Christian Salles

Flavor: from food to behaviors, wellbeing and health

Revue; Andrée Voilley and Patrick Etiévant published a book entitled “Flavour in Food” in 2006. Since then, few progress was made in the field of flavor and taste constituents and of their interactions in various food matrices during the production process, the storage or the maturation of food and finally during eating.When our Publisher asked us an update for this edition, we thought that it was not the best thing to do, but that we should take advantage of this offer to publish a sort of follow-up of this first edition.In the last 10 years, it was obvious that large research efforts were made to understand how odor components stimulate the numerous receptors discovered in the early 1990s…

research product

The water-soluble extract of goat cheese : a high flavour fraction

International audience

research product

Using cross-modal interactions to counterbalance salt reduction in solid foods

International audience; We investigated odour-induced saltiness enhancement (OISE) in a solid model cheese with the aim of evaluating the influence of cross-modal interactions (odour-texture-taste) on saltiness perception and assessing the efficacy of using OISE to counterbalance salt reduction. Four model cheeses, varying in texture, were flavoured with three commercial tasteless aromas (comte cheese, sardine and carrot) differently associated with salty and cheesy food products. Twenty-seven consumers evaluated taste intensity, aroma intensity and its congruence with the product flavour, and the overall pleasantness of 12 flavoured and four unflavoured samples. The comparison of the perce…

research product

Salt and Aroma Compound Distributions Influence Flavour Release and Temporal Perception While Eating Hot-Served Flans.

International audience; To counteract the negative effect of salt overconsumption on health, strategies have been developed to reduce the salt content in food products. Among them, two promising strategies based on odour-induced saltiness enhancement and the heterogeneous distribution of flavour compounds were combined and assessed in four-layer cream-based snacks. To investigate the relationship between saltiness enhancement, temporal release and perception of flavour compounds in hot snacks with heterogeneous distribution of salt and aroma compounds, complementary techniques were used: nose space PTR-Tof-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction-Time of Flight–Mass Spectrometry) to assess the release …

research product

Fat and salt contents affect the in-mouth temporal sodium release and saltiness perception of chicken sausages

In cooked meats, sodium chloride is involved in taste, texture and flavour release. So a reduction in the salt content may have an impact on overall perception and acceptability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of composition on sodium release and saltiness intensity in chicken sausages. The rheological properties of the sausages differed according to composition. Temporal sodium release and temporal saltiness intensity were evaluated by four selected subjects when eating sausages. At each time point, the effect of the salt level in sausages on sodium release was positive and highly significant. The effect of lipids on sodium release was negative. Concerning perception, …

research product

Alignments of Time Intensity curves in sensory analysis

International audience

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Volatile and odour-active compounds of air-classified faba bean fractions

research product

Perception périphérique des signaux sensoriels. 1- Gustation

National audience

research product

Saveur amère : de la molécule au comportement

La saveur amère permet aux mammifères d’éviter l’ingestion d’aliments poten-tiellement contaminés par des substances amères toxiques fréquemment retrouvées dans notre environnement. La détection de ces molécules aux structures chimiques diverses est réalisée par une famille de récepteurs appelés TAS2R. L’être humain est pourvu de 25 TAS2R aux spectres de reconnaissance plus ou moins larges pour détecter un grand nombre de molécules amères. Des tests fonctionnels in vitro ont été développés afin de détermi-ner le profil d’activation des TAS2R humains. De nombreuses molécules, d’origines natu-relles ou synthétiques ont pu être identifiées comme capable d’activer ces TAS2R. Ces tests fonctionn…

research product

Strategies to enhance saltiness in food involving cross modal interactions

A series of results is reported on cross modal odour-taste interactions as a mean to enhance salty taste in food. Salt-related odours can enhance salty taste in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride through odour-induced changes in taste perception. Odour-induced saltiness perception enhancement (OISE) depends on salt concentration (intensity). OISE was also found effective in low-salt content solid model cheese, but texture dependant. A significant saltiness perception enhancement induced by Comté cheese and sardine odours was observed for softer textures only. In ternary odour-sour-salty solutions, sourness enhances saltiness perception additively with salt-related odo…

research product

Libération du sodium et des composés d'arôme dans des modèles fromagers aromatisés : influence de la structure et de la composition

Authorities have called for salt content to be reduced in various food products. Cheese appears to be one of the most targeted products. In order to understand how to reduce salt content in model cheeses without modifying salty perception, the interactions between in-mouth sodium release and cheese composition and structure have to be studied. . The current study was conducted to determine how the release of aroma compounds and sodium ions could be modified by the structure and the composition of model cheese (lipid/protein ratio, sodium content ...). This will be done by in vivo and in vitro approaches. 23Na Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the mobility and t…

research product

Mobilité du sel dans des modèles fromagers

National audience; Reducing salt content without affecting acceptability is a main challenge of food industries. One way could be to increase the mobility of sodium ions in food matrix and their release during consumption. This study consists in a multimodal approach to understand the effect of changes in composition of model cheeses on the mobility of salt (NaCl). Six flavoured model cheeses have been formulated (three lipid/protein ratios, two NaCl contents) and their microstructures were characterised by confocal laser scanning microscopy. At molecular level, sodium mobility in model cheeses was analysed by 23Na Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. At macroscopic level, sodium …

research product

The impact of mastication, salivation and food bolus formation on salt release during bread consumption

Health authorities recommend higher fibre and lower salt content in bread products. However, these basic ingredients of bread composition are multifunctional, and important changes in their content influence the texture, flavour and acceptability of the product. This study was designed to investigate the link between oral processing, bolus formation and sodium release during the consumption of four different breads that varied in composition and structure. Chewing behaviour was determined by surface electromyography, and salivation was quantified from the water content of the boluses collected. The kinetics of bread degradation during food bolus formation was characterised by measuring the …

research product

La répartition hétérogène du NaCl influence la perception salée

Le régime alimentaire occidental conduit à une surconsommation de sodium deux fois supérieure au niveau recommandé. Le sodium est majoritairement apporté par le sel (NaCl) et sa consommation en excès est un des facteurs responsable de l’augmentation de l’hypertension artérielle. Ainsi, les pouvoirs publics recommandent-ils une réduction de 20% de la teneur en sel dans les principaux vecteurs alimentaires, tel que les plats préparés et les snacks. Cependant, il est difficile de réduire le taux de sel dans ces aliments tout en maintenant leur qualité gustative. En effet le sel confère aux aliments une saveur salée gage de leur palatabilité. Ce travail s’inscrit dans une recherche globale sur …

research product

Enhancing salty taste through odour–taste–taste interactions: Influence of odour intensity and salty tastants’ nature

WOS:000315557500017 ; www.elsevier.com/locate/foodqual; International audience; Decreasing the sodium content in food products without changing consumer acceptability has become an important challenge for the food industry, and several strategies are currently under investigation to reach this goal. This study investigated the effectiveness of saltiness enhancement by an odour to maintain the perception of saltiness in reduced salt content solutions. In the first experiment, we tested the hypothesis that odour intensity drives the level of saltiness enhancement. The results showed that odour can increase the salty intensity by 25%, while no clear influence of odour intensity either in taste…

research product

Salt release monitoring with specific sensors in "in vitro" oral and digestive environments from soft cheeses

International audience; The objective of the present work is to demonstrate the interest and the feasibility of the measurement of NaCl concentrations in soft cheeses and in particular an in vitro digestion process by the use of chemical sensors. The analyzed matrices were the commercial Italian mozzarella cheeses and domestic cheese base models. The classification of mozzarellas was performed according to their salinity, while the breakdown of cheese base models has been followed both at initial steps of digestion in artificial mouth dispositive mimicking the oral sphere and in a gut-imitating digester (TIM-1). During the breakdown of soft cheese in the digester, the estimated values for N…

research product

Inter-individual variability of protein patterns in saliva of healthy adults

International audience; In order to document inter-individual variability in salivary protein patterns, unstimulated whole saliva was obtained from 12 subjects at 10 am and 3 pm of the same day. Saliva proteins were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and semi-quantified using image analysis. One-way ANOVA was used to test the effects “time of sampling” and “subject”. Data were further explored by multivariate analyses (PCA, hierarchical clustering). Spots of interest were identified by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS/MS and nanoLC ESI-IT MS/MS). A dataset of 509 spots matched in all gels was obtained. There was no diurnal statistical effect on salivary patterns while inter…

research product

Chewing bread: impact on alpha-amylase secretion and oral digestion

During chewing, saliva helps in preparing food bolus by agglomerating formed particles and initiates food enzymatic breakdown. However, limited information is actually available on the adaptation of saliva composition during oral processing of complex foods, especially for foods that are sensitive to salivary enzymes. We addressed this question in the context of starch–based products and salivary alpha-amylase. The objectives were two-fold: 1) determining if salivary alpha-amylase secretion can be modulated by bread type and 2) evaluating the contribution of the oral phase in bread enzymatic breakdown.Mouthfuls of three different wheat breads (industrial, artisan and whole breads) were chew…

research product

In vivo measurement of tongue-palate pressure during semi-solid foods consumption

Mechanisms of oral processing depend on food properties. The mechanisms have been well described in the case of solid food products. However, those involved in the oral processing of soft foods have been less investigated so far. Soft foods are mainly subjected to compression and shearing movements between the tongue and the palate. The objective of this work was to measure tongue-palate pressure developed during the consumption of different commercial products varying in texture.

research product

TeRIFIQ : les caméras d'Euronews mettent à l'honneur les travaux du CSGA

Réduire le gras, le sucre et le sel dans les aliments sans altérer leur goût. Telle est l’ambition du projet de recherche européen TeRIFIQ, auquel le CSGA prend une part active. Les reporters de la chaîne d’information Euronews y consacrent un reportage que vous pouvez visionner pendant plusieurs jours. (...)

research product

Intégration d'une bouche artificielle dans un système de prélèvement Gilson

research product

Measuring dynamics of odorant binding to odorant binding protein under physiological conditions

International audience

research product

Viscosity of artificial bolus of high protein extruded snacks

Pulse legumes (pea, lentil, faba bean) are excellent source of proteins (20-30% db), dietary fibers (10-30%), and starch (40-55%). The formulation of gluten-free extruded snacks made entirely from pulse legumes is an interesting way to introduce legumes to young people. Due to the reactivity of protein components under thermomechanical treatment, extrusion can produce cellular structures with various texture and starch-protein composite morphology. In turn, the morphology of parietal material governs masticatory performances. For the first time, the interaction coefficient between bolus and saliva was determined by taking into account multi-scale structure of high-protein solid foams. The p…

research product

Application of the memory effects in CAD spectra of deprotonated heterosides for fruit monoterpenyl glycoside analysis

International audience

research product

Role of saliva and oral processing in sensory perception of maltodextrin solutions

In human, food oral processing plays a role in our perception of taste, aroma and texture. This study aimed at investigating the role played by individual salivary flow rate and composition and oral mechanisms in the sensory perception of sweetened and thickened solutions. Thirty one subjects were selected with high differences in salivary flow rates and composition (protein concentration and amylase activity). They consumed twelve thickened solutions (varying independently in maltodextrin type (2), viscosity level (2) and sucrose level (3)) and rated the perceived thickness and sweetness intensities. After rating, boluses were collected in order to evaluate moistening by saliva. Residual o…

research product

Amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments de consommation courante

Les pays développés sont confrontés à des pathologies liées à une consommation excessive de sel, de matières grasses et de sucres. Cependant, ces ingrédients influencent non seulement la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments, mais aussi leurs propriétés sensorielles et leur durée de conservation. Ainsi, le principal défi consiste à formuler des aliments plus sains et acceptables pour les consommateurs. Dans ce contexte, le projet TeRiFiQ a développé différentes stratégies pour obtenir des réductions binaire significatives des teneurs en sel - matières grasses et en sucre - matières grasses des produits alimentaires consommés fréquemment en Europe, tout en garantissant les qualités nutritionne…

research product

Chewing simulation as a tool for understanding food oral processing

International audience

research product

Cross-modal interactions between taste and smell: Odour-induced saltiness enhancement depends on salt level

International audience; In recent years, health concerns related to salt have led to extensive research on low-salt foods. One major remaining issue is to reduce sodium content while still providing the salty fix, to maintain food appreciation, acceptance and choice. Using well-selected odours has been proposed to compensate for sodium chloride reduction in food, due to the cross-modal interactions between odour and taste. However, interactions between taste and odour, with regards to saltiness, remain poorly investigated. Moreover, although a few studies have assessed the influences of odour and sweet supra-threshold intensity on cross-modal interactions, none focused directly on how they …

research product

Taste perception and integration

Revue; IntroductionThe sense of taste is essential for the evaluation of food quality. It allows, at the level of the oral cavity, to evaluate the caloric content of the consumed food, to detect the presence of salt, and protect us against the ingestion of toxic molecules. Our gustatory system allows the perception of different food constituents as alkali metallic salts (salty), acids (sour), sugars (sweet), and bitter compounds. Umami is a different taste, arising from the perception of amino acids, such as l-glutamate, and 5′-ribonucleotides. Other taste qualities are still a matter of debate, including fat taste, corresponding to the taste of fatty acids (Khan and Besnard, 2009), metalli…

research product

Dynamics of aroma release during cheese consumption: influence of the physiological state

International audience

research product

Optimisation de la gestion des bruches et de la transformation des féveroles et lentilles pour de nouveaux produits agroalimentaires contenant des protéines végétales

International audience

research product

Potentially tasty peptides from goat cheese identified by combined mass spectrometry methods

International audience

research product

In vivo sodium release and saltiness perception in solid lipoprotein matrices. 2. Impact of oral parameters

This study aimed to investigate the relationships between sodium release, saltiness, and oral parameters during the eating of lipoprotein matrices (LPM). Sodium release and saltiness relative to 10 LPM were recorded during normal mastication by five subjects with differing oral parameters (chewing efficiency and salivary flow rate). The LPM samples varied in composition (dry matter, fat, salt, and pH levels) and represented a broad range of hardness. Mastication was recorded using electromyography simultaneously with sensory assessment. Differences in chewing behavior could explain most of the variability in sodium release and saltiness among subjects. Subjects with a higher chewing force a…

research product

Impact of reducing fat, salt and sugar in commercial foods on consumer acceptability and willingness to pay in real tasting conditions: A home experiment

International audience; Decreasing obesity or cardiovascular disease can be achieved by eating healthier foods with reduced contents of fat, salt and sugar. However, these ingredients have a significant impact on the sensory quality of the food products that contain these ingredients, especially cooked sausage, chorizo, dry sausage, cheese and muffins. In this study, consumer appreciation of these five commercialized products (non reformulated versions) and their respective reformulated versions with reduced contents of salt, fat and sugar was tested. An original home experiment was performed to assess consumer appreciation in natural consumption conditions. The experiment was divided into …

research product

Salt, sugar and lipid reduction in solid foods; a summary of the main outcomes from PLEASURE and TERIFIQ FP7 Twin projects

National audience; Most developed countries are facing excessive consumption of salt, saturated fat and free sugars. The reduction of salt-sugar-saturated fats (SSSF) in foods influences not only its nutritional qualities but also its sensory properties and safety (e.g.shelf-life). The main challenge is to formulate healthier foods, which will be accepted by consumers. In this context, two FP7 European projects, TeRiFiQ and PLeASURe have been funded on the same call (2012-2015) to investigate innovative strategies for the reduction of sodium, sugar and fat content in selected foods. Both projects focused on staple foods such as cheese, meat, bakery (cake), sauces and also pizza as an assemb…

research product

Sodium release and saltiness perception in dairy product systems: influence of food composition and oral parameters

 9. Wartburg Symposium on Flavour Chemistry and Biology (Eisenach (GER), April 13th-16th, 2010); International audience

research product

Sodium release and saltiness perception in dairy product systems: influence of food composition and oral parameters

International audience

research product

Salt and fat contents in model cheeses influence the release of sodium ions and aroma compounds

The health authorities recommend a reduction in salt (NaCl) and fat contents of foodstuff. But reducing such components without affecting acceptability is a major challenge, particularly because of the interactions with other ingredients, such as aroma compounds. One way could be to increase the mobility of both sodium ions and aroma compounds in food matrix and their release during consumption. This study consists in a multimodal approach to understand the effect of changes in composition of model cheeses on the mobility and release of flavour molecules (NaCl, aroma compounds). Six flavoured model cheeses have been formulated (three fat/protein contents, two NaCl contents). The rheological…

research product

Influences respectives de la texture, de la saveur et de l'arôme vues par un dégustateur

National audience

research product

Salt and fat contents influence the microstructure of model cheeses, chewing/swallowing andin vivoaroma release

The effects of the lipid/protein ratio (20/28, 24/24, 28/20) and salt content of model cheeses were investigated simultaneously with respect to chewing behaviour, swallowing events and in vivo aroma release. Chewing parameters were measured by electromyography. Swallowing events were recorded manually. In vivo aroma release was investigated using nose-space on-line atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry. The values for chewing activity and time before swallowing were higher with lower lipid/protein ratios and lower salt contents, due to the greater mechanical resistance of the model cheeses. The corresponding microstructure was made up of smaller and more circular fat dr…

research product

Taste perception: from molecule to eating behaviour

The sense of taste has a role in human nutrition, it help to orient our food choices and avoid the ingestion of toxi compounds. Advances in molecular biology, cell biology an, biochemistry were used to identify and characterize the main taste receptors. The identification of these receptors allow a better understanding of the physiological processes tha govern taste perception. The presence of genetic polymorphisr in these receptors explains interindividual differences in tast perception.

research product

Odor-induced change in saltiness: Enhancement of salt perception with salt-associated aroma

research product

Influence of formulation of model cheeses on salty perception and liking

International audience

research product

Analysis of fruit monoterpenyl glycosides by non destructive methods

International audience

research product

Chromatographic separation and partial identification of glycosidically bound volatile components of fruit

Abstract Synthetic monoterpenic and aromatic β- d -glucosides and β- d -rutinosides were separated by Fractogel TSK HW-40 S chromatography according to their molecular size and interactions occurring between the aglycone moiety and the gel matrix. Under these conditions terpenyl rutinosides were eluted before the homologous glucoside derivatives. In the two classes, monoglucosides and rutinosides, aromatic glycosidically bound components had lower retention times than the corresponding terpenyl components. The use of over-pressure layer chromatography (OPLC) allowed the separation of glucoside and rutinoside derivatives, and in these two classes aromatic and several monoterpene compounds we…

research product

Structure and composition of model cheeses influence sodium NMR mobility, kinetics of sodium release and sodium partition coefficients

International audience; The mobility and release of sodium ions were assessed in model cheeses with three different lipid/protein ratios, with or without added NaCl. The rheological properties of the cheeses were analysed using uniaxial compression tests. Microstructure was characterised by confocal laser scanning microscopy. (23)Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the molecular mobility of sodium ions in model cheeses through measurements of the relaxation and creation times. Greater mobility was observed in cheeses containing a lower protein content and with added NaCl. The kinetics of sodium release from the cheese to an aqueous phase was correlated with th…

research product

Volatile and odour-active compounds of air-classified faba bean fractions

Faba bean is an interesting alternative to animal proteins due to environmental, food functionality and nutritional benefits. Air-classification is a dry process based on the separation of the coarse fraction (starch fraction) and the fine fraction (protein fraction). Volatile compounds, and especially odour-active ones, contribute to pulse’s off-notes that decrease the consumer acceptability. Degradation of amino acids, carotenoid and free fatty acid oxidations are the origins of these molecules and happen during plant growth, storage and transformation stages. Today, a little is known about volatile and mainly odour-active compounds of faba beans. To better understand the volatiles involv…

research product

Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors

Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors. International symposium olfaction & electronic noses (ISOEN 2011)

research product

Etude des composés volatils de produits alimentaires par couplage "headspace-chromatographie gazeuse-spectrométrie de masse"

National audience

research product

Apricot glycosidically bound volatile components

International audience

research product

Développement, optimisation et utilisation d'un simulateur de mastication "bouche artificielle"

National audience

research product

Role of mastication, salivation and food bolus formation on salt release during bread consumption

Role of mastication, salivation and food bolus formation on salt release during bread consumption. 2. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating

research product

Changes in salt or fat contents of model cheese modify in vivo aroma release and eating

National audience

research product

Development and optimisation of an APCI source coupled to an ion trap mass spectrometer for in-vivo flavour release analyses during food consumption

National audience

research product

Lactobionic acid: a possible substituent of glucono-delta-lactone in dairy products

National audience

research product

Can saliva-related reactions influence sensory perception of food? A case study on fat degradation and preference

Can saliva-related reactions influence sensory perception of food? A case study on fat degradation and preference. 3. international symposium of delivery of functionality in complex food systems

research product

BaGaTel : une base de données sur les produits laitiers, guidée par une ontologie

National audience

research product

Chewing behavior of high-protein expanded pea flour

Chewing behavior of high-protein expanded pea flour. 5. international conference on Food oral processing

research product

Influence of composition and texture on in-mouth sodium release and saltiness perception during consumption of semi-hard cheeses

Sodium content in human diet being excessive in many industrialized country, health authorities recommended its progressive reduction in food products in order both to improve public health and to decrease health cost (1). Cheese is one of the most important sodium vectors. However, salt (NaCl) is not only responsible for saltiness but is also implied in other functionalities such as flavour enhancement, texture, preservation (2). Keeping a good acceptability of food by the consumer at lower sodium chloride concentration is a real challenge for cheese industry to avoid negative consequences. To reach this goal, it is necessary to understand the role of cheese structure and composition on th…

research product

The use of omission tests to determine flavour-active compounds in food

National audience

research product

Development of artificial vision system to study jaw motion in children

National audience

research product

Counterbalancing salt reduction with aromas and consequences on sensory acceptability: A study with real cheese

Introduction and objective: Unbalanced diet with an overconsumption of salt contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Several strategies are currently investigated to design low-salt food while maintaining taste and consumer liking. The strategy relying on cross-modal sensory compensation is being tested within the framework of the EU-TeRiFiQ research project. In this context, this study had for aim to examine whether selected aromas could help to maintain salt and fat perception in low-salt real cheese. Methods: Two commercial cheeses, low-salt cheese (LSC) and regular-salt cheese (RSC), were reprocessed by grinding and addition of a sardine aroma associated to salty taste …

research product

Relating real time flavour release to sensory perception of soft cheeses

National audience

research product

Reducing salt and fat while maintaining taste: An approach on a model food system

Unbalanced diets with an excess consumption of fat, salt and low‐size sugars contribute to the development of pathologies such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. As a consequence, worldwide healthcare authorities advocate salt, fat and sugar reduction in food. However, the multifunctional roles of these ingredients in both food composition and perception prevent a simple reduction of their content. Several strategies are currently investigated to design healthier food while maintaining its taste and consumer acceptability. Among these strategies, the one relying on crossmodal sensory compensation is tested within the framework of the EU‐TeRiFiQ research project. The main obj…

research product

Impact of small hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules on the flavour of goat cheese

International audience

research product

Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants

International audience; Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants. 3. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating

research product

Structural analysis of grape and wine glycosidically bound volatile components

International audience

research product

Counterbalancing salt reduction in food using cross-modal interactions

International audience

research product

Perception of mixtures of odorants and tastants: sensory and analytical points of view

Perception of mixtures of odorants and tastants: sensory and analytical points of view

research product

Multisensory integration as a strategy to compensate for sodium and fat reduction in food

Multisensory integration as a strategy to compensate for sodium and fat reduction in food. Forum Jeunes chercheurs

research product

Effect of Oral Physiology Parameters on In-Mouth Aroma Compound Release Using Lipoprotein Matrices: An In Vitro Approach

Temporal aroma compound release during eating is a function of the physicochemical properties of the food matrix, aroma compounds, and oral physiology of individuals. However, the influence of each parameter on the release of each aroma component should be clarified. Two flavored lipoprotein matrices varying in composition were chewed in a chewing simulator that reproduced most of the physiological functions of the mouth. Aroma compound releases (butanoic acid, 2-heptanone, ethyl butyrate, 3-octanone, and 2-nonanone) were followed in real time by direct connection of the device to APCI-MS (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry). Each oral parameter was controlled and de…

research product

FP6: Changes in salt or fat contents of model cheeses modify in vivo aroma release and eating

National audience; Health authorities recommend food industries to reduce salt and fat in food products. But reducing such. components in food is a main challenge, particularly because of the interactions with other ingredients,. such as aroma compounds. Indeed, a change in salt or fat content can lead to a change in texture and. structure which can affect food oral processing, aroma release1 and thus perception. The aim of this. project was to study the consequences of a change in salt (NaCl) or fat contents on the aroma release. during eating (chewing behaviour, swallowing). Therefore, six model cheeses have been formulated. (three lipid/protein ratios, with and without salt added). They …

research product

HPLC separation of fruit diastereoisomeric monoterpenyl glycosides

International audience

research product

Tandem mass spectrometric investigation on 17 beta-estradiol palmitate in negative ion chemical ionization

International audience

research product

A Method to Evaluate Chewing Efficiency in Infants Through Food Bolus Characterization: A Preliminary Study

Chewing skills develop greatly during the two first years of life, but the evolution of masticatory efficiency has never been directly measured so far. A bottleneck for such study is the difficulty in using the chew-and-spit method with infants and very young children. Herein, we propose a new method based on a model gel enclosed in a food feeder, which has been assessed with adult subjects. Subjects chewed and compressed the gel either alone or enclosed in two different feeders. Analysis of the number of particles and particle area distribution revealed that one feeder,made from silicone teat, interfered with bolus breakdown. However, similar results were observed between experiments in a …

research product

Heterogeneous distribution of aroma and salt in food enhances salt perception

In the worldwide context of healthy diet, taste enhancement is essential to maintain low salt food acceptability. Aroma-taste interactions and heterogeneous distribution of tastants were used as strategies for taste enhancement. However, the combination of these two strategies has never been studied. This study investigated the effect of heterogeneous aroma-salt distribution on salty taste enhancement and consumer acceptability of hot snacks. A four-layers cream-based model food was designed with the same total amount of sodium and ham aroma, but their distribution varied in each layer. Low, medium or large contrasts between layers of salt and aroma concentration were used, according to an …

research product

MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT National project

International audience

research product

Goat cheese flavour , identification of the character flavour impact compounds

International audience

research product

Can saliva composition explain salt perception in cheese?

International audience

research product

Libération et perception de composés de la flaveur au cours de la mastication de bases fromagères

National audience; Relier la libération de composés de la flaveur (arôme et saveur) en bouche à la perception de la flaveur est encore une tâche difficile. La libération de flaveur pendant la mastication et l’ingestion d’un aliment dépend de plusieurs facteurs tels que la composition et la texture de l’aliment, les paramètres de salivation et de mastication, la nature des composés de la flaveur. L’objectif de l’étude est de tenter de relier la libération de composés volatils et non volatils, et la perception de la flaveur en prenant en compte les paramètres respiratoires, masticatoires et salivaires au cours de la mastication d’une base fromagère. La mesure de paramètres physiologiques orau…

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Tasty business. Revue publiée sur le site https://impact.pub/

research product

In-mouth mechanisms leading to flavor release and perception.

Review; International audience; During eating, foods are submitted to two main oral processeschewing, including biting and crushing with teeth, and progressive impregnation by saliva resulting in the formation of a cohesive bolus and swallowing of the bolus. Texture influences the chewing behavior, including mastication and salivation, and in turn, these parameters influence texture perception and bolus formation. During this complex mouth process, flavor compounds are progressively released from the food matrix. This phenomenon is mainly dependent on the food texture, the composition and in-mouth breakdown, and on saliva impregnation and activity, but an individual's anatomical and physiol…

research product

Evaluation de la déstructuration orale de protéagineux extrudés

La formulation de snacks expansés sans gluten et riches en protéines, fabriqués entièrement à partir deprotéagineux, est un moyen intéressant pour diversifier l’offre d’aliments à base de protéagineux.L'extrusion est un procédé souple et adapté pour fabriquer de tels aliments. Lors du traitementthermomécanique, la dépolymérisation de l’amidon, et donc sa solubilité, augmentent, alors que la solubilité des protéines diminue à cause des phénomènes d’agrégation. En conséquence, l'extrusion produit des mousses solides avec une grande variété de textures et de morphologies du matériel constitutif, autant de caractéristiques qui vont affecter les performances de mastication et l’acceptabilité du …

research product

Sensory and Chemical Analysis of Fractions Obtained by Gel Permeation of Water-Soluble Comte Cheese Extracts

The pure water extraction of Comte cheese solubles and their chromatographic separation facilitate sensory analysis experiments with the fractions directly collected from the column. Two extracts, one obtained after ultrafiltration, the other after chromatography on Sephadex G25, have been separated on Toyopearl HW-40S. The sensory evaluation of the obtained fractions shows in the two cases that some fractions have interesting flavors. However, physicochemical analysis shows that organoleptic characteristics are linked more to the presence of amino acids and salts than to the presence of peptides. Apart from monosodium glutamate, most of the amino acids are present in the fractions at conce…

research product

The bitter taste of vitamins is mediated by human TAS2R activation

Vitamins play an important role in maintaining normal physiologic and metabolic functions. Vitamins are known to generate bitterness, which may contribute to the off-taste of nutritional supplements. This negative sensation may decrease product acceptability and patient compliance. Few studies have examined taste thresholds and sensory sensing mechanisms at the origin of vitamin taste detection. To better understand vitamin bitterness perception, we combined human sensory analysis and taste receptor functional assays. We measured the aqueous taste detection threshold of four B vitamins using sensory difference tests. Challenging the 25 human bitter taste 2 receptors (TAS2Rs), we found that …

research product

Tomato and flavour

Part 1: Characterization and Composition of Tomato Plant and Fruit, chapter 5; International audience

research product

Salt distribution in food influences salt perception

Salt (NaCl) consumption is recognized as an important factor in the rise of hypertension in industrialized countries. Therefore, health authorities recommend a reduction of 20% of salt content (generally salt is present about 0.5 to 2g per 100g of food) in several food products such as ready meals and snacks. However, salt reduction in processed foods induces numerous technical difficulties since salt has a number of functions: preservation, water and fat binding and flavour enhancement. Indeed, salt gives a salty taste that guarantees food palatability. The present study is in line with global research to reduce salt level in foods while maintaining saltiness. The aim is to evaluate the in…

research product

Molécules aromatisantes et sapides

National audience

research product

Determination of the taste active compounds of a goat cheese water-soluble extract

International audience

research product

Relevance of omission tests to determine flavour-active compounds in food : application to cheese taste

International audience

research product

Taste Perception of Nutrients Found in Nutritional Supplements: A Review

open access review pii: nu11092050.; International audience; Nutritional supplements are prescribed when one's nutritional status is not conducive to good health. These foodstuffs constitute concentrated sources of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. For nutritional supplements to be effective, patients must consume the amount that has been prescribed for the recommended period of time. Therefore, special attention must be given to the sensory attributes of these products. Indeed, the presence of active compounds can cause an off-taste or aftertaste. These negative sensations can lead to a reduction in the consumption of nutritional supplements and reduce the…

research product

Study of the water-soluble fraction of goat cheese

International audience

research product

Does saliva modify the volatility of aroma compounds?

National audience

research product

Retention and release of taste and aroma compounds from the food matrix during mastication and ingestion

This chapter gives an overview of the physicochemical and sensory properties of aroma and taste compounds from food, their interactions with the food matrix, and their release during food breakdown in the mouth. In order to be perceived by the taste or olfactory receptors, aroma and taste compounds have first to be released in the saliva, which depends on the food matrix composition and structure, and on the masticatory behavior. Aroma compounds have then to be transported from the oral to the nasal cavity. Different mechanistic models have been developed to understand better aroma and taste compounds release in function of both food and individual, however, they are still not able to predi…

research product

Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development

key-note talk at final Habeat symposiumkey-note talk at final Habeat symposium; Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development. Final Habeat symposium: Improving infant and child eating habits, encouraging fruit and vegetable intake

research product

Viscosité des bols alimentaires issues de protéagineux extrudés

Viscosité des bols alimentaires issues de protéagineux extrudés. 53. Congrès du GFR (Groupe Français de Rhéologie)

research product

Fractionation of the water-soluble extract of a cheese made from goats'milk by filtration methods : behaviour of fat and volatile compounds

International audience

research product

Goat cheese flavour compounds

National audience

research product

Rôle de la sphère orale

National audience

research product

Study of the flavour and of flavour precursors in cured cooked ham. Relation between flavour and composition

International audience

research product

Phenomenological model of oral processing of high-protein extruded pea flour

Phenomenological model of oral processing of high-protein extruded pea flour . 32. EFFoST International Conference

research product

Heterogeneous salt distribution: A way to enhance saltiness without loss of acceptability

Health authorities recommend a drastic reduction of salt content in food products. However, such reduction leads to a decrease in both saltiness and acceptability. In a series of experiments, we investigated a new strategy to compensate for salt reduction in food. We assessed the effect of heterogeneous salt distribution on saltiness enhancement, and food acceptability. First, we examined whether salt distribution could affect sodium perception in a salty baked food. This model food is composed of two layers: a cream-based and a cereal-based layer. Three salt levels were tested within each layer, according to a full factorial design. A panel of consumers (n=87) evaluated saltiness of each f…

research product

Dynamics of Aroma Release during Cheese Consumption

The influence of satiation before and after a pasta meal was studied through the evaluation of aroma release and chewing activity during the consumption of a flavored model cheese. Aroma release during cheese consumption was found to be higher after satiation than before. The difference can be explained by an increase in the duration of the chewing sequence and an increase in the chewing muscular work after satiation. However, the pulmonary flow was not affected by satiation.

research product

How does composition of model cheeses affect sodium and aroma release?

International audience

research product

BaGaTel: an ontology driven database on food composition, transformation process, nutritional, sensory and environmental quality

National audience

research product

Preliminary analysis of mastication dynamics and fragmentation during chewing of brittle cereal foods

We studied the masticatory behaviour of five commercial brittle cereal foods, with different formulations, shapes and mechanical properties, chewed by an individual. The investigation of oral behaviour consisted in a simultaneous recording of jaw kinematics and muscle activity by electromyography (EMG) and we also determined the food size distribution at the swallowing point by image analysis. Similar behaviour was found for the evolution of all criteria, and especially the predominance of compression, which could be attributed to the brittle behaviour of the foods. The amplitude of the jaw motion decreased with the number of chewing cycles, or sequence duration, whereas the maximum mastica…

research product

Développer une bouche artificielle

National audience

research product

Sodium ions models cheeses at molecular and macroscopic levels

National audience; The excessive consumption of sodium is one of the causes of nutritional related-health problems. The reduction of salt content without affecting technological and sensorial properties of foodstuffs is currently a challenge for the food industry1. There is a need to develop tools to quantify the “active” sodium ions in food products at molecular and macroscopic levels to better understand in-mouth salt release and flavour perception. In this context, methods for the quantification of the bound fraction were developed: 23Na NMR single-quantum (SQ) and double-quantum-filtered (DQF) sequences at molecular level using Bruker Avance-500 spectrometer equipped with 10 mm probe 2,…

research product

Sodium mobility measured by 23Na NMR explains sodium release in model cheeses

International audience

research product

Cross-modal interactions as a strategy to enhance salty taste and to maintain liking of low-salt food: a review.

Salt reduction in foods is becoming an important challenge to preserve population health from severe diseases as recommended by different health agencies worldwide. Among the reduction strategies already evaluated in order to lower sodium salt content in foods, the use of cross-modal interactions between taste and odour, regardless of saltiness, was revealed to be a very promising method to improve saltiness perception. Cross-modal odour-taste interaction, as means to enhance salty taste in foods, is reviewed. Salt-related odours can enhance salty taste in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride through odour-induced changes in taste perception. Odour-induced saltiness per…

research product

Artificial Oral Processing of Extruded Pea Flour Snacks

International audience; The structure of extruded pea flour can affect chewing performances. Our objective was to relate the bolus properties (fragmentation, moisture content and viscosity) of chewed extruded pea snacks to their structure. In order to have control over oral physiological parameters, we opted for an in vitro approach using a chewing simulator, the variables of which were the flow rate of artificial salivary fluid and chewing time. The structure of the extruded pea snacks was characterized by its density and protein solubility in dithioerythritol (DTE), which reflected the amount of protein aggregates cross-linked by disulphide bonds. The particle size distribution and median…

research product

Goût et odorat : des chercheurs dijonnais planchent

research product

Influence of cheese composition on the aroma content, release and perception

research product

Etude structurale des heterosides terpeniques du raisin

National audience

research product

L25 Influence of mastication and salivation on salt release during bread consumption and relationships with food bolus formation

National audience

research product

Combined heterogeneous distribution of salt and aroma in food enhances salt perception

Aroma–taste interactions and heterogeneous spatial distribution of tastants were used as strategies for taste enhancement. This study investigated the combination of these two strategies through the effect of heterogeneous salt and aroma distribution on saltiness enhancement and consumer liking for hot snacks. Four-layered cream-based products were designed with the same total amount of sodium and ham aroma but varied in their spatial distribution. Unflavoured products containing the same amount of salt and 35% more salt were used as references. A consumer panel (n = 82) rated the intensity of salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami tastes as well as ham and cheese aroma intensity for each pro…

research product

In-mouth aroma compound release during cheese consumption: Relationship with food bolus formation

International audience; The present study describes the changes in mechanical properties and saliva incorporation for cheese samples with different composition and texture, and their influence on the rate of aroma release. Chewing work per cycle, salivary flow rate and chewing rate varied highly among subjects. Despite the differences in cheese hardness, at the end of mastication, bolus texture was the same for cheeses with the same lipid content. Low-fat cheeses gave harder bolus than high fat ones, despite being chewed longer, with higher work per cycle and more moisture. Salivary flow rate did not vary among cheese samples but, at the end of mastication, the amount of saliva in boluses d…

research product

Aroma compounds to rescue the taste of healthy foods and beverages

Aroma compounds to rescue the taste of healthy foods and beverages. 252. American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition

research product

Initial dominance of salty taste increases saltiness in heterogeneous food products

In the worldwide context of healthy diet, a reduction of sodium intake is recommended. However, low-salt foods are poorly appreciated by consumers due to flavour drawbacks. Among the various strategies under investigation to compensate for salt reduction at a sensory level, the combination of aroma-taste interactions and tastants heterogeneous distribution is a promising one. This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of such a strategy throughout the full eating experience. To do so, Temporal Dominance of Sensation (TDS) was used to assess the saltiness enhancement in hot model snacks specifically designed to vary in salt and aroma distribution. According to an optimized experimental …

research product

Relationship between composition, sodium release and saltiness in chicken sausage

International audience

research product

Reducing salt and fat while maintaining taste: An approach using cross-modal sensory compensation

Unbalanced diets with an overconsumption of fat, salt and sugars contribute to the development of pathologies. As a consequence, healthcare authorities advocate salt, fat and sugar reduction in food, but this often leads to less tasty products. Several strategies are currently investigated to design healthier food while maintaining taste and consumer liking. The strategy relying on cross-modal sensory compensation is being tested within the framework of the EU-TeRiFiQ research project. The main objective is to evaluate whether an optimisation texture, taste and aroma could help to maintain especially salt or fat perception in low-fat-salt food. Here we set out to examine whether a modificat…

research product

Simulation of oral functions to study food breakdown and flavour release

research product

Binding of Na+ ions to proteins: Effect on taste perception

Abstract This study investigated the relationship between the ionic binding of sodium and salty perception in protein matrices. Protein type (i.e. gelatin, milk protein and soy protein), protein concentration and pH were varied to obtain matrices with distinct compositions and rheological properties. 23Na NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the ratio of sodium ions bound to proteins and the mobility of sodium ions. The results showed that protein type, concentration and pH affected the rheological properties of the protein matrices, the ionic binding of sodium ions and taste intensity. As the protein concentration increased, the mobility of sodium ions decreased and the ratio of bound so…

research product

Salt release and perception in model cheeses are influenced by salt/fat contents, microstructure and salt mobility

Introduction and objectivesThe health authorities recommend a reduction in salt (NaCl) and fat contents of foodstuff. Reducing such components without affecting acceptability is a major challenge, particularly because of the interactions with other ingredients such as aroma compounds. This study consisted in a multimodal approach to understand the effect of changes in composition of model cheeses on the mobility and release of sodium chloride, masticatory behaviour and saltiness perception.MethodologySix model cheeses have been formulated (three fat/protein contents, two NaCl contents). The rheological properties were analysed using uniaxial compression tests. Microstructure and homogeneity…

research product

Aroma and salt release and perception in model cheeses are explained by salt/fat contents, microstructure, salt mobility and oral processing

The health authorities recommend a reduction in salt (NaCl) and fat contents of foodstuff. Reducing such components without affecting acceptability is a major challenge, particularly because of the interactions with other ingredients such as aroma compounds. This study consisted in a multimodal approach to understand the effect of changes in composition of model cheeses on the mobility and release of flavour molecules (NaCl, aroma compounds), masticatory behaviour and flavour perception. Six flavoured model cheeses have been formulated (three fat/protein contents, two NaCl contents). The rheological properties were analysed using uniaxial compression tests. Microstructure and homogeneity we…

research product

WS2 (P53): Development of Glutamate-EnFET-based enzymatic microsensors for food analysis

International audience; Glutamic acid and especially its associated glutamate ion are additives widely used as food 147lavor. enhancers as well as main markers of the Japanese taste umami. As a result, monosodium glutam (MSG). is widely used as an additive by the food industry. However, excess consumption may be responsible for. brain disorders causing sweats, headaches, losses of balance, faints and pains, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s. and Parkinson’s disease[1] . Thus, it became important to develop methods in order to analyze glutamate. ions in liquid phase and to integrate them in order to realize glutamate-sensitive microsensors. This paper presents the development of ElecFET (Electroche…

research product

Libération des composés d'arôme et des composés sapides

research product

Chewing simulation: a way to understand relationships between mastication, food breakdown and flavour release

International audience; Flavour release during eating foods is mainly function of the physico-chemical properties of the food matrix and of what occurs in mouth during the chewing process. The understanding of in-mouth mechanisms leading to food breakdown should help to understand flavour release phenomenon.

research product

Analysis of oral breakdown of food gels using image analysis

Characterizing the dynamics of food oral breakdown is of interest to understand the temporal perception of food products. Several studies aimed at characterizing bolus properties through the determination of particle size distribution, saliva uptake and rheological properties. For soft and heterogeneous foods, it is difficult to have a description of the evolution of food breakdown in the mouth, because the concept of individual particles is not clear and the bolus texture is not always homogeneous. For this reason, it is convenient to examine the possible utilization of other analytical techniques. The present work aimed at studying the possible contribution of artificial vision for studyi…

research product

Des industriels qui nous veulent du bien ?

Sciences et Avenir; Moins de sucre, de sel, de gras... avec le même goût. L'agro-alimentaire invente de nouvelles recettes pour leurrer notre palais. (...)

research product

The salt and lipid composition of model cheeses modifies in-mouth flavour release and perception related to the free sodium ion content.

Reducing salt and lipid levels in foodstuffs without any effect on acceptability is a major challenge, particularly because of their interactions with other ingredients. This study used a multimodal approach to understand the effects of changes to the composition of model cheeses (20/28, 24/24, 28/20 lipid/protein ratios, 0% and 1% added NaCl) on sodium ion mobility ((23)Na NMR), in-mouth sodium release and flavour perception. An increase in the salt content decreased cheese firmness and perceived hardness, and increased sodium ion mobility, in vivo sodium release and both saltiness and aroma perception. With the same amount of salt, a lower lipid/protein ratio increased the firmness of the…

research product

Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products

Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products. 28. EFFOST conference. Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health

research product

Use of omission tests to evaluate taste-active compounds in food : application to cheese and tomato

International audience

research product

Aroma release and chewing activity during eating different model cheeses

International audience; This study focused on the effect cheese properties had on chewing behaviour and aroma release as well as the relationship between them. Chewing activity and the kinetics of aroma release were simultaneously monitored during the consumption of eight model cheeses with the same flavour content. Differences in chewing behaviour explained most of the variability in aroma release among subjects. Aroma release increased with chewing work, bursts’ number and amplitude. For cheese samples, the chewing behaviour varied according to texture. Interaction between cheese composition and the chewing behaviour effects affected aroma release: (i) decreasing fat content increased aro…

research product

Saltiness perception and strategies to reduce salt content in food publié dans 100 results to understand the fate of food in the digestive tract: Chapter 1. Food oral processing: a key step for food sensory perception

Salt-related odors can enhance saltiness perception in water solutions containing a low level of sodium chloride. Sourness additively enhanced saltiness with salt-related odors. In real food systems, a strategy combining odor-induced saltiness enhancement and heterogeneous distribution of stimuli was found to compensate for over a 25% decrease in salt-content without significant loss of acceptability.

research product

The TeRiFiQ project: Combining technologies to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium, fat and sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimising their nutritional quality

International audience; Most developed countries are confronted with rising rates of diseases related to unhealthy eating habits, particularly the excessive consumption of salt, saturated fat and free sugars. However, fat, sugars and salt in food influence not only its nutritional qualities but also its sensory properties, safety (e.g. shelf life) and affordability. The main challenge is to formulate healthier foods that are acceptable to consumers. In this context, the overall objective of TeRiFiQ was to achieve significant binary reductions in the salt-fat and sugar-fat contents of frequently consumed food products around Europe, while, at the same time, ensuring the products’ nutritional…

research product

Stereochemistry of linalol bounded in heterosides in Vitis vinifera cv Muscat d'Alexandrie

research product

Release of taste compounds during eating a processed cheese

National audience

research product

The role of mechanical properties of brittle airy foods on the masticatory performance

This work investigates the mastication of two samples of typical cereal food products previously characterised by different sensory, textural and mechanical properties, by two complementary approaches. Electromyographic records and image analysis of chewed food particles first confirm the importance of the brittle behaviour of the products on human mastication. For both products, the fragmentation is followed by a significant agglomeration after less than 10 chewing cycles, both phenomena being correlated to the force magnitude and its evolution. Then, artificial mastication is undertaken to shed more light on the capability of the chewing simulator to discriminate both products under dry m…

research product

Synthesis of 4-and 10-deuterated neryl and geranyl-b-D-glucosides and their use in corroboration of a mechanism proposed for the fragmentation of heterosides in tandem mass spectrometry

International audience

research product

Food oral processing understanding, a way to revisit the sensory properties of food

research product

Détermination of taste-active compounds in a bitter camembert cheese and evolution of their impact on taste during ripening

International audience

research product

Isolation of oligopeptides from the water-soluble extract of goat cheese and their identification by mass spectrometry

A procedure for the separation and identification of small peptides from the water-soluble fraction of a goat cheese was developed. The water-soluble extract was ultrafiltered (1000 Da membrane cutoff), and peptides were isolated by sequential chromatography: size exclusion chromatography (HPLC-grade water), anion exchange chromatography (phosphate buffer gradient), and semipreparative reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (water/acetonitrile gradient). The fractions obtained were analyzed by combined mass spectrometry methods including electrospray ionization, liquid secondary ionization, and tandem mass spectrometry to identify and to confirm the sequences of 28 tri- to oct…

research product

Dynamics of aroma release during cheese consumption: influence of the physiological state

Studies dealing with food intake usually focus either on in vivo aroma release or on subject physiology and behaviour. However, no approach combining all the parameters is known and the effect of changes in the physiological state (for instance satiation state) has been slightly studied until now. Yet, the evolution of aroma perception during food intake is important because it can modify the consumption behaviour, in particular when the subject is satiated. The objective of this project is to study the dynamics of the evolution of aroma release from model cheese, according to physiological modifications such as satiation attainment. . The present study is a preliminary test led on a small …

research product

Food composition and oral processing influencing flavour release and perception

Aroma and taste release depend on food composition and texture Oral physiology influences aroma and taste release and perception (interindividual variability) Aroma and taste release does not always explain aroma and taste perception Aroma-taste cross modal interactions may explain these differences Aroma-taste cross modal interactions can also be used in a strategy of salt reduction.

research product

MIRACULINE as a natural sweetener; the N3S QUALIMENT project. Potential interest in baking

Miraculine is a glycol-protein extracted from the Miracle fruit which is a berry(Synsepalum dulcificum - Sapotaceae family, Daniell-1952). Common names for the miracle fruit are miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry …. It originated from West Africa and is grown under tropical climate. In the 1970s, it has been attempted to commercialize miraculin on a large scale in the United States under the name of Miralin. The FDA allowed and then blocked the development of this new natural sweetener because no non-toxicity test had been performed. At the same time, aspartame was authorized. Today, miraculin is still not permitted in the USA and in Europe (classified as Novel Food). Besides, it …

research product

Reducing salt level in food : an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems

Reducing salt level in food: an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems; Reducing salt level in food: an integrated study of salt release and perception in model and real food systems

research product

In vivo aroma release during eating of a model cheese : relationships with oral parameters

International audience

research product

Structure and composition of flavoured model cheeses impact on sodium and aroma release

Présentation d'un diaporama ; https://colloque4.inra.fr/biopolymeres2010; Health authorities have called for a reduction of salt quantity in various foodstuffs. Cheese is one of the most targeted products because of its high sodium content. In order to understand how to reduce salt in cheeses without modifying salty perception, the interactions between cheese structure and in-mouth sodium release have to be studied. In this way, model cheeses have been selected due to their great variability of formulation. The current study was conducted to determine how the release of sodium ions and aroma compounds could be modified by structure and composition of model cheeses (lipid/protein ratio, sodi…

research product

Study of peptides from hydrosoluble fraction of goat's cheese

National audience

research product

Development of a chewing simulator for food breakdown and the analysis of in vitro flavor compound release in a mouth environment

International audience; Flavor release during eating is highly dependent upon mouth parameters. Major limitations have been reported during in vivo flavor release studies, such as marked intra- and inter-individual variability. To overcome these limitations, a chewing simulator has been developed to mimic the human mastication of food samples. Several devices had already been developed for diverse applications, but they only reproduced certain oral functions and were therefore not characteristic of the natural mouth environment. The newly developed device faithfully reproduces most of the functions of the human mouth. The active part of the system is a special cell, precisely tooled using a…

research product

The development of chewing skills during early infancy: development of specific methods and first characterization

National audience

research product

Flavour release and perception

Flavour perception is a complex combination of the olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations perceived during eating. During this eating process, tastants must be dissolved into saliva to be transported to the taste bud receptor cell membranes and aroma compounds have to be released in the oral cavity then transferred to the nasal cavity to reach the olfactory receptors. This release highly depends on food composition and structure, on the molecular properties of the stimuli but also on physiological characteristics of individuals and mastication behaviour. However, interactions occur between texture, taste and aroma perception at different levels: physic-chemical interactions in the f…

research product

Characterization of bread breakdown during mastication by image texture analysis

National audience; Reducing sodium intake in Western diet is advised for reducing hypertension and risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Sodium is mainly consumed via processed foods and among them breads are one of the most important sources of salt [1]. The present study investigated the changes in mastication and salivation for bread samples with different composition and texture, their respective contribution to food bolus formation, and the impact on salt release. The study set-up included five subjects presenting different chewing efficiency and four different breads from different composition and structure (two French baguettes (bakery (BB) and supermarket (BS)), a toast bread (…

research product

Cross modal interactions: way to counterbalance salt reduction in solid foods?

International audience; Four model cheeses varying in texture (2 Dry Matter (DM) levels; 2 Fat/DM levels and 1 salt level) were designed and flavored with 3 commercial tasteless aromas (“Comté Cheese”, Sardine and Carrot) differently associated with salty and cheesy food products. Thirty untrained subjects were instructed to evaluate taste intensity (sourness, bitterness, saltiness and sweetness), aroma intensity, texture attributes (firmness, moistness and graininess), aroma congruency with the product and their hedonic appreciation of the 12 flavored and 4 unflavored model cheese samples. A comparison of the saltiness perception of the flavored and unflavored model cheeses revealed cross-…

research product

Heterogeneous salt distribution in hot snacks enhances saltiness without loss of acceptability

clef UT: 000318667000026; International audience; Abstract Health issues have led worldwide organisations to encourage the food industry to reduce salt in processed foods. Therefore, different strategies for salt reduction have been investigated. Here, the effect of heterogeneous salt distribution on saltiness perception intensity was assessed to compensate for salt reduction in snack foods. Two models of hot-served baked foods were developed. One model is made of two layers that vary in composition (cream-based and cereal-based layers) and salt (NaCl) concentration; the other one is made of four cream-based layers that vary in salt concentrations. Consumer panels rated the saltiness intens…

research product

Sensory perception influenced by food structure and balance of tastants

International audience

research product

Characterizing the Dynamic Taste and Retro-Nasal Aroma Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements Using Temporal Dominance of Sensation and Temporal Check-All-That-Apply Methods

International audience; Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) are used to restore the nutritional status of people suffering from swallowing pathologies such as dysphagia. ODTs are consumed without water intake and are easily swallowed. The main active compounds of ODTs are vitamins and minerals. These nutrients can have a bad taste or aftertaste, which can be masked by sweetening or flavoring. To ensure the effectiveness of masking strategies and to prescribe a product to patients with acceptable sensory qualities, it is essential to perform a precise and complete sensory characterization of these ODTs. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and temporal check-allthat- apply (TCATA) methods…

research product

Chewing simulation: a way to understand the relationships between mastication, food breakdown and flavour release

International audience; Understanding in-mouth mechanisms is necessary to understand flavour release and perception phenomena. To overcome the limitations of in-vivo flavour release measurements, we developed a chewing simulator that faithfully reproduced many mouth functions. Using brittle foods, we showed that in-vitro food breakdown was very comparable to that obtained in-vivo. We also studied on model cheeses in-vitro flavour release by connecting on-line the chewing simulator to APCI-MS. Preliminary results are discussed.

research product

What role plays the food industry within this public issue

research product

Effect of composition of food matrices on the mobility and release of salt

International audience

research product

Use of artificial vision to study masticatory kinematics: a preliminary study

National audience; The relationship between foods structural properties and masticatory behaviour has been extensively characterised in literature. Electromyographic and jaw movements recordings are the most common methods used to study mastication. These methods are quite expensive, required preparation of the subjects and constraint the study within a laboratory set-up. Moreover, they are barely applicable for characterising specific population such as children or cognitively impaired subjects because of the non compliance to the protocol. Because of these difficulties, chewing behaviour in these populations has mostly been characterised using video (1,2,3). Video observations were found …

research product

Separation de glycosides d'alcools terpeniques diastereoisomeres par HPLC sur phase cyclodextrine liee

National audience

research product