Children’s sensory perceptions and preferences may differ from those of adults, which may make working directly with children a must for successful product development, at least at some stages of product development. However, most reported studies with children have characterized their preferences. Some studies have used discrimination tests and ranking tasks to gain knowledge about differences among products, or about sensory abilities development. A much smaller number of studies have involved child…

research product

Development of eating behavior in children

research product

Comparison of repeated exposure, flavour-flavour learning, and flavour-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants

Expert panel; International audience

research product

Complementary feeding: what, when and how in OPALINE mothers? Consequences on infant's food acceptance.

National audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants’ eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant’s acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (breastfeeding duration, age at the initiation of weaning, variety of new foods introduced) and to study whether they impacted infants’ later acceptance of new foods in a longitudinal survey of French children’s eating behavior. Mothers (n = 203) were asked to record each food offered to their infants from the beginning of the weaning period t…

research product

When do liking or healthiness drive children's food choices?

International audience

research product

The production of an infant formula with a minimally processed route impacts its nutritional, physiological and sensorial qualities

International audience

research product

Maternal feeding practices during the first year and their impact on infants' acceptance of complementary food.

Funding: Regional Council of Burgundy + Regional Council of IFR92 + Regional Council of PRNH-INRA-INSERM + Regional Council of the "ANR The French National Research Agency" under the Programme National de Recherche en Alimentation et nutrition humaine (ANR-06-PNRA-028 ) + Regional Council of Bledina, Nestle, Symrise, Cedus and Valrhona; International audience; The introduction of weaning foods is a major transition in the development of infants' eating behavior. Previous studies showed that greater variety at the beginning of the weaning period can later influence an infant's acceptance of new foods. The aim of the present study was to describe maternal feeding practices in the first year (…

research product

A prospective study of food variety seeking in childhood, adolescence and early adult life

Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699; International audience; This prospective study of food variety seeking among children was conducted between 1982 and 1999, with a follow-up in 2001–2002. Two- to three-year-old children were given a free choice of lunch foods in a nursery canteen. Their food choices were recorded and used to calculate early variety seeking scores, globally and by food group (vegetables, animal products, dairy products, starchy foods and combined dishes). The same subjects (n=339) were contacted in 2…

research product

Just a pinch of salt’: conditioning vegetable acceptance in toddlers with salt or spice

International audience

research product

Use of sensory food imagery to drive children to choose smaller portions of healthy and unhealthy snacks

International audience

research product

Does toddlers' food intake differ according to variations in fat, salt or sugar in foods?

National audience; In many developed countries, governmental policies encourage reduction of fat, salt and sugar consumption. However, such reductions are likely to impact the palatability of foods, in particular in children, whose food intake is largely influenced by food's sensory features. The extent to which young children's food intake varies according to fat, salt and sugar content is imperfectly known. This study aimed to evaluate whether toddler's food intake varied from one meal to the other (1) during lunches where salt or fat contents were modified in some foods and (2) during snacks where sugar or fat contents were modified. Sixty-four children (24–36 months old) participated in…

research product

La diversification alimentaire

National audience

research product

Bébé compense-t-il la consommation d'un aliment plus ou moins énergétique juste avant le repas ? (ANR PUNCH)

research product

A prospective study of food preferences in childhood

Abstract This study has evaluated the impact of food choices at 2–3 years old on food preferences later in life, by following up the same subjects. Early preferences were estimated through recordings of food choices conducted in a nursery canteen in children aged 2–3, from 1982 to 1999. The children were free to choose the composition of their lunch from among a varied offering of eight dishes. The same subjects ( n =341) were contacted in 2001–2002 and so their ages varied from 17–22 ( n =91), 13–16 ( n =68), 8–12 ( n =99) to 4–7 ( n =83). Their present preference for the 80 foods most frequently presented at the nursery canteen was assessed through a questionnaire. Five food categories we…

research product

Allaitement maternel, diversification, déterminant des conduites alimentaires et conséquences sur le développement de l’enfant. Résultats de l’Étude ELFE

De nombreuses méta-analyses mettent en avant les bénéfices de l’allaitement sur la santé et le développement de l’enfant. Néanmoins, peu d’études considèrent l’alimentation du nourrisson au cours de la première année dans sa globalité, ceci alors que les pratiques d’alimentation (alimentation lactée puis diversifiée) sont liées entre elles. Ainsi, dans une première étape, nous avons cherché à caractériser l’alimentation des nourrissons en tenant compte de la durée d’allaitement ou du recours aux formules infantiles, de l’âge d’introduction et de la fréquence de consommation des différents groupes d’aliments puis des morceaux et enfin, de la consommation d’aliments infantiles et d’aliments i…

research product

Allaitement et préparations infantiles

National audience

research product

Comment faire aimer les légumes aux enfants ?

National audience

research product

Développement précoce des préférences alimentaires depuis la diversification alimentaire

Projets FP7 HABEAT, ANR OPALINE; International audience; Manger est essentiel pour la survie, et nous naissons équipés pour absorber des nutriments. Cependant, les autres aspects du comportement alimentaire sont appris, essentiellement durant les premières années de vie [1]. Pour cette raison, il est fondamental de savoir quand et comment s'acquièrent les habitudes alimentaires favorables à la santé au début de la vie. Des évènements très précoces peuvent être associés à des variations du comportement alimentaire, comme une naissance prématurée et/ou un petit poids de naissance [2]. Les apprentissages en lien avec la flaveur des aliments (saveurs et arômes) peuvent avoir lieu dès la grosses…

research product

Development of healthy eating in children: from research to public health perspective

International audience

research product

Sweet influences on early food preference development

Virtual meeting.; International audience

research product

Présentation des activités de l’équipe 8 au cours d'un séminaire organisé par Yoplait/General Mills

Communication auprès de professionnels.

research product

La naissance des préférences alimentaires

Pourquoi certains enfants adorent les cornichons alors que d’autres détestent le fromage ? Pourquoi sont-ils si attirés vers le sucré ? Pourquoi certains deviennent difficiles à partir de 2 ans ? Quand doit commencer l’éducation alimentaire ? Comment éveiller le goût des enfants et les accompagner vers l’offre de la table familiale ? Quel est le poids des expériences précoces ? Que faire lorsque les courgettes restent dans l’assiette ? Ces questions viennent souvent aux parents des jeunes enfants, qui sont parfois perplexes quant à l’attitude à adopter. Elles sont aussi abordées de manière plus systématique par les chercheurs. Cet exposé montrera quand et comment les préférences alimentaire…

research product

Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children

Childhood obesity may be responsible for a major alteration of life quality in children and in future adults. The causes of obesity are multiple and obesity results from a chronic imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure. The challenge is to understand the cause of this imbalance. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contribution of the attraction toward salty, sweet and fatty foods. Thus, the first aim of this study was to establish a tool to assess children’s attraction toward sweet, salty and fatty foods that could be used later in large-scale cohorts. The second objective was to compare this questionnaire to sensory tests measuring the overall liking for sweet…

research product

A matching task as a potential technique for descriptive profile validation

If panellists can successfully match products to the corresponding descriptive profiles, then the profiles can be regarded as product-relevant and valid. This work examined the ability of a trained panel to perform a matching task between products and their descriptive profiles. A 13-member panel, trained to assess eight cheeses in terms of 19 flavour attributes, performed the task based on their individually developed profiles. The panel's ability to match products to profiles was well above that expected by chance, and chi-square statistics for each of the products were significant (P<0.05). A correspondence analysis based on the group results indicated that all the products were relative…

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et impact environnemental de l'alimentation pendant l'épidémie de COVID-19 : étude longitudinale avant, pendant et un an après le premier confinement de 2020

research product

Salivary protein profiles are linked to bitter taste acceptance in infants

Salivary protein profiles are linked to bitter taste acceptance in infants. Séminaire final du projet européen HabEat

research product

Les perceptions gustatives chez l'enfant

As soon as the end of gestation, the gustatory system is stimulated by the taste-active compounds carried by the amniotic fluid and its maturation continues until mid-childhood. Facial expressions and relative ingestion methods show that the newborn can discriminate the various taste qualities (bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami). The range of individual responses is wide. Neonatal reactions to sweet and umami are generally considered to express pleasure. The bitter and sour stimulations lead to hedonically negative reactions. The response to salt taste is less characteristic. Overall, the attraction towards sweet and the rejection of bitter and sour tastes become more pronounced during c…

research product

Travaux de l'équipe « Déterminants du comportement alimentaire au cours de la vie, liens avec la santé ». Communication orale à l'invitation de Santé Publique France

research product

Développer des aliments pour répondre aux besoins sensoriels des enfants

* Contexte et grands enjeux[br/] Dès les premières minutes de vie, l'enfant dépend de son entourage en matière d'alimentation, mais ses compétences sont encore limitées. Le lait maternel peut couvrir les besoins nutritionnels pendant les 6 premiers mois, mais dans les situations où la mère ne peut allaiter, d'autres apports alimentaires sont nécessaires. A partir de 6 mois, d'autres aliments doivent être introduits dans le régime de l'enfant, qui ne dispose pas encore de compétences orales pour les consommer en l'état. Aussi de nombreuses adaptations nutritionnelles et sensorielles sont nécessaires pour l'alimentation des petits.[br/] * Etat de l'art sur le sujet en insistant sur les faits …

research product

Audition de Sophie Nicklaus lors d'un workshop intitulé "Bénéfices et risques nutritionnels des édulcorants intenses" le 22 mai 2013 à Paris

research product

Qualité nutritionnelle et impact environnemental de l'alimentation des étudiants : mise en évidence de trois typologies de mangeurs

research product

Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort

Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

Smell but not taste reactivity is related to food food neophobia in toddlers: results from the Opaline cohort

research product

The relationship between sweetness exposure and sweetness liking in infants 3-12 months of age

Infants are increasingly exposed to sweet-tasting foods in their first year of life but it is still unclear whether repeated exposure to those is related to sweetness liking during this period. The study aimed to use the OPALINE cohort to examine the influence of sweetness exposure on liking during two important changes in early infant feeding: at the start of complementary feeding (3-6 months) and the transition to the family table (10-12 months). Infants' sweetness exposure was assessed using monthly 7-day food records completed by mothers (n=312), indicating the number and timing of each feeding of breast/formula milk or complementary foods. Infants' sweetness liking was studied in the l…

research product

Modèle linéaire mixte et analyse longitudinale des choix alimentaires

National audience

research product

Effet d'un affichage environnemental sur les choix alimentaires des consommateurs : essai contrôlé randomisé dans un supermarché en réalité virtuelle

National audience

research product

Encourager la mise en place de comportements alimentaires sains au travers d'actions de communication : le temps du changement !

research product

Caractériser les troubles du comportement alimentaire de l’enfant atteint de dysoralité

Introduction et objectif : Différentes pathologies (métaboliques, neurologiques, prématurité) peuvent nécessiter le recours à une alimentation artificielle dans les premiers mois de vie. L’absence d’alimentation par voie orale lors de cette période essentielle de la formation du comportement alimentaire, surtout lorsqu’elle est associée à un traitement invasif (i.e. sonde naso-gastrique), peut s’accompagner de conséquences à long terme sur le comportement alimentaire. L’objectif est de développer un questionnaire évaluant le comportement, les préférences et les habitudes alimentaires d’enfants atteints de dysoralité (TO), en comparaison avec des enfants sains (STO). Méthode : L’inclusion de…

research product

L'alimentation périnatale en France, entre normes et pratiques. Synthèse des publications de la cohorte ELFE

National audience; L'alimentation est au coeur des premières interactions avec le nourrisson. Du fait de la biologie de la grossesse et de l'allaitement, mais aussi de l'assignation traditionnelle des femmes aux tâches nourricières, la mère est de fait l'actrice de cette prime alimentation. Loin de n'être qu'une affaire de femmes, l'alimentation périnatale est aussi une préoccupation des pouvoir publics qui contribuent à son cadrage médical, normatif et à la diffusion des recommandations nutritionnelles en la matière. Dans ce contexte, comment les femmes nourrissent-elles leurs enfants? Leurs pratiques sont-elles en adéquation avec les recommandations? Comment varient-elles selon l'apparten…

research product

The French framework: National Program on Nutrition and Health

National audience

research product

Evolution of food liking between 2/3 and 19 years old : patterns for cheeses are stable

International audience

research product

Le "goût" d'un aliment : apprentissage et représentation corticale

National audience

research product

Flavor perception: mental representation, link with food intake control and putative role of oral microbiota

International audience

research product

How does taste influence food preferences and food intake in early childhood?

Humans are born with very few flavor preference. The most consistent observations concern taste: newborns exhibit an early attraction for the sweet taste, in opposition to the avoidance of the bitter taste. Odor preferences are less obvious and are generally related to prenatal learning and/or have biological relevance (Schaal, 2006). The objectives of this presentation will be to describe the early taste preference, how they evolve in early infancy (Schwartz, Issanchou, & Nicklaus, 2009), and how the taste of the foods or the individual attraction toward tastes might influence food preference in infancy (Schwartz, Chabanet, Lange, Issanchou, & Nicklaus, 2011), as well as food intake in ear…

research product

The role of sensory pleasure in driving eating behaviour in infants and children

Revue; Eating is essential for survival, and we are born well equipped to ensure proper food ingestion. However, learning to eat has to occur quickly, because the mode of feeding evolves dramatically during the first years of life, from tube feeding to family foods, through milk and complementary feeding. Moreover, food likes and dislikes are not inborn, except the enjoyment of the sweet taste: food preferences are learned, essentially during the first years of life. Eating habits established during early years will contribute to the development of subsequent eating habits. For this reason, it is fundamental to understand the most important early periods for the development of eating habits…

research product

Déterminants précoces de la formation des préférences alimentaires : rôle des facteurs expérientiels, sensoriels et éducatifs

Déterminants précoces de la formation des préférences alimentaires : rôle des facteurs expérientiels, sensoriels et éducatifs. Rencontres d’Arôme

research product

Early development of hedonic and motivational aspects of eating behaviour

Eating is essential for survival. However, the newborn is not an autonomous eater, and has to learn ‘how', ‘what', ‘when', and ‘how much' to eat quickly enough to ensure harmonious growth and development. In other nutritional areas, it has been shown during the past 20 years that early experiences are likely to impact long-term health outcomes. Thus, it appears fundamental to understand the early development of hedonic and motivational aspects of eating behaviour. This presentation will describe several studies conducted in our group during the past 10 years, in order to gain more knowledge about the development of what and how much children eat, in relation with food sensory and nutritiona…

research product

Obesity interferes with the oro-sensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in Human

International audience

research product

The development of taste and flavor preferences and their relationships with children's eating behavior

International audience

research product

L'éducation au goût dans la petite enfance, un atout pour une meilleure santé de l'adulte

International audience

research product

Impact de la consommation de lait cru et de fromage sur la protection contre les allergies et l'asthme

International audience

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and overweight French children

National audience

research product

The shaping of food preferences by taste experience in infants and children

research product

Attitudes des enfants obèses vis-à-vis de leur alimentation

National audience

research product

L'acquisition des préférences alimentaires: le cas du goût sucré

Review; National audience

research product

Complementary feeding strategies to facilitate acceptance of fruits and vegetables

International audience

research product

Short-term caloric adjustment ability in milk-fed infants

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children

International audience; Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in normal- and over-weight French children. 40. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

Addiction au sucre : fantasme ou réalité ?

research product

Mise en place du comportement alimentaire dans les premières années de vie

colloque sous le haut patronage du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Pêche; L’alimentation remplit plusieurs fonctions : elle permet de couvrir les besoins nutritionnels ; elle procure du plaisir via les stimulations sensorielles gustatives, olfactives et tactiles ; elle contribue à la formation de l’identité individuelle et elle est l’occasion de partage autour de moments conviviaux. La fonction hédonique est particulièrement exacerbée chez l’enfant, pour qui le plaisir à manger est un pré-requis à la consommation d’un aliment. La compréhension de l’élaboration des préférences alimentaires au cours de cette période est donc particulièrement pertinente. L’enfance est en…

research product

Rôle de la gustation dans les comportements alimentaires des enfants

National audience

research product

A comparison of salt perception and acceptance of salt reduced food among children and adults

International audience

research product

Quels sont les freins à la consommation des fruits et des légumes chez les enfants ? Quelles stratégies basées sur la science peuvent-elles aider à les lever ?

research product

Variability of human saliva composition: possible relationships with fat perception and liking

International audience; Saliva is the medium that bathes the taste receptors in the oral cavity and in which aroma and taste compounds are released when food is eaten. Moreover saliva contains enzymes and molecules that can interact with food. To date, little research has been devoted to the intra- and inter-individual variabilities of these components and their inter-relationships. The first aim of this work was to study intra- and inter-individual variabilities over time in the composition of molecules likely to interact with food in the mouth, with particular focus on molecules that might interact with fat. The second aim was to try to relate this composition to a liking for fat and its …

research product

Gustation, olfaction et préférences alimentaires chez l'enfant

National audience

research product

Comment faire adopter les légumes par mon enfant ?

National audience; Comment les préférences alimentaires des tout-petits se forment-elles ? Pour répondre à cette question, des chercheurs français ont mené une étude qui a porté sur 300 « couples » mère/enfant. Leur principal conseil : pour faire apprécier certains produits comme les légumes à votre bambin, profitez au mieux du début de la période de diversification alimentaire . Comment procéder ? L´étude Opaline a été conduite par des équipes de l´INRA, (Institut national de la Recherche agronomique), du CNRS et de l´Université de Bourgogne auprès de 300 mères et de leurs enfants. Ces derniers ont été suivis dans un premier temps, jusqu´à l´'ge de 2 ans puis dans un second temps, jusqu´à …

research product

Description de l’utilisation des préparations pour nourrissons dans l’étude ELFE

International audience

research product

'How much did you like the meal today?' Children's liking for vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals at school canteens

research product

Nourrir les enfants : Comment les aider à « bien » manger ?

research product

Obesity interferes with the orosensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in humans

Background: The association between the orosensory detection of lipids, preference for fatty foods, and body mass index (BMI; in kg/m 2 ) is controversial in humans. Objective: We explored the oral lipid-sensing system and the orosensory-induced autonomic reflex system in lean and obese subjects. Design: Lean (BMI: 19 to ,25; n = 30) and obese (BMI .30; n = 29) age-matched men were enrolled. Their oral threshold sensitivity to linoleic acid (LA) was determined by using a 3-alternative forced-choice ascending procedure, and their eating habits were established by the analysis of 4 consecutive 24-h food-consumption diaries. The effect of brief oral lipid stimulations on plasma triglyceride [(…

research product

P231: Déterminants socioculturels de l’initiation et de la durée d’allaitement en France : premiers résultats de l’étude nationale ELFE

Introduction et but de l’etude Le lait maternel est la source d’alimentation la plus adequate pour les nourrissons pendant les 1ers mois de vie. L’Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (OMS) preconise un allaitement maternel exclusif jusqu’a 6 mois, puis un allaitement partiel complete avec des aliments de diversification adaptes jusqu’a 2 ans1. En France, la derniere enquete nationale perinatale, realisee en 2010, a revele que, malgre les recommandations de l’OMS, le taux d’allaitement a la naissance etait de 60 %2. Recemment, l’etude EPIFANE a indique que le taux d’allaitement diminuait a 35 % a 1 mois post-partum3. Il a ete mis en evidence que des facteurs demographiques et socioculturels po…

research product

Children's attraction to sweetness and its impact on eating behavior

Children's attraction to sweetness and its impact on eating behavior. 23. annual meeting of the society for the study of ingestive behavior (SSIB 2015)

research product

French health care professionals and communication on complementary feeding: exploration of their needs and attitudes

research product

Présentation de travaux de recherche faisant le lien entre inégalités sociales et éducation à l’alimentation

research product

Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.

www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)

research product

Saliva peptidome and taste preferences in infants: preliminary tests

Saliva peptidome and taste preferences in infants: preliminary tests. Congrès français de spectrométrie de masse et d'analyse protéomique (SMAP 2007)

research product

The Impact of Stress Level on Food Choice Motives and Nutritional Quality of Diet During COVID-19 Lockdown in France

research product

Representative champagne wine extracts for gas chromatography olfactometry analysis

Gas chromatography olfactometry (GCO) analysis has proved to be a powerful method to determine key compounds of food aroma, but up to now few papers involving this technique in wine aroma studies were published. An accurate representation of the olfactory quality of the extracts is necessary to ensure the reliability of the conclusions resulting from such analyses. Three commercial champagne wines were used for this study. The champagne wine extracts were obtained from three different extraction methods:  adsorption on XAD resins, solvation in dichloromethane, and extraction by demixing ethanol. Thus the extracts were tested by a panel trained on champagne wines, using a profile descriptive…

research product

Learning to Eat Vegetables in Early Life: The Role of Timing, Age and Individual Eating Traits

Vegetable intake is generally low among children, who appear to be especially fussy during the pre-school years. Repeated exposure is known to enhance intake of a novel vegetable in early life but individual differences in response to familiarisation have emerged from recent studies. In order to understand the factors which predict different responses to repeated exposure, data from the same experiment conducted in three groups of children from three countries (n = 332) aged 4-38 m (18.9 +/- 9.9 m) were combined and modelled. During the intervention period each child was given between 5 and 10 exposures to a novel vegetable (artichoke puree) in one of three versions (basic, sweet or added e…

research product

Impact of a minimally processing route for the production of infant formulas on the organoleptic properties

Many new-borns are fed with substitutes of breast milk. These products undergo several heat treatments, necessary to insure their microbiologic safety but probably modifying their organo-leptic properties. High temperature can damage milk proteins and form Maillard reaction prod-ucts with lactose. Microfiltration – to replace the heat treatments for a milk debacterization – combined with a soft spray-drying is currently an alternative little exploited to produce infant formulas (IFs) although microbiologically safe. The aim of this study was to determine the im-pact of such processing route on the organoleptic properties of the IFs. Three experimental IFs were manufactured at a semi-industr…

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A prospective study of food liking in childhood

International audience

research product

Relevance of omission tests to determine flavour-active compounds in food : application to cheese taste

International audience

research product

Microbial diversity of French traditional cheeses: sensory and health benefits associated with food safety

International audience

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External, emotional and restrained eating in normal- and overweight French children: do parents and children agree?

The Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire for Children (DEBQ-C; van Strien & Oosterveld, 2008) was developed to assess external eating (EXT), emotional eating (EMO), and restriction (RES) in 7- to 12-years-old. The aim of this study was to compare children and parents' views of children's eating behaviour according to children's weight status in a sample of French participants. Children were asked about their own eating behaviour and parents were asked about their children's eating behaviour using the DEBQ-C in the child- and parent-report forms, respectively. One hundred and thirty families participated (n=55 overweight children, ow; n=75 normal-weight children, nw; children were weighted a…

research product

Are reactions to new foods at weaning related to infants’ taste reactivity at the age of 6 months?

Are reactions to new foods at weaning related to infants’ taste reactivity at the age of 6 months?. 3. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense)

research product

Unravelling some early determinants of liking for vegetables at 2 years: a longitudinal study from pregnancy to 2 years

International audience; Food preferences guide food choices, and impact nutritional status, but their early origin needs clarification. The study aimed at understanding the early determining factors of the liking of vegetables (LVeg) at 2y, taking into account peri- and post-natal feeding experiences, children's acceptance of food tastes and odors and parental feeding practices. In a cohort of children (n 314), the milk, complementary feeding (CF) and table feeding received by children and the diet consumed by mothers during pregnancy/lactation were recorded by diaries. The acceptance of food tastes was evaluated in the lab at 3, 6, 12, 20mo; and of food odors at 8, 13, 22mo. Parental feedi…

research product

L'olfaction, un acteur des préférences et des choix alimentaires des enfants ?

National audience; Chez l'enfant comme chez l'adulte, les choix alimentaires sont soumis à de multiples influences, qui se construisent et s'enrichissent au cours du développement. Dans un premier temps, les déterminants associés aux propriétés intrinsèques des aliments seront exposés, en explicitant le rôle des propriétés sensorielles (goût, arômes, textures), ainsi que celui de la densité énergétique de l'aliment dans l'établissement et le maintien des préférences, des consommations alimentaires et du contrôle des prises alimentaires. Dans un deuxième temps, le rôle des propriétés extrinsèques des aliments, associées à la manière de « penser » les aliments sera explicité, comme par exempl…

research product

The role of taste in food acceptance at the beginning of complementary feeding

article présenté lors du 18. Annual Meeting of the Society-for-the-Study-of-Ingestive-Behavior ; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie (Etats-Unis) - (2010-07-13 - 2010-07-17) / Rencontres; International audience; Introduction of solid foods is a major step in the establishment of eating behavior and is likely to affect children's health. However, the role of taste in acceptance of new foods, in particular in the first months of complementary feeding, is not fully understood and was the aim of the present study. Infants had to be in good health to participate (N=74). First, the infants' reactions to new foods were recorded by their parents between the ages of 5 and 7 months using a 4-point-scale ranging…

research product

Je mange…. donc je suis

research product

Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in early childhood: impact of parental feeding practices.

Résumé présenté lors du 20e congrès international de nutrition à Grenade (Espagne) du 15 au 20 septembre 2013; absent

research product

Rôle des lipides dans le développement des préférences alimentaires chez les enfants

National audience

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Food texture acceptance during infancy: a longitudinal study

Texture is an important dimension of food acceptance in infancy but few works investigated its role. The present objectives were to describe the evolution of food texture acceptance and feeding skills in 6 to 18-mo-old. Two groups of healthy children participated in this study conducted at the laboratory at 6, 8, 10mo (n=24) and at 12, 15 and 18mo (n=25). They were offered foods with different textures (smooth and rough purees, cooked and sticky pieces, raw and hard foods) at an earlier age than current practices in France. Infants' acceptance (the ability to process and swallow a food) and feeding skills (sucking and chewing) were expressed as probabilities (P). At 6mo, pureed textures wer…

research product

Comprehensive approach to health and food: early feeding strategies to promote healthy eating habits

International audience

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Taste active compounds in a goat cheese water-soluble extract 2. Determination of the relative impact of water-soluble extract components on its taste using omission tests

The aim of this work was to determine the relative impact of water-soluble compounds on the gustatory properties of a goat cheese water-soluble extract (WSE). Using a semisynthetic model mixture (MWSE) previously elaborated in physicochemical and gustatory accordance with the cheese WSE (see part 1, Engel et al. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2000, 48, 4252-4259), omission tests were performed. Among the main taste characteristics of the WSE (salty, sour, and bitter), saltiness was explained by an additive contribution of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium cations, whereas sourness was mainly due to a synergistic effect involving sodium chloride, phosphates, and lactic acid and bitterness was …

research product

The influence of olfactory sensitivity on food preferences in very young children : the case of goat cheese and cauliflower

National audience

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Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development

key-note talk at final Habeat symposiumkey-note talk at final Habeat symposium; Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development. Final Habeat symposium: Improving infant and child eating habits, encouraging fruit and vegetable intake

research product

How does fat content of a snack food impact toddlers’ and adults’ intake?

International audience

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Effects of energy density on the liking for sweet drinks and on caloric adjustment conditioning after exposure in children

The contribution of energy density from sweet drinks to energy intake in children needs clarification. The objective was to study the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet drinks exposure. Children aged 8 to 11 (n=44) were exposed to distinctly flavored sweetened drinks: a high-energy (HE: 150kcal) and a no-energy version (NE: 0kcal). They received either 2 or 7 exposures to each drink during a 4-wk conditioning period; no exposure during a 3-wk stability period; 3 exposures to both drinks, for which the association between the flavor and the energy density was switched, during a 4-wk extinction period. Flavor liking and food intake during the meal…

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Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in preschool children: evolution over 1 year and impact of an intervention focusing on internal cues

Invited communication in final symposiumInvited communication in final symposium; absent

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Representative champagne extracts for olfactory analysis

National audience

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Alimentation sous influences

International audience; Manger est-il un acte aussi naturel et spontané que nous le croyons ? Si l'alimentation fait partie des fonctions primordiales au maintien de la vie, nos comportements sont, eux, à la croisée de multiples contraintes et influences plus ou moins explicites ou tangibles. Parce que rien n'est neutre dans notre alimentation et que, parallèlement, aucun de nos choix en la matière ne s'avère anodin, il est plus que temps de s'y intéresser : l'occasion aussi peut-être de redonner au plaisir sa véritable place !

research product

The importance of parental feeding practices/styles in relation to the development of eating behavior

International audience

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Composition nutritionnelle des plats complets végétariens et non-végétariens proposés en restauration scolaire : une étude du collectif EnScol

Context: In France, since 1 November 2019, all school restaurants are required to offer a vegetarian menu at least once a week. This study was initiated and co-developed by researchers and school catering professionals from the « EnScol » team.Aim: To assess the nutritional content of vegetarian dishes served in school meals in France.Methods: The nutritional content of main dishes (i.e. the combination of protein dish and side dish) was studied and compared according to whether the dishes were vegetarian (n=315) or non-vegetarian (n=669). Within the vegetarian main dishes, three categories were defined and compared: dishes without any ingredient of animal origin, dishes with cheese, and di…

research product

Qualitative Evaluation, with French Healthcare and Childcare Professionals, of a Brochure Containing the Latest Official Child Feeding Recommendations to Help Prevent Childhood Obesity

Meeting abstract number 4 in the 30. Annual Congress of European Chilhood Obesity Group (ECOG), 2021/11/10-13, Budapest (Hungary).

research product

Déterminants des préférences alimentaires au moment de la diversification

research product

Formation of healthy eating in children: from research to public health communication

research product

Acquisition des préférences alimentaires chez l'enfant

National audience

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L'efficacité masticatoire du jeune enfant permet-elle d'expliquer l'acceptabilité des aliments solides pendant la période de diversification alimentaire ?

research product

Encouraging healthy eating in children through enjoyment of eating: examples from France

International audience; Healthy eating is important at all stages of life, and childhood is no exception. During early childhood, nutrition plays a critical role in development, in relation with growth and programming of organs functioning. During about two year after the start of complementary feeding, children are generally easy to feed and curious about foods. Later in childhood, after the end of the second year, food neophobia and/or pickiness may develop and children can become more difficult to feed. In particular, it has been observed in many contexts a reluctance to eat healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits. If children had not yet acquired the habit of eating such foods, get…

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Early feeding strategies to promote healthy eating habits [Présentation à l'invitation de Danone Nutricia Research & Yakult lors de la conférence "French Cultural Perspectives on Food & Health" à Lyon le 23 janvier 2017]

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Salivary protein profiles and taste acceptance in infants

Salivary protein profiles and taste acceptance in infants. 88. General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

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La formation des préférences alimentaires

Chapitre 21; National audience

research product

Développement précoce du comportement et des préférences alimentaires

Manger est essentiel pour la survie, et nous naissons équipés pour absorber des nutriments à partir des apports alimentaires. Cependant, l'alimentation ne se résume pas à cet aspect. Quoi, comment, quand, combien manger sont autant de questions qui renvoient à d'autres aspects du comportement alimentaire, auxquelles il nous faut répondre quotidiennement. Ces autres aspects du comportement alimentaire sont appris, essentiellement durant les premières années de vie [1]. Ainsi, nous avons montré que les comportements alimentaires acquis à l'âge de 2 à 3 ans étaient prédictifs des mêmes comportements observés chez le jeune adulte [2,3]. Pour cette raison, il est fondamental de savoir quand et c…

research product

P036: Impact de la densité énergétique de boissons sucrées sur l’apprentissage de l’appréciation et de l’ajustement calorique chez l’enfant

Introduction et but de l’etude Il a ete montre que l’association repetee, dans une matrice alimentaire, entre une flaveur et une densite energetique pouvait entrainer un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment. Ainsi, apres apprentissage, la flaveur signale l’energie apportee par l’aliment et une flaveur associee a une plus forte densite energetique est plus appreciee. L’objectif du present travail est d’etudier, chez l’enfant de 8-11 ans, le developpement et la stabilite d’un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment sur l’appreciation de boissons et sur la capacite a ajuster l’energie consommee au repas qui suit leur ingestion. Materiel et methodes Pour cela, 44 enfants ont ete exposes a deux boissons …

research product

A new front-of-pack environmental label triggers more environmentally friendly choices: a randomized controlled trial in a virtual reality supermarket

research product

Brain networks activated during sweet taste processing in children: an fMRI study

International audience

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Le sucre dans tous ses états - Sucre et enfance : comment agir ?

research product

Non-conscious effect of food odors on children's food choices varies by weight status

Open access original research (article number UNSP 16); OBJECTIVE: Food cues are omnipresent in the daily environment and may influence eating behavior even non-consciously. An increased reactivity to food cues, such as food odors, has been shown to be correlated with obesity in children. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the non-conscious influence of food odors on children's food choices varies by their weight status. METHODS: Seventy-four children, of whom 29 were obese, took part in this study. The children performed a food choice intention task presented as a computer game in which 30 pairs of food images (a fatty-sweet food picture vs. a fruit picture) successively…

research product

La formation des préférences alimentaires

La formation des préférences alimentaires. Salon international de l’agroalimentaire (Sial)

research product

Le plaisir de manger chez les enfants : peut-on apprendre à aimer les aliments bons pour la santé ?

research product

Favoriser l'acceptation de légumes chez l'enfant. Comparaison des stratégies d'exposition répétée, d'association flaveur-flaveur et d'association flaveur-nutriment

La consommation de légumes étant inférieure aux recommandations nutritionnelles, et particulièrement chez les enfants, mieux comprendre les facteurs qui favorisent leur acceptation est essentiel. Différentes stratégies visant à favoriser l’acceptation d’aliments sont décrites. Il s’agit de l’exposition répétée (RE), de l’association flaveur-flaveur (AFF) et de l’association flaveur-nutriment (AFN). La présente étude a pour objectifs de comparer l’efficacité de ces trois stratégies, de mesurer la stabilité de leurs effets, et d’expliquer par l’histoire alimentaire de chacun les différences individuelles d’acceptation de légumes. Une purée d’artichaut (légume cible, généralement peu apprécié)…

research product

Développement de l'oralité et du goût : liens avec l'allergie ?

International audience

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«Comment as-tu aimé le plat aujourd'hui ?» Appréciation des plats végétariens et non-végétariens en restauration scolaire

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The diversity of complementary feeding practices over the world

International audience

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Impact of sweetness on children's eating behaviour: the roles of taste and calories

International audience; The sweet taste is innately liked as shown in newborns. This attraction, confirmed in older children1, is interpreted in relation to the advantage conferred by the consumption of the energy of sugars. However, the impact of the taste and of the calories from sugar needs further clarification. Two studies will be presented, aimed at understanding the role of taste and calories from sugar in children from different age groups. The first study looked at flavor-flavor learning by pairing the taste of a vegetable with the sweet taste in 6-month-old infants. It shows that adding sweet taste is associated to a higher consumption of the vegetable in the sweet version but not…

research product

Comment faire goûter de tout à bébé

Pourquoi n'aime-t-il pas les brocolis, préfère-t-il la purée de carottes et... le sucré ? Autant de questions proposées par l'étude OPALINE (Observatoire des préférences alimentaires du nourrisson et de l'enfant), qui a pour but de comprendre la formation du goût chez les enfants. L'un des volets de cette étude, menée depuis 2005 par le Centre des sciences du goût et de l'alimentation (INRA/ CNRS/Université de Bourgogne) sera restitué les 18 et 19 octobre 2012 lors d'un colloque qui se tient à Dijon Une cohorte de 300 couples mère/enfant suivis de la naissance à 2 ans dans un premier temps, ont été recrutés progressivement, dès le septième mois de grossesse depuis 2005. Dès la petite enfanc…

research product

Snack portion size choice, expectations and actual experiences in children: the interplay of healthiness, hunger, and sensory food imagery

International audience

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Les préférences gustatives d’enfants de 3, 6, 12 et 20 mois

Les préférences gustatives d’enfants de 3, 6, 12 et 20 mois. Journée scientifique de l'IFR 92 " Enfant et Sensorialité"

research product

Table ronde "Sucre et addiction"

research product

Impact of adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices on eating in the absence of hunger and caloric compensation in preschool children

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Between the ages of 3 and 5 years, children may become less responsive to internal cues of satiation and more responsive to external cues, which may induce overeating and lead to weight gain. This study aimed to compare eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) and caloric compensation in 3- to 6-year-old children, and to relate the measurements with children's adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices. METHODS: According to a within-subject three sequential condition design, food intake in children (n=236) was measured at lunch during three sessions, once a week. The same meal (565 kcal) was offered at each session. The first session (control) was only composed …

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Consommation d’aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique pendant la diversification alimentaire et croissance jusqu’à 21 mois dans l’étude ELFE

Introduction et but de l’étude : La consommation d’aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique (AB) été associée chez l’adulte à un moindre risque de surpoids ou d’obésité, indépendamment des facteurs associés. Aucune étude n’ayant été menée sur ces associations chez le jeune enfant, l’objectif de ce travail était d’analyser le lien entre la consommation d’aliments AB pendant la diversification alimentaire et la croissance des enfants jusqu’à 2 ans. Étant donnée la règlementation sur les aliments préparés destinés aux <3 ans, la consommation d’aliments AB à cette période de la vie aura vraisemblablement un impact différent chez les consommateurs d’aliments infantiles et chez les non consomma…

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Food choice of very young children : the role of energy density and sensory properties of foods

International audience

research product

Development of food preferences in early childhood

research product

Can sensory food imagery lead children to choose and eat smaller portions of healthy and unhealthy snacks?

research product

L’alimentation du jeune enfant : aspects sensoriels et comportementaux

research product

La diversité de consommation de fromages dans la petite enfance : un facteur protecteur des maladies allergiques ?

Introduction Une diversité alimentaire importante et précoce a été montrée protectrice vis à vis des maladies allergiques (Roduit C. et al, JACI 2012 Jul;130(1):130-6). L'effet de la diversité de consommation de fromages, riches en microorganismes, n'a pas été étudié. Or l'exposition aux microorganismes est suspectée pour son rôle protecteur sur la survenue de maladies allergiques. Le but de notre étude était d'évaluer l'effet protecteur de la diversité de consommation de fromages vis-à-vis de maladies allergiques (MA) : allergie alimentaire (AA), dermatite atopique (DA), asthme (AS), rhinite allergique (RA) et bronchite (BR). Méthodes L'étude a porté sur 941 enfants de la cohorte PATURE (P…

research product

Effect of energy density on liking and on caloric adjustment conditioning after sweet beverage exposure in children aged 8-11 y

The contribution of sweet beverages to weight gain in children and adolescents is controversial. The present study was conducted to study, in 8-11 year-old children, the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet beverages exposure. We also studied the stability of the conditioning effects after a period without exposure and an extinction period. Children (n = 44) were exposed to 2 flavored sweetened beverages: a high energy version (HE: 150kcal) and a no energy version (NE: 0kcal). During a 4-wk conditioning period, children were exposed either 2 or 7 times to each beverage. During a 3-wk stability period children were not exposed to any beverage. Duri…

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Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant’s acceptance of new foods

International audience

research product

Le sel dans l'alimentation du jeune enfant : effet sur les préférences, conséquences sur les consommations

National audience

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Role of pulp in flavor release and sensory perception in orange juice

This work elucidates the role of suspended solids in sensorial perception and flavor release in orange juice. The coarsest pulp (insoluble particles with a diameter of2 microm) accounted for two major physicochemical effects in orange juice samples: it retained large amounts of aroma compounds, including terpenes and aldehydes, and modified the rheological properties of the juice matrix. These phenomena strongly affected the chemical composition of the vapor phase in the juice samples. On the other hand, orange juice cloud (finest insoluble particles with a diameter of2 microm) also showed a strong retention effect on ethyl butanoate or hexanal, probably due to the occurrence of molecular i…

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Feeding children: how to make the healthy choice the happy choice?

research product

Nouvelles pratiques alimentaires et systèmes alimentaires durables : quelles tendances, enjeux et leviers chez les enfants et les jeunes ?

research product

Quelle place pour la durabilité de l'alimentation chez les étudiants ? Une revue de la littérature des pratiques alimentaires des étudiants

research product

Développement des préférences et du comportement alimentaire de l'enfant

Manger est essentiel pour la survie, et nous naissons bien équipés pour absorber des nutriments. Cependant, tous les autres aspects du comportement alimentaire sont appris, essentiellement durant les premières années de vie [1]. Pour cette raison, il est fondamental de savoir quand et comment s’acquièrent les habitudes alimentaires favorables à la santé. Des évènements très précoces peuvent être associés à des variations du comportement alimentaire, comme une naissance prématurée et/ou un petit poids de naissance [2]. Les apprentissages en lien avec la flaveur des aliments (saveurs et arômes) peuvent avoir lieu dès la grossesse et la lactation, à travers l’exposition du fœtus puis du nourri…

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Impact of complementary feeding practices on the programming of eating behaviour

Impact of complementary feeding practices on the programming of eating behaviour. satellite symposium "Toddler nutrition and complementary feeding" of the 12. China nutrition science congress

research product


Le colloque « Reterritorialisation de l'alimentation : quelle contribution à la durabilité des systèmes alimentaires ? » a été organisé par l'INRA (à présent INRAE) et le Réseau Mixte Technologique Alimentation Locale, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'agriculture et l'alimentation, le Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, le Commissariat général à l'égalité des territoires, la Caisse des dépôts et consignations et le GDR Policy Analytics. Ce compte-rendu a été rédigé avec la contribution des 8 étudiants du groupe Système Alimentaire Territorialisé d'Agrocampus Ouest Angers : Tiphaine Chambreuil, Anne-Charlotte Gabagnou, Matthieu Kleber, Mathilde Louault, Fanny Maciel, M…

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Salt content impacts food preferences and intake among children

This work was supported by a PhD grant from the Nutrition, Chemical Food Safety and Consumer Behavior Division of INRA (French National Institute for Agronomical Research, France) and the Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SB; and by a research grant (Gustolf) from Regional Council of Burgundy (France) received by SN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.; Decreasing dietary sodium intake, which can be achieved by reducing salt content in food, is recommended. Salt contributes to the taste of foods and makes them more enjoyable. Whether a food is liked or disliked is an important determina…

research product

Motivational roots of sustainable diets: food choice motives associated to the different facets of diet sustainability in French adults

research product

Etude du comportement alimentaire des enfants ayant un syndrome de Silver-Russell

National audience; Introduction et but de l’étude. – Le syndrome de Silver-Russell (SSR) est une maladie épigénétique rare caractérisée par un retard de croissance intra-utérin avec périmètre crânien relativement préservé, une petite taille post-natale associée à une dysmorphie et une asymétrie corporelle inconstante. Des difficultés alimentaires majeures sont souvent décrites pouvant nécessiter le recours à une nutrition entérale prolongée. À ce jour, aucune étude n’a décrit précisément les troubles du comportement alimentaire de ces enfants. Le but de notre travail était donc de caractériser les différentes composantes du comportement alimentaire d’enfants ayant un SSR. Matériel et méthod…

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Salivary proteins and bitterness acceptance in infants: an intringuing link

Salivary proteins and bitterness acceptance in infants: an intringuing link[u][/u]. 9. European symposium on saliva

research product

Comparison of repeated exposure, flavor-flavor learning, and flavor-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants

International audience

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L’acquisition des préférences alimentaires : le cas du goût sucré

Resume A la difference des autres saveurs (amere, acide, salee), la saveur du sucre est appreciee par le nouveau-ne. Cette appreciation est appliquee en pediatrie, car des solutions sucrees reduisent les pleurs des nourrissons lors d’interventions benignes. La preference pour le gout sucre observee a la naissance s’estompe relativement dans la petite enfance, mais reste forte dans l’enfance et l’adolescence, puis elle diminue a l’âge adulte. Des la petite enfance, des experiences repetees avec des aliments sucres renforcent leur attractivite. Le contexte affectif de la consommation des aliments sucres peut moduler l’effet des expositions : les pratiques parentales visant soit a controler la…

research product

Complementary feeding and "donner les bases du goût" (providing the foundation of taste). A qualitative approach to understand weaning practices, attitudes and experiences by French mothers

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666313003814; International audience; Complementary feeding (CF) practices vary within and across cultures but have been investigated only to a very limited extent. It is however important to understand CF practices and how they differ, as CF sets the foundation for children's later food choices. The present study was set out to examine practices, attitudes and experiences of CF including the introduction of vegetables amongst French mothers (n = 18, 25-39 years). Thematic analysis of transcribed focus groups and interviews revealed the perceived importance of the weaning period, as a critical milestone for infants' development but with …

research product

Comprendre le développement précoce du comportement et des préférences alimentaires chez les enfants

Les préférences alimentaires, comme beaucoup de comportements, s'apprennent, sous l'effet des expériences. Ayant étudié depuis plus de 15 ans les préférences alimentaires des enfants, je montrerai le fruit de nos recherches sous une forme ludique, en expliquant comment faire aimer les légumes aux enfants à partir des résultats obtenus dans le cadre de l'étude OPALINE (Observatoire des Préférences Alimentaires du Nourrisson et de l'Enfant). J'expliquerai l'importance des premiers apprentissages alimentaires lors de la grossesse et de l'allaitement, au travers des expositions aux arômes des aliments consommés par la mère, puis à partir de la diversification alimentaire, sous l'effet de l'expo…

research product

Pleasure of eating: a lever for the adoption of healthy eating in children

Childhood obesity, despite a recent stabilization, is still a matter of concerns in the European region and elsewhere (WHO, 2017), i.e. in France (where it concerned 17% of 3-14 y-old children in 2015; INCA3). Since many years, public health campaigns have encouraged healthy eating in many countries over the world, in particular by highlighting the beneficial effect on health of some food groups (e.g., in France “For your health, eat five fruits and vegetables a day”). However, the WHO noted in 2017 that among adolescents, “daily consumption of fruit and vegetables increased slightly between 2002 and 2014, but overall prevalence remains low ; and daily consumption of sugary soft drinks and …

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Développement du comportement alimentaire de l'enfant dans la famille, avec les amis, à l'école

National audience

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Relationships between early flavor/texture exposure, and food acceptability and neophobia

research product

Impact of olfactory priming on food choices in normal-weight and overweight children

International audience

research product

Use of added sugar, salt and fat in the first year in France and associated factors in the ELFE cohort study

National audience; Background and Aims: To describe added sugar, salt and fat uses and their determinants during complementary feeding (CF) period in infants aged 3 to 10 months. Methods: Data are drawn from the ELFE study (Etude longitudinale Française depuis l'Enfance) which included >18000 infants in 2011. A frequency food questionnaire of consumption of added sugar, salt and fat was monthly completed by the mother from the 3rd to the 10th month (N=10,649). The associations between the use of each added-ingredient and (1) socio-economic characteristics and (2) infant care and feeding practices were studied with two models (the second including the factors of the first) with multivariate …

research product

Capacités d'ajustement énergétique à court terme chez le nourrisson entre 10 et 15 mois : premiers résultats (prix SFN 2015)

Introduction et but de l’etude L’equilibre de la balance energetique est maintenu soit par l’ajustement des depenses energetiques soit par l’ajustement des apports energetiques. L’enquete americaine « 2002 Feeding infants and toddlers » laisse penser qu’une diminution des capacites d’ajustement energetique se produirait autour de 11 mois. Ces capacites se deterioreraient sous l’effet des pratiques de nourrissage notamment au cours de la diversification alimentaire. Aucune etude n’a mesure les capacites d’ajustement energetique a court terme chez des nourrissons entre 10 et 15 mois. L’objectif principal de ce projet etait donc d’evaluer les capacites d’ajustement energetique a court terme a …

research product

Effect of parental rules on sweetness exposure and sweetness liking in infants

Background: Infants become increasingly exposed to sweet-tasting foods in their first year of life. However, it is still unclear whether repeated exposure to sweet taste is linked to infants’ sweetness liking during this period. Making use of data from the OPALINE cohort, this study aimed to examine the link between sweetness exposure and sweetness liking during two important periods in early infant feeding: at the start of complementary feeding (3-6 months) and the transition to the family table (10-12 months).Methods: Infants’ sweetness exposure was assessed using seven-day food records which were completed by mothers every month (n=312), reporting daily consumption rates of formula/breas…

research product

Taste acceptance: evolution in the 1st year and influence on food acceptance.

www.opaline-dijon.fr/ ; Equipe de recherche OPALINE : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (R. Bouhalassa, C. Chabanet, S. Crevoisier, F. Durey, V. Feyen, S. Issanchou, S. Jacob, C. Lange, C. Laval, S. Monnery Patris, S. Nicklaus, C. Pédron, J. Piérard, P. Schlich, B. Schaal, C. Schwartz, E. Szleper, M. Visali) + Faculté de Médecine de Dijon - Université de Bourgogne (V. Boggio) + Université de Paris X (N. Rigal) + Centre d'études de Physiologie Appliquée (L. Marlier) + Unité de sociologie rurale (C. Wisner-Bourgeois) + Unité de Neurobiologie de l'olfaction et de le prise alimentaire (M. Taouis, D. Gripois)

research product

Early development of taste and flavor preferences and consequences on eating behavior

The first 1000 days of life constitute an important period for development of health and eating behavior, in particular because the mode of feeding drastically evolves, which involves that the child has to learn “how” to eat, but also “what” to eat, “how” much food to eat. After birth, when foods are orally exposed, infants discover the intrinsic properties of foods, with a variety of tastes, flavors, textures, as well as energy densities. Here we focus on deciphering the involvement of taste and olfaction in the early establishment of eating behavior. In the OPALINE French birth cohort (Observatory of Food Preferences in Infants and Children), taste and flavor preferences were studied in c…

research product

L'imagerie sensorielle : Un nudge pour inciter les enfants à mieux manger à l'heure du goûter

research product

For French mothers complementary feeding is a “taste journey"

Expert panel; International audience

research product

Vegetable texture preference of 8 to 11 year-old children

Fichier pdf/ Biblio AS (par année) / poster presentation

research product

Développement de l'acceptabilité des aliments solides. A partir de quel âge les morceaux sont-ils acceptés par l'enfant sain ?

Les aliments solides sont proposés aux nourrissons vers 4-6 mois, lorsque leurs besoins nutritionnels ne peuvent plus être uniquement assurés par le lait. Ces aliments (fruits, légumes, produits céréaliers…) sont généralement proposés sous forme de purée ou de bouillie. Au fil des mois, les purées sont ensuite remplacées par des textures de plus en plus consistantes et dures, permettant à l'enfant d'apprendre progressivement à manger les aliments de la table familiale. Cet apprentissage est dépendant du développement des capacités masticatoires de l'enfant, particulièrement dynamique dans la petite enfance. En effet, pour accepter un aliment, l'enfant doit être capable de le manger. Si, à l…

research product

Short-term caloric compensation ability in infants below 15 months old

International audience; Background and aims In infancy, a too rapid weight gain is a risk factor associated with overweight. Growth is linked to the infant's ability to adjust energy intake depending on the energy density of foods. Evidence regarding the behavioral aspects of appetite control ability in infancy is sparse. The objective was to study the short-term energy adjustment ability of, first, exclusively milk fed infants before the onset of complementary feeding (CF) and, second, of infants at 11 mo and 15 mo. Methods Caloric compensation ability was assessed in infants by adapting a preload paradigm. Before CF, the ‘preload' was a feed with formula made more or less caloric by conce…

research product

Sensory evaluation: How to measure olfactory and taste sensations?

National audience

research product

The taste of infants’ diet: from formula milks to baby fruits & vegetables

The taste of infants’ diet: from formula milks to baby fruits & vegetables. 8. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Travaux sur le comportement alimentaire du jeune enfant envers la texture : de la recherche aux recommandations de santé publique

research product

Oral sphere: salivary markers and food. A prospective study on children expressing oral disorders

National audience

research product

Comparisons of individual bitterness perception and vegetable liking and consumption among Danish consumers:A pilot study for a cross-cultural sensory study between Denmark and France

In order to enhance the consumption of bitter and strong tasting vegetables such as cabbages and root vegetables, it is required to identify potential mediators of sociodemographic–diet relationships. In this context a consumer field studywas conducted in Denmark which comprised a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, a bitter threshold value test kit with quinineand a preference test with two samples of carrots differing in the degree of bitterness. All tests were conducted outside the laboratory, and the subjects (n=116, aged 18 to 79) were recruited during two different events at two sites in April and June 2011.Data was subjected to multivariate data analysis in order to eluci…

research product

Impact of sweet food consumption on children's brain responses to sweet taste: a functional imaging study

National audience

research product

Infant feeding practices and early neurodevelopment

research product

Food intake regulation in children: relation to age

National audience

research product

Development of Food Preferences and Appetite in the First Years

International audience; Infants are born equipped to ingest nutrients, but have to learn how, what and how much to eat. This must occur early, because the mode of feeding evolves dramatically, from ‘tube’ feeding in utero to eating table foods with the family. Eating habits established during early years contribute to the development of subsequent eating habits. Therefore, it is fundamental to understand the most important early periods for the development of eating habits and the drivers of this development. Here we will focus on the first three years of postnatal life. Several characteristics of the eating experience contribute to drive infant’s eating and to shape preferences and energy …

research product

Le goût sucré, de l’enfance… à la dépendance ?

Summary: Can one talk about addiction to sugar? Sugar is an important part of our diet, and an important source of pleasure, as of a young age. The definition of addiction involves that addictive substances act on the reward circuit, and lead to two symptoms, withdrawal and tolerance. Is it the case with sugar? According to the literature, brain activations in regions involved in the reward circuit are observed in response to “sugar”, and they differ according to the type of sugar (caloric carbohydrates, sweet or not; sweeteners). Besides, withdrawal and tolerance symptoms are not well characterized: food cravings often concern sweet foods, but there is a decrease with age of the preference…

research product

Développement précoce du comportement et des préférences alimentaires [Invitation à une présentation interne chez un partenaire socio-économique]

research product

Previous and current research on children feeding conducted in our group

Previous and current research on children feeding conducted in our group. Séminaire interne Danone Baby Nutrition

research product

Food choice of 2 to 3 year old children : an in situ study in a nursery

International audience

research product

Etudier le comportement et les préférences alimentaires des enfants

National audience

research product

Le fromage entre appréciation et dégoût : de l'enfance à l'âge adulte

« Le fromage constitue, avec le pain et le vin, la trinité de la table européenne » (M. Tournier). Bien que la consommation de fromage décroisse chez les 3-17 ans comme chez les adultes, les Français comptent parmi les gros consommateurs mondiaux. Dès l'âge de 2-3 ans, l'observation des choix alimentaires d'enfants dans un contexte de libre-service indique qu'une majorité apprécie les fromages contrairement à d'autres enfants (7%) qui les rejettent fortement – notamment les fromages affinés. Ces tendances vont perdurer jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Ce résultat a été corroboré récemment : 6% des adultes déclarent une aversion pour le fromage. Quelles sont les raisons qui expliquent le développement …

research product

L'alimentation de l'enfant et de l'adolescent : Apprentissage et développement

à venir

research product

Promouvoir l'introduction d'une alimentation diversifiée en morceaux : étude qualitative de l'effet d'une intervention

La diversification alimentaire, période clé de formation des habitudes alimentaires, permet à l'enfant de découvrir de nouveaux goûts et textures. L'introduction d'aliments texturés est recommandée entre 8 et 10 mois pour tendre vers l'alimentation familiale. Des données récentes montrent qu'en France une majorité d'enfants reçoit une alimentation principalement mixée jusqu'à 12 mois. Cette étude qualitative vise à comprendre les effets d'une étude interventionnelle favorisant l'introduction des textures dans l'alimentation des enfants entre 8 et 15 mois. Soixante enfants ont participé à cette étude. Leur comportement envers différentes textures a été évalué au laboratoire à 8 et 15 mois. L…

research product

Nutritional quality and greenhouse gas emissions of vegetarian and non-vegetarian school canteen meals: a case study in France (Dijon)

research product

Structuration sociale de l’alimentation périnatale en France. Synthèse des résultats de la cohorte Elfe

Tichit Christine, Kersuzan Claire, Dhuot Raphael, Gojard Séverine, Nicklaus Sophie, Bournez Marie, Lauzon-Guillain Blandine de, Wagner Sandra, Kadawathagedara Manik, Lioret Sandrine, Charles Marie-Aline, Thierry Xavier. Structuration sociale de l’alimentation périnatale en France. Synthèse des résultats de la cohorte Elfe. In: Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, n°129-130, 4e trimestre 2018 - 1er trimestre 2019. Dossier « Normes sociales et socialisation alimentaires ». pp. 99-107.

research product

Use of omission tests to evaluate taste-active compounds in food : application to cheese and tomato

International audience

research product

Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children

Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

COMPORTEMENT ALIMENTAIRE : comment se forme le goût ? Quelles influences « externes » au cours du développement ?

research product

Smell but not taste reactivity is related to food neophobia in toddlers: results from the Opaline cohort

National audience; Context and objective: Research has previously identified relationships between chemosensory reactivity and food neophobia in toddlers. However, most studies have addressed this question using declarative data, and without analyzing separately smell and taste. The objective of the present study was twofold. The first objective was to assess the relationships between olfactory reactivity and taste reactivity in toddlers, using experimental designs with different tastants and odorants. The second objective was to determine the relationships between olfactory /taste reactivity and food neophobia in toddlers. The hypothesis was that the higher the chemosensory reactivity of t…

research product

Les enfants s'arrêtent-ils de manger lorsqu'ils n'ont plus faim ? Lien entre la régulation de la prise alimentaire, l'âge, le genre et la corpulence

research product

Caractéristiques familiales d’une diversification avant 4 mois révolus dans l’étude ELFE

National audience

research product

L'expression protéique dans les glandes salivaires est impactée par un régime maternel de type Western-Diet chez le rat

Methodologie, recherche et revue; L'expression protéique dans les glandes salivaires est impactée par un régime maternel de type Western-Diet chez le rat. Journées francophones de nutrition (JFN)

research product

Explicit and implicit tasks for assessing hedonic-versus nutrition-based attitudes towards food in French children

Attitudes are important precursors of behaviours. This study aims to compare the food attitudes (i.e., hedonic- and nutrition-based) of children using both an implicit pairing task and an explicit forced-choice categorization task suitable for the cognitive abilities of 5- to 11-year-olds. A dominance of hedonically driven attitudes was expected for all ages in the pairing task, designed to elicit affective and spontaneous answers, whereas a progressive emergence of nutrition-based attitudes was expected in the categorization task, designed to involve deliberate analyses of the costs/benefits of foods. An additional exploratory goal was to evaluate differences in the attitudes of normal and…

research product

Have children's food preferences been under the influence of the evolution of food supply?

research product

Diversification alimentaire de l'enfant : de la recherche aux recommandations, vers une intervention en santé publique ?

National audience

research product

The impact of salt, fat and sugar levels on toddler food intake

Understanding the early determinants of food intake, in particular the role of food sensory quality, is a necessary step to improve the prevention of unhealthy food habits. However, the extent to which food intake varies according to salt, fat and sugar content is imperfectly known. The present study aimed at evaluating whether toddler food intake varied during lunches or snacks in which salt, fat or sugar contents had been modified in common foods. Seventy-four children (30 (se 0·5) months old) participated in the study in their usual day-care centres. Every other week, they were served lunches composed, among other items, of green beans and pasta with varying salt (0, 0·6 and 1·2 % added …

research product

Développement des préférences et des comportements alimentaires : de la recherche à la communication en santé publique

research product

Facteurs externes influençant le comportement alimentaire humain

National audience

research product

Learning to eat: Critical periods in development. [i]A focus on the first 2 years[/i]

research product

Les déterminants socioculturels de l'allaitement en France, une analyse de la cohorte Elfe

National audience

research product

Travaux en imagerie cérébrale conduits dans l'équipe « Développement et dynamique des préférences et du comportement alimentaires ». Présentation d'un diaporama lors d'une réunion de travail entre chercheurs

research product

"Favoriser la consommation des légumineuses en restauration scolaire". Conférence lors du salon "Food Use Tech" à Dijon le 20 septembre 2018

Organisation d'un salon grand public pour montrer le champ d'action du projet Territoire d'Innovation "Alimentation Durable 2030" porté par la Métropole de Dijon.

research product

Initiating complementary feeding: a decision influenced by the child's growth?

International audience; Background and aims: Infant feeding practices are subject to multiple influences. The age of onset of complementary feeding (CF) varies according to many factors such as maternal characteristics (smoking, age, education level, body size, country of birth) or infant characteristics (sex) (Bournez et al., 2017). The aim was to study if, in addition to these factors, age could depend on the child's growth. We have hypothesized that larger children (or heavier / more corpulent ones) would be introduced to CF earlier than "average"-sized children would. Methods: Data from the ELFE cohort (French Longitudinal Study since Childhood) made it possible to describe the age of C…

research product

P229: Déterminants de l’apport en glucides au cours la 1re année de vie dans la cohorte mère-enfant EDEN

Introduction et but de l’etude Recemment, des etudes ont montre le role des expositions precoces sur les choix alimentaires de l’enfant. De plus, il a ete montre que les habitudes alimentaires etablies dans l’enfance persistent a l’âge adulte. Il apparait donc important d’identifier les leviers d’action pour optimiser la qualite des premieres expositions alimentaires dans l’objectif de mettre en place des habitudes alimentaires saines des le plus jeune âge. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif est d’etudier les determinants de l’exposition aux glucides dans la premiere annee de vie. Materiel et methodes Un enregistrement alimentaire sur 3 jours (2 jours en semaine et un jour de weekend) ete com…

research product

Learning of eating behaviour at the onset of complementary feeding in Chinese and French infants. [Présentation sous forme de diaporama dans le cadre d'une mission en Chine organisée par AlimH]

research product

Learning to like a novel vegetable: Predictors of intake of a novel vegetable in pre-school children

International audience

research product

Mise à jour des repères de consommations alimentaires pour les enfants de 0 à 3 ans

research product

Détermination of taste-active compounds in a bitter camembert cheese and evolution of their impact on taste during ripening

International audience

research product

A. Développement et apprentissage

research product

Berry aroma of wine: sensory and olfactory analysis

National audience

research product

Reading a brochure containing infant feeding recommendations, a way to improve the level and quality of knowledge in French parents?

research product

Perception of wine fruity and woody notes : influence of peri- threshold odorants

International audience

research product

Binary models of an odour masking effect in wine

International audience

research product

Pourquoi les Françaises n’allaitent pas aussi longtemps que le préconise l’OMS

Les mères françaises arrêtent très tôt d’allaiter leurs bébés. Alors que 69,7 % des mères choisissent d’allaiter immédiatement après la naissance de leur nourrisson, moins d’un enfant sur cinq reçoit encore du lait maternel six mois plus tard. A un an, ils ne sont plus que 5,3 % à être toujours allaités, dont 2,9 % de manière prédominante (avec seulement de l’eau ou du jus de fruit en plus du lait maternel).

research product

Impact of perinatal over-nutrition on the developing sweet/fatty taste and the ontogeny of brain reward pathway, from birth to sexual maturity in rat

National audience

research product

Eating a variety of vegetables: the importance of feeding practices at weaning and onwards

Présentation sous forme d'un diaporama (24 diapositives) classé confidentiel; International audience; Eating a varied diet is known to improve the food intake from a nutritional point of view. Weaning (i.e. introduction of complementary foods) is a transitional process between the consumption of a unique food, milk, and family foods. This is the time when the diet gets progressively diversified. Accumulating evidences point towards the role that eating a varied diet as early as the beginning of weaning plays in the development of further food acceptance and healthy eating habits. These studies will be reviewed, as well as other studies underlying more broadly the role played by parental fee…

research product

Implicit and explicit attitudes towards food in American and French children: A cross-cultural study

International audience

research product

Effects of portion size on expected and experienced eating enjoyment, hunger, and healthiness ratings among children

research product

Pratiques de diversification qui favorisent l'émergence d'un comportement alimentaire "sain"

National audience

research product

Méthodes d'étude du comportement alimentaire chez l'homme. Avantages et limites

International audience

research product

Comportements alimentaires et qualité de l'interaction entre adultes et enfants

National audience

research product

Food choices at lunch during the third year of life: high selection of animal and starchy foods but avoidance of vegetables

Aim: The objective was to show patterns of food selection by 2- to 3-y-old children for a wide variety of foods in a self-service cafeteria and to assess the effect of individual variables (gender, BMI, mode of feeding after birth and rank in sibship). Methods: In a nursery self-service canteen, food choices at lunch made by children (n=418, 24–36 mo; 109 observations per child on average) were recorded by trained assistants who monitored portion size. An offer of eight dishes (animal products, starchy foods, combination dishes, vegetables and dairy products), excluding dessert-type foods, was proposed. Choice level was calculated for each food. Analysis of variance was used to compare choi…

research product

Sensory and instrumental characterisation of soft fruit notes in wine aroma

National audience

research product

Influence d’un amorçage olfactif chez des adultes de statut pondéral diffèrent

National audience

research product

Influence des stimuli gustatifs précoces

National audience

research product

Children’s attitudes towards food in childhood obesity

National audience

research product

Food choices at lunch during the third year of life: Increase in energy intake but decrease in variety

Aim: Modelling the evolution between the ages of 2 and 3 y of the energy intake and the variety of free food choices at lunch time in relation to children's and context variables. Methods: One-year follow-up from 2 to 3 y old. In a nursery canteen, food choices at lunch were recorded by trained assistants who monitored portion size. Energy intake and food variety were estimated. Three hundred and ninety-five children were studied, for 112 meals and over 10 mo on average. Mixed models of analysis of variance were used to take into account the longitudinal character of the data. Results: From 2 to 3 y, energy intake increased. Variety decreased during the first 7 mo and then remained constant…

research product

The development of chewing skills during early infancy: development of specific methods and first characterization

National audience

research product

Relationships between early flavor exposure, and food acceptability and neophobia

Revue; In the first section of this chapter, an overview of what is known about early flavor exposure, distinguishing between taste and flavor (aroma) exposure is provided. In the second section, we will describe what has been researched regarding the influence of early flavor exposure on the development of food preference, looking at prenatal exposure, exposure received in the context of milk feeding and exposure received in the context of complementary feeding. The third section is a description of what has been shown regarding the relationships between early flavor exposure and food neophobia. The chapter ended with a comment on likely future trends, and by a description of sources of fu…

research product

La durée d’allaitement en France : rôle de l’expérience maternelle

National audience

research product

A Mediterranean versus a Nordic way of coarse vegetable preparation

International audience; The bitter taste might be the main reason for rejection of many vegetables, especially coarse vegetables,. Besides the taste, coarse vegetable intake may also be related to habitual factors such as preparation methods. To study cross-cultural differences between Danish (n = 204) and French (n = 304) consumers with regard to preparation of coarse vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, curly kale, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, parsnip/root parsley, beetroot, celeriac and carrot), a consumer study was conducted in each county on following preparations: raw, steamed, boiled, fried, in the oven, soup and pickled. The check all that apply (CATA) data showed that serving the…

research product

Evaluation de l’effet de recommandations sur l’introduction de textures dans les premiers mois de diversification alimentaire sur les pratiques parentales et l’acceptabilité des aliments par le jeune enfant

National audience; Introduction et but de l’étude : Proposer des aliments texturés aux nourrissons rapidement après l’initiation de la diversification alimentaire est essentiel pour leur apprendre à bien mastiquer et développer un répertoire alimentaire sain. Le comité d’experts en nutrition de l’ESPGHAN recommande d’introduire les aliments texturés entre 8 et 10 mois au plus tard. Or, des travaux ont montré qu’en France, les purées restent privilégiées par de nombreux parents pendant la première année et que les enfants sont capables de manger des textures plus complexes d’après une étude comportementale. La question de la texture n’étant pas abordée en détail dans les recommandations de s…

research product

Effects of olfactory priming on food choices in children: development of a new paradigm suitable for 6 to 11 year-olds

Introduction: The question of the sensory determinants of food choices remains an open question. A better understanding of non-conscious processes impacting food choices could enable to elaborate new strategies to guide eating behaviors towards healthier food choices. Recent studies in adults (Gaillet et al., 2014; Chambaron et al., 2015) showed that a non-attentively perceived olfactory stimulus can impact subsequent food choices. The present study aims at adapting an olfactory priming paradigm to investigate the effects of non-attentively perceived food odours evoking healthy vs. non-healthy foods on food choices in children. Material and method: Recruitment and experiment are currently i…

research product

Poids de la prime enfance dans la formation des préférences alimentaires : présentation des méthodes d'étude et enjeu de l'approche écologique

National audience

research product

Nurturing a heathy generation of children: research gaps and opportunities

research product

Perinatal Western Diet consumption leads to a profound change in plasticity and GABAergic phenotype within hypothalamus and reward pathway from birth to sexual maturity in rat

National audience

research product

A sensory perspective on the development of food likes in children: implication for food intake

All aspects of eating habits (i.e. ‘how', ‘what', ‘when', and ‘how much' to eat) are learned, essentially during the first years of life (1). Moreover eating habits established in the early years will contribute to the development of subsequent eating habits (2-4). At this stage, nutrition is still critical for child development, so parental choices bear a key importance for future health. It therefore appears essential to understand the most important periods for the acquisition of healthy eating habits, as well as the most important factors driving eating habits. Since eating behaviour is complex and multi-determined, these factors may be multiple. Because in our sophisticated, superabund…

research product

Initiation de la diversification alimentaire selon les caractéristiques des parents, de l’enfant et de la naissance. Résultats de l’étude longitudinale française Elfe (2011)

National audience; Introduction. Le Programme National Nutrition Santé (PNNS) recommande l’initiation de la diversification alimentaire entre le 5ème et le 6ème mois du nourrisson avec une introduction progressive des groupes d’aliments. Cependant, les caractéristiques de cette initiation sont mal connues en France. Notre objectif est donc de déterminer les facteurs associés à l’initiation de la diversification alimentaire. Sujets et méthodes. Les données utilisées sont issues de l’Etude longitudinale française depuis l’enfance (Elfe) , qui a inclus . Pplus de 18 000 enfants, nés dans un échantillon représentatif de maternités, ont été recrutés en 2011. Un questionnaire portant sur l’introd…

research product

Impacts of obesity on the oro-sensory perception of lipids in Human

Accumulating evidences support the existence of a fatty acid taste both in rodents and humans. A recent study performed in lean subjects suggests the existence of a positive correlation between the oro-sensory perception of dietary lipids and body mass index (BMI) in Human. It was extrapolated that obesity might promote overconsumption of fatty foods by decreasing the detection of lipids in oral cavity. To explore this hypothesis, linoleic acid (LA) detection threshold was determined in lean (18>BMI 30, n=29) volunteers using a 3-alternative force choice ascending concentration presentation procedure in conditions known to minimize other sensory cues. A large distribution of LA detection wa…

research product

Flavors of childhood

National audience; À en croire l'empreinte laissée chez le narrateur de Marcel Proust par une madeleine, les arômes et les odeurs de la cuisine de notre enfance seraient loin d'être anodines. les premières expériences et apprentissages alimentaires dans l'enfance resteraient décisifs dans la mise en place de certaines préférences et les comportements alimentaires. les prédispositions biologiques, environnementales sont des facteurs qui interagissent également pour déterminer notre coup de fourchette, une fois adulte.

research product

Nouvelles pratiques alimentaires chez les enfants et les jeunes et systèmes alimentaires durables

research product

Acceptance of vegetable and fruits at weaning: role of milk feeding experience and of variety

International audience

research product

Recent evidence on the development of eating habits until 3 years of age: food for thoughts

Recent evidence on the development of eating habits until 3 years of age: food for thoughts. 9. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Texture matters- Food pieces and developmental milestones

Objectives and Study: While breastfeeding practices and age at complementary feeding introduction are well-recognised features of infant feeding, introduction to food texture has received little attention. Yet, timely exposure to diverse food textures could relate to later development of eating skills for proper chewing of food pieces, eating behaviour patterns and ultimately healthy growth. Moreover, the muscles involved in chewing praxis are the same as those involved in language praxis. The present study investigates the effects of introduction of food pieces on the development of gross motor skills and language expression in early life. - Methods We used data from the ELFE study (Étude …

research product

Le développement des préférences chez l'enfant humain

Collaboration européenne.; National audience

research product

Périodes et facteurs sensibles pour la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires

Eating behavior is a complex, essentially learned activity critical for development and survival. It can be broken down into several components: when, how, what and how much to eat.1,2 We will mainly describe in this chapter the important periods and factors associated with the development of “what” to eat, or in other words, food preferences and choice. Other aspects relevant to the early development of eating behavior have been previously reviewed.2,3 Although it has previously been shown that food and flavor preference may be influenced by flavor exposure during the prenatal period4-6, we will focus in this chapter on the acquisition of food preferences consecutive to direct exposure of …

research product

Breastfeeding initiation and duration in France: The importance of intergenerational and previous maternal breastfeeding experiences — results from the nationwide ELFE study

International audience; OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of the mother's mother and mothers' previous personal experiences with breastfeeding and childcare in breastfeeding practices. DESIGN AND SETTING: The analysis included 13,774 mother-infant dyads from the French national birth cohort ELFE. Feeding practices were assessed by face-to-face interview in maternity wards in 2011, by phone interviews at months 2 and 12 post-partum and by Internet/paper questionnaires monthly from months 3-10. Sociodemographic, maternal and newborn-related factors were collected in the maternity unit and by postnatal phone interview at month 2. Multivariable logistic and linear regression was used to assess the …

research product

Un nouvel opérateur multispectral pour la détection des coins

National audience

research product

Alimentation du jeune enfant : intérêt de différents regards disciplinaires

research product

Table ronde "Les arômes naturels ou artificiels (dé)forment-ils le palais des enfants ?"

International audience

research product

Evaluation of olfactory intensity : comparative study of two methods

Two experimental procedures recommended for the evaluation of the psychophysical characteristics of odorous compounds, olfactory matching with the 1-butanol scale and cross-modality matching with the finger span are compared. The intensity of ethyl butyrate and guaiacol solutions presented at four different concentration levels was evaluated by a panel of sixteen subjects over five repetitions using the two methods. Each stimulus was delivered to the subject from a Teflon bag through a nose-shaped glass sniffing port. The discrimination ability, repeatability, panel homogeneity and within-subject variability of the methods were assessed. Results indicate that with both methods, subjects wer…

research product

“You look at it, but will you choose it”: Is there a link between the foods consumers look at and what they ultimately choose in a virtual supermarket?

Most of the studies that showed a link between gaze allocation and consumer's food choices were performed on food products belonging to a same category. However, consumers usually make food choices in more complex environments, between many different products, and different factors can influence their choices. Therefore, our study aimed to understand the link between gaze behavior and food choices in a complex and realistic situation of choice. Participants (n=99) performed a food choice task in a virtual supermarket. They had to choose three food products to create a dish in four scenarios evoking different motivations (focus on health, environment, food pleasure, and daily scenario as con…

research product

L'alimentation du jeune enfant. Présentation destinée à des utilisateurs de la recherche lors du séminaire interne Blédina à Villefranche-sur-Saône

research product

Déterminants précoces des préférences alimentaires

Déterminants précoces des préférences alimentaires. 2ème Journée du CERON. L'obésité de la mère à l'enfant

research product

Saliva electrophoretic protein profiles in infants: changes with age and impact of teeth eruption and diet transition.

International audience; Objective : The objective of this study was to describe the changes in salivary protein profiles in infants between the ages of 3 and 6 months, and to evaluate the impact of teeth eruption and introduction of solid foods on such profiles. Design : 73 infants were followed longitudinally at 3 and 6 months of age. Their whole saliva proteins were separated by SDS–PAGE electrophoresis and semi-quantified by image analysis. Amylase activity was also measured on a sub-sample of the population (n=42 infants). Bands which abundance was significantly different between the two ages according to paired comparisons were identified by mass spectrometry techniques. Results : Out …

research product

Le goût sucré de l'enfance... à la dépendance ?

research product

Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children

Childhood obesity may be responsible for a major alteration of life quality in children and in future adults. The causes of obesity are multiple and obesity results from a chronic imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure. The challenge is to understand the cause of this imbalance. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contribution of the attraction toward salty, sweet and fatty foods. Thus, the first aim of this study was to establish a tool to assess children’s attraction toward sweet, salty and fatty foods that could be used later in large-scale cohorts. The second objective was to compare this questionnaire to sensory tests measuring the overall liking for sweet…

research product

Development of healthy eating habits early in life. Review of recent evidence and selected guidelines

Encouraging healthy eating habit development early in life is a way to prevent the onset of diet-related diseases. This review focuses on the period ranging from the beginning of complementary feeding until the age of 3 years. Its first objective was to review relevant themes in the most recent literature on the development of healthy eating habits in this period. Its second objective was to evaluate to what extent international and national feeding guidelines cover these themes. Analysed guidelines included WHO, European Network for Public Health Nutrition, US and two European national guidelines (UK and France). They were evaluated using a 4-pt scale and compared. Well-covered themes in c…

research product

Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new foods

International audience

research product

Bien manger, ça s'apprend / A l'école du bien manger / Dijon alimentation durable 2030

BIEN MANGER, ÇA S’APPREND « On acquiert son répertoire alimentaire un peu comme on apprend sa langue maternelle », lance Sophie Nicklaus, chercheuse à l’Inra au Centre des sciences du goût et de l’alimentation. « C’est par l’exposition répétée à des aliments variés que l’on forme ses habitudes, sans même y prêter attention ». La petite enfance est un moment clé pour l’alimentation. Une période matrice où se forment nos préférences. Les études montrent que plus l’enfant a l’occasion de goûter de nouveaux aliments, plus ceux qu’il appréciera seront nombreux. Comme pour tout apprentissage, répéter, insister, recommencer sont les maîtres-mots, en particulier lors de l’introduction des légumes. …

research product

Protective effect of diversity of cheese consumption in early life against allergic diseases

research product

Using free-choice profiling as a step towards quantitative descriptive analysis

International audience

research product

Déterminants précoces du comportement alimentaire

International audience; Compte tenu des liens entre l'alimentation et certaines pathologies et sachant qu'il est difficile de changer les habitudes alimentaires de l'adulte, de l'adolescent et même de l'enfant, il semble souhaitable que l'enfant acquiert le plus tôt possible des habitudes alimentaires les plus en accord avec les recommandations nutritionnelles. Il est donc important de mieux connaître le rôle des expériences précoces dans la mise en place du comportement alimentaire.(...)

research product

A comparison of salt perception and acceptance of salt reduced food among children and adults

National audience

research product

Etude longitudinale des préférences et de la variété alimentaires de la petite enfance jusqu'à l'âge adulte : choix des enfants de 2 à 3 ans et lien avec leur comportement de 4 à 22 ans

*INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully BP86510 21065 Dijon Cedex (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA Dijon, Documentation, 17 rue Sully BP86510 21065 Dijon Cedex (FRA) Diplôme : Dr. d'Université

research product

Impact of an unbalanced diet on the acquisition of food preferences and the development of reward circuits in rat

International audience

research product

Consuming a balanced diet from weaning reverses the programming of food preferences in offspring of Western-Diet-fed rat dams

National audience

research product